Thursday, March 31, 2011


Thursday- March gone! April next! Make this coming month, the greatest month, you testify of the greatness of Jesus and of His love for you and for me.. it never ceases, and lasts forever!

Prayers Requests: The Lamar County Deputy in Georgia, who was in a fiery crash , while in pursuit. She is in the hospital , pray for her recovery and release of the great pain from a back injury, and minor burns,, and thanks to the good Samaritan who saw her car, and pulled her to safety and saved her life.
Family of Jeremy Faulkner, 23 years old, who died in Afghanistan on Tuesday,, Pray for the family and the mother, Judy Berry, for comfort at this time of a great lost, and may we all thank the Memory of Jeremy for His sacrifice, for you, me, and the USA.
For those Six,,, in the middle of the radiation crisis in Japan, who have sacrificed their life thus far to trying to contain the radiation. They will probably not live the year out,, what a sacrifice for fellow man, and family,, May God show them mercy and help.


If you needed a note or a check written to enter the Gates of Heaven, where would you find it and how much would you need to enter? First of all, you need neither, for it is vocal, from you to Him(Jesus),, that is all you need, for then as you accept Jesus as your Savior, a note is entered in your book of life, kept by Gods' angels for review when you get there.
But if you did need one,, or an amount,, it would be from Jesus, and paid for, by Him also. It would say, Father, please accept this person, (Your name), to Heaven, to live forever and ever, and the amount on the check is written in my blood, and it says ,, pay to Your Order,, by me.. now all is paid for and note written..
but this has all been done before you were even born,,, paid for, and waiting for you,, If you have not.. asked that one little question, (biggest question you will ever utter in your life), "Jesus accept me , and be my Savior for ever, and ever".
Will you do it? Go ahead,, the check and note is already written, just waiting on you to ask for it!

God, I ask for You to listen and work on the prayers above , and today thank You, for all Your love, and the forgiveness, from You and Your Son.. amen

John HIcks
Still working for Him,, and will for life,, what are you planning on doing today? How about walking the same path as I walk today.. hand in hand with my, and your Jesus, down this road of life! Well,,, come on , let's get going!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Wednesday-Good ole "hump" day! We have made it to the top of the week,, and if we plan well, and slide down to the w/e carefully,, we may make it with no splinters from the slide! Maybe you need to wax your slide,, with the faith in Jesus type wax,, and then you are guaranteed a splinter free slide!

Prayer Request: For Jan Streetman, who is having surgery this morning. Pray that God will guide the surgeons hands, and that He(God), will heal her to as good as brand new!


I am not a millionaire,,,I don't have money to burn,,,nor real estate in abundance,,,gold nor silver,,,yet I am one of the richest people on this earth! Yes, I am so rich, I don't know how I could ever dream of having anything else...How do I deal with so much riches,,,by sharing with all... I want to share it with all of you,,, so here it is ! Go ahead and take all you want, for it is in abundance, to all who is the Love of a Living God,,, and His Son ,,,with the promise of all promises.... life eternal!!!!!
He will give you life eternal,,,,He has already given us His only Son,,,Jesus...The life you have , He gave it ,,,with no holds on it....all decisions for this life,,, he gave to you.. Your authority to make all of your days plans and ...your Love,,,He gave it you to distribute it, to whoever you want to..You see,, I have all of that,, and you have it also,,,so we are already very rich,,,right? BUT, the decision to accept Jesus as my Savior by faith,,and live for Him,,,and He accepting me,,, and me helping in setting up His Kingdom here on earth(and that comes first,,all else will follow,,so testify in His name) is the richest thing I could ever have, and I have it!!! My soul saved,and my name has even been posted in Heaven ,,,in the Book of Life,,,,,so I am not a dollar millionaire,,,but I have more riches than all the gold and silver in this world,,,,I am more


For I have Jesus!!!

Lord,,,thank you for all the riches You have given me,,, your Son,,,and for giving Him so freely,,, and to all others who call His name... amen

John HIcks
Humble,,,,but very loud & proud on my God and His Son!! Shout with me, for His ear is turned to us all,,,listening!!!! He will give you riches you never dreamed of.. so come on over to the side of the rich, not of gold and silver, but the grace of God!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Tuesday-Good morning, may you have a great day! Remember , when you feel yourself leaning to the left or right,, and it as if something catches you and you are able to stand back up straight, it is your friend , Jesus,, giving you a lite nudge,, back to where you don't fall.. isn't He wonderful,, to keep us straight?


Don"t let anything, your past, your self-reliance, your sins, anything, keep you from Christ. Instead, reach out in faith, and commit your life to Him!!

Thank you God for your Son, and thank you for sending Him to Save me, and may he reside in, not only my heart , but the hearts of all. amen

John HIcks
Holding on For Life- Grab Hold,,, and don't let go!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Monday Morning! Join me with a hot, hot cup of coffee,,, this is what I dream of for the mornings,, it is like a jolt of lightning to get me started.. what is the first thing that gets me started? Keeps me started,, before the coffee, the double jolt of lightning,, the whisper from God,, wake up! It is another one of my days for my flock,, so get up and enjoy each second of it,, it is yours now! Wow , beats coffee by a million miles! How do you wake up?


You are on a boat,, what is first thing you do when you get aboard, even a row boat, or a run-about.. ? A life-vest! A floatation device to keep you from sinking to the bottom.. keeps you afloat until you get to shore.. If on a cruise liner,, life-boats, floatation devices all around,, and when the alarm sounds, you don't panic,, you just walk slowly to the boats, while getting a life-vest.. a plan in its' own to save your life and keep you from sinking to the bottom of the water and drowning. You prepare in advance for the possible sinking of your boat, that article that holes your life in its body.
How about your preparation for eternity? Have you prepared? I do not want to be a doomsday town crier,, but I have it in good faith, that we all are going to one of two places when we go, and we will go, whether we want to or not.. so all I ask is, are you prepared to go up top to Heaven with God ,, or sink to the bottom,, the pits of hell, with satan? Do you have your life-boat to climb in, your life-vest tucked around your waist, or any preparation at all,, a contract of safety, or anything? Well, here is all your safety devices wrapped into one, and you need to share this with all you encounter,,, just open your mouth and say these words.. "Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior,, will you accept me, come into my heart and body , and give me your hand to the promise land",, then feel the safety belt of security like you have never felt before tighten within your heart and soul.. the feeling of walking on air , here , in the now.... it is a feeling of that cup of coffee I drink the first thing in the morning,, it is warm and goes all the way down...
Come , if you have not,, and join me in the walk of life with my "life-vest of life",, my Jesus Christ, the only way up and over the hole to the bottom-less pit with satan.. come now, and if you have already asked and made the trip to Him,, just do as I do,, stop and re-do it,, for it feels good to just talk to Him or His Father.. so go ahead an grab your


God, thank You for my "vest of life",, Your Son., I appreciate Your sacrifice, and love You dearly for it! amen

John HIcks
Will you put on your vest? Will you cry out to Him now.. or just cry later.. your choice,,, make the right one, please!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Sunday- His day, and don't forget it! Give Him the love and credit for giving you,,, His all!


We have had the best pollen season so far this year.. and I mean by that,, we have had plenty of it! I washed my truck the day, drove to town and back, and it was covered with pollen, again. It is not red now, but yellow. I have sneezed some, eyes itched some, and watered a little, head bigger than usual feeling(Ha), and medicine can only do so much. We , in our lifetimes so far, have learned , that each year it comes, and each year, we are going to complain,, yellow ever where,, and then the wish for rain.. and you know what,,, when it seems we are at our "pollen " end,,, God sends the rain! Yes , He watches His plan of reproduction of plants, food for the bees,, and the hummingbirds,, all unfold without a hitch.. a plan of perfection,, and then He watches his weakest faith of what He created,, man,, and then I can imagine God, saying to all of Heaven,,, listen to them,, instead of tasting the sweetness of the nectar of the honey, gazing upon the flowers, and knowing that latter the apple, the pear, all the other things that the bees has and will pollinated,, they are complaining about their cars, and their noses.. so I guess I will wash the area.. and He does,, the "yard streams" are running yellow,, and we all cry out ,,,,, "Thank you Lord, thank You Lord"! He smiles at the praises!
Then other things will crop up that we will complain of, and things we will celebrate with praise,, just no pleasing us,,, but the one thing we can all depend on....


Lord, thank You for You, and your forgiving heart. amen

John HIcks
Trying to be humble to Him, for all that He gives,, we give so little back,, we need to change,, yes we all need to do better... let's take the pledge,, live more for Him than for us.. will you?

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Hello Saturday! What a day!!! Do what you want to do,,,but do it the way God would approve!


He is alive, and well,,,still accepting souls,,,still loving,,,still caring,,,still walking with us,,,Let's all stand up, and shout with all the breath in our lungs,,,,Now, together let's,



Thank You God for us Your Son , and the way of Him to You, amen

John HIcks
Talking the talk,,,how about it ,,,want a conversation with God,, then get on your knees, and make a few dents in the ground,, start of with , "Hi God,, here's what is on my mind, and what I want to say from my heart,,,," , the rest is whatever you want to say,, so go ahead , have a great conversation,,, I just did!

Friday, March 25, 2011


FRIDAY-TGIF: As I watched the moon set,, yes set , early in the morning,, then as the sun came up.. I was in awe, at how these two were so precise, and you know we can't even fathom how to do that.. a warm temperature for the day,, and lots of light, then night, cool to rest and sleep, and just enough light to get around in.... oh my , is God not big, and so smart and wonderful, to build such a magnificent works of wonderment, then give it all to us?

Prayer Today: For God to bless those less fortunate than us, & take some of ours, and give them.


Play of words,, one does not , I hope, actually & physically do this . We say this as someone who does something stupid, and we say , hey don't burn your bridges,, for you may have to re-cross this same bridge. Even though we say this, and we know it to be true , we tend to light a match, and burn, burn,, our so many bridges of life, and find ourselves setting on an item, we wish we could re-visit.. but to no avail,, the gorge is to deep, and to wide to jump, and we have nothing to rebuild this bridge we just burned..

Guess , what,, there is one bridge , if you do burn,, you can rebuild,, if you don't wait to long to do it,,, it can be rebuilt, or repaired , so one can travel the way past the dangerous gorge,, safely. Rails that will not let you even tilt,, even a guide to walk you back across, to the other side, then a welcoming party of billions, trillions! Wow, what is this miracle of re-building are you talking about? So simple! We all sin, and come short of the glory of God, and we all do this by ourselves? No, we make the decision between two,, satan, or Jesus. When we choose satan, we are putting the match to the wood,, with a touch of lighter fluid, burning that bridge of life. Yes and as we walk on,, we will see more gorges,, and when the time comes, we will fall with that burning bridge , right down into that bottomless gorge, screaming from the burn of the flames on the trip down, and the tearing of the flesh... I want to tell you, I don't want this ! How do I put out this fire of my sins? Simple,, just grab your Jesus, accept Him as your lifetime companion, ask Him to forgive you of your sins,,for He can, satan can't.. and then just walk in faith and do as the Bible tells us to do.. walk across that bridge,,, lean on the rails(Jesus), and be supported , no flame, and as you walk through life,, you will find that all gorges are bridged up with the supports of Gods Angels, for He will not let a splinter touch His Son,, and with you with Him,, your trip is safe and non-burning,, supported by


Thank You God for my bridge of life support, Your Son,, amen

John HIcks

A little long today, but how short is the trip,, so to take a little time to pre-pair, keeps the feet cool and not stepping on hot coals, right,, the question is ,, prepare, or not to prepare, YOUR CHOICE!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Thursday- Up and atta em! This is another one of Gods' treats,, another day,,, to serve and glorify Him,, so let's get to it,, make Him proud!


(Look at the text today, and you put the red where it is needed for you)
Deeds left, those are the ones that all here on this earth, that remains after you have gone, that your piers that are left will judge you by. Their conversation will be ,, how good was he/her, what did he/her do good,, or bad,, was he/her ill tempered, or mild manner,, was he/her helpful, was he/her funny,, was he/her a delight or a plague to be around,, and most of all ,, does anyone really miss him or her? Yes , a lot to thank about of your legacy of what people will think of you.. if you worry about that sort of thing, and a lot of people absolutely do! But,,, they are not what your final and most important judgment will be.. what your final deeds will add up to. what you sent on ahead to that book of life of yours.. and only yours.. yes , you do have one, we all do.. and the deeds of here are recorded there,, the good, and the ugly! Now , are you thinking,, well maybe I had better put an eraser to those already done, and walk a little closer to that eraser from now till then? Huh? Well how about it.. are you going to step before our Almighty God, the final judgment , with just yourself and this book of deeds,, or are you going to step forward with who you have accepted here, before, to be your "after attorney",, the one who will step beside you with one foot ahead of you and say.. Father , for the deeds of bad,, they are mine, paid for by me..please forgive them and let them enter... yes this is the one I want too,, to be at my side now, and then, so today, say , for here forward, I will walk with my Jesus, and let Him deposit my


Lord, I pray that we all live in a way that our deeds pave our way to your house for eternity. amen

John HIcks
Doing the best to do the best as I can,, I stand not behind the cross, but out front , defending it to the end,, and will never falter.. will you join me at the front? Don't be a behind the scenes person.. stand out,,, so all can see! Will you?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Wednesday- The ole middle , the "hump" day! What will be foremost on your mind today? The week-end, the next day, an event, an appointment? Yes, the appointment,, we all have one,, we should make sure we are ready for it.. right?

Prayer Request: For the parents of Little 11 year old Savannah who lost her battle with cancer yesterday at 12:18. I ask for relief of the grief of pain for them,, and I say, "Heaven , you have received a great gift".


Almost all you do today have a pass-word of some sort, some where, computer, savings, entering a contest,, you name it,, they want a pass-word, or pin number.... I have so many , I can't even remember my own name.. for they say , when you enter a word for your password,, don't use the same one,, for it can be stolen. I have very few accounts that I use a password on , and I still forget to write them down, and then when my computer re-boots, then I am for an hour, just getting back on one account, ha! Now I have learned to write them down.. I had thought of putting them on my computer for safe keeping, then my "red-neck" brain kicked out and my regular little brain kicked,, old age is a struggle, ha! Do you have the crazy passwords? I have a simple one,, for what I know on the computer, I want some smart alec to come on here,, they will then feel sorry for me and add something good I hope... well enough of that,, I just want to remind all of you,, that you have your password to Heaven. and it is the same as all of ours,, can't be stolen, can't be copied, can't be destroyed, and once you have it,, it is yours for an eternity.. you just have to ask for this one,, and it is


Lord, thank You for my Password to You and Home.. amen

John HIcks
We need to all use our Password to Heaven every chance we get by testifying to all we meet, and tell them the wonderful , old, old story of God and His love for us....How about it, want to share your Password with everyone? I do! Come join me in a crusade for Christ!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Tuesday- welcome to another of God's great days. may you walk through it with eyes wide open and not with your head under a sack,, for no matter , sack or not, your are still responsible!

ME,, or HIM!

Through this life you need to make decisions,, decisions that will effect you forever!

You need to decide to put "Me" first,, or put "HIM " first! That is the decision to make, now you say it... go ahead, say it,,, ME or HIM,, then ponder on it, and make a decision,,, accept or not!

Lord, I pray today,, that decisions will be from the heart, and not of the mind. amen

Have a great and happy day!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Monday- Welcome to the real first day of spring! I have waited for this all winter.. I love all seasons, but this is the start of my favorite one! Be cautious about planting for we will have some more cold morning and it could be work for nothing,, be patient,, and for me that is a lot of being patient!

Prayer of Hope: For all those people in Japan,, the horrible destruction, the lost, the unknowing, the radiation , the thirst, and the hungry,, God, I pray that you give them all forgiveness for what ever, and now give them healing,, food, water, clothing, dwelling, and I pray that we can all send help through you God,, please bless them all.


What do you think He will see? How do we look as He passes by our House? No prior notice of His coming! Get it,, His coming?
I have seen on T.V. a lot of the older towns that have lost industries, the devastation of buildings, in industrial areas, and in the home area,, you can see , almost all the hope gone!. There are streets, that one does not walk down at night,, and sometimes not in daylight. There are bullets that rattle through windows of homes,, striking any one,, maybe not a one targeted, but just gangs , putting the word out, they are in command, they own you.. also bullets flying through school bus windows with kids on the bus,, crouching down, scared to almost death,, and parents, looking, asking, what can I do.. some are banded together and trying with the Lords help.. and prayers to Him.. and as they ask , He is helping them as more comes forward.. and folks this happens in our healthy cities and towns also,, our own big, medium and small cities,, communities,, and we as citizens are letting the decay slip into our own neighborhoods.... we must coral it now,, stop it in its' tracks , or we will be ducking behind any and everything, while hooded boys and girls ( and a lot of older sorry men hooded up too) take to our streets and do the same as in the gang related places... yes we , as Christians, and responsible people must walk our streets with the preparation of keeping them ours,,, at all costs... for I want a good safe and clean town, neighborhood ,, how about you?
When you see a bright shiny car, with a custom paint,, custom wheels, it may be our main man,, Jesus Christ cruising through town,, or neighborhood, and I want Him to see our place, and our "hood" out testifying, showing our belief in Him, and not being afraid of re-course of our next door neighbors, or any one else,, just being true to our God, and letting all know ,, that we are looking forward to our Master and His

Drive By At Any Time !

Sign at all Town Limits should read,, Welcome to this City of ____, a Christian City!

God, I thank You for giving us the ability to show You and the world,,, that we do believe in You, and that we worship You, and only You, and that we all stand tall, not wavering, not bending, for You and for Your Son who is our way home,, to You... & may You continue to bless us and forgive us.. amen

John HIcks
I stand, I show, I place my cross , I talk, all of Him,, and I invite all who will,, to stand next to me, talk about Him to all you see, hold your personal cross of Him,, dear to your heart, and give your all with me to Him and the glory of His name! Will you all join me in this stance to keep our neighborhoods, and our towns, satan free,, and full of Jesus Christ?

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Sunday, welcome to this great day,, as all, may your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, may good luck pursue you this morning, and all the days forward... by the taking of Jesus to your heart and all the places you go!

GOD'S GAS STATION (Filling Station)!

I was traveling down the road the other day,,and I pulled in to get some gas. It took me almost five minutes to decide how to operate the dang thing,, then I found out , I had to walk a half block to pay for what I had not even gotten yet, and the attendant even said ,, how much? They could talk,, and I said , "I don't know how much it will hold" so just fill it up!" The attendant said, "you have to give me the money for what you want first, then I can turn the pump on.",, Well I finally gave her $20 thinking that ought to fill me almost up.. well at $3.75 a gallon, it got me almost back to where she was sitting.. ha! Well that is about the way it works now..have a discount credit card or pay in advance, and as long as you hand them the money , they don't care what you do with the gas,, oh,, except putting it in a milk jug! By the way,,have you ever really seen anyone get arrested for putting any in a milk jug,,me neither!
Well,, here I go ,, still driving down the road,, and all of sudden I get this feeling that I am lost... I get the map out, can't see any land marks,, then I say,, well let me pull over here on the side of the road ,,looks like an old gas station of sorts.. I pull in, and lean back,, close my eyes, and say,, "oh Lord,, where am I,, I am lost, help me find my way." I open my eyes, and that old gas station is like new,,, bright and shinning,, with angels running all around my car, and around other peoples cars also... I see a sign up over me, that says,,, 0/gallon... I ask one of the angels who was cleaning my windshield,, who paid for the gas,, the angel said,, wait just one minute while I clean your windshield so you can see plainer, wow, there were angels not just cleaning my windshield, but was putting air in my tires,, checking the oil, and smiling, and saying welcome,, and then the angel said here comes the owner.. and I saw this figure of a man,, young, with a smile, arms swinging ever so even and gallantly, but I noticed his hands ,had something on them,, and then I could see more clearly out of that windshield,, it was scares of nail-holes in His hands,, and blood was still running out of those holes.... wow!!! On top of His hat was Service Attendant.. the "windshield angel" asked,, do you recognize the attendant... I said oh yes I do.. and the angel said,, well that is who pays for the gas around here,, and that is who told me to clean your windshield so you could see where you where.
Then the attendant said to me,,Now that you have seen,, may you know that I am still here ,, with the same ole "filling station" as always,, no changes, just giving you the service of my Father,, life eternal, at no charge,, for I have paid the way,, and filled you up,, with faith, love , and hope...You all come back again real soon!

Then I awoke from my closed eyes stance,, with wide open sight of where I was, where I was going, and who had just filled my tank of salvation for free,,, and who was sitting next to me in the car...

Have you been to an ole fashion "filling station" lately... just look to your right,, on the side over there, where ever you decide to pull over and call out,, "FILL ME UP , LORD", close your eyes, and watch the angels and the attendant come running!!!! For He was there then, and He is there right now also.. so call out, and see Him come to your window!

Thank You Lord for a message from a little ole remembrance of how it was. amen

John HIcks
Some times we think of how it was, but you know, He is still the same as when He was here,, it is just us ,,that has changed... By the way,, how many of you know what a "filling station" is anyway?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wacking down the Cross!

Saturday- Up and at'em this morning with a love of your Lord, and to you, and all around you, yes a big ole show of Love , today! Come on, you got it in you , to at least show a smile,, once started , then it just becomes bigger and bigger, right into a show of Love.. ah yes!

An Announcement : Welcome to this world, Dylan Maddox Gibbs, born 3/16/11 @ 3:43, 6 lbs. 7 ozs. Congrats to Maribeth & Sammy,, and of course the grandparents also.. welcome Dylan to the Hicks clan,, welcome!

Today, I received an email, that I want to share with all of you,, and it is like a lot of Christians,, I usually don't like to put these on "My Thoughts" ,, but this is special.. and thanks to Di for it.
Please look at it from start to finish,, it says a lot in pictures alone!


Awesome!! We complain about the cross we bear but don't realize it is preparing us for the dip in the road that God can see and we can't.


Friday, March 18, 2011


FRIDAY-TGIF: Wow! The W/E! You have planned all week, slid from Wednesday to now,, only eight hrs. (if the first shift or get off at 4-5), bamn , right into it... what was your plans... "lots of doing", such as shopping, playing, relaxing, sleeping late,, and it will be so much fun , for "lots of doings",, is so much better with someone with you! Oh? You did invite Jesus to go,, didn't you? Wasn't He in your "plans of doing?"


Don"t let anything, your past, your self-reliance, your sins, anything, keep you from Christ. Instead, reach out in faith, and commit your life to Him!!


Thank you God for your Son, and thank you for sending Him to Save me, and may he reside in, not only my heart , but the hearts of all. amen

John HIcks
Holding on For Life- Grab Hold,,, and don't let go!!!!!!!! Put Him in your everyday life of "doings"!

Thursday, March 17, 2011



Thursday- Happy St. Patricks day! Better wear some green or get pinched? Ha..
Late again on the "Thoughts" , can't seem to get this new time down.. overslept again! Wow.. is retirement rough! Ha !


Do you feel the pressure around your shoulders, the tight force pushing inward all around you??? This is the ARMS OF GOD around your shoulders, squeezing and hugging you!!! He is showing you His love ..Go ahead,squeeze back, let Him know you love Him !
Yes,, cross your arms around your shoulders, squeeze and see if you don't feel something, good. When you do cross your arms onto your shoulders and squeeze real hard, say , I love you God, and I can guarantee you ,,, God will


Lord, I feel your loving arms, and I pray that you continue to squeeze me, and all who reads this. May you forgive us of our sins, as we forgive all who might have sinned against us. amen

John HIcks
Feeling Him and Believing In Him!!!!! Faith,, is what it is called!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Wednesday- Hump day for the week! If you hit the slide of life without Christ, you will not only get a few splinters, but a "butt burn" also.. to avoid this , just ask Christ into your life in all things you do, and slide cool!


I listen to the news,,,and I wonder, just how did we survive another day in this nation...with politics gone to the dogs in most cases...movies can't run without dirt,,,then I look at the "third" word nations,,, Japan, Hatti, and I thank God for what we "do have"...
Plenty of food,,,dwelling,,,(warm and cozy),,,clothing,,, T.V.,,, cars,,, games,,, jobs,,, love ones beside us, or at least we know where they are and that they are safe,,, and most of all,,,FREEDOM OF RELIGION, FREEDOM TO WORSHIP OUR GOD!!!!!
We can worship as we please,,,I can write this each day,,,you and I can tell the old,,old,,story of God,,, Jesus Christ,,, we can pray in most places ,,, with no whips,,,guns at our head,,,no jail for shouting out our convictions,,,if we all look around,,,I think we can see,,,that is if we really open our eyes,,, we can see the work of God,,,the answers from Him, to our prayers,,,we can actually say ,,,yes


Lord,,,I pray to you, to continue to bless us all,,,,and I also thank you, for all the blessing you have bestowed upon us all...amen

John HIcks
Thankful for His presence,,,,and His blessing to the good ole USA,,,and letting Him know,, how I feel,,, let Him know how you feel,,talk to Him,,,it's cool to talk to Him,, so do it!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Looking To The East!

Tuesday- When you wake this day,, be thankful where you are, give thanks to God that you are here in the USA, then pray for those in Japan.. those survivors in the quake area.. who are hungry, thirsty, cold. and looking for love ones.. not knowing where to look,, they carry only hope.. Pray for them with earnest, and ask God to put a helping hand on them!

Looking To The East!

I have heard in all kinds of posting on e-mails, Face-book, in magazines, all kinds of communication... that the end is coming, it is at hand, get prepared, if not, for the end is here, quakes, floods, weather off it's rocker.. we are hit with famines of thirst, food, , yes we are in the latter days... and we have been since I was a little boy setting on those old benches listening to those preachers, who came down out of that pulpit, pointed fingers, hollered, with the Bible opened in hand, and no coat,, wet with sweat.. but screaming,, be born again or go to hell,, the end is near.. I agree,, it is neared than it was at my young age.. the preacher was right, be saved by the grace of Jesus,, or die, and go to hell.. yes the end is coming... YES , He was right then, and the truth is the same , right now.. but as far as the end coming.. it is.. but the when is not ours to know, but Gods",, for Jesus even said,, only the Father knows that time!
God gave us the signs to look for in the Bible,, and yes they are being completed one by one, and getting to where I see it,,,, closer and closer,, but still ,, only God can know , and will only, when He is ready... So now, live with faith,, but live with Him, and accept Him,, then live, and don't worry about the end.. for the end is really,, only the beginning! Agree? Until then,, live sin-free, with Jesus, and keep your eyes


Lord, I pray for those who have survoried the quake in Japan, I ask for Your mercy and help. and I pray for all those here and in the world also. I ask for you to take pity on those gone, and bring them to your bosom.. amen

John HIcks
Looking to the East, and looking forward to seeing my Jesus,,, for I know that He is all good, for I know from where He comes.. are you ready? really? If no, get ready,, for we all need to be born again of our Jesus... please do this!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Monday-- Sorry I am late, but body was still on old time,, no need for an alarm clock , just my old body, and it worked the same.. wow,, aren't they smart ,, better to have an old one, than none, huh? Plant this day with sunshine from the heart, and let the blue stay in the can... o.k.!

Prayer Request: Two today.. one of prayer for all those in Japan.. May God have mercy now, and give them the helping hand,, and cool those reactors for them..

Second one, is a prayer instilled in me from my Nephew Paul.. we as "so Called Americans, people of faith , that of the Lord God,,had 60+ years to take God in force to Japan,, and now so many have died and gone without the knowledge of Him,,, I ask that God forgive us here, for not doing more,, and that we do take what we spend on our buildings and recreation at these houses,, for the bigger more beautiful, even in glory to Him,, but we take it and pay our missionaries and send them not only to Japan, but continue to send a fleet around the world.. instead of only a few, to these countries of other faiths. Tell the old , old story of God, the beginning, the story of Jesus, His saving power, and Heaven and how to get there.. throw your money to God, not to the building and the contents thereof.. but to the ministry for which it is suppose to stand for.. and that is THE GOSPEL OF GOD! Let's don't lose anymore outside of our country,, and within our country also.. for we need the missionaries here just as bad,, come on Christians, lets. show people we are Christians... Plant a symbol of your faith, a right foot forward, a hand held Bible high towards Him, and a voice of testimonies of His word, and your faith...
Yes,, God almighty , I pray for all those victims. and I also pray for us at the same time.. for , forgiveness of our cloaking of our faith to others that are met face to face.. that we quit turning our heads , and stand for You ,,, my God! Amen

That is enough for today,, and I feel like we need an old time tent or bush-arbor revival.. how about you all,, some shouting, singing, and some praying, and some rescuing,, saving by the grace of God... yea,, yea!

John HIcks
Yes, It is God Almighty or nothing, ,, who are you for..or really for not,, and not just "surface for"?

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Sunday- Another one of God's days,, He gave it to you to enjoy,, now go out and do just
that ,,, enjoy!


"Do It Yourself" to the rescue is as complete a statement as it can be in accepting Christ! No one can do this for you , only you can do this yourself. Don't wait on someone else to do it for it is not possible for that to happen. You must do the asking, yourself,, and nobody else.
Tools needed? One soul (yours), bowed head, bending knees, commitment, and most of all a confessing heart of all sins committed! Now, you have done DIY! You are finished except for the interfaith you must have and keep..
When you take this to Jesus and ask Him to accept you, then it is done, and you have been, rescued
and saved not by yourself on the saved part, but by


God, thank You for Your son,, and giving us the way, and the only way, to enter Heaven, amen

John HIcks

Done my DIY! Have you? You have the tools, yourself, and Jesus!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Saturday- A great day to all on this glorious morning, & may God put a "happiness/enjoyment pill" in your heart today so that you will have one of the greatest days that you have ever experienced in your life,,, and when you swallow this pill,, it does not taste bad , but gooooood! Go ahead, start enjoying!

Prayer Request: For all those in the quake area of Japan,,, I pray for God to hold them all in His hands and come to the aid of their suffering giving them relief and comfort as best that can be had in this area of destruction.. God bless all the people!


We all know that the signs of times of the Lord returning is more quakes and plagues on this world... and now we are having more quakes that we know of, wars, and more wars. the surrounding of Israel, the plagues of hungry in large parts of the world, and greed abounding in this country as others... Is it time for the return? No one knows , except out Father in Heaven.. and all Jesus has instructed us on ,, is to be ready at the flickering of a candle going out. I only say that we all need to be prepared.. it may be in a second, or a million years... but to be prepared... is keeping with the word... and that is the tremors that we must hear most.. so I say to you ,,, accept Jesus Christ, testify of Him,, and testify more often, stand for Him, not away from Him, and do not follow the lust of this world.. then "when", is not important, but how you are prepared within the now,, when,


Almighty God,, I and all who reads this , come to You with a confession of our sins, and asking that You forgive us of our many wrong doings in this world, and that You will lift us up to Your bosom when the time is at hand.. amen

John HIcks
As we turn on the news,, we hear, we digest in moments of the happenings, but the one thing to remember , we know now what goes on around this world in a matter of seconds, as to where 20 years ago we did not.. so as we get smarter???? What happens next????

Friday, March 11, 2011


Friday- If you are carrying a heavy back pack of problems,,, and it is weighing you down, breaking your back, plus your spirit,, then hand it off,, to that guy who is walking beside you,, He will carry it for you and smile while doing it.. go ahead , hand it off.. His name is Jesus!



This is an old saying,, and it sure does apply to God and His Son. If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you accept God as your Living God and only God.
He accepted you from the beginning, and gave you the choice to accept Him and make the circle complete, from Him , to Him. a perfect circle.
He gave you life, He gave you a life also, He gave you the chance to save this life,,,and once you have accepted Him,,, then you will know what the saying above really feels like,



Lord, thank You for loving me, from the day of conception to now,, and for loving all those others, for I know You love all,, not just one,, and those who are lost, as well as those who are saved.. again, my prayer is , I love You , and I thank You , for being You. amen

John HIcks
Yes, I know Him , and I can say within my being, and I can say it out-loud also,, I Love The Lord God! Can you say it,, out-loud?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Thursday- Good morning, Last night you were so tired, you lay your head down, and slept,,,rested so good and peaceable,, now as you awake, you are full of energy to do it all over again today.. and don't forget to thank the "rest element", and the "energy element", and where it all came from .. God Almighty .. for He gave you both, just a little thanks will do! O.K.


When you accept Jesus as your Savior,, it is a feeling of utter warmth, energy that flows through as never before, then the feeling of relaxed, the feeling of let go of all those things that were weighing you down.. making you walk funny, yes , funny, like your head, almost that of a bobble head on a dash board or back window of a car.. ha.. really..your head and your heart is so full of love and forgiveness at the time of acceptance, it actually makes you cry, tears of happiness,, flowing uncontrollable.. wow , what a feeling!
Yes , you have become a Christian, or you have just re-dedicated you life back to Jesus.. and you feel like you can conquer the world, and you can,, but do it a little at time.. for if you rush head long , wide open, you may "overbalance", and run headlong into a brick wall...sort like a "burn out" at work,, so I say to the new Christan, be a "Baby Christian" first.. feel the feeling, let it warm you, then study on the words of the Lord, decide just what it is you want to do,,,, don't worry about people knowing that you are a Christian, for the glow on your face and your new actions will tell them that.. so before you grab your cloak, and go buy your tent,,, just do like a baby, and first , learn to set up, then crawl, then take that first wobble step, then the real walk, and learn to reach,, learn to talk,, learn to forgive, learn to pray, learn to love real,, to love all, not just a few,, THEN,, stand up, walk, and talk the word of God.. take His Son by the hand , and walk the path of righteousness for all to see, be an example of realism of a child of God,, be then a working Christian, for first,, just relax, and take it


Lord, I ask that all those that come to You, me included, that you teach us your word, your way of what You want us to do, and then give us all,,, our direction that You want of us. amen..

John HIcks
Every day with the Lord is a glorious day,, thank of an eternity with Him,,,so why aren't more making the reservations with Him and not the other way around,, just does not make good sense, but I will continue to pray for all them, and for all of us also.. that we can continue to carry out burdens .. how are you doing with your burden,, if it is heavy, just stop, pray, and get the helping hand you need.. have a great day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Wednesday- Hump day,, are your ready,, have you prepared your slide? Have you polished your slide of the future days with the gospel word of God... or are you just going on a care-free slide of destruction... Get the brand name of the best of the sliders wax,,,, the " Jesus " brand! It's free and is easy to apply to your slide, and the slide of others you know also!

Prayer Request: For a friend of mine who lost his wife Sunday.. William Simmons of Ms. Pray for William , his son, and his daughter.. pray that God will give them all comfort and understanding of their lost.


Today, a message from an email of a friend of mine.. we all need to be prepared.. we never know when we will be called.. but what we need more than anything, is more of Jesus within ourselves.. and if we will let Him in.. not just into the front room of our bodies, but to the main room , our hearts, and then our minds will work for Him,, and we can share Him with all we meet... So , today, I ask, I dare, you, to open up,, take all of Him,, and then shout to the world of His saving power.. now, in the now, the while I can,, will you help in telling


God, I ask today, You re-touch all of us,, within our hearts,, and put your blessings on our mind and our tongues, and let us live and breath Your Son, our Savior, to all we can see and tell.. amen

John HIcks
For all we do, there is always more we can do.. we all need to pray for strength, and forgiveness, and bigger lungs for the air to help us shout the word of God... come on ,, take a deep, deep breath, and holler!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Tuesday- Good morning,, For we all have sinned and come close to damnation,, and yet we know better, we still sin! Why? Judge yourself, think about it, and then hit the knees.. I do each day, for I am man..

Prayer Request: That God will continue to bless the USA!

Wagon Train Syndrome

What is a "wagon train syndrome"? It is when someone travels in a group, never lets anyone into their area,, and when you do get accosted by someone who wants into your group, you holler out to all of your wagon train friends.. quick someone comes ,, circle up and keep them at a distance ... for you are afraid not to be liked.. and to be hurt. You do not trust anyone , except these friends. You stay circled, more than you stay open.. even denying it to yourself, daily.
Now,, I ask these two questions. First , are you a Real Christian? Second, are you a Wagon Train Christan?
Real Christian: One who believes in Jesus Christ, has accepted Him as their Savior, believes in all of His teachings, tries to live as He directed, and always looks at ones self, before casting the stone, & welcomes all who come to Him,, and walk openly with all who claim Him and also walks with sinners,,testifying of His greatness.. trying to reach , rather than boast and live as best of an example of a Christian, always acknowledging they are still a sinner, for they are men.
Wagon Train Christian: One who claims Christianity,, but walks only with chosen ones,, who are , or make them popular.. one who judges quickly, tempers quickly and reckless, testifies only of themselves, walks openly but withdrawn to their own special choices.. never walks across the tracks to where the example is to be shown,, quickly is accosted or questioned of their belief, will boast of it, but if approached to occupy the space of their everyday life, will quickly call for their special friends and will circle to keep other from invading, instead of opening of arms and welcoming all to enter into His warmth and saving power..
Now the choice to make from everyone, and this includes me.. is a review of ones self,, ones true belief of Jesus, of the way He wants us to live, to act toward our fellow man, to stop and help the ones in the ditch,, throw out the life line or throw the stone.. we all must ask ourselves , are we


Lord, I ask that you take away satan from all of us, and let us open our arms and heart ALL the way for Jesus to enter into each and every one of us.. amen

John HIcks
Sounds like judgment,,but not,, only reflections of where, we have all been , and maybe some are still there,, I have been there, and thank God,, I reached for Jesus, and folks ,, He grabbed hold of me tightly, and daily I have that ole satan, nibbling at my toes,, for he never gives up.. but neither does my Jesus and who is the stronger? by faith, Jesus is always holding on..

Monday, March 7, 2011


Monday- Something to remember on doing a job justice...Any man who can drive completely safe while kissing a pretty girl, is simply not giving the kiss, the attention it deserves!

Prayer Request: for those who are living in greed today,, such as the gas magistrates! This is my belief.


This is short story, but long at the same time.. This happens in a state & country, where religion is banded,, there are no churches standing on the corners, or in the country.. if caught even praying in public or even in your house,, death.. Now this is a real police state, right? I would not like to live there, neither would you,, makes the USA, a real heaven on earth.. yes it does. for you can bow anywhere you desire here yes if you desire! Wish there were more desire! Back to the story...
In this police state, there was a house holding a meeting of Christians about 1/2 mile out of town... to get there was difficult to do.. for police where standing at the city limits.. and this one Christian lady wanted to go and decided,, well I will.. so on the streets, and down the road she started to walk.. then she was accosted by a policeman.. He asked the lady,,"Where are you going?".. well being a Christian,, she thought ,, "If I tell him , I am going to church to worship God,, then he will arrest me and I will be killed.,,but if I lie to him,, then I am not a real Christian, and I will not be standing up for my God". She pondered , and the policeman again asked,, "I have asked you for the last time lady,, where are you going?"
The little old Christian lady closed her eyes, and said to herself,,, "Lord , what do I say?" , and a voice said to her,, say,,, this for I am with you... and this is what she told the policeman,,


Yes the Lord will provide,, no lie from that little ole lady... and our God has a great sense of humor also... for He will take care of us in any circumstance! Believe and you will be saved..
Do you approve of the Lords choice of words to have His flock to come to the Shepard?

God, thank You for being with us at all times. and thank you for lightening our hearts at times.. amen

John HIcks

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Sunday,, I put a coaster under my hot coffee cup,, to keep the burning heat away from my desk, simple, what do you put on to keep the heat of hell away from you? Simple also,,you put on the cloak of Jesus, SO SIMPLE!


These will be remembered by , not me or you, but by God, and recorded in the book of life, so when you engage the hinges of your jaws, please, as I have said in the past, first,, engage your brain!!!!

God, please give me the good sense that when I speak , that I will do two things, 1. I will talk as if I am talking to YOU, and say things that you will enjoy. 2. Most important, I will say and talk only about the things that You approve of. amen

John HIcks
Fired Up! and praying that my jaw hinges are will oiled by my God, and not by me, for His oil is everlasting, never needs changing!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Saturday- Today , pray for our soldiers,, they are out there either in waiting to go, or in harms way.. they are all a group to protect this great nation,, and they are not paid enough to risk their lives,, but when one is killed, please use the freedom he has given to you, to let him be buried in peace.. and not go and have a demonstration at his burial... you have that freedom , but as a veteran, if it was possible, I would have yours revoked, and you deported to the area of his death. God bless our veterans!

Prayer Request: For Christy Hicks, who has been sick for quite a while now,, and also her family , whom has had some sickness within all of them.. pray for a speedy recovery, and home bound to a life as she deserves and wants,, the life of serving her God and family. Prayer will work wonders..
Prayer of Thanks: For God being with Debs" Mom,, she is doing better..prayer works,, believe me.


When man was put here by God, you can not imagine just how happy God was.. for if you really look into the area of the Bible of the garden,, God came and visited Adam and Eve.. He walked the garden and looked for them, to visit and "socialize" with them. Then came the serpent, then came sin, then came God's anger. He made a decision,, then and there,, that man shall die, and go back to the dirt from which He had made him... but God is great,, and God still loved man,, a God fearing, non sinner man,, God came to mans' rescue so many times... perform miracles for us all,, that we have today.. yes today.....
Because God loved us so much,, He took His Son , who had done no wrong, setting beside Him, sent Him to earth through a virgin conception of woman.. born as a man,,, grew up as a man, went through some of the things as we would,, hunger, thirst, and had to work, as a carpenter, then came forward to teach us of His Father, who loves us so much,, but no,, we would not accept the Son at the time,, so God in His plan, had Him nailed to a wooden cross by the very people He had been sent here to save,, and killed on that cross.. , and as He died, HE called out to God,," Father forgive them for they know not what they do!", just like His father, only love, no hate,, then He said, " I commit my soul to you , Father". Even in death,He was His Fathers Son.. and even as man put Him in a tomb , sealed it.. God removed Him from that tomb , alive, and as He walked this earth again , then rose to be at His Fathers side.
On His stay here, He had told man,, you can not come to my Father except by Me,, for that is the only way you can overcome death and destruction of your soul. Yes , Gods plan for us,, to not die and be lost forever, but to live again, just as He had breathed life into Adam,, He gave us life, if we would just come to Him through The Son,, do you realize now,,, God never stopped loving us,, but He did discipline us for sin,, but gave us the ultimate of all, His Son.. would you? NO, we say yes, but no, we would not... so let's all hug to the only living , loving God ,for their is not other,, drop these so called "idols" here on earth, and worship Him, alone, and thank Him for that one,.. that one


I pray, and I pray that all who reads this, God, thank you for Jesus, and giving us redemption, so that we can overcome death, and live with You in the end.. amen

John Hicks
So into my God, that I not say enough,, and pray that all my acquaintances will say more than I, and together with our God, we will conquer satan and all his sinful ways.. God bless this world, and all in it...

Friday, March 4, 2011


Friday- and TGIF- Today, be a breeze,, and blow a smile, a hug, or a kiss to someone and make their day,, and just a little smile will brighten ones day,,yours and theirs... so blow gently around and don't miss anyone...


Today, take the "World" and make it your "looking glass". To the ones who are to young to know what a looking glass is , it is a mirror. As you look in it , open your mind to the world around you. See what is happening, who is involved, and where you are in this overall picture. What is happening, are you involved? Or are you sitting on the sideline and letting all pass you by?
Do you see God, and His Son , Jesus , in this life with you. If that answer is yes, then in what capacity? I am not putting anyone on the spot to go out jump, dance, or shout to the utter loudness of your voice, but just what are you doing? Are you living to show that you are a Christian? If you do not see God or Jesus in your reflection, get on your knees and ask them to come into your life , for your reflection can go away in an instant. I have to look at myself daily, and pray for His forgiveness,,,, for I am a sinner, but I am a praying sinner, and He does look after me in His own way. Look, examine yourself, and pray for what you maybe don't see in the


Lord, thank you for all I have , and for being in my reflection, and I pray for you to be in those who read this. amen

John Hicks
Maybe you will need to use a little Jesus Windex to make your reflection a little more clear? How about it.. do you reflect like you want to? Well?

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Thursday-Taking up the Cross of Christ is either black or white; I will or I won't. I accept or reject Him. There is no middle ground or gray area. The gray is automatically "unbelief." Praise God for all who have chosen to take up the cross and follow Jesus. TAKEN FROM THE CROSS ACROSS AMERICA


What is wrong with this heading? How do you surrender, before you fight? Should it not be turned around? No, not by a long shot!!!!
First, SURRENDER your soul to Jesus, accept Him into your heart as your savior from satan and death.
Second, FIGHT against satan and all that he stands for, by using your CROSS OF JESUS as your sword and strike swift.
Now , you can begin your personal crusade for your God and His Son, and watch how many "wins" you will now have with the force of God on your side. Now , as you step forward,,,


Lord, thank You for accepting us, and giving us the sword of faith to fight satan and all his works. Let us be a marching force in Your name as we go forth in this life. amen

John HIcks
Sword in Hand and Ready to Fight For God and Son!!! How about you? Are you all talk, and no do, or are you for real?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Wednesday- HUMP DAY! Ready to start your slide? To Where? The week-end,, next month, next year,,yes today is HUMP DAY, and you can decide where you want to really make your slide exit,, so think real, real good.. where you want to slide to? Big Choice , huh?


Help!! I am surrounded by sin, and corruption and I am trapped.
How can you escape from that siege? It is so easy , but it is strictly up to you.
A choice, by you and only you. Pray to God and ask Him to send His Son , Jesus Christ into your heart and soul, then you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, then,, there is a force that will enter you and you will never be surrounded,,or captive,, by any one,, ever again. He , Jesus, will set you free from satan and all the sin he has put on your back,, Yes, only Jesus can break this circle of sin and grief that surrounds you... so call out,, be released and be saved by the power of God, the Son, Jesus! Call out now,, and be saved,,, This is a promise from God, the Almighty.
So , to escape from this circle of sin and satan....just


Lord , please hear these cries for freedom and release them to the protection of your mighty arms. I ask forgiveness for this world and peace throughout. May you place in my voice and the voices of all who read this, the words that will bring the lost to you. Forgive us of all our sins. amen

John HIcks
The Match of God is your hand to strike against satan at all times,, that mighty match is Jesus, the Son of the Almighty God... so hold Him in your hand as you walk the streets of this world, and your life.. be ready ready to strike against satan at all times....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Tuesday- As you awake today,, raise your eyes to the Heavens, and first say, thank You Lord for this day, and second, Lord come with me to wherever I go,, for I want you with me , for I am glorified to have you walk with me, and am not ashamed to have you by my side for all to see.


What is a "Christian Donkey",, it is neither horse nor any other such animal.. It is stronger than any other donkey, or horse.. it is more stubborn,, it is more able to walk futher, bray louder than a horse or another donkey... You can put one in front of sin, but you can't pull him to it.. he will just set down and refuse to move...but then when left ,, he will stand and go to where ever is the right place to graze and water. .. but be there for you when you need a load to be carried... so let's don't be just an ordinary horse that lets just anyone lead them to ... overload them with stuff that is unacceptable to carry around.. prance to show off their saddles and bridles..but be palin like the donkey, just a plain ole blanket , if they have even that, and an ole rope hanging to be grabbed by someone who needs some real stay power and don't mind hearing a little braying once in a while.
Well, I believe I want to continue to be a "Christian Donkey" and bray out loud just that fact,, a donkey today,, and yes a donkey tomorrow... just what a Christian should be.....


God , thank You for giving me the chance to be a Christian, and may I carry it with the stability and strength of Your word. amen

John HIcks
Yes, a donkey in life,, I've been called worst , ha,, but examples seem to have staying power than just a compliment.. Christian, or not..that is the real question...