Friday, October 5, 2012


FRIDAY! I awoke with a faster skip in my heart beat of life this great morning! Why? For as I lazyly raise my head, open my eyes sooo slow,, turned and let my feet hit the floor, I realized, I was not alone,, and the fast heart beat was not from scared, but of JOY, for my mind awoke,,,,, and I realized,,,,, there I was, and there was my God, side by side, only He was already up, I know watching over the world as I had slept so "peace-able" all night.. that is when "the beat got faster, and better"!!!! How did you wake up? Is it not a good feeling to know that when you go to bed, if HE desires, He will be standing by you as you re-wake to His world... I thank we need to say, first thing each morning, "Good Morning Lord,,Thanks for the rest, Let's go out and spread Your good Name, and Your Great Plan of Salvation"! What so you think, can you do it..I can, and I will!! come join me on this great FRIDAY, The first day,,, of the rest of my life!!!!! PRAYER WORKS, SO PRAY!!!! O.K.? TGIF, TGED!!!! I like both of these little exclamations of the "letter combination", for a meaning, BUT I tend to follow that one of Perry's, and especialy the meaning of that last one... "THANK GOD EVERY DAY"! I believe that we need this,, not concentrate on the "one day" that jump starts us into a two day ordeal,, that leaves most of us dreading that old "Blue Monday" syndrome, after we have all stressed so much on these two days, to fill them with a weeks worth of pleasure, just to get us through the next week, then another week-end... BUT , God did not make and give us this world for this! He gave us each day, to live and enjoy with Him,, that day, and for us not to worry about tomorrow,,, He will provide,, and we believe this , so why do we not do it? A good question,, today, so lets' all STOP!! CELEBRATE THE DAY HE GAVE US,,,TODAY! WORRY NOT ABOUT TOMORROW! LEAVE THAT TO HIM!!! God, thank You for this day, and as I give my all to You, this great gift of this day, I leave later, and tomorrow,,, to You, amen John HIcks Servant of Him, with "Cross" in heart and hand, I will serve Him, and no one else! Will you join me , if so,, call out to Jesus

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