Wednesday, February 29, 2012


WEDNESDAY- Welcome to the 29th, this "Leap Year". Have you prepared for your slide to the week-end? Have you decided who you will slide with,,, and to,,, and keeps with you in all of your plans , for this day, through not only to the week-end, but through all times? I have! Now if you have not made your decision, then do so,, for He waits,, patiently, but not forever,,,, of a decision!

PRAYER REQUEST: Debbie Livingston, who is being admitted to the hospital to have a one inch kidney stone, and three small ones removed. She will be there overnight... Debbie is the wife of Jimmy, the founder of "The Cross" Ministry. Pray that all will go well, and God will guide the doctors hand , and Debbie will recover quickly.

LEAP YEAR: Why do we have a leap year? To keep our calender in alignment with the revolutions of the sun,, something to know.


Have you talked to your love ones about God? Have you explained to them,(and others) about the saving grace of Jesus Christ? Have you talked to them about where they will end up in eternity? We are all brothers,, and sisters, and children of God. So now I charge each, that all are your love ones.. Now, again , do you testify? Bash-full,, that does not get it! There is no reason not to tell the story of Jesus, of God, and His creations, of Heaven and hell.. nor about how satan will drag you down into a burning inferno, for an eternity,, of how God will raise you up, give you life eternal , with the want of nothing....yes it is your charge to do this.. for when that time comes.. you will be able to say to the Lord, I was, and still am your faithful servant. Be a good and faithful servant while here,, don't wait and wish when


God, my prayer today,, is that all will turn to You, accept Jesus, and none will be left behind. amen

John HIcks
What else can I say, except, deny thyself,, and go with Jesus, all the way? Make the choice, don't get caught looking up, with no where to go, except down.. as the soil crumbles below your feet... feeling it?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


TUESDAY- Good morning and welcome to another great and lovely day,, given by our living God,, with more love than you and I could muster up in a life time! Now, folks ,,, THAT IS REAL LOVE!


We see the pictures of a person walking along, usually on a sandy beach.. and even though they are alone,, there are two sets of footprints,, signifying that Jesus is walking beside us in spirit.. watching over us,, caring for us,,, with an abundance of love also. When we look at this picture,, it makes me, and I hope all of you , feel really good, for we know, He is there ,, beside us,, right at that very moment,,, standing with us,,looking at that same picture,,, and I would surmise,, with a smile on His face also! Now , you ask , with me, you, and a billion others.. how does He walk with us all? Well, I can't answer that except that through faith,,, I know it is so! Do you believe,, by faith?
My point today is,,, ARE WE LEAVING ANY FOOTPRINTS, THAT WE WOULD WANT OUR FATHER OR JESUS TO SEE WHERE WE HAVE BEEN? Do you ever look back, and wish you could grab a limb, or a broom and erase those footprints, so no one could follow them back and see where you had been,, and what you had been doing? Well, I have, and I readily admit it,, for even thought I "HAD" those footprints, and they were heavy footprints of a sinful journey,, I found a broom that would sweep them away,, as if they had never existed, and my opportunity to make new ones.. even more heavier that those, my broom which can erase the footprints of sin?,,, Jesus Christ, Son of God,,, ,
Yes, as I called to Him, accepted Him as my Savior , the past was swept away, the new lay in front,, and just how deep I want to leave.. is up to me,, and also to you.. So, accept Jesus, now, or re-accept Him,, and join me in leaving some


God, thank You for giving me a way from death, to a life of eternity with You,,,,, Your Son,,, Jesus. amen

John HIcks
I have trod those paths. left footprints of shame,, but my Jesus is the eraser of my life here,, and I have the faith,, that the new ones I leave now, are ones that I can look at in a picture and smile,,, that indeed, they are mine, and claim-able...are yours?

Monday, February 27, 2012


MONDAY! Mmnn! Smelled that coffee as I awoke this morning, now taking a sip,,, and just praised the Lord for it,, and all I awoke with,,, for I have more blessing this morning, than I have given out in my lifetime! Yes,, that is how good God is to us all,,, more coming, than going! Just look around,, see?


Yesterday, I had the privilege to keep my two youngest grand-daughters.. 7 and 5... Carley, is 7,, and Anna is 5,, they both adore and love each other sooo verrrry much,, it just shines as they play together. They both are so love giving, we could all take lessons from them ..I enjoyed them so very much , for this was just me and them...and here is one thing that happened ,,, and in this time of this world, you can probably feel this with me.. They were outside in the backyard playing in a fenced in yard,, rural area,,, I could see the back and forth as the played.. when all of a sudden,, Carley runs in screaming , "Is Anna in here with you P-Papa? I, exclaimed , "No! and looked through the house to make sure she had not slipped past me.. but no Anna... could not find her,, she was missing,, and as Carley was screaming& crying,, loud as she could,, "ANNA,,ANNA,,,!" ,, ME TOO!,, As I went for the other door, I saw her coming through the front yard running like a deer! As I opened the door, and she came in ,, you could see in her eyes, , she had done wrong and knew it..., well, my poor heart had almost stopped.... and I swapped her back side with my hand, and , told her how much I loved her, and the pop on the back side was not to do it ever again, and that I loved her.. well she ran to the couch, cried, and so did Carley,, as Carley kept saying,, I thought someone had gotten you Anna!,, Yes, Carley so scared,, (P-Pappa too),, Anna wondering why she got the lick when there was so much love and crying going on over her!
NOW... the point of this story,,, how does God re-act when we go from good to sin? Does He scream,, "No,, another one is missing from my flock,,,where, oh where is he or she? Angels,, form a posse,, help me fine them, and turn them back to my flock!" And as He sees you,, He extends His staff,, puts the crook gently around your waist,, and pulls you back to Him... gives you a kiss,, a hug,, and then He and the angels smile and cry at the same time, for He has one of His own,,,


Lord, Thank You for caring, loving us, to even come after us,,, and pull us back, when we are lost and in sin, may we serve You better,,amen

John HIcks
You will understand the above message, if you will close your eyes ,, and imagine one of your own... it is a horrifying experience!! Now , I pray to never do this to my Heavenly Father again ether.. How about you?

Sunday, February 26, 2012


SUNDAY! Well ,,, you woke up this morning because of "His want"... of maybe something special for you to do... If you do not know ,, then spend some time talking to Him,, and then you will know,, for it may be just to accept Him , and to love Him ,,,,, back as much as He loves you.. for sure,, HE wants to hear from you!

Prayer Request- Remember Frank and Lauri?.. Well, Lauri can swallow water to keep hydrated..and Frank had been written off as nothing else could be done.. you prayed,, others prayed, and did not take the doctors final word... well,, they tired a new "chemo" on Frank.. and the tumor around his stomach has stopped growing , and in fact ,shrinking... the cancer around his pancreas,, has stopped growing. WOW! What prayer can do...Please continue to pray for both of these .... and give God the glory, and the Credit,, for it all..GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY!


When you, or I , say something to someone,,,or do something to,, or in front of another individual,, or group,,, we make a difference in there life. You may say, no I don't,, for I see no change in anyone.. but sub-conscious,,, what you said, what you did,, did register,, and someday, it will be recalled...just when that person least expects it. or maybe by choice recall..

Why am I telling you this? So that you will savor, or guard what you say, what you do.. even what you think , for expression can be relayed back to the sub-conscious also,, Now , when this person, or persons do recall what you have instilled in them , make sure it will be a testament of Gods want,, and not talk , and do,, and look at others,,,, just as if you are talking to God,, for you see,


God, keep my tongue, my thoughts, clean, and of Your works and salvation, so what I utter,, will be pleasing to YOU!..amen

John HIcks
As much as I talk,, I have to be very, very careful of what I say, and what I do.. and I have to spend much time with the Lord on this,, so follow me, and talk to Him, before you go out each day ad talk to others..o.k.!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


SATURDAY- As you slowly open your eyes,, let the waking day in,, take a deep long breath,, maybe a slight or even a long yawn, from a great nights rest.. your body rested,, ready for this coming days and plans you have been making.... smile real big,,, and think,, think of the One who has not slept,, but has been watching over you as you slept,, and made those plans a reality,, made for you,, plans you had made earlier,,,He made while you were sleeping and resting to receive them! Now as you slide out of that bed,, don't you think you should at least say "Thank You"!

Prayer Request: Lori's classmate, Sharon's grand-daughter- who had pancreatic surgery last Dec. , almost died, but by God's saving grace was spared then ...She now has a pseudo cyst on her pancreas from the pancreatitis ,,,which covers her whole stomach also,, surgery was to be yesterday,, pray that this granddaughter will be healed, and back home soon.. just the opening of this cyst ,, could cause her pray for her...


This is a saying I know all of you have done in your life or watched someone else say it and then do it. I have, off of a tree limb, off the side of a pool,,,,, and usually it is someone beside you doing it with you . You yell, one , two three, jump... and when you do,, you are almost certain that , you will land o.k.,, not get hurt, or someone is standing guard to make sure you do land in good shape... like my little grand-son does as he climbs to the to of the ottoman,, cries out "one, two, three, jump", with a big smile,, but knowing someone is there to catch him in case the "jump" goes all wrong... yes FAITH,, is what he has,,,,
Now, I ask this ,,, when the time comes for your "jump of life".,, have you joined with Jesus to give you that helping hand of a life with sin,, that forgiving handhold, that faith.. to make sure you land where you want,, the faith you have to land with Jesus? Well ,,, don't wait, for when you hear this,,, one, two three, jump.. it will be too late... for you cannot change it to


Lord, I pray that all will grab Your hand now,,, and hold on to it through this life and beyond,,amen

John HIcks
Are you prepared for your "jump of life",, a choice only you can make,, so make it now, while you can still reach out for that steady hand to hold on to, and guide through this life, and beyond,, for if not, then that jump will be to no end,, down, down, down! Dont wait on that choice, make it now!.

Friday, February 24, 2012


TGIF-FRIDAY-TGED- Yes,for all those M thru F workers, it is officially here,, all you have to do is ,if not off today, make it through today, and WOW! Week-end!!!... For all others,, it is still a glorious Friday,, a day made by our God to enjoy to the fullest,,,whether you are still in the work force, retired, or other wise occupied! God is blessing all of us , right now,,, and I ask one other question,,, does your knees have any dirt or floor dust on them with thanks on your lips? Have a great day!


As all know I am a member of "The Cross" Ministry,,,, and , I brag,,, a big worker on putting these cross in the yards of all I come in contact with,, no shyness at all in offering one and if you come by here and pick it up with me out there,, just a little testimonial also!
So here goes another of my little stories, that is soooo big! A man and I was talking yesterday,, he said, I see these little crosses all along the road ... even have had one put up along my property where someone got killed." and then said,, Oh , they put flowers,, there all the time,, I had to clean them up,, I always left the cross,, to show someone who might come along,,, someone had died here."..... I ask him if he believe in Jesus,,, had he been saved,, and as most he stated he was ,,, but not a good one,,, I told him, don't worry , for he was talking to one of the worst "past" sinners of this time,, he and I chuckled a little.... THEN,, the big question I love for someone to ask me. First, envision as you arrive to my house , you see from the city limits, to here,, a cross in almost every yard.. and that question,, you guess it...... "DID SOMEONE DIE DOWN HERE?" as they gesture their hand and arm towards the road.......
Now that starts the whole new conversation... for to ones surprise,,, you get real and touching testimonials from them,, this particular man had been run over by a tractor,,, air lifted to Atlanta,, four years ago,,, and the last two days,,, worked those two days climbing a ladder,,, putting up plywood over 20 feet high , 6 hrs. first day,,, 11 hours second day,,, 78 years old... and an answer to my question,,, yes I am, and I am a member of the church....... for he really knew about the death of that cross,, but wow,, was we both eat up with smiles, and a heart warming,,, all said and done, is God not Good? Oh , yes He is!!!


and may all who reads these thoughts,, give out testimonials every chance they get!

God , thank You for giving us the chance to talk about You,, more than ourselves,, amen

John HIcks
Now, you thank about a big ole tractor tire running from your legs,, up your back, across your shoulder, just past your head,,, four years latter,you are 78, climbing a ladder,,, swinging a hammer,,,and open your eyes,,, and not know that there is a God,, Look for you have something bigger trying to run you down , and his name is satan,,, call out to God to lay over you today,, so that satan runs over and keeps right on going,,,,enough for today,,, enough,, yes ,, He lives today!!!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


THURSDAY,,, another of God's days,, so get out and enjoy it! Let's put all our hurts behind us today,, look up and forward,, and let's just see where it takes us.. come join me in this celebration of the second day , made by our Lord....given to us.....

PRAYER REQUEST: Taylor Sharp, my great nephew.. son of Tonya, grandson of Frank and Bea Hicks.. who is i n the MUSC Hospital in Myrtle Beach.. with yet an undiaganosed stomach problem,, please pray for him to and the doctors to diagnose, and God to cure...and strength to mother and all of the family.


We as humans, are a lot like horses.. yea I know,, some are Jackass',, we all know who they are, so let's get by that... ha.. Really , we are like a lot of animals,, but the horse,,, I pick today. We are born free to spirit. We are born the same way,, the mammal way. We are runners from birth, our minds are working on running free,, no holds , no boundaries. Then as we get older,, we feel the halter first,, it gets our attention when it is put on... we learn to follow,, even if it is just to put us in a stall of going nowhere.. Then we rebell! We kick, we rear up,, we cry out,,but to no avail.. we are tied with a rope, put back in our stall.. and the only hurt we can cause is to ourselves.. then comes the blanket,, the saddle.. put on our backs,, we learn , no matter how much we buck,, to carry the burden of life, our master,, to let the master ride to where ever he guides us.. and we follow the touch of the reins. For all this ,, we get food,, housing,, medical care,, if we have a good master.. If not ,,, we get nothing, but heart ache,, but we as good horses, we still come when he calls,, and we still surrender and continue to carry our burden...with no choice..
But, as humans,,,, God gave us two other choices than He did horses,,, one, we are kings over all other creatures,, and second, we have the choice as to who we let put the halter,, and the saddle on us... we carry only who we choose,, the greatest gift (other than Jesus Christ),, the gift of choice,,,,, if we choose our Savior , Jesus,, we are saved, and can ride into the Heavens with His grace upon our backs,, or we choose satan,,we can ride down into a burning hell, with satan upon our backs,, We know we are humans,, we know of this decison we have been given,,, but are we going to act like it or use it ? Come and ride,, instead of being ridden,, as the choice of Jesus Christ gives you the carriage of transportation of the soul ,, himself ,,,,straight up,, no stops,, not turns,, just up,,up and way.... come on ,, lets all make the right choice,,


God ,thank You, for giving us the reign over all creatures, and may we make the right decisions to care for them,, and the decisions also of putting You up front in all we do..amen

John HIcks
I have been a cowboy in my life,, and I know horses,, and in my life so far, I have also known people, who act like horses and follow all the wrong trails of life,, Thank God, HE showed me the way,, the real trail,, the trail of life with Him...come join me in the ride of your life,, on the trail with Jesus Christ!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Here it is Wednesday,,, and so quick,,,, come on SLOW DOWN!!! Stay off the slide , walk,, don't run,, and enjoy NOW,,,!!!! For the W/E will be here sooner than you thank,,, celebrate the middle day of this week,,, with a prayer of thanks to He who made it,,, just for you!!!!!!


Yes ,,, with all the things that are bad,,, with all the sin in this world,,, there are still a lot of great things going on that are GOOD! Yes ,,, good,,, the many, many,,, God called ,,, God practicing Preachers,,, standing tall and preaching His word,,, the mothers/fathers, embracing their children with love and teaching them about God,,, the men,, and women, who are talking about God in there everyday conversations,,, the living a life of a Christian,,, the praying,,, the testifying,,, the smiles of gratitude,,, and the great love of the people to their living God,,,,,,,, Yes,,, we sometimes do put



Thank you God for all that I have,,, I deserve nothing,,, yet you have given me everything,,, amen

John HIcks
So thankful to my God,, for all He has done for me ,,, and all He has given me, for it is too much to even try to list...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


TUESDAY! Another of Gods gifts to us,, so use it as he interned for us too!

Prayer Request: Marie, Brenda J's cousin, who lost her son in a car accident,, please pray for God to wrap His arms around her, and give her all the relief and help she needs.

Thought For This Day: The shortest distance between a problem and a solution , is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels , can stand up to anything. Live your life in such a way,, that when your feet hit the floor in the morning ,, satan shudders,, and says oh no ,,, he or she is awake!
Thought : From Dian Summers, thanks.


Have you ever measured that distance of the question of the thought above? You may ask , "well just how do you measure it,, it is different according to how tall someone is?" This is so true,,,, just how "TALL" are they , when they measure up? You see , each of you have a vision in your mind of a tape measure....lay that vision down,,, now measure with heart,, from you to the acceptance of that Cross... and the nearer to it that you are,,, the stronger you are , and it also shows you, and all who looks at you,,, that you are a Christian,,, and that you


God, thank you , first for Your Son, second, for Your love of me, and this world..third, for savingg me,,and fourth, for the words You give to me and those who testify of your greatness..amen

John HIcks
I have measured,,and still pray for more height , each and every day.. Have you accepted and growingg taller? IF not, do it today,, the choice lies within you and no one do it now, not latter, will you?

Monday, February 20, 2012


MONDAY! Good morning fellow "tumbleweeds"... roll out of that bed this morning with the breeze of Jesus! Yes, His breeze of life for you again this day... to get up , smile and go forth and serve Him, by being a voice and example of Him, roll on down life's path today,, given just for you,,, this day, and glorify Him!

PRAYER REQUEST : For our preachers,, who are our true leaders of this nation,,, it is them we must follow,, listen to the words they preach,,, then make the decision as to who is doing the job they are talking about,, then , vote for that person, and pray...... that you can find one!


You usually hear this as the power of the "word",,, and the word has a great power,, of good and of power.. but have you forgotten,,, "an example is worth a thousand words"? One can set around and quote words ,,, of God, reach people and bring them to Jesus,,, save thousands ,,, but make one wrong move,, and they can lose thousands in an instance! Preaching , sowing the word in your own words,,,wittiness for Him,,is exceptional... and I do condone it, and applaud it... but also warn of the example...I wish I could be a better example,, we all do...but people are people.. make that one mistake, and bam,, they tear you down,, isn't this a same? You ask ,, where is the forgiveness of the words, the actions,,, yes just where? When you pray, do you ask God to forgive those who have sinned against you,,, before you ask to be forgiven? Do you show there is forgiveness in your heart , before the concern for your own forgiveness? Do you go out of your way to help others.. or just talk about it.. not doing it,,, this is a non-example, just a talker..
I believe that what you talk about, you should

set an example! How do you feel? About you?

Lord, I ask that we all be better examples of Christians,,, talk and do.. is what I pray for, by all... amen

John HIcks
One of the biggest of talk,,,need much more example! Join me in improving our examples,,the thing we talk about,, let those words be what people actually see ,,,,,us doing as we say!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Good Morning on this Sunday ,,, I hope, as you read this , you are having a great day,, if not,, I give you a token on how to make it start improving to a glorious day,,, ask the Master come and release you from all your troubles... then smile, and your day will be as He made it, full of love, and wonderfulness........


We are given the job , from God, to relay His word to all the corners of the world... Yes , we are part of those who must share the gospel with our fellow people in all parts of the world, we all are like the evangelists who travel this wide world, preaching, and giving the invitation to the groups , (even with interpreters,,) then they stand back and watch the harvest come in by the hundreds , some thousands.. The seeds are planted,,, after they leave,, the seeds grow, and more harvests are gathered and at many rivers, sins are washed away in the name of Jesus Christ,,,, We can plant these seeds also,, maybe not in the far east, nor the far west, south, north,, but next door, down the street, in a shopping center, in a "anywhere" place.. why not,, we are not ashamed of Him , we believe in Him,, , don't we?
Be an evangelist for God and be a farmer of Christ,, plant His seed, yes, plant Jesus in the hearts of others,, and watch the crop grow,,, you know, if you lead just one to Him,, what a crop,, what a harvest!
Billy Graham , went to India some years ago,, and after his sermon , hundreds,, thousands came forward and declared their acceptance of Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.. Now , the Graham organization, are going again to help in the continued cultivation of the past crop... Listen to this,,, one of the converts,, in India ,, preaching the gospel, watched as 300,000 came forward at once, and accepted Christ as their Savior.. the river washed sins out of people for a full day,,, how about that? Now , what is wrong with us? Is it alright to say, look they are find doing all that in the church, on T.V. or in a stadium over seas or in our country... but listen,, we are just as important in spreading the word as they are , we are also charged by Jesus to spread His word... so let's you and me,, go ahead and



Lord, I pray that all will hear our voice as we proclaim Your word and Your Plan of Salvation,, amen

John HIcks
Talking about Jesus,,, some will listen,, some will laugh,, more will take it and replant as they go also.. join me and be a planter.. will you?

Saturday, February 18, 2012


SATURDAY! Good day to all... Today, I hope you have a great time doing just what you want to do! Just do as if the Master is there looking at what you are doing,,, for He is!


This is the greatest question you will ever be asked. Your answer is the greatest and most important answer you will ever give!
Now ,,, I am asking,,, "Do you know the Lord? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
You now have the question? The answer is yours,, alone,, no one can make it for you,, it is strictly your answer , between you and God.


God, I have made mine, and it is yes I have. Now, I pray for all the ones who have not said yes ,yet. May they come, running , to be at your side, and accept you ,,as their personal Savior. amen

John HIcks
If a car was coming at you at one hundred miles an hour, would you jump out of its' path? Would you make this decision yourself, or would you wait for someone to yell "jump out of the of the way"? Your call!

Friday, February 17, 2012


FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! As I open my eyes this morning, I toke a deep breath,, smiled,, for I am so glad to wake up in this country, free to do what I want to do,,, my choice. Not many people in this world , has this right, and most of all the freedom to worship my Master, who gave me all of this,,,this day,,, yesterday, and tomorrow, if He chooses to give that to me. God thank You, and God Bless America!


Yes, not one, but more than one,, yes many of our guards died ,, defending our freedom,,, to speak & worship our God freely, and as we want to.. yes, died ,,,standing between those who hate us, and want to kill us.. died a great and heroic death! Yes , and there are more, who stand in that line of defense,, ready,,, willing to give their life , for you and for me...
but , they are not famous,,, they are not on the news 24/7, they are not on coke, meth or any other of those type drugs,, they have not been to re-hab,, & their wardrobe,, a flap jacket, and gear, a normal person could not walk a hundred yards wearing,,but they do it all day, and all night,, most times... no hot meals nor warm baths, and most of them are in their late teens, and early twenty's ! And , still , the only news ,,, is in group shots... telling of them only when it seems as if it is politically correct,,, but not mourning , from sea to sea,,, nope,, you have to be ............. well you answer this one! I think I just have , I have stated my view,,, and we all have one. I just say


God, thank You for being with our soldiers in uniform, and I ask you to put your guarding arms around them, let them know we love them too. amen

John HIcks
Tired of hearing about the famous, no matter what they have done,, and not enough about the one in uniform, that is doing nothing,, but just putting their lives on the line, and some , already have died for me, and for you, Enough, is enough!,,, and not discriminating in being famous , but in those who seemed to worship them. My opinion!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


THURSDAY! As you opened your eyes this morning, did you feel a little tug,, then that feeling of warmth running through-out your body.. the feeling of "oh , if I can just lay here for a few more seconds and stretch, it feels,, oh soooo good!" Well, if you did , then YOU FELT GOD, waking you up, and that warmth,, is HIm,,, now have a great day, you two!


This is what is wrong with most of us.. we are all in such a hurry,, we don't stop to "smell the roses". What is there to be in such a hurry for? Only emergencies.. If it is not an emergency,, life or death,, take your time.. Look as you go, stop and look at things you usually pass by.. for if you don't,, you just passed up something you will never see in that prospective again.

We tend to run through this life , in this space age time of the world, like someone else is going to get there first,,, wherever "there" is!. So,, STOP! Yes,, STOP! Now think,, what am I doing right now, that I can't take it slow and easy.. I bet you will find out that you can.. just cruise.. that is going back to the 50's, & 60's to just go cruising,,, instead of doing 25 over the speed limit...licky to split.. how about it,, can you slow down,, can you walk,, what happened after you learn to walk, it was run, and you never stopped.. did you?

Now we all need to learn to walk all over again.. and not alone! Ask God to come walk with you, and then hand in hand,, walk with Him through His garden of this world,,smell all the good stuff,,see all He made,, His manificent works.. His gift to man! Hold on to Him tightly,, He will hold on to you,, and He will even carry you ,, across a falling bridge,, so don't go running wide open, unless you are doing your exercise, or running a marathon.... so come with me,, and let's slow down to a crawl, enjoy this life,, and be a


Thanks Sue,,, for sending me an e-mail that influenced these thoughts,back on 4/24/10!

Almighty God,, thank You for the knowledge of how to walk,, crawl, just after we learn to run... may we all walk with You as we go through Your world. amen

John HIcks
As George Carlin said,, "we are saying in our younger days, "my age is 4 1/2,, & after 21, we drop the half...then at 90., we are back to 90 &1/2". So come on , walk with me through this life,, and enjoy it,, for once in your life, no matter what age you are, and SLOW DOWN, for 90 will get here, and in a hurry... believe me!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


WEDNESDAY! Slide day! Have you made your plans for this week-end? Most are scrambling to make them,, phone calls to family, friends, reservations... making sure all bases are covered from Friday evening to Monday morning , early a.m.! Most do this ,, to make sure they have the most happy time off from their job,, a time of kicking back to whatever turns them on, their sanctuary! Well, stop,,,, how about today... any plans,,, and Thursday, and Friday? You must live from now to then , so plan well... now, and the road to there, and plan Jesus ,,, in it all.. and the you can say,,, now we are planning, really planing! Right! He goes with each day! Don't forget!


I have Jesus Christ at my side,, the best, and richest lottery one can win... now that you all know that I have won..... for I asked, and He came!
Where are all those who wants some of it,, the extra friends, the investors who wants me to invest in them.. well ,, I will share Him with all, just come and ask for Him,, He is there for all.. and enough for all...well ,,,,,,what are you waiting for? Why is their no one at my gate,, is this not the


Lord, Thank you for giving us all Your Son.... we are winners,,, amen

John HIcks
Winning,,and it cost me nothing, but gave me everything!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


TUESDAY! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL! Today, you think of all those you like, and love! It is a day of love through out... and today,, I would like to make one more Valentine wish,,



How many worry each day of that crown you will receive when you go to Heaven. First, don't worry, it is a sin to worry about anything , for we are to put our faith in God, & Jesus, and Gods' Word. We are promised how to get that crown,,, all we have to do, is quite worrying , and do what God has told us to do, and live like what He has told us to live,,,and brother and sister, the crown is yours... SIZE? is up to you,,, for I do believe that the reward is dealt out for how much you have put in the pot on the table,,,and that pot is how you have lived.. your life!

So you see, your crown is being made, by your size is up to you, and will you get one at all... is strictly up to you.. stop,,, close your eyes,, look at your life past, present, and what you plan for the future....and tell yourself... can you,,, in your brain,,,, see


Lord, I ask for the forgiveness of all sins that have been committed against me,, and I also ask you to forgive me of my sins,,, then I ask for the strength to continue to build my crown for You to place on my head,, starting with Jesus at my side, for no matter how much I build, I know , without Him, there will be no crown at all... and size does not matter to me Lord.. just being with You, is all that matters! amen

John HIcks

I am daily building on my crown, but I got the first building supply item on my list,, Jesus,,,now I can build securely... have you gotten Him, to start your "crown" building? Your choice,,,make it!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012


MONDAY! Welcome from the week-end to the "Blue Monday"- and what is wrong with blue? Not a thing! One of my favorite colors... and my the color of my heart is that of sunshine,,, shining bright, fro m the glory of God being within as I awake ato a new dawn! What is coming from your heart as you awake a nd strt your day... the Lord or ....?

LEANING "/// "

How far can you lean before you fall? Not very far,,,unless,,,you have something to prop you up, or hold on to something, right? Well when you let the ole devil push you to the left, right, front, back,,, you will not only lean ,,, but you will your death. How do you stop him? satan, has a lot of weight, and can push for 24/7, never getting tired,,,but as human beings,,,we tire, and then we bend. What in this world can we get to prop us up and be steady as a steel pole,,,and as high as a Georgia Pine? Think back on the heading ,,, leaning ,,,,yes, as the ole song goes ,,, to make you straight and whole,,,safe from satan,,,never faltering,,, 24/7,,, YES , we all , to survive must be



Thank you Lord for being my prop,,,and not only holding me up,,,but holding satan far away from me,,,and I pray, you do the same, for all who reads this,,,amen

John HIcks

Needing more of a prop than most!!! But praise the Lord,,,I am proped! Are you steadfast? Or are you leaning?

Sunday, February 12, 2012


SUNDAY! Welcome to the day of rest,, sit back with God , watch a little T.V., visit with the family,,talk to Him about all the things He has given you, thank Him for them,, and let Him hold the remote! Ha! That last one is sooo hard for that man of the house, huh? But , for today, he can do it for the Lord! Have a great blessed day,,, and everyone in this cold area this morning, stay is 26 at 4:30 a.m. here!

When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves! Most times!


First of all , there is a song with this title.. and it was for the youth and who did run their pack? Who runs the wolf pack? Who runs the family pack? Last , but not least ,,who runs your pack?

Webster: Pack- a bundle, a group,, of things , tied or secured as one.

Now,,, with more than one in mind,,, who is in your pack? You must make a decision,,, of one of these two,, are definitely in your pack,, like it or not... one of them has to be! God or satan,,,, and the choice is yours.... now who runs at the head of your pack... meaning life,,, (where you live, where you hang out, who you hang out you live,, how you manage your life, and who you accept in your pack) , your choice of the bundle of your life,, so now you have that choice,, for alone, you can not run! So in your pack, who is your


Lord, I ask You to be my leader,,,and I ask that all who reads this will pick You also...amen

John HIcks
I would never change my leader and mentor... how about you,, made a choice yet?

Saturday, February 11, 2012


SATURDAY! Good morning,Lord! Thank You for this day, and all I have... What was your first words ,,, this morning, as you woke?


Suppose someone ... sees a brother , or a sister in need.... but does nothing to help? Then God's love is not living in that person. ! John 3:17

A man passed a beggar... he reached into his pocket to give the beggar some money, but as he felt around, his pocket was empty! He said,,,"My brother, I am sorry... but I have nothing to give". The beggar brightened and said smiling,,, "You have given me more than I have asked have called me brother". To the love-starved,,, a word of affection can be a feast!
God lived in both of these men. One, the passing man,, wanted to give, but HAD NOTHING WORLDLY,, so he only gave his voice of compassion,, "love, from the heart"...The beggar, gave back,, that same compassion , of understanding , accepting the very simple word , "brother",, or "love..back from the heart". Both , alive with-in,, their own.
Have you ever passed someone, in need,, of maybe not of worldly goods, but of spiritual goods...and passed up that chance... of


Lord, may we all be alive in You,, and share You with all we come in contact with! amen

John HIcks
Your choice, to walked on by, or give a little , if nothing but a smile..for it will wear well...try it.

Friday, February 10, 2012


TGIF- Yes , thank God it's Friday,,, thank God it's "any-day"! We as Americans,, are very spoiled,, we want to rush through the Monday through Thursday week,, long for the week-end,, plan the three days from wake on Friday to wake on Monday a.m. We want to almost eliminate the four days, but we want life longer,, we strive for the fountain of youth, but we give up 75 % of it now! Yes, God gave us 7 days, let's live each day , just as he planned and gave!


There are more houses owned,, bought,, rented, in the United States than there has ever been in the history of this nation.. and there are less homes than any other time in the history of this nation. What? Yes, homes.. you see it only takes lumber, brick, mortar, nails,, materials to make a house, but it takes heart, God, and you to make a home. Without these ,, yes,, it is only a house.
When I was a child,, at let's say 10,, I knew everyone from our house to 10 miles in any direction.. that was a vast neighborhood,, in a reflection of today,, there are about 70 % + , more people in a neighborhood of less than a 1/2 mile in any direction.. Our neighborhoods have grown up. Our neighbors? I don't even know them all,, and I,, a resident here for 45 years..
I see people at the little general store here in this "small" town, and I see more I don't know,, than I do! People don't visit with each other,, why? They have their other friends and neighbors ,, the T.V. , the computer, They don't have the time. I stand and wave at people who pass by on our street, and wonder , who some of them are..(ha, they wave back, and they don't even know me either) We , as a nation,, are becoming more and strangers to each other ,, We are losing our homes,, and our neighborhoods,, because we are rushing our time through this world ,, just so we don't miss anything, and yet we are missing the most important things in this life,, and that is

our homes and our neighborhoods!!!!!

Lord,, may we all slow down, and see this world, as you meant for us to see and enjoy, and may we do it with family, friends, neighbors,, and most of all,, You,, amen

John HIcks
I too,, run too much,, and miss too much,, so all together,, let's stop, and start not only smelling the roses,, let's get to know which rose it is we are smelling and looking at,, I bet they all have names....what do you think about it today, or did you have time to read this............................?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


THURSDAY! As you awake, and start your day, just what will you contribute back to God this day? Think on what He has already given you, by just waking you up..., now again, just what will you do for Him this very day? Think about it,,,, yes?


I saw a headline, that said "MISSING". It was some kids,, and that is an awful headline to read...for missing kids is a horror...parents are out of their minds, wondering the worst,,, much of the time in these days,, it is the worst... it is not like missing a watch, a bracelet, a dollar, or something just is one of your kids! Think of the one who has them ,,, it is someone who is as low as low can get,, for children are precious in our eyes!
Now that you have read this,,, and you probably will look down on me for just writing this as an example, but here goes...
"MISSING",,, WAS THE FRONT PAGE IN THE HEAVENS NEWSPAPER,,,HEADLINE! Content was ,,,, God looked at the earth,, HE COULD NOT FIND ALL THE REAL CHRISTIANS,,ONLY THE SO-CALLED ONES! and he put out the headline Himself(He is editor in chief)! He looked at the sin being committed here,,, the percentage of unborn,,,, the percentage of the born again, (but not practicing),, Son sent to give directions to find the way,,, but to no avail,,, what will be next,,,, Maybe He will inspire someone to start a large revival,, and help in the search,, or just maybe,, all those who are "born again ",,, will start testifying,,, and souls will be not only found, but saved! There is a difference.. or did you know that? Between found, and saved!
Let's all join in the search,, and open our mouths and proclaim Jesus Christ,,, and be a beacon light of the way home,,, by being a real and true example... let's all of us help change God's headline to


Lord,, thank You for the "beacon" of the way home you provided us,,, Jesus Christ.. amen

John HIcks
I am one who needs to do more searching, testifying for my Lord,, and help change the press,, before the next "HEADLINE" is published... will you help me?,,, and put a smile on Gods' face?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


WEDNESDAY- SLIDE DAY! Time to start making those plans for the week-end? Maybe , just maybe, we all need to take care of today first? Maybe , we need to stop right now and give thanks to God for this day, instead of trying to jump the next two days just to have some time off.. Yes,, stop and enjoy this day,, give thanks,, then ,, take it a day at a time for a change! You know , He build this world,,,, one day at a time!

Prayer Requests: Barbara Wilkinson, who has had surgery for lung cancer. She is home, and starts Chemo the middle of March... Barbara had colon cancer just two years ago... and she asks for prayers ,,,and stays committed to God at this same time! What Faith,, God bless you Barbara, and our prayers are with you!

Keith Dover, Judy Scott Thompson's son-in-law, who last Friday suffered a heart attach, a stroke, and a seizure.. He is in ICU in Huntsville, Al. Pray for his full recovery.


Sitting in a McDonald's,,, ready to eat a biscuit,,, when noticing a little girl facing me,, her Dad 's back to me.. as she ate her biscuit.. and as I noticed as we set down , she had taken the top part off ,,and I thought , how quaint that is and so different.. She looked right at us as we said our blessing...and in my mine went a a flash,, as she said to her daddy,,, "Daddy, why don't we do that?".. the answer he gave,, I don't know... The point today is , it starts in the home, and with the parents... so if you don't bless your meal at home,, AND out in public,,, please start now.. for not only are others watching , and listening... so is He! Maybe someone else is saying this,, Father , why are they not thanking You?.......
Please , be an example,, and do it,,, anywhere, anytime,

for you ,might make and can be the difference in lots of lives!

God, thank You for all we have...and I pray for more to do it in public for your greatness,, and not just for show, but real thanks within the prayee's heart. amen

John HIcks
So thankful,,, and by the way,,, yesterday, my doctor dismissed me on my thumb,, said all is well, and advised me to not use it as a blade stopper anymore... thanks to God Almighty for His precious might!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


TUESDAY! Wake up with thanks to God, for waking you up here,, for another day to have the honor of serving Him, and not yourself! Now what do yo think of that?...serving Him!

Prayer Request: For Wanda Carraways's Uncle,, who has cancer.. His family,, who has been called in by his side,, pray for God to give him His strength, & faith, and the family also, at this time .


No, I don't understand, and I can't tell you why,,, but I can say, I trust in His name, and His promises!


Lord, thank You, for these powerful words on this, another day of Yours, given to me by You, amen

John HIcks
How do you feel on understanding? and where do you stand on believing, and accepting,, CHOICE!

Monday, February 6, 2012


MONDAY! Wake up to the start of the week,, it is all about you, and all of Gods' other children,, for He made it, gave it,, just for you, and I , so don't miss a minute of it with small petty things,,love each other as He loves you! Have a great Monday!

Prayer Request: For Andy Butts friend,,, that needs a miracle that only God can provide..pray , that God , if He chooses, will provide this miracle.


Have you ever heard those two sayings,,, "You are walking on thin ice",, or "You are skating on thin ice"? We all know what they mean,,, for we surely have had someone tell this in our lifetime... and do we heed the warnings? I would say , from my experience of taking advice,, probably not,,, results are, 20% heeded.. 80% went right on doing what ever. Yes , some drowned ,, some made it across the pond, luck,, yes, I will call it that , even if I do believe in making my own luck,, by prayer, then faith. Which category are you in?
tell me ,, if you were standing on a bank by a lake,, it was zero degrees, had been for one week,, the lake is 500 yards wide.. the water around the edge is thickly frozen,, and farther out looks thickly frozen also.. are you going to walk across it, take the chance to break the ice and fall in,, freeze or drown to death?
Why take the chance? What is it on the other side that is so important to risk your life? Why not take the route of safety,, instead of the gamble? Why not walk around the lake?

Why take a chance with the eternal side of this life? Why walk on the thin ice of life and gamble that you will have the chance to accept Jesus Christ,, before that time comes? Yes, plenty do! Again,, the percentage? Maybe , 2% have that chance,, Not even close to the lottery, nor the 20% walking across the lake,, so why not do it right now? Why delay a second? If you, or someone you know who is lost,, and wants to join the crowd of "SAVED",, call out to Jesus,, now,, not next week,, not tomorrow,, not this afternoon,,but now,,,, and call that friend... why not? If you are already saved, then it should not be a problem to speak up to or call that friend,, if you really are saved? Right? Well? A lot of question marks, huh? Are you now asking,, am I on solid ground,,, or am I on


Lord, I pray that we all are on solid ground with You,, and for those who are not,, I pray that you guide us to all to them and we use our solid faith of You in testimony to them, and give them guidance to You.. amen

John HIcks
I have done my share of skating,, but I knelt down on my knees,, ask for the path to solid ground,, got Jesus as my guide and have not felt any cracking as I walk since. Do you hear any cracking,, as you walk????

Sunday, February 5, 2012


SUNDAY! Kick back, relax, rest...for it is His day! He rested after making the world, and you, so praise Him, and do only what you have to do, or what you have fun at doing, or what ever you don't mind to be doing ,,, as He sets , walks, right beside you...! Oh, yes,,, He is there!

As Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed, I have just found out ten thousand ways that won't work!"

PRAYER REQUEST! Tommy Mullings who is in Upson Regional Hospital, with pneumonia, and congestive heart failure...please pray for Tommy, his wife , and family ... for the healing, and the comfort and strength of all.

Deb Treadgill to continue to improve, and that God will bless her, with a pain free body.


Yes, be on your knees, and in prayer to God the Father, for His hand to be upon us all,,, The times are ready.... the rumors are bigger, and we have a real threat against Israel... never mine about us,,, only pray that when the time comes that those zealous, wanting ones , in office, and our president, will back up Israel, for that is His plan....and for those who do not stand with them ,, will fall around them... this is my belief, and only mind,,, Yours , you must make it yourself also....
I am not predicting anything,,, I am just saying,, Iran is a threat, and a large one , whom I believe could be the one to make a move,, and only prayers can stop this one. so pray one and all...for this fuse is lite,, and only God can put this one out... Now,,, will He?,, For we know not the time, nor the day...... but as for this day , and the rest of your life,,, be sure of you....!. Have you


Lord, I pray for the above ones in need, and for peace , in Israel and here also...amen


Saturday, February 4, 2012


SATURDAY! Welcome to this part of the week-end! May you all have a great day, and where ever you go, take the Lord with you, and if you stay at home, just cuddle up with Him,, He loves that also!

The Lord is close to everyone who prays to him, to all who truly pray to him. Psalm 145: 18

Healing begins when we do something. Healing begins when we reach out. Healing starts when we take a step. God's help is near and always available , but it is only given to those who seek it. Nothing results without emotions. ...God honors radical, risk-taking FAITH! When arks are built,,, lives are saved! When soldiers march,,, Jericho's tumble! When staffs are raised, seas still open! When a lunch is shared , thousands are fed! When a Mom's arms are opened, they are filled, & with never ending love! Healing does begin, when WE do something,,,,,,and that is


Lord, thank You for what we have, and may you open the eyes of those who are blind to your sight, even tho their eyelids are closed, and so their heart, also. amen

John HIcks
We all are independent to a part , of each other, and lead lives different,, but four things we all have to do,,, eat, drink, breath, and appear before God! Have a great day!

Friday, February 3, 2012


FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! As you open your eyes this morning,,, smile, then STOP! Is your eyes really open? To where you will spend your eternal time? If not, or not sure,,, then go to on your brain computer, type in Jesus, accept me, give your name, and check keep me logged in, hit enter, and say out loud the same message to Jesus....and your eternal life will be documented in the your book of life, and as long as you keep Him by your side,, this computer cannot crash! So , have you closed and re-opened?

PRAYER REQUEST: Deb Treadgill , surgery today,,, please pray for the guiding hand of God to be in control of this surgery, and may Deb have complete healing from all pain...she so deserves to be pain free.


This is so simple for a believer..... I come from God,, I will go back to God!

Yes, simple for the where I come for,, for He planned this,,, NOW , where you go,, and stay...He planned also,,but with one extra step... He inserted the step of "CHOICE"! Yes, you must ask for His Son Jesus to accept you, be forgiven of your sins,, then you can stay, if not,, well your trip to Him will be quick and then on your way to the next eternal stop... planned for also,,, in case you don't use the "Choice" plan,, and this one is hot, and hurting.. and you don't want to hear the rest!,,, So don't toy around with satan,,,, go ahead and make the "CHOICE" for Jesus and make sure you


For I believe each conception is you?

John HIcks
Made my choice, Jesus, and now I see with a completely new outlook,, even to this day,, how is your sight?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


THURSDAY! Welcome to another one of God's great and wonderful days.. made just for you and I! This is real love ,, I mean REAL love! Have a great day!


Today, you are climbing a mountain, it is a very high mountain,, kind of shale rock on the side,, like when you walk , you slide a little, and you can feel the dirt slide over , and into your sneakers, but you must get to the top and on to the other side. Why? there is a "dirt fire" behind you. The ground , behind is smoldering, and you can see the heat and a little smoke coming out of it. It is getting closer to you as you climb! You take a step, feel the dirt slide ,just a little,,, It is bare, so nothing to hold on to..but you bend, with hands touching to help you hold your balance, and you climb, looking back every once in a while,, the heat is getting closer,,, you are closer to being burn alive, so you dig deeper with your feet, and hands..climb, climb! Don't stop! You can see the top..almost there! Now , you are going over the top! Now , the top, and there is a plain, no trees..same dirt type,,, more sandy, but the heat, it is still following , getting a little closer, so you start walking , a little fast...then faster,, then a slow run,,got to get away,, don' t want to get burned alive! THEN....I see it,, a gap in the land... it is 200 feet wide, and runs from left to right forever and end,,,no way around.. I stop.. look over, and I see boiling rock, and dirt! Smoke, and the smell of brimstone,, that sulfur smell.... I look around ,,, a big log,, I roll it to the edge,, and with all my might, I am able to pick it up and throw it over to the other side,,, and just as I do, the heat burns it up.. instantly,,, I am doomed. to die in fire and brimstone! I see this man walking toward me... I ask what do we do,,, He said "I am Jesus, Son of the Creator of all things. the God who made it all". "If you believe , and accept me, then I can save you...I will give you a bridge to the other side,,where there is no fire, and their is love and happiness for-ever." I said , "where will you get non-burning trees?",,He said "Have faith,, do you believe?",,,,
I said yes,, yes, for my feet were burning,,, and HE laid Himself across the gap.. and looked at me ,, said "Walk, I am your bridge to life,, I am yours... and you are mine, believe, and walk , I will hold you up!". I did, and when on the other side, as I walked in the cool, He was beside me ,holding my hand with a smile bigger than mine, and we walked "on the grass, and through the trees and the cool streams, forever and ever!


God, thank You for our "Bridge, Jesus",,, amen

John HIcks

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WEDNESDAY! Welcome to the "hump' day of the week! As you have climbed the steps to this planning day of the week, for the week-end, I pray you have invited that someone really special to you, to climb with you , help make those all so important plans for these two or three days of yours... oh! and as you swing that leg over to start the slide,, let Him go first,, and that way,, your slide will be trouble do know who "Him" is don't you?

Prayer Request: As we come head to head with Iran,, pray that no matter what , we do not back down,,and that we do back Israel... and pray first of all,,, this conflict will be avoided..for I am afraid this one will be a great one, once started.... pray, and pray often for peace.


People harvest only what they plant. Galatians 6:7

Think for a moment of your heart as a greenhouse.. And your heart, like a greenhouse, has to be managed. Consider for a moment your thoughts as a seed. So thoughts become flowers. Others,, become weeds!
Ever wonder why some people have the Teflon capacity to resist negativism and remain patient, optimistic, and forgiving? Could it be that they have diligently sown seeds of goodness, and are enjoying the harvest?
How have you planted your seeds of God? Are you sprouting like a flower, spewing seeds of kindness, love, concerned, faith, testimony of His goodness,, His greatness.. the Son, that He has given us ? Just what are you growing in


God, I pray that all the seeds planted in the hearts, and souls, of all who reads this , and in my heart also, will be from you, planted and watered with your love, and spirit, and re-planting seeds of you, and Jesus. amen

John HIcks
The only way to make your seeds grow, is to stand in the light of the Lord,, just where do you stand today?