Monday, July 28, 2014


MONDAY! A great day to awake to ,,, in His world,, His gift of another day,, for too many take this gift as a "gonna happen,, will not end for years",,but each second, minute , day, month, years, are planned,, and we need to use them for on He knows of that time of cancellation of this world! Not trying to scare people, but preparing people, myself included,,and yes there is a difference of being scared, and being ready! Do you agree or disagree? Prayer Requests: For that special person who will be receiving their biopsy results today, may they be good, but most of all , they will be God's. For those unspoken prayers from a friend, whom God knows who, and whom the prayers are for! For Israel, that they continue there quest for their survival of their land that God has given , and promised them, for with HIS promise, no one can overcome that promise, but we still need to pray for them , for WE are put here to help them! YES we are! God, I pray to You today,, for the forgiveness of this world of Yours, that You still have the mercy to forgive us all of our many, many sins... for we all have sinned. amen John HIcks Today, I go to the eye surgeon to start my consultation, and the setting up of my cataract surgery,,, I have a double cataract,, one in the middle of the left eye , and one on the outside of same eye.a.. which gives me only a halo sight in that eye.. kind of weird to finally understand the reason for that look each day... I ask that God continue to guide me in all my needs, and all of you to remember us in your payers, and that God grant me the continuation of His work, in all the ways that He shows me to do, and His way is the right way,, I believe in that with all my heart!

Sunday, July 27, 2014


SUNDAY! When one door closes, another door opens; but we so often look so hard and regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the so many ones that open to us. God is continually opening new doors to us,, and only closes those of sin,,, upon request from us...... FOR He IS EVER PRESENT! Beware! For there is one very evil , who lurks through the night, through the day,, at all times, 24/7.. who is working at a100 % of his time to lure you into the bowells of a burning hell... he puts up billboards , he runs ads on t.v. ,radio, networks of computers,, mouth to mouth,, in all areas he can.. he will step into a situation, make it a terrible scene, hurt you, mane you,, break up your marriage,, send your real friends away, replace them with terrible others. He will make you drunk, hurt back to others, even kill,, YES,, this is the most evil thing on this earth. He is worst than any monster you can fathom up.. Godzilla is only a toy to him, a rattlesnake is his whip,,, a pitchfork, is his stabbing tool.. his breath is of fire. His friendship,, his control,, will result in a burning hell forever.. this thing walks around us ,, everywhere ,, there is not place he is not there, working harder than any one we know.. who is this thing??? he is satan,, he is the devil,, he is sin,, he is death,, CAN he BE STOPPED? YES,, BY THE ACCEPTANCE OF JESUS CHRIST,, AND he WILL BE STOPPED ,, DEAD IN his TRACKS! Jesus will become the barrier around you , and you can walk , talk, sing, play,, all with ease,,, with happiness,, no traps,, and life eternal with Him in His Fathers House,, YES,, just by calling out to JESUS,, You can defeat this 'EVIL THING" ,, THIS satan.. so do it, and BE FREE,, DISMISS satans EVER PRESENCE! God Almighty, thank You for Your Son, our salvation from satan and all he represents.. and that Jesus is not only Yours, but ours also.. amen John HIcks I can see satan daily,,he will enter my domain, of body and mind,, and I daily ask God, and Jesus for the strength and for their surrounding love and protection,, and when I feel like I am bending,, bamn! They straighten me up.. Who is your straightening pole? Make that choice now.. don't wait,, satan isn't.. he is hard at it!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


SATURDAY! Welcome to another of His days,,, and may we use it as He expects us to do! Maybe if we do use it as HE expects us to do,, some may have to change their plans... Are you one of those? If you are , then thank God for His following COMPASSION What is compassion? Webster states it as , "Mercy". Do we have it, as was intended for us to not only have, but distribute it abundantly. It seems as if we eliminate this on really bad crimes, attacks on us by force or by mouth, and attacks on our friends, country , and yes even our church. We have a built in hold and a release button on compassion. We seem to let it out only, after we check to see ,if it is out in the open ,where "we" will be recognized for it and if it makes us feel good!!! This is not what real "compassion" is all about. When you see something that is bad, or someone hurt, compassion is needed, and think about the lost souls , who really need you and me!!!! Do you give out compassion for them, just as you give it out for your accusers, or the personal crucifiers to you? THEY need it just as bad, if not more, so in all you do to your accusers, crucifiers , & the lost, ,,show much , much compassion to them and remember, when we appear in front of God, do we not want COMPASSION,,,,,, (MERCY????) Lord, may we give more than we receive,, on all we do! amen John HIcks Trying to be compassionate, but always falling short.But the good thing about our God, is the using our time to confess our short comings, and asking for strength... how about you, need an energizer to boast your "compassion"? Then seek out the Lord, for HE IS COMPASSION, 100%!

Friday, July 25, 2014


FRIDAY! Well, here I am , back on Yahoo... and with their promises of better service,, I will have faith and try to stay with them! for faith is what our lives are based on by our God, so we need to practice it with others as much as He does with us, of forgiving us, and with the faith that HE knows, He made man, and there are men who find favor from Him ,,, or we would not be.. so, let's practice what we "preach"! O.K.? So let's all start out with this,, let's all become a "MULE"! Why a mule, you ask? For a "mule' can carry more than its' own weight,, so we must be that strong, and carry the needs and help that are requested of us,,, no matter the tolerance we must go through to carry these things, and from who! Now, you know what you are, and what you must do of the starting of your today, what your journey is, and what your load is, and even though you may not know of the complete load you will carry,, it will be there, & if you are needed to carry it, you will throw it on your back, have the faith that your back will withstand that load, for your spine is from above on faith....and carry as you journey through this life! Now,, not many would put up with a man calling all of you, including himself this morning... A MULE , NOT FOR A DAY, BUT FOR LIFE! Lord, I have so much to be thankful for, and so little faith, but lots of love of You, and I pray that You will give me, and all who reads these thoughts,,, the strength of this "mule",,THE FAITH to carry Your will, and Your messages daily, for the rest of time that You shall decide to give me, and us. amen John HIcks So glad to be back here and doing what I truly believe is God's work, and may we all realize that to carry a load, we must have this faith,,,, THIS FAITH OF A MUSTARD SEED, AND YOU SHALL BE ABLE TO MOVE MOUNTAINS! A promise from Him!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


WEDNESDAY! The day the "camel" runs wild! Ha! Yes, we hear more on the "camel" than we hear on or about God! Now what is wrong with all of us... we are human, and we seem to follow what is today''s "tradition"!,,, and right now it is his turn,,"to let the "camel run loose and let's plan the W/E!" but don't forget to use those words "if it is your will, God"! For without His involvement, tomorrow is not a promise, only the now! Thank about it as you make your plans! Prayer Requests: For Israel, as they seek those who want to destroy her, even in using human shields. and deliver her from all those who do not believe in her! For Dominic Rowland, a three year old young boy, who fell from a balcony on Tuesday. Dominic is in The Children's Hospital, in an induced coma. Please pray that God will shine down on this young one and heal all of his problems from this fall! LORD, LORD , HOW MUCH MORE DO WE WANT? This morning as I watched the night come to day, and during a time I was alone, except for little Pug lying at my feet so faithful,,, and so guarding of me.. I looked out into the dark, and thought , Lord, thank You so very much for all I have, and all You will give to me in the future! Then as just fast as I said this to myself, it hit me just as fast of just how do we really think of just what do we have , and are we thankful, I mean really, of the warm, the dry, the comfortable of what we live in, just how much more do we have than others in this world,,, those who live in "third world" countries, in cardboard boxes, gun patrols walking past them at all times. and will shoot them for little of nothing.. so horrible, and those who are gong through the piles of garbage looking for food,(little one also) ,, just scraps of anything they can get past their noses to eat and survive.....remember all that extra food, or the food some young one said "oh no, I don't want that tonight, I want a pizza!" so you threw out the good stuff and ordered the pizza, and you did not know that later some other kid was checking our that "good stuff" to see if it was still edible! OH DID I SAY THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES?,, FOLKS, IT IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA , RIGHT NOW, YES RIGHT NOW... FOR we throw away enough to feed the world, yet we have kids in this country who patrol garbage heaps to find enough good food to survive.....sleep in cardboard boxes... and yes gang members who roam the streets , armed better than our police force..with no fear of them and will shoot anyone who gets in their way.... and then the light starts to appear from the night into the light of day...and nothing changes for those above, as we say,, oh that is sooooo bad.. you really mean it!!! but then we let it go....right here in the USA? and then off we go,, and I mean we,, and go about our daily business,, and oh well,, maybe "someone"will take care of this,, for it really is not my business! BUT IT IS OUR BUSINESS AND I ASK AGAIN,,,,,,,,,, LORD, JUST HOW MUCH DO WE WANT! AND HOW LONG WILL YOU KEEP GIVING? AND HOW LONG WILL WE LOOK THE OTHER WAY! GOD HELP AND FORGIVE US HERE IN THIS , THE USA!!! God, I pray You show us the way,, to help, and to be more of a people that is of shared "things" with our "shared profession of faith and spirit of You. amen John HIcks Sometimes , you wonder where God is at a certain time, and just what is He doing, and believe it or not,,, HE is right there talking to you!!! "JOHNS' BELIEVE IT OR NOT!"

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


TUESDAY! As we slowly open our eyes from the nights sleep... what do we think of first? 99.44% of those wake up with this thought: "what time is it?". Yes , that is a fact, you can take to the bank...even the retired do it! We as humans are consumed with "time"... as if we just can't get enough of it! And we are always looking for the way to extend time,, especially the time of our life here on this earth! Some seek the miracle cures, the super duper vitamins, exercise beyond that of just keeping fit.. and of course,,, that fountain of youth! Humans look and look and all they have to do is look to God, accept Jesus Christ as their personal and only Savior ,, and then they will have all the time ever, the time that never ever ends,,, YES,,,GOD'S ETERNAL TIME! Lord, I pray that all wake to the realization that the only "time" they have , is through Jesus, and only Jesus,, amen John HIcks Make sense this morning? Now as you have those eyes wide open, make the choice,,, if you have not already made it... for time may be closer,,,, than you think!

Monday, July 21, 2014


MONDAY! Good morning to all! I pray that all woke this morning well, and with God at your side, by your choice! This is the greatest feeling of waking up that there is,,, for each day as I open my eyes, I wonder, what do I have in store for today,, that I can testify of my Lord, and what He is not about to give me, but what He is giving me right now at this moment, His love, and life here , now!! God is always GOOD! Remember that with each breath, and each word, and with each action of your body! Prayer Requests: For Marc Boyt , Mike Boyt's son, who is still in ICU with internal bleeding, pain, and sickness... please pray for the doctors to find the cause and stop this hurt, and cure him of all these things. For Wayne Boyt, who has lost his wife , Cathy, (Mike Boyt's brother), please pray that God will wrap His arms around Wayne, and give him release from his pain of lost! TITLES! What tittle do you hold? Father , son, Mother, daughter , brother, sister, CEO, Director, General Manager, President , Senator, Preacher, Deacon? We all have held some sort of a title,,, and some of them give us the control over others , as far as the outcome of their lives. I am sorry to say, I have experienced some of these decisions that I have seen, that has affected others lives so very much, completely changed them, and their family! Most management groups are a tight group, and make decisions of these kind every day, with no concern for those whom are affected! They go about their live as usual,, while others scramble to see what they will do,,, just to survive! And this is in this country, a country of the Free,, A Nation under God! It makes one wonder, what will come tomorrow, when in days of old, and the USA was for the USA first, we all had more security, more security with those "titles" that made our working lives each day! And what does this have to do with the reason of the "Titles" this morning? Only one reason, when the time of JUDGEMENT comes... all of these titles will not be any help...the CEO will not come first, but maybe last... or by his or her deeds, first with a smile.. but God will not judge by Earthly titles, He will be looking at only TWO TITLES, AND THAT IS THE TITLE OF CHRISTIAN, OR NON-CHRISTIAN! Which one do you want? for the first is the one we all can have and all we have to do is accept Jesus Christ as our Savior,, and we have our title! Lord, thank You for giving us a choice of accepting Jesus for our Salvation, and that that choice applies to all, and needs no title.. amen John HIcks Have a great day, and do it with God leading , not following behind you!

Saturday, July 19, 2014


SATURDAY! Good morning on this first day of our week-end! Let's all start it off with Jesus as our Savior and our Heavenly Father as our one, and our only God at the helm of our ship of life!,,, will you do this, if not for me, for yourself, at least for all the children of this world! Yes all the "Children Of This World" For they are the future of this world, if God so decides that this world continues, and yes,, that is another truth, HIS WILL! Not ours! Now, I want each of you that is reading this, to understand that the future of this world is from what your children, all the young children of this world, are seeing you and your actions,,, and are learning and forming just how this country, this world will prevail...YES THEY ARE! God gives this choice.. to live as He would live, and how He planned for us to live,,, and yet as powerful as He is,, He is first LOVE, second, Patience,, and right now LOVE is prevailing, but Patience is coming in at a quick rate,, and it is up to us, and I mean each one of live, to teach , and to act as we would , like God wants,, our children to grow up to be like and to keep this world known as Gods World, not ours, and continues to exist only by His love... So how do we do this,, each and every day? I will just say that by the words of my son, John Jr.,,, these very words ,,, and they will and I guarantee that they will make this world well, healthy to the point we have not seen in multiple years,,, so what is this great thing that will make GOD PROUD, AND TO FORGIVE THIS WORLD,,, and then keep this Earth in tack and let it exist, and make it and us a success , in spite of our selfish selves.....and it is just this simple for each of us DO EXACTLY , WHAT YOU THINK JESUS WOULD DO!!!! God, I pray that today, this moment, that all the people , of all the world, will not only adopt this as their motto,, but that they will DO IT! amen John HIcks A parent, who is trying with all his might to take, heed, and practice daily, the simple, YET so very important statement of his own sibling! May God bless each of you, and instill this message into your brain!

Friday, July 18, 2014


FRIDAY! TGED! We,, and that means all,, seem to have certain days of more religion, and some days less religion,, just according to the time and the place! Offend anyone? You all know by now that I usually don't choose my words or theme by who's the most popular, or the cause of the day , or month... Today I am inspired to use as the theme just what I put after "FRIDAY"...and that is TGED! Most would put TGIF, and so did I as a more or less joking because of the w/e.. and off from work for two days in a row...but after Perry Livingston sent me this listing of TGED and as I have listed in the above,,I keep thinking every Friday,, after posting the initials of TGED.. and that is what we all should be doing... thanking our God each and every day...not just Sunday mornings, and night services, Wednesday prayer meeting,,, or any special meeting,,, and that only church will save you, or following certain big named evangelists! But each day,,, I read on Facebook of the more "correctional Christians",, and that is the more lean ones, who lean towards the "let's call it o.k. right now", and later we can join the "oh my goodness , that is so wrong!" , then you also see the most staunch ones,, the one way, and that is it! As I see the world, of who is right , and who is wrong,,, it makes me think,, what is right ? Really right? And this is what I say,,, THIS WORLD NEEDS MORE OF GOD WORSHIPED IN IT,,,and what is wrong with this world,, GOD IS LEFT OUT, EXCEPT WHEN NEEDED, THEN CALLED FOR,, LOUD AND CLEAR! and yes, I have just judged this world.. but I call it " my opinion"! You can call it what you want,, for you have that "opinion" also,,,, but in the final day of judgement, only one will be the supreme judge, and will judge with decisions that not one can disagree with, not you , nor I ! Now, I ask today,, NOW , RIGHT NOW,, THIS MOMENT, THIS DAY, THIS TIME OF YOUR LIFE,, HOW DO YOU FEEL, AND WHERE DO YOU STAND, TGED,, OR COGJWIIC? THANK GOD EVERY DAY! or "call on God just when it is convenient"? Prayers For : Those who have loved ones in the Malaysia Jet that was shot down. That God guides, and stands beside Israel on their quest for peace. John HIcks Now, said, my "opinion",,and waiting on YOUR "opinion"

Thursday, July 17, 2014


THURSDAY! Good morning to all, and what a great day it is,, waking up with God at my lead,, my Savior Jesus at my side, by request,,, and proud to proclaim His word to the world,, and the many, many blessing He has bestowed upon me! One is being able to stand up in a free Nation, and proclaim what I have just stated above... and just how did your day start? With Him or without? This is a choice that He gave each of us,, and we must make that choice, and I know you have heard that saying,, "once you have may that choice, then you must live with it"...Right? Well folks this morning, I will make it short, and say just this,,, this decision of accepting Jesus as your Savior, and believing in the Father , God Almighty, a choice that you not only live with the rest of your life, but into eternity,,, now does that get your attention? Prayer Request: From Judy Scott Thompson:My Uncle, Frank Gramke passed away last night. Would appreciate prayers for the family. He was my only living uncle on the Scott side of the family. For the State of Israel,, to continue to have our support and to defend Her right of being that State that She is today, by proclamation from our Lord and God! Please pray that our leaders also will remember this pact with God, and with Israel also God, I pray for the above, and that you will permit the United States of America, to show to the world, WE ARE A Nation UNDER YOU, and that YOU are our ultimate supreme commander! amen John HIcks Standing as tall as I can reach, for my God, and my country,, and you? Where do you stand today, and will you stand , and also voice that opinion above? Well? Will you?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


WEDNESDAY! As we walk forward to meet this great day,, that no man could have made,,, let us all thank Him for it, and let's walk with Him by our choice,, and be proud of it!!! Let us have no other idols before us,, but let us have eyes on that man that died on that Cross, for you and me, His name is Jesus, and only by Him and this Cross, will we ever make it to Heaven,,, Now you can take that to the bank of God, for there is your reward! Have a great day, another of His! Prayer Request: Prayers for Tim Spires, in Wanda Hilley's church at East Thomaston, who has been diagnosed with a maglient brain tumor.... Please put him in your prayers,,, as ways to do treatment are explored. God can and does create miracles - maybe there is one in store for Tim....Thank you all for your prayers! Prayer of Thanks: Amanda Newby is at home, eye operation is a success, and we give all the credit to the Lord! Lord, We all ask for the prayer above, and give thanks for all those answered, and Lord, we have the faith, that we know that our prayers are answered, even when we don't understand them, we know your plan is in effect..not ours, amen John HIcks Have a great day, this day of His, given to us as a gift! Think about it, He can take it at any time, and He could have done other things, for those six days of long ago!!! Yes , He could, so maybe a great big ole "THANK YOU GOD!"

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Call on Jesus!

TUESDAY! And as we travel yet another day down the lane of life, do we stop long enough to say, "Thanks, Lord, for traveling with me, keeping me close to You, and for loving me , unconditional!"? If you do not do this, then your life is that with a feeling of "something just does not feel like my life is complete",, and without Jesus as your Savior, your life is not complete! I pray that this day of these thoughts, that ALL,,will bow down, ask forgiveness,, for He can forgive all, and all you have to do,, IS JUST ASK!!!! AND BAMN!!! YOUR ARE FORGIVEN!!!! AND DON'T FORGET TO FORGIVE THOSE WHO HAVE SINNED AGAINST YOU,, FOR THEY GO HAND IN HAND! Lord, forgive those who have sinned against me, and forgive me of my sins, for I am a sinner, and I pray for this world, that You forgive us as a whole..amen John HIcks My heart yearns for all to receive the same Jesus as I have, and join in this same crusade to spread His word,, and to loose our tongues in His name, and proclaim Him King of Kings!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Time of Yours

MONDAY! Welcome to the new week,,,, actually the second day of the week,, by the calender, but look at the Bible and it becomes the first, for on the seventh day, God finished our world, and then rested on the seventh! Maybe man needs to remake the calender, and make it by His word? Your interpretation? Prayer Requests: From Kala Phillips:I am asking everyone to please remember the Waston family and the Driskell Family in your prayers. I just found out, that they lost a family member by the name Theron Watson. So please remember them in prayer. Rip Theron Watson. You will be missed by so many. Prayer Report: Charles Brookman had heart pains, and fainting problems, but admitted to Hospital, tests showed negative, and other test are being done.. Praise be to God,,, and get well quick Charlie! AND AS THE CLICK OF THE CLOCK TICKS! We as humans, look to the second, the minute , the day, the week this life , as forever,,, even as we age,, we just don't get it! We ,too are part of nature,, we are born, we die, BUT God made us in His image, gave us the gift of knowledge to know right from wrong, and also the domain of all this world.. over all the other living creatures, but we need to know, we need to realize ,,, that with all we have, all the riches , all the failures, all the successes, all the pain, all the good feeling, the good times, the bad times,, GOD IS IN CONTROL,,,for remember as above ,, He gave us the control over all other living creatures,, not over everything, and folks, stop and think,, GOD IS EVERYTHING! We are just made by Him and when our time is finished here, back to dust we will go...BUT,,, He gave us one other of His GREATEST GIFTS OF ALL,,, JESUS CHRIST, HIS SON! VICTORY OVER DEATH! Now, as we face death, IF you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior,, then you don't have to fear that "back to dust", for that is the body only! THE SOUL WILL LIVE FOREVER AND EVER, IN THE HEAVENS OF GOD! Lord, I pray that ALL will see, feel and accept Your Son, and as the dust settles on this land, they will see from above, with You. amen John HIcks Is this, today, solid enough to get your attention, that if you do not know Jesus, then you are lost forever AND IF it does what it is intended for it to do... then this post this day, is well worth all the gold and all the wealth of this world , of His, and His along... don't try to claim Her, for you are only a visitor here,, accept it,, and be happy for your time!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


SUNDAY! Well,, again, I had to walk out and take a look at that beautiful moon! God gives us so much, we pass by more of His beauty in our lifetime,, than all of the world will see...yes, there is that much beauty! When you just sit around, turn your head,, when you are riding(not driving), look around, and when you are out on your morning or evening walk,,, look around,, for there is so much beauty,, if you look hard, you will miss it.. just relax, and see how just a vine can intertwine with something else, even the briars,, those little loops that wind around something else to hold it up as it reaches for the stars,,, Yes, beauty is everywhere, and why not,,, for is GOD NOT EVERYWHERE? YES HE IS, SO AS YOU LOOK, YOU ARE SEEING GOD! God, thank You for your Nature, and Your love of this another one of Your days given by You,, amen John HIcks Servant, and proud to be ,,, how about you? Make a choice, make a difference, for without the right choice, all is lost!!! Replies?

Friday, July 11, 2014


FRIDAY! Late this morning, for I was up late with a big "high" hit of my sugar! Finally got it under control after midnight, so then after waking many hours, through the night, we finally had our coffee, and reflected on how great God is, for when you need Him, He is there, and then when He corrects your mistakes, heals you or gets you back on track, there He is, still smiling, setting right next to you,, forgiving, and still loving, just as much as He did when He made us... and at times regretted He ever made man, but thanks that He always found one with goodness to gain His favor ,, and He has so much love, well ,,,, here we are,, aren't we..... so this morning, I would like to reiterate a post of a friend, and re-post her Friday's quote of the day, that I think is very appropriate for the way most of us should look at our start of our day, not just Fridays, but all days... HAPPY FRIDAY!! Friday a day given with love from our God, and no matter how you feel of the body, it is with the heart, that you re-act... so re-act like He did this very morning, and give some love to the ones you see, or talk to today! Make them smile, but most of all,, make God smile, and within yourself also.. for you know, love does that,, doesn't it? Thank you Di! God, give us the strength to not only react with question, but to react with love first, and if we want to imitate, let it be You we choose over all else. amen John HIcks Remember, Jesus is our Savior, and He was before this world, and also remember when God made us, in His making, and in His wisdom, God saw ahead and knew that the Cross would be the one thing that would hold us together,, so look up Lou Giglio, and refresh your super module make up, that of Laminin! Have a great Gods day,, for it is from Him, and of Him!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


TUESDAY! Good morning on another of Gods' days, who has given this day out of pure love of you, and of me!! Are we special? YOU BET WE ARE!!!! for God loves us all, and more than you or I can conjure up in a lifetime, He gives out in seconds, of each day! Mind boggling , right? Well, that is our God, the only and so great, yet so loving, and so patient with us,,, or we would as of this second be no more,,, yes,, that is our God! TRUST AND OBEY! As we all, and all man does this,,, look for that fountain of youth to give us our eternal life, so that we never die here on this earth.. when all we have to do is TRUST in God, confess our sins, and accept Jesus Christ as our own and Personal Savior,, then live as He says for us to live, and yes we die physically here on earth, but we , after this death, rise, and live in an awesome life of no ending, for all the joy, love and the want of nothing,,,,so why do we go off and hunt this fountain of a figment of our imagination,,, when all we have to do for eternal life is BELIEVE IN HIM, AND TRUST AND OBEY HIS COMMANDS, AND LIVE FOREVER! God, thank You! amen John HIcks Trusting , and obeying as best as a man can,, how about you? Still looking,,, or made,, or making the choice?

Monday, July 7, 2014


MONDAY! As we start this week off ,,, how will we start it ? Will we just wake up, rub our eyes, think that all this around us just happened, then go on our merry way, or will we ask God to join us from the opening of our eyes,, and then we show our ENTHUSIASM! As we go through life,, we tend to do so with a lot of enthusiasm. It is the way we are built, but we sometimes get the wrong enthusiasm, and the wrong emotions. Websters definition of Enthusiasm: intense feeling. We tend to lean to the side of ourselves as we show this "intense feeling", and we tend to first watch out for ourselves. But first,, we should do as we are instructed by our Lord,, and as we keep ourselves, love ones, and our friends, with a great "enthusiasm" within ,,, we should stop, and put Got first,, ahead of all, and with the greatest of all our ENTHUSIASM,,, PROCLAIM HIM AS GOD,,, OUR ONLY GOD TO ALL !!! Lord, please give us all this "enthusiasm", BUT, let us channel it for You first, us last! Then proclaim You as our ONE AND ONLY GOD! amen John HIcks At times my enthusiasm, and my emotions of openly talking about my God, and my Jesus overflows,, and I do not apologize for this overflow, but I do pray for that same flood of enthusiasm, and emotions cover this Nation, and this world! How is your enthusiasm and emotions today?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Waking up with God, Rather than without!

SUNDAY! I am compelled to put the thoughts today of the one that I posted on Facebook earlier! I will add,, that as my bride awoke, I celebrated the day thus far, with hot biscuits, bacon, tater tots, fried eggs(in bacon grease), and of course with that southern country white gravy! Now folks, no matter the money you may have,, we are the richest in this world, for we have Him and all these "things"! Have a great day,,, Prayer Request: Prayers needed for the Passmore family. Lori's sister n law Loretta Passmore passed away yesterday morning unexpectedly. ESP remember Jimmy's brother Gene Passmore, their son Tommy, and grandchildren Austin, and Nathan...thanks. Also, keep the family of Chais Boyt , who passed yesterday,,keep all of the family in your prayers,, for to lose this young man is so tragic to them all, and please pray for his girl friend, Candice White who lost the love of her life! We will all keep all of you in our prayers ! THE WAKING OF WITH GOD, RATHER THAN WITHOUT! Good morning to all, My first cup of coffee at 4:oo a.m. this morning, as I set under my carport, and pondered in the night, the might of my God, and the trust we all put in Him,, and how good He is to me, for granting me another day,,, my favorite time, the morning, with coffee in hand, my dog Pug at my side, my wife fast asleep,, and just the three of us, He, me , & Pug,,,,under that carport,, talking ,just as you and I would, Crazy? Yes, about the works and the love of my Lord, and as some are suffering from lost, and other things,, I still do not question His greatness or His why, but trust Him in all I do, and love Him with all my heart and soul. Just had to tell of this great experience of a day that started with Him, as I arose and asked for Him, He never fails!!! A testimony from John Edward Hicks , Sr. May God bless each of you today, this another of His' days!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Independence day from satan

THURSDAY! One day to go to Independence Day of our Nation! But, let's all start early today, and celebrate our Independence from satan! Let's declare this day, and all days forward, as Independent Days from satan, and Dependence Days from our God Almighty!,, and how can we do this, stay independent from satan, and all those things we want,, that he makes loom in front of our eyes, for they are always just the things we want and desire, & as the old saying goes for us big eaters,, that everything that we want to eat, is wrong for the body,, SO, how do we stay independent of all these temptations? WITH JESUS AT OUR SIDE, BY REQUEST, AND THE FAITH WITHIN, THAT HE IS? Lord, I ask that all understand this message of Yours this great day that by Your will , we have and will enjoy,, as long as we have You , not just beside us, but within us also!!! amen John HIcks Enjoy God's gifts to you,,, for to Him ,,, we all are special,,, so go ahead and brag anyway that He is YOUR God,,, and let's put a smile on His face, for we have done so many things to Him, that if He was not God, we would be no more, and "that's a fact jack"!