Monday, October 31, 2011


MONDAY! BOO! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Tonight will be a night of ghosts and goblins,, trick or treat... I know lots of Churches had theirs last night,, to just help the children keep off the track, and also a lot are having them tonight... all in all , it is a good for the kids to dress us, get out and have some clean fun.. and have this fun at church. I pray that God will be with all tonight, and keep the real trouble makers at bay...

Prayer Request: Little Joseph has made some progress of regaining his different senses.. so don't stop praying,, we know not what God has in His plans for this little man.. but let's just keep asking Him to please spare him and to heal him...

In all these things , we have full victory through God who showed His love for us. Romans 8:37

Take Him At His Word!

When it comes to healing our spiritual condition, we don't have a chance. Our only hope is that God will, step into our ward of hurt and helplessness. Which is exactly what He has done.
I wish we would all take Jesus at His own word,....... when He says we're forgiven,.. let's unload the guilt, when He says we're valuable ,.... let's believe Him.. when He says we're provided for,... let's stop worrying.
God's efforts are strongest when our efforts are useless.. sooo, whey do we try to second guess ,, when we should be listing and

Taking Him At His Word!

Lord, Thank You for your word, and may we all take heart in what you have told us,, and believe in it enough to stop worrying.. and to live,, as you want us to live. amen

John HIcks
Listening.. how about you?

Sunday, October 30, 2011


SUNDAY! HIS DAY! is all of them, right?

We know the love that God has for us, and we trust that love. 1 John 4:16


You can't take the wet out of water and still have water. You can't take the heat out of fire, still have fire. In the same way you can't take the love out of God, still have God.
For He was, and is, Love. Probe deep within Him,,, explore every corner,, search every angle,, and what will you find of God,,, Love is all you will find of Him.. From the first story ever told , to now, the present,, and all you will find from God is love.. for


God, thank You for You and Your love.. amen

John HIcks
Stop,, close your eyes,, and you too can feel the love just oozing all over your body,,, go ahead and ask, let Him in,, His love abounds, and He gave you the choice to make,, let me in,, or not let me in,, is His question to you.. now what is your answer?

Saturday, October 29, 2011


SATURDAY: CHITTLIN HOEDOWN! Here in Yatesville , Ga. where you can see from one city limit sign to the other one,, separated by one caution light... is the day of days for a little town! Fried or boiled chitterlings,,, and if you don't like that,,, bar b que chicken.. then the crafts,, the home cooked greens, and cornbread , fried pork chops or chicken with all the trimmings,, and surely sweet tea.. come one , come all,, and while eating and mulling around the festivities,, drop by "The Cross" Ministry , cross factory and garden,,and pick a small cross to take home and place in your yard,, to show the world, you have the right to do it,, the freedom that no one can take away, and as a testimony of who you believe in! They are free , paid for by Him, and given out to you!.. come take one , and put Him in your yard to let all see this symbol of Jesus,, whom is yours, and theirs,, just for the asking! If you are too far off and cannot come to the festival,, just put that cross, into your heart,, for it will surely shine beyond all obstacles that may confront it!


You know life is like a candy cane,, it is long, hard, looks great,, has a path way of red , round and round,, and after tasting ,, it is sure sweet and tasty! I would say everyone in the USA, has had at least one candy cane... but as a candy cane is licked to the end,, so must our lives end someday also..
But you know , life is like a candy cane in this way,,, once you have tasted it,, and follow that path of red,, round and round,, there are choices to be made,, do you lick it fast,,or slow to make it last and you savor the taste longer? Do you stop to take a drink of water as you go. to relive that all too sweet taste... do you offer any to others,, or just gouge it up,, all alone,, with no one to share? Questions of life,, for you must choose,, and the one I suggest you ask to join you in this "candy cane" of life , is Jesus,, for at the end of the cane,, the last lick,, and all canes have an end, and to that end we all go.. I would want Jesus beside me licking that

OLE CANDY CANE OF LIFE? How about you?

God , thank You for Jesus, and I pray that all who can speak , will speak His name to all who talks,, and take Him with them where-ever they shall go. amen

John HIcks
Yes, I have licked my candy cane, fast,, and now I look back,, and say to all,, I am grateful that I did look around as I licked,,, and seen Jesus and asked Him to accompany me through this life,, and as He has said if we will call, He will come... and yes,, He did, and still today,, we walk together,, who are you walking with and sharing your "candy cane" of life with?

Friday, October 28, 2011


FRIDAY-TGIF! Well , finish this day and , here it is,, the "week-end"! Made it, slow and easy,,, continue on the slow and easy,,, God has given us so much,, enjoy each second of it.... please don't hurry, then look back,, and said, "Gosh , look at what I missed!".


How many of you have seen someone jump out of a perfectly good airplane,, and fall (skydive) down ,,, down,, then pull the string to the chute to open,, and stop their "free-fall" ? Also, imagine falling off a cliff,,, jumping off a bridge,, with a bungee cord to stop your "free fall", just as you get close to the bottom.. Does it give you cold chills?
How about if you went out of a plane,, off a bridge ,,, or a cliff, with no chute, nor bungee cord, nothing to stop your "free-fall"? Let's take the "free fall" ,, our life from start to finish! Take a preview,,, you don't have that "safety stop". now look out the door of that plane, or over the side of that bridge/cliff ,,, it is miles, or thousands of feet to the bottom,,, all you can see is a little red dot about the size of a "trash can", for it is so far down. What is this little red dot? You guessed it,,, it is the pit of hell,,, burning forever,, waiting on those without a life line.. How many are headed out of this plane, off this bridge/cliff, in a free fall, with no chute, nor life line of any kind to stop the free-fall of life?
Once the fall has started,, and no choice has been made,, no chutes,, no bungee cords,, no safety nets,, no wings of return,,, no stopping,, for YOU have made the choice,, and fall,, fall , you will,,, if you have not prepared for this ending fall,,,,
Yes, prepare,, reach out and grabbed the hand of the Savior. He is now your bungee cord, He is your chute to open,, He is your salvation of life ,, from hell to Heaven, He is your landing from the free fall of life,, and landing with Him , right in front of the Father... saved by the Grace of God... worth preparing for and getting the right equipment... Jesus Christ,, He is my chute, my bungee cord,,so why not make the decision to join me,, and you ask and accept Him also.. travel through this life with a glide of safety,, for Jesus has the domination over satan,, so nothing can happen to you from jump to landing, so go ahead and ask,, for Jesus as you prepare to


God , I ask for all to grab hold of Jesus , the lifeline of this world , and let Him guide us right in front of Your Throne, Heaven and everlasting life, amen

John HIcks
I have grabbed hold of my "lifeline", my Jesus, have you? and have you an extra "lasso" to throw out and wittiness to others of this great safety line that is there for them,,, just waiting to be asked to come to them.. it is our job, our privilege to do so.. so let's do it!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


THURSDAY! Well did you? You know? Did you bring Jesus along on your slide to the w/e and through the rest of your life.. Hey, I forgot to tell you to.. if you slide with him,, it is smoother,,, and you get any splinters for his wood(the cross) it is smooth and perfect for it was all the plan for us,, and planned by the Father... so I choose to slide with my Savior,, my Hero, my Jesus Christ,,, who did you pick to slide with?

Prayer Request : For that person in Whitesville, Tn. that the person will overcome, with Jesus' help... their hurt from looking at the cross on the water tower or the one in their heart,, and that they will find out,, who and what Jesus is all about, and that it does not hurt to love Jesus,,and how much He loves them already,,, for all I know those that worships Him has this little shinny spot on their heart, and you can usually see it shine when they open their mouth and testify... have you seen it on anyone! I have , on many, many!


Have you ever been outside, and hear this thunder way in the distance,, wait, and wait, and don't hear it again,, that is called "gentle thunder", or that is what I call it... It gets your attention.. makes your head turn a little in the direction of the sound,, and then you try to see the cloud.. but just can't quite see it... but you heard it and you know it is out there...
Hey,, did you ever think? God is growling at you about something ever so low,, that you are about to do.. or not do.. or you are doing.. and He is just like your mother, father, or teacher,, just kind of clearing their throat.. to say ,,o.k. stop right where you are, and THINK! THINK!, before you do that or stop doing that, before you hear


God, I pray that we all hear You with that "gentle grown",, and not have to have the big POP! amen

John HIcks
I can remember how dumb I was, and my brother Sam was so smart.... He could hear Moms groan,, I had to have my ear wax cleared before I could hear,, with the whack of a switch... I guess that I always felt like I was right... then,,,but later,, I found Jesus, and God, and I felt the "reality" whack,, and now I hear the groan,, more than I should,, being a Christian does not make you perfect,,but it sure does put the good guy looking after you and forgiving you..keeps satan at bay,,, thank You God, and thank You, Jesus,, and just who do you hear?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WEDNESDAY! Slide day! Have you prepared the slide, or are you just sitting around, letting it go wasted till the W/E gets here... did you do your homework the prior days to the slide? Did you do anything for the Creator, prior, and do you have any plans to include the Creator in the slide to the w/e, and then keep Him within your plans for the entire w/e and the rest of your life? If not,, you need to reflect of prior days, and re -plan your future days!

Prayer Request: For my brother Sam,, who is back in the hospital with colon problem... Lord , put a blessing on this man, and family,,,he is ready for it..

We all have decisions to make,, and our faith is the most important of all to me.. for this is what will not only effect our lives now. but in the eternity , that we all are looking forward to.. and this decision becomes the biggest we will ever make. I have made mine, I have shouted mine, I have displayed mine with all I can do.. but that is mine,, you must make your own.
Making the decisions,, is what makes me worry.. for now , with "The Cross" Ministry,, we have found that in Whitesville , Tn. there is a cross on the water-tower,, one person has said,, they are disturbed by this, and wants it down... and the Mayor has said, they would do this, for they cannot afford to fight the great "freedoms " organization... now I know,, it is a government thing,, but I tell you this nation has survived on God running it thus far,, and will only survive if we leave it for Him to keep being in the top offices and running it this day, and every day in the future.. for we do not have our officials doing it .. and I tell it to the public,, and to anyone that asks... for I will stand up for God at all costs.. but I believe that stance has become some-what thin... for I see light between the lines.. when as a child,, you could not see through this line of Christians.. WHY? For the Christians , real Christians, are looking up to God ,,, and not at the printing presses of the money machine called "government"... now it comes to this,, do we let others make the decision to take our right to show off God,, take our right to display Him,, take our crosses from our water towers.. or do we put them in our yards and dare someone to take it ,,, unless they are taking it up to farther His word.. how about it,,, let me know,, I am taking on some heat right here,, but you know, I have the "fire-coat of Jesus" wrapped around me... but I seriously ask you,,,


Be an every-day Christian or strink back into the dark and only be one when the sun comes out... I am an all time Christian,, and I ask all to join me in that and make a statement.... for without statements,, we are lost.. as a nation, and I will speak out until , will you join?

God, I ask your blessing on what we are doing, by speaking for You, not only in our closets, but loudly from our lips in public,,, and hold us upright in our stand for You and Son, Jesus. amen

John HIcks
This one person making us do the things we don't want to, and was raised with.. in gettin under my skin,,, and the ones who are not speaking up,, has my skin in a rash,., of disgust...please join the fight, by public stating your belief of faith... Your choice!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


TUESDAY! Roll out of that bed,, stand up tall,, and get that body and mind going.. it is a great and beautiful day, a gift, just as they all are,,,so enjoy the heck out of it! Isn't God good? To give you something as big as this world to live in and care for ! Wow! What a BIG GIFT! Now live ,,, for Him firtst,,,,, then yourself!


You first start with just plain ole lemons.. cut them in half,, squeeze them really good(take out the seeds) , pour in a gallon of water,, then add sugar.. stir real good,, put in fridge, let set for 3 hours,, making it real cold, then serve, and taste that cool sweet taste of lemons, still with just a little taste of the tart lemon. Now , that is real lemonade..
What if you just squeezed the lemon, pour in the water , stir, cool real good and serve.. wow! your friends, relatives or who ever you were serving, would give you a real good tongue lashing,, that is after they got their lips to work again.. yes, they might even look like some of the Christians we know, with their lips pouting so as to look just a little on the sour, bitter side,,, huh? You never seen one? Then you haven't been living on this planet! Nothing wrong with a pout ,, that is,, if it is real good one..for a reason ha! All in all ,, we as Christians,, sometime do act a little too serious , as if we have had just a lemon or two.. but being a Christian does not mean we must be just "lip tight" and frown all the time.. we need to add a little sweetener, a little sugar.. for being a Christian is sweeter than being lemonade! It is the greatest thing that can happen to one in their lifetime, and should be celebrated with a smile and love for all, yes love for all, a shout or two,,, to let even the sinners hear , & see your happiness.. ,, so smile, hug your fellow Christian,, don't fight between one another,, but love one another,, and come on,, let's all curl our lips to the up side,, yes come on , it doesn't hurt,, practice, and see, it makes you feel like,, well,,, drinking the lemonade with sugar, than drinking it without.. so come on ,, just like the lemonade ,, we all need just a little sugar ( love & Jesus ) to make our life cool and good... Now , are you a


GOD , Thank You for the sugar in our lives,, Jesus Christ, and may we all smile for all to see that He is within each of us and the smile is our testimony of Him... amen

John HIcks
Sometime,your mind just sends you some things that sound like they are crazy, things when you start to write,, makes you wonder where they come from, then you read it yourself, smile and just know, whether anyone else does or not,, and you wonder,,, and don't know why, while for all is it written,,, , but maybe, just maybe,, for one special.. that one that may come to the Lord, by just reading or listening to you talk about it... just maybe....

I believe there are more happy, smiling Christians, than there are lemons.. what do you think, smiley?

Monday, October 24, 2011


MONDAY! Good Gods' morning to you all... did anyone feel that little shaking going on when you were trying to open your eyes this early morning? It was Jesus,, just giving you a little tug, just to let you know he was already awake, there beside you,,, waiting on you to wake up,, and go with you,, He is spending the day again with you...WHAT! You have not invited Him to be there nor go with you today? Well, then you had better speak up now,, let Him know you want Him,, Don't you dare wait until you are at the feet and in front of the Father.. for there will be a big surprise for you, if He is not along!


When I was just a boy,,, I heard that a lot.. when we would run up on some of the bullies... now , I hear over the news that the bullies are making themselves known more, and more.. I was not the biggest,, but being raised on a farm,, I was tough, and well built. Muscles had been earned,, but those muscles were for work, not for beating up on someone that was weak and not tough.. I was one of those who would walk up , when a bully or bullies would be picking on someone, and ask them. "Hey how are you doing?" then turn and look the others in the eye,,and I mean "that look" that my children can tell you, meant,, pure business! Most of the time,,the bullies ,, whom are just that, would turn and walk off... I never had to get into a brawl...(but a few times), but I could not stand , and still to this day,,,, a bully... Once they are faced,, you have two choices,, stand and fight, or walk away... if you walk away,,,they will "dog" you for life.. I don't mean not to turn the other cheek,,but bulling,, is just that bulling because of number and size,, and believe me.. it can be handled in many ways.. but standing is the one I always choose,, and you know, I would wind up with some really good friends that stuck it out and are still friends..
Now ,the biggest bully of all is satan. Oh you did not know that... who do you think sends these guys,, gives you temptation to follow him,,, to appear bigger than normal... make you feel inferior,, and then lead you down the path of destruction and off the cliff into hell and fire forever...So,,, you stand up to this bully,, and if you will,,, you will see somebody standing right beside you also.. whom can beat that bully satan all the way back over that same cliff he uses,, and right back into his home,, hell..and lift you up to walk straight and tall,, right on into Heaven,,, and when you face God ,,, one day,,Jesus , the one that was standing beside you then,, will be there then also standing still for you. He never left you, once you turned and ask Him to remove satan from your path... Yes.. folks there are a lot of "bullies" out there,, but if you will call to Jesus, they will not be able to touch you ,,, then you will never know bending, except the bowing of your head on your want.. to God Almighty.... yes, there is definitely


God, thank You, for Jesus, and His standing against the bully , satan,, and lifting us up beyond satans reach.. and giving us the chance and the way to You.. amen

John HIcks
I am still standing for God,, and I have Jesus by my side,, today.. Do you ? Will you be a champion , and stand up for them,, in front of all bullies.. no matter what the consequences? Be like our men and women in uniform do each day,, for they stand for us,, and God each day of combat... come on join the Army of God Today,, and let's make sure we all have that same chance to walk the streets,, day or night for ourselves, and for God! Will you?

Sunday, October 23, 2011


SUNDAY! The day of rest is here! Kick back, do something that you want to do today,, have a joyous time,, and ponder in your heart,, the things, that has been given to you , without even asking. The sun in the morning, shinning bright, a warm breeze, or the sound of a bird singing, the rush that comes when you just take a deep breath,,the breath of life its self.. now just think of what you can have, by prayer to Him and by accepting Him as your Savior... you can have both,, Heaven and Earth , for He is that great,, He has already given you one,, Earth, now don't you want Heaven to? I do!

Courage: the one who ate the first raw oyster! and said, hey this is good! Now that is real courage!


Courage by Webster: strength to face danger in the face of fear. As a human, we are weak,, and will not admit it.. but to get strong, we must first face our own-self,, admit that we are weak, not muscles gorging out all over ,but weak in the faith department... Just how do we get stronger.. so strong to be able to stand up to one of these large muscle bound bragging slapping people around, cursing God, and you, and your family idots?
First,, you must accept Jesus,,, and don't worry. If you do this in true sincerity,, Jesus will jump right in your corner... but He will tell you to do a few things.. before you pick up the jaw of an ass, and kick this idot in the same.... first,, forgiveness of this person who is hurting with the tongue,, or the muscles,then with that you turn the other cheek,, and when that does not convince this evil one,,, you just turn to Jesus, and tell Him ,this person is yours.. and whatever follows,, He will be with you.... and what follows, I can only tell you that Jesus will be by your side.. and once you start telling these type about Jesus,, they want not more to do with you anyway,, or they will turn to Him also... so you still come out a winner.. and maybe at times, as God sent the Israelites out when conquering the promise land with swords in hand... and only in extreme times.. you may have to pick that jaw up as last resort,, but when you do, don't worry, Jesus will only help you aim...and put the power of the Father in the swing!
All in all, standing up ,, and talking up,, to the ones you meet with the testifying (out loud) for God and for Jesus is the


God , I pray that today,,, more will convert to You, join your ranks as Christians, and march with You,and Jesus, with a calling out of voices by the billions, of "come join us", and walk with our Father and His Son.. Lord, I pray for this march ,and I pray for it to start now.. amen

John HIcks
Would you march in an Army for God,,, facing weapons of mass destruction? Will you accept Him with this much courage? Will you just accept Him in front of others.. for then when you get to Heaven, you will hear God , say,, "job well done, my good and faithful servant"! Come on , enlist today, now!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


SATURDAY! Wake up friends,,, grab hold of the hand that put you to bed and the hand that has awaken you on this day! What , you did not go to bed with Jesus' hand upon you? You may not think you did..but He was there, with a hand upon your head,, and He is the one who shook you to conciseness from the sleep ,, with anticipation, that you would say , good morning Jesus, let's get up TOGETHER, and let's go out and celebrate this day from our Father,, God,, how about it Jesus? Then just watch as He jumps with joy,,,, all He wants is an invitation.. as He gives one to you.. so let today be the day,, that you say yes to Him. Make Him jump with joy... this is my hope and prayer to all who do not know Him,,, so come one, come all,,, let's grab His hand, for He can hold billions, with just the one nail scared hand... so wake up American and all other countries,,, with Jesus Christ,, tightly in your hand!

PRAYER REQUEST: For the hand of God to touch a good friend on mine, who is sick and about to be turned out of her home.. to live maybe in a car... with a nation as big as this, may God come and put His hand upon you Brenda J. and may you see the way,, that He will lift you up, and give you His warmth, and His way , that He will guide you,,, and you hold tightly on to His hand, for He will not let matter what, He will be there,, keep the faith ,,,no matter how hard,, He will not forsake you..


We as a nation, a land of freedom, founded under God.. are a country blessed as no other country in this world.. At times we forget this blessing, and we go about our business as usual.. until! Yes ,,, until!... it happens! What? Can be anything!Most of the time , it is a tragedy of sorts, that makes us come back to our creator. Then we look around us, and realize just what a great country we have here.. Great medicine,, plenty to eat(most of us), and variety,, entertainment,, transportation,, some good officials.. but we are more blessed than un-blessed. Just look at other countries,, do you want to leave this one? I don't ,, most don't,, and if it came to a forced issue,, they would definitely not.. and believe me , end up in some of the countries in this world, and you would litt kiss this ground you walk upon today....... SO, why don't this nation act like it is a Christian nation.. for we have let our freedom slide into a ditch with the non-believers,, the workers of satan,, now is the time to stop, think just how great a nation we live in, salvage it now,, not later, because later is too late... Salvage by bowing our heads, praying to the one who not only made it, but gave it.. yes gave it.. without Him, it is just a hunk of dirt.. this "hunk" was made by, planted by, cultivated by, and watered by the spirit itself,, non-other.. So come on my fellow Christians, let's ,, as we enjoy our God given nation,, ban together in prayer , and also call out publicly to our neighbors, fellow citizens in a loud voice , we want God back in our Nation,,and then recover our nation, for if we call out He is listening, and He will come to our aid,, all He wants is to hear us ,, and hear us in our sincerity!!!! How about it? Let's bring our country back to the one we can say has


God, thank You for the USA,, and my prayer for today and each day is , thanks, and please continue to let us have this blessing , not only for us , but for the future generations to come.. amen

John HIcks
Blessed , and I know it , each time I wake, I know who rises out of the bed with me, walks through the day with me, and goes to bed with me at night,, yes, He is a blessing to me,, have you called out and got your blessing yet? He is just a breath away! Yes, that close! and it is your choice ,,yes, yours alone, make it today!

Friday, October 21, 2011


FRIDAY,, TGIF! Hey friends,, can I have my job back on the thoughts? I send out a very great thank you to my daughter Dana for helping me out.. and wow , did she do a great job.. Thanks girl,, and I love you .

All of my childre are loved very much,, and if I call on one,, or the other, I know they will respond... thank God for my family! Start yours off with our one in all family,, our God, and Jesus,, who is our ultimate family, and the one family that will be brought together as He sees fit... and what a wondrous trip that one will be.. to see all our love ones,,Wow!

Prayer Requests ,,Report: Dian came through her eye surgery with sucess, ready to do the other eye next thursday, so let's keep her in our prayers.

Little Joseph,, who had the brain tumor, last report,95% gone,, last treatment was this week,, continue to pray for the other 5% to die out also... God is Good,, and may we never doubt or question Him,, for we never know what purpose He has.. so believe, and continue our prayers for all who are in need.... prayer works, so be careful what you pray for ......


I must tell you all some of the trip results from our trip to the Moultrie Ag Expo... we went in a convoy, Martha Stone, Perry Livingston, & wife Wanda, Libby and myself..loaded with 6580 white crosses.. to be given out free(as usual) to all we could do so to... It was for three days.. after set up.. on Monday,, Tuesday it rained like pouring water out of a boot... a real downpour for the day... Wednesday, a cold hard wind, that was about to blow down the tent... and did on a couple of tents next to us... we were grateful for the big one we had with the Baptist Convention Center. Thursday,, a little windy, cool,, but the crowd started coming out ,, we were giving out crosses and testifying of the Lord to hundreds and hundreds.. blessings upon blessings.. testimonials from young , middle age, and older,,, kids wanting a cross to, as one girl ,about 14 told me,, to put in her room ,,just to show it to her friends when they visited,,, and oh yes,, we had 14 accept the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior the first day,, so weather did not deter the ones who helped those who came forward to accept Jesus, we just thank God for them... that made the whole trip worth it all....One little 9 year old girl ran up to me.. and said,, "Guess what? I was saved and baptized three weeks ago!".. she was still so excited , and if you talk to her, she knew just what she had done... We had some people ask for a case of crosses(40 to the case) to take back to others for the start of more Ministry... what a trip.. I just wish all could have seen the ones who came and with the weather like it was , it was still a miracle to have given out those that we did.. we thank God for it, and we know the ones remaining , will be used for Him elsewhere.. and those given out, will be used for more of Him , to the one who took one,, and when they show it off...

Well, say, to one and all,, our convoy, started and ended with a great success ,not for us, but for the Lord Jesus and our Holy Father ,, our God Almighty... thanks for all the prayers, and all the support we had from all who where asking God to be with us and give us the strength ,, for He did in deed!


God, thank You for this trip,, thank You for all who read these thoughts, accept Dana and all of her thoughts, and Lord, I thank You for all who reads these thoughts,, and I ask that you bless them richly with all they want and need.. amen

John HIcks

After meeting so many Christians,, I feel like a little ant , on a road of one mile,,, but you know , as long as I hold up my Cross of Salvation.. the trip is neither long nor lonesome for my Jesus is at my side.. no matter the size of me, nor the distance of my trip,, He is there and always will be.. and folks as much as I enjoyed the trip,, it is sure good to be home!


Good morning Y'all!!! This will be my last guest post on my Dad's "Thoughts for Today". I am sure y'all will be glad to hear that my Dad will be back this evening and writing for y'all tomorrow! They have encountered some not so fun weather while in Moultrie! I am praying that today will be nice and warm for them!
Becoming a momma has been the most amazing gift God has ever given me, next to Todd (my husband)! Noah is 17 months old now and it seems like overnight his language has exploded. He is picking up more and more words each day and anytime I say something he will mock me. It is cute most of the time, but when I show my bad self it is not so cute!! The other day I was getting onto our 4 lb Yorkshire terrier (Maggie) and giving her quite the scolding. When I was done and onto another chore I saw Noah doing exactly what I did to one of his toys! I was in awe as I saw myself through the eyes of a 17 month old. It wasn't pretty!! I could just imagine him doing the same thing to one of the other kids at nursery school in church and I was horrified!! Needless to say I am being very careful as to what I say and do around Noah. And I am glad that I have his innocence to remind me to stay down the right path and be more Christ-like!!

This experience has made me wonder who else is watching my actions. You know when you have had a horrible day and you realize you have to run by Wal-mart to get groceries before you get home. Oh how you dread that!!! While you are in there you run around with such a mad look on your face, maybe even miss saying hey to a friend, or impatiently grab at groceries and throw them in your cart. Who is watching you? After such a dreadful day you go to check out and the lines are longer than ever!! You can feel the frustration building up!! How dare that cashier take the time to actually talk to the customers, shouldn't she be working and getting these people out of here, so I can get home!!! Your thoughts have become so selfish even you cannot see that the person in front of you is in dire need of just a few kind words from the cashier!!

We all need to be more aware of our actions because remember the saying "actions speak louder than words"? What if there was a struggling new christian in the store and they remember you from church. They remember how joyful you were at church and then they see you all grumpy and full of "the world" at wal-mart. How could that affect their lives??

Or we could turn it around and say you are joyful and get to the check out and the cashier is meaner than mean!! I am sure we have all experienced this, where the cashier barely acknowledges us and acts as if we have just imprisoned her first born for eternity! Well, what if we decide to be more Christ-like? What if we say hello or how are you, first? What if we end it with God bless, or hope you have a better day? I wonder how that would affect her life??

In the end, it is all about choices and we can choose to let the world get to us or we can choose to be more like Jesus and rise above it all! I pray we can all learn to rise above it and be a good example to others!!!

Thank y'all so much for allowing me into your lives over the past few days! it has been a privilege and such a blessing!!!!!


P.S. Please add my friend's little girl, Ella, to your daily prayers. She was diagnosed with Leukemia a week ago. She is around 5 years old! My friend also has an older daughter and a 2 month old at home! I know she is struggling so please keep her, Kristin, in your prayers as well!! If you would like to hear her story you can go to:


Good Morning Y'all!!! I talked to my Dad yesterday and they have given out around 400 crosses so far!! Praise God!!! Also, my Dad met a young man in Moultrie that really touched his heart! His name is David Chafin and he is facing a pre-diagnosis of Lupus!! Daddy said he thinks he is somewhere between 16-18 years of age and was really having a hard time and needed prayer!! Please lift David up in your prayers!!!

Since yesterday's post was long, I will make today's short and sweet :D
I am currently in a women's bible study group and really enjoying learning God's word and getting to fellowship with other Christian women! I would love to share something we have learned. One thing we learned was the definition of worry! I am sure you all do it. I am a pro at worrying!!!

Well here is the definition from Webster,
Worry (verb): a: to harass by tearing, biting, or snapping especially at the throat, b: to shake or pull at with the teeth a terrier worrying a rat>

After hearing this definition it brought a whole new light to worry for me!! How about you?? When you worry about something you literally tear it apart over and over like an animal tearing at it's dinner!! When you do this there is NO peace!! How could there be? And usually we worry because in truth we are just fearful! God doesn't want us to live in fear, but to trust in Him completely!! God promises us that tomorrow will take care of itself!!
One of my favorite Bible verses is:
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
~Proverbs 3:5

But do we really give up ALL of our worries to the Lord?? I learned in my women's group that NOTHING is too small to give up to God. That He desires for us to give him our troubles, to trust in HIM!! I encourage you to try and do this today!! If you are sitting in traffic and worried about getting to work on time, give it to God! If you are at work and your boss has put a huge load upon you and there in creeps in the worry, give it to God. If you are worried about a loved one dealing with an illness, give it to God!! Even the smallest things, if you are worried over getting the laundry done, give it to God!! Reach out to the Lord, pray to our precious Father!!! He wants his beloved to rely on Him and Him alone!!! And remember practice makes perfect!!!
I pray that you can give your worries to the Lord and "when you can no longer stand....KNEEL" (author unknown)!!!!

P.S. I apologize for the "Thoughts for Today" arriving to you later in the day. I am not an early riser like my Daddy, although Noah does get me up early most days :D


Good Morning to ALL!! This is Dana, John's daughter, writing this morning! Daddy is in Moultrie, GA with the Cross Ministry. They have worked so hard and made 6,000 crosses to hand out at the Agricultural Expo. I spoke with him this morning and he said he has already handed out 14 crosses before the Expo even opened!! Praise God!!!
I hope y'all don't mind that I take over "The Thoughts for Today" for a couple of days while my dad is away. I feel honored that he asked me to do so and pray I can do as well as he does! Here goes :)
Have you ever waited on someone? I am sure the answer to that is a big YES!! Don't you often get irritated if they take too long? Or find yourself watching the clock and wondering if it is ticking backwards instead of forwards? I know I do! And yes impatient can be my middle name most of the time. I have all too often found myself saying that phrase "I can't wait til...." And my sweet Aunt Sue would say, "Dana, yes you can!!" When I was younger I had no idea that being patient and waiting was a huge lesson that we all should learn and a hard one!!! If only I had learned that lesson when I was younger!!
I am not sure if y'all are familiar with my story, but it goes something like this: I got married, graduated with my counseling degree, bought a house, then prepared for a child to come right away!!! And when that child did not come right away I began my journey of waiting! Waiting on the Lord!!
And yes I was irritated!! I had planned my life out and why in the world didn't God get the memo? HA!!! And in true childlike fashion I begged God, I pleaded, I stomped my feet in anger with Him, pouted at Him, and sometimes even ran away from Him!! I finally found peace after I realized that I was NOT in charge of my life. That the Lord could see my entire life and I could only see a tiny fragment!! I found peace in trusting God's timing!! And I continued to wait on the Lord, but this time it was different. This time I waited and I worshiped!!! I waited and I praised the Lord!! I waited some more and I fell in love with God in a way I had never known. And I know for a fact that if I had waited for the rest of my life I would have been okay because I was waiting on my precious Lord!! I had all the time in the world for Him!!!
I can remember very vividly one day falling to my knees and feeling the weight of my burdens being taken on by Jesus. I felt a peace like no other and that is why I could have waited forever!!! The Lord granted my desire to become a mother and I can look back now and see that he was growing me into the person I am today. Now as a mother I can see that my strong relationship with God effects my son, Noah, in every aspect of his life! I am thankful that I was able to wait on the Lord!
Do you find yourself waiting on the Lord?? Are you trusting in Him so much that you can worship and praise Him while you wait? I encourage you to try just that!!! And I pray that you find peace in your waiting the way I did!! I also hope to remind you that the Lord is always waiting on us!! He waits on us to freely give our heart to Him!! He is such a gentleman and is patiently waiting on us!!

May God bless y'all today and may he shine His light upon your face!!!!

I will continue to update you on the happenings in Moultrie!! Please pray that my Daddy comes home with NO crosses left :)))



P.S. In true John Hicks fashion, I had to do a P.S. section!! I will post a picture of my son Noah, the one I waited for! He certainly was worth the wait!!! Wouldn't you agree??

Monday, October 17, 2011


MONDAY! You survived the W/E,, and now for another slow week ,till the next one.. live for these days, and plan something good... and then enjoy the day of each day,,, for what it is.. for it is free, and God only gives so many to each one... now is the time to enjoy.. so get up out of that bed,, rub those eyes , shout a hallelujah ,, praising God, and then go out and do your thing!

Prayer Request: Diane Summers, who will be having eye surgery tomorrow,, so pray that all will be successful and that she will heal quickly, for after this one, she has to have the other one also.. please pray that God will be with her,and the surgeon.
For "The Cross" Ministry, We will be traveling to Moultrie, Ga. for the Big Ag Expo.. people from all over the world will be there and we have a space .. to give out crosses , free to each one that will take one.. our chance to testify of our God, our Jesus, and have fellowship with them.. we have 6000 crosses to be given out... and we ask for all your prayers in our success,, for we know we will be traveling with God and Jesus aboard....

Yesterday, we had a prayer commencement at the Lovejoy Baptist Church, in Lovejoy, Ga. for "The Cross Ministry to help send us off, then they gave us a dinner , and it was great... those people are in love with God, and you could tell it as we walked into that church! All of this , goes the thanks to one man, who had a dream.. and put it to "wood", and into Gods' hands, and wow,, look at it grow,, thanks goes to Mr. Jimmy Livingston, for having this dream... "A Quiet Yet Powerful Message".. May God bless him and The Cross Ministry.


Where two or more is gathered in my name, I will be there,,, is what Jesus said,, and it happens to me a lot... Saturday, I was sitting after lunch,, and my door bell rang.. I went to the door,, and out on the carport. there stood a man and woman... I noticed the shirt the man had on,,, "I have drank out of the well of Jesus, I thirst no more!"... He introduced himself and his wife,, said,, we are traveling, and just want to stop and say hello.. we are Christians,, they had noticed by taking the back-roads the "Cross Garden" I have in front of my shop,, they loved it and wanted to tell me .... so they walked from out front to the back.. of course this made me proud,, well,, I offered them a chair,, and then Libby came out,, and after three hours of solid "God and Jesus talk" , they said they had stayed longer than they meant to... they also told me, that they had been traveling for four months,,just looking ... and always said , that at least once a week, they would find someone that was saved and could have some fellowship with.. usually at least a few minutes,, well this one lasted a little more than that.. He had cancer and beat it, once.. now it had come back,, His statement was, now, I have to beat it again,, and God will give me the strength to do this, so I can give a double testimony,,, and my wife is a suffer of COPG, and He is still letting us travel and meet so many...they took some crosses. with a template to make some of their own when they get back home,, then hit the trail with them and give them out.. they also had a couple of others in mind to do the same.. for they traveled also.. so they took them some paperwork on this ministry..
So as they left ,, we could feel the feeling that , yes, we had, had fellowship with some of Gods travelers.. and I know that they are off with testimony of more to. and be a blessing to these others as they were to us... for yes,,, there were more than two gathered under this little carport that day, and all was about out God, and our Jesus,,, so tell me, that

God does not still send in a little joy of his many mysteries of why,, we will never know,, but we do know one thing, and that is how to thank God for it!

God, may You bless all who reads this, and those two , that came by here with You in their heart..and may you bless this week for The Cross Ministry. amen

John HIcks
I just can never get over what God does for me.... if you haven't asked Him in.. call out for not only is he listening,, He is wanting you also.. call out ,,,,now.. today....

Sunday, October 16, 2011


SUNDAY! Yes, today is His! Let's all celebrate today as His, and pray and worship today, and each day of each week, each year, and for the rest of our lives.. for with Him , there would still be a void.. for He filled and fill He did,,wow,, just look around, see what I mean... worship Him, and only Him.. Praise His name....

Rejoice that your names are written in heaven. Luke 10:20 NIV


Let a child call, and the ear of the Father inclines.... and most important, let a sinner repent and every other acclivity ceases, and every heavenly being celebrates. When you hear of a soul saved.. do you drop everything and celebrate? Is your good day made better or your bad day salvaged? We may be pleased, but exuberant? When a soul is saved , the heart of Jesus becomes the night sky on the Fourth of July, radiant , with explosions of cheer.. and the same through-out the Heavens... can the same be said about us... when a person walks down the aisle,, there are tears of joy from that person. and others.. but not shouting of joy,, no jumping up and saying amen.. but the Heavens are exploding, shouting,,, just stop.. and ask this question from above,,


LORD GOD, let us jump ,shout, and tell all,, each time we hear of ,or see, a soul,, come to you in acceptance of Jesus,,, let us celebrate the saved each and every time one walks that aisle ,no matter where that aisle. amen

John HIcks
As a man said just the yesterday,,, when something happens that is of Jesus,,, He said, "I get Jesus bumps all over my arms!"... We need to get more excited about God in this day and age, and we all need more


Saturday, October 15, 2011


SATURDAY- Now, it is official ,, the w/e is here and ready to start.. really how was the "walk" from then to now? Fast is not always corrrect unless you have your hand on the stove, and it is lit... Now who you walk with,,,, now that is another choice, and like a hand on the stove.. it should be quick, but not be a big decision.. unless you like stove tops? I choose the cool one,, Jesus,,, to walk with! Come on over to our road,and walk with Jesus... not only through the w/e , but through life!

In the beginging there was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1


Have you ever been on one? I believe we all have at one time or another. It is just something we all dream about.. a treasure of gold ,, jewels,, or money,, enough to buy the world,, yes ,,when we hunt,,let's do it right... Ha! Some real "hunters" find that treasure,, only to have to share it with the country of origin,, or waters they are in.. Now why is this? The "hunter" goes and digs it up out of the ocean, or land,, when the government is just sitting on it,, and then they get half or more?? Just another one of those questions of what is right or wrong.

Well,, I know of one treasure hunt that you go on,, just for you and the whole world.. it is finding the greatest treasure of ones lifetime. There have been more on this hunt,,more looking for this treasure,, and millions and millions have found their treasure.. What is this treasure? It is the finding of Jesus Christ,, the Son of God.. Not only have they found Him,, but they have accepted Him as their Savior,, and they are sounding off to all they meet. If you have not been on this hunt,, or you are on the hunt,, and cannot find the way,, then grab the best "Treasure Map" ever printed.. the Bible,,, it will show you the way,, or ask a real Christian,, and they will show you the way.. then when you fine Jesus,, which is the easiest person to find,, then you have been,, and you will have found the "gold",,, the "money" ,,, the "jewels",, the "road paved with gold to Heaven",, the most important and most precious of all


Lord,, I thank You for giving us your Son,, for Your sacrifice of all sacrifices,,, our way to You and Heaven for an eternity.. amen

John HIcks
Looking for that treasure? I have found it,, but I harvest the bounty,,and try to share it with all I come in contact with.. How about you? Want part of it,, or have you already found yours,, and if you have ,, then are you sharing or have you put it up ,, just for you? Better to share,, for that treasure is made to share....

Friday, October 14, 2011


TGIF-IT'S FRIDAY! I still like the TGFED also! Well, at a slow pace , we all have made it to this day, the one before that W/E starts! Now , if you walked slow to this day, instead of using the fast slide, did you not enjoy this week better,, walking slow, and with Jesus,, hand in hand.. looking at all God has made , and given to man to enjoy,,, and maybe planting a few seeds along the way.. of course , you can continue to plant those seeds each day of your life.. up to you... remember you and your actions are a large part of those seeds.. so walk slow and sure... Happy Friday!

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24


Can you see God? You can see His actions, His works, feel Him, and even touch Him.. this is by faith of you to Him... this is something you must accept as truth,,, and you must believe in Him, and have the faith that God is God of all,, that He made all, us,, yes,,, all.. faith,, feel Him inside,, and know,, to know God is to have no reservations of vocally telling of Him and witnessing His wonderful works... God resembles electricity. What , God is like electricity? Yes.. you can feel the current when you touch an electric line.. and if big enough it will put you in direct touch with God.. just a little humor there... but you can see it flash from the heavens to the ground,, you can see the works it gives.. you have faith, that the light you are turning on is going to work,, but you can't see that current running through that electric line... but you still turn that switch..on a light, a stove, the starter of a car... yes ,you have faith of a very high volume on a daily basis, a faith of electric current being where you need it... even in a battery when you are away from the plug in! Well , if we all had the faith of God,, that we have in electricity,, and we used Him, like we do electricity,,(and the cell phone, for without the batteries, it would not work) this nation, and this world would be a paradise to live in.. it already is,, it is just we don't treat it that way.. but with the faith,,, we could not only build building, but we could even move mountains... so come on,, lets all use a little more of our



God, thank You for all things,, and Lord, I ask and pray that more will exercise their faith, and do more worship of you,,, than things.. amen

John HIcks
I wake up each morning with my faith already plugged in, for yes, I need a recharge each day, for that other fallen angel is working 24/7 to try to up-root our tree of faith,, so we must grab Gods' hand and let our roots run deep...for once you grab, and hold on to HIm,,He wil not let you be up-rooted.. so join God, and reach out for His hand, it is already there and extended.. all you have to do is ask, and grab hold... so come on , do it today, right now!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


THURSDAY! Good Morning, how's the slow slide going? Bet you are seeing more of His creation, and walking with Him is a joy.. but continue on.. each step will bring an even better "next step"! So , WAKE up, have a cup of Java, or what ever you drink, get the ole tingle of life rekindled,, the spark back to a blaze and get up and out in this world and do something, if it is nothing but take a walk,,, enjoy, for He has created, and given with so much love,, don't throw it away! Oh , yes,, don't forget the invitation for Him to join you with that cup!

Being made right with God by His grace , we could have the hope of receiving the life that never ends. Titus 3:7

Prayer Request from my daughter,, for Kristin's , sweet little girl Ella.. who is very,very sick,, pray for God to intervene and heal.


Have you ever been at the launching of or the docking of an old steam boat,, the kind that ran the Mississippi, hauling cotton, corn, live stock, all kinds of cargo, even from the most prestigious of people to the common , looking for a fortune out west,, or the farmer , just trying to get home.. Yes , this was the ultimate of excitement, not only to ride ,but to hear that ole whistle bellowing up and down the Mississippi,, just floating history , to somewhere, from someone , and back... Wow, what an era.. all the mystery, the light side and the dark side of those boats!!!
One could stand on the bank,, listen as the steam whistle blows, the allllll aboard call,,, then the gang plank ,moving up and back some , then the big ole paddle wheel groaning against the muddy Mississippi ,as it moved this big steamboat back, and then out to the middle,, then the strain of the wheel changing direction, and the real big groan of grabbing that water and starting the journey forward,, with ease , unless they were going up-stream, then the ole boys down in the boiler room was having to pile on the coal... Yes , either up or down,, the journey of mystery on the Mississippi was on the way.... Now,, turn it around, and listen for the sound of that steam whistle ,, way off, coming down the big muddy,, and all starting toward the dock.. for no matter if you were expecting something, or anyone or not,, You still if at all able,, went to the bank ,, just to see the boat,, and all that was on it,, the people and the other cargo,, what stranger was getting off at your dock, and who else was waving and you waving back with just as much gusto as they were putting forth to have a touch with just anyone... yes that was a ride, a journey, on those old steam - boats of the big ole "Muddy"..
Now I would like each of you, to just imagine a trip with God,, to and fro,,, with a cargo of other Christians,, going on a trip of good and carrying the message of Jesus Christ,, waving to all you come in contact with, to come on aboard,, join Him,, follow the Savior,, or give a message to each "town" you dock at.. be a "Jesus Drummer",, sell the Jesus river,, the path of life to all you see,, walk the gang plank of His ship,, ride with Him,, how about it,, join Him and climb on the boat,, quick before the gang plank is pulled back,, yes before the boat has departed,, don't be left behind,, listen and respond to that sound of Him groaning against that sin,, (His dyeing on the cross for us all) the saving power He is sending out, for all to hear and see, so come on!, quick! grab whole and climb aboard, as you hear the sound of that



Lord, thank You for giving me the sign, the feeling to travel with You, and that You are the vessel of life, that is here and eternal,, may all climb aboard as the whistle blows. amen

John HIcks
I have had the opportunity to ride on one of these boats, and they are a memory one will hold forever,, and also I have had the opportunity to come to Christ,, and that is the guaranteed ride of a lifetime, from here to eternity and on.. Have you made that commitment? Have you got your ticket on God's Boat yet? Call out, Jesus is waiting at the boarding gang plank,,, for your walk up to Him....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


WEDNESDAY! are we ready for the slide? Today is "hump" day of our week, and this is the day we jump on that slide of time from here to the week-end... and some of us wax this slide as slick as we can get it.. so we can hit that week-end like a jet-liner.. but whoa!!! Don't wax away your life.. as before,, I said walk slow..don't slide so fast as you miss the surrounding and the time of the from here to there, that you have.. so don't wax it slick for sliding.. smooth it out, and grab Jesus by the hand and slide ever so slow, and you will still get there, and you will be able to look back and say WOW, what a wonderful trip this week,, and then just continue to hold His hand and He will show you a whole new aspect of this world.. believe me...He walks with me every second of my heart beating.. try Him on for size , for one size fits all.. Have a great slide!


I read an article from one of my friends in Pike County , Ms. on prayer at a high school football game. It was a statement on the finding of our country on the belief of our Almighty God,, a living God.. and the only One is prayed to that is ALIVE. and the right to do so, all others are just an idol, or a mohammad something.. Yes I do have a problem when I defend our nation and it's founding on our God.
America was founded by (History books) Columbus,, and I agree that others,, Vikings and even maybe some of the people from Europe migrated across the Bering Strait.. but all in all, the Pilgrims left England to come here to be able to set up their Churches on their belief.. and the colonies formed from here, then the 13 states, thus finally the UNITED STATES,, AND THERE YOU GO.. FOUNDED UPON THE BELIEF IN OUR LIVING GOD ALMIGHTY!
It was sad to see all the comments from the ones who supported the atheists from Wisconsin and other states .. one of their comments was , how would I feel if they offered the muslim prayer, or a buddha prayer? My answer is , did they see in history any of the muslims, or buddha believers on those ships that landed on the east coast.. or did they find in history where they came and set up the colonies... NO! My belief is still the same.. free religion in any place.. do we raise heck when the blankets are laid down and people get on them and bow to the east.. no , we walk around them.. then why jump on the one who open this great frontier , and gave them the right to do this...
I say this,, and this is my feeling and I will stand until the death for my God, my Jesus, and I will pray where and when I please.. and the picture I have of my Living God, His heaven, His Son, His Angels, His Earth , (that He built, not buddha nor babba or whoever)... His Love, His Forgiveness,,, is above all the


God, I put You first in all I do.. walking, running, eating, working, and my prayer to You is that you continue to allow me to pray to You when and where I please, for I declare You as my one and only God. amen

John HIcks
As you all know, I work with "The Cross" Ministry, and I run into this very thing, of the cross in yards.. and I say,, here is a Cross, to put in your yard not to save you, but the freedom of you being able to do it.. and if you want one, good, if you don't that is your choice,, but do not make mine for me,, that is freedom of religion... your opinion?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


TUESDAY! Welcome to this great day of Gods',, whom has let us use it for this day.. so get up,, get out , and make the most of it.. for He has given you this one,, but has not promised the next one.. so be thankful for this one,, What are you waiting on? Smile real big, and enjoy it with Him,, and make it one of the best!

He is a faithful God who does no wrong, who is right and fair. Deuteronomy 32:4


Why do we remember? So we will try not to do a lot of the things we did,, again!,, And to try to do some of the things we did ,,, better the next time,, than we did the first time, and be kind in doing them, instead of ____! I guess the one other thing , more important than most is to stop,, and think before we really open our mouth.. for the tongue is still the strongest muscle in our body! Yes it is! So,, as you read this,, and plan your day,,


God, guide us in all we do,, and walk with us where ever we go.. amen

John HIcks
Today ,you may have to re-read the thoughts,, but there is a message there! Right?

Monday, October 10, 2011


MONDAY! First of the week,, now are you going to walk through it.. or fly like a bat after an insect,, wide open, and in the dark,, just missing all the good things God has put out for you to see and to do... and that is up to you to go slow ,,, do and see.. so go slow and worship Him, first, then carry Him with you through the days,, and you will see a whole new picture of life here,, and also you will get a glimpse of what is "up yonder" waiting on you also, if you are walking with Him,, and I mean the right Him.. Jesus, our Savior of all things !

Prayer Request: From an article I read,, pray for the broken-hearted, the sick, the ones who have lost someone.. and for those who have lost their way! We know that God will heal, as He sees fit to do so, and that His will,, will be done.. for He knows best,, even when we think not.. we should be saying thank You, and Hallelujah to You ,, my God.. Please , lets all pray for this , and for God to return to our nation with a blessing, for there are more of us ,, than them that want our God in this land with us.. so today, and every day,, a prayer of not only asking, but a prayer of thanksgiving also... will you please pray with me ?

Pray: to address prayers to God. to ask or request
Prayer: a devout request: the act of praying: a formal or set group of words used in praying.

The above are two definitions we need to read.. and always remember the first one .. "to address prayers to God.. to ask or request".... and I would like to add to this definition I think is too much left out of all prayers.. sincerity of THANKS TO GOD ALMIGHTY FOR WHAT WE HAVE...

God,, thank You for all we have, for I and we know, it all comes from You, with a love so great, we cannot even start to grasp it all.... amen

John HIcks
Have a great and blessed day,, felt compelled,, for some reason , for this today!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


SUNDAY! Gods personal day! So sit back and relax,, and remember Him,, pray your thanks to Him,,, for all,, for He is all... right?

Wish good for those who harm you, wish them well and do not curse them. Romans:12:14


Now this is one of the hardest things to do in life, that when someone says something bad about and to you, your family, or a friend,, any offense,, and wow.. you let go... it is wrong to do,,, but I will admit ,, at some times, and I mean some times it sure does feel good... when this happens, instead of calling it a "come back", I call it self defense.. but as Jesus always said,, turn the other cheek...
I have seen the time, I could have turned it a thousand times, and it never would stop the "hitter". The hurt, the embarrassment was so great that it cut right into my soul.. but ,, still we are to turn our takes faith in God, and the strength of God to do this each and every time...
I have been one in the past, that would hit back in an instant,, and then feel so bad, so sorry for either my physical or tongue hit on the one who had offended me.. and you know, sometimes,, after I would think,, what they said was true,, I had just felt embarrassed that I had to stand in front of a crowd of something I had did, or said in and around a few,, that didn't matter, and to face the "music" was much worst, and I had to wonder, why didn't I keep my big mouth shut... why didn't I remember Jesus, and walk away,, with my cheek turned? but the tongue had already won, and I still had done wrong!
Well , if you have been like me.. then pray for forgiveness that you used to be that way... and if you are still like that,,, pray even now... this minute and try it... for God wants you to do this,,, it is His commandment,, not mine,, and yes,,, I still have to practice it with a strong force of help from God.... for my tongue can be dangerous if let loose with satan,, so when Jesus came by and said I have had enough ,,, He put a lasso on it,, and tied it to His side of the fence.. so maybe you need to call on the "lasso man" also,, and then you will remember that with the rope and the faith of God.. you too... will learn to


God , thank You for the strength, Your Son, and His lasso.. and I pray that I will think,, before I wag .. amen

John HIcks
Yes, reformed from lots of things,,, how about it.. have you sought out the "strength" of the one who can lead you to this"turning of the cheek"? God and His Son Jesus,,, they are the only "strength from tongue waggers.. & cheek hitters",,,,so call upon them, not just once,, but call out for life.. will you? I did,, and guess what,, THEY both were already there and standing by,, just waiting of that call... so go ahead and call.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


SATURDAY! IT'S HERE.. Thank you God for this week-end starting now, and on through tomorrow for all those W/E'ers.. and Lord,, not being funny or smart , but thank you for this cup of coffee I had waiting as soon as my feet hit the floor.. you plan so good! Thanks! Just wish we could work just as great!

Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected by the Almighty. Psalm 91:1


We build elaborate houses for our bodies, but our souls are relegated to a a hillside shanty where the night winds chill us , and the rain soaks us....We don't have to live outside.. God want you to move in out of the cold and live ... with Him. Under his roof , there is space available. At His table , a plate is set. In His living room a big ole recliner is reserved just for you.. your name is on it.. And,, he'd like you to take up residence in His house .. Why ? Simple ,, He's your Father.. so open up your heart,, and your soul step right on in,, take that step,, for it is HIs house, and He is at home at all times..,

He is our Salvation of this world, and that world beyond,, He is our HOUSE,, from


God , thank You for the open door policy of Yours, for all sinners to come,, and have Your arms wrap around us all and keep us dry and warm forever ,,,, and ever. amen

John HIcks

On a cold winter night, when it is raining,, almost snowing or sleeting.. and you grab a hot cup of soup, or a hot cup of coffee/ hot chocolate... stop,, and ask wrap you up first in His love,, and watch the chill go to warmth.. you just try this,, this winter,, and I guarantee it ! What do you think?

Friday, October 7, 2011


FRIDAY! Now , for all those who did not take the quick slide from hump to today... so far,, it has been fast enough for me.. but I had a great time.. walking along with my Lord, my family, visits from friends , doing things around, and making crosses, and a few other items,, then just setting,, and thinking,,, wow.. what a great God , God is... and to be the only one.. so compassionate..and so loving, and giving... just a great couple of days ,, walking, not running for a change,,through God's world... thank You, God! How did your days go?

PRAYER REQUESTS: Marshall, the little boy,,well not too little... that has type I diabetes.. please pray for him to continue to stand strong, as he is doing, with all the stress, and this disease , especially for a good young person... please pray that God will intervene and remove this curse off this young man.

Little Joseph,, headed home , from Texas to Louisiana.. will be taking his treatments there, and again thanks for all the funds sent to him,, big fund raiser in Cullman , Al. for him coming up.. please if you want to help with this child, check with Thanks to all..


Let us always offer to God our sacrifice of praise. Hebrews 13:15

You are great God. Your character is holy. Your truth is absolute. Your strength is unending. Your discipline is fair. Your provisions are abundant for our needs. Your light is adequate for our path. Your grace is sufficient for our sins. Your never early, yet never late. You sent us Your Son.. for us ..
Now, this is not all, just a tip of our praise for you God... for we love , and worship.. you and only you.. for you are


John HIcks

Thursday, October 6, 2011


THURSDAY! Wow! You know, as we get older, our vision should improve, not our vision here on earth, but our vision of Heaven! If you can't visualize Heaven, then you may need a operation of the clearing of the eyes,, and when you decide you want to see this world, and visualize Heaven, just call on Doctor Jesus, He is the Specialist , in charge of these operations, have a great day, and may God Bless each one of you!


Gather: bring or come together, into one place. Yes,, one day,, when our God decides, there will be a gathering of a sort that you have never imagined.. nor can only try to imagine in your earthly mind. For that day for all of us,, if we are Christians, there will be the biggest gathering of loved ones, friends, presidents, kings of old, kings of now, queens, homeless, rich, poor, and poorer,, neighbors,, oh what a gathering reunion this will be see our loved ones from as far back as we can imagine, and then some... can you tell,,, the excitement of the thoughts of can set back and say,, I can see me walking into Heaven... but we can barely see. for my concept and yours are probably different, for I think when we go, and after we pass judgment,, then their are going to be one the biggest welcomes that I can ever visualize... screams of laughter, dancing,, smiles as big as a rainbow and just as pretty... oh, yes.. just stop, and see if you can "see" or visualize the entering to Heaven as a permanent guess... can you? wow.. what a


God, thank You for giving us Jesus , so we can see the Heaven built, just for us,, and all of the glory there is in it.... and Lord, I am thankful,, that we have a future, and of all the greatest of greatness, is that You will be at this gathering,, not just for a one time show, but God ,I and we ,all know, it will be forever, and ever.. amen

John HIcks
What else came be said, except,,, if you are not prepared,, please prepare! Please!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


WEDNESDAY! HUMP DAY is here! All have made it to the middle up hill climb of this week,, and now are ready to slide down to the week-end! I have a suggestion.. let's just take our time from here to the week-end,, not get on the slide,,, and not get in any hurry,, just enjoy what God has given us.. such pretty days.. freedom, life to choose things of our desires... so why push them ahead of us and letting them fall to the wayside, without slowing down to enjoy them.... so let's just walk from here to there... with God and each other and enjoy the walk!

PRAYER REQUEST: A prayer for Sandy Jackson.. unspoken, for God knows the need.. please just ask Him to come to her,, for I know He will take care of this need.. thanks , for prayer works,,, we all know that!


Yes, the "wind music",, from the east! Never heard of it before... well,, when it comes,, you will know of something bigger than big itself.. for as He enters back out of the HEAVENS, He will come down from the East, and He will be accompanied by a host of angels, singing His praises..we wil hear and turn and see , if we are not already looking,, but the wind of the Heavens will burst open with sound.. then He will appear,, and call to all of His. So as you hear the music,, you will feel the wind,, and you will feel Him.. and as you bow down to Him , He will take you up,, and all that are within Him... the dead in Him shall rise,, and only those who do not believe ,nor have not accepted Him will be left... I want to be in that first Ascension,, don't you?

I have called out to Him and accepted Him , and He has answered me back and accepted me... for I felt it in my heart, and heard it in my brain.. have you accepted Him? Felt Him? Heard Him?....If not,, do it now, today,, for no one knows when the time will be, but our Father in Heaven,, so don't wait and be one running alone reaching and finding nothing to grab hold of.. accept Him and He will lift you up,, you will not have to reach.. so come on, join the team,, and LET'S ALL,, TOGETHER LISTEN,,, not in dread,,, BUT IN ANTICIPATION OF


Almighty God, thank You for giving us Jesus to come for us, and taking us from the grave to You. I pray that all will come to You, through Him , by the millions , today, and ever day after,, until all have come.. amen

John HIcks
I come on strong at times.. pushing, and pushing.. but in today's world,, I see the need for it.. and that is my opinion, for I see us all in this world moving at a speed of light,, and losing morals as we speed.. so we need to slow down and walk,, not speed ,, and walk not only with each other, but the main man,, walk with our Lord, and the maker of it all,, OUR LIVING GOD.. what is your opinion?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


TUESDAY! Welcome to God's day, yes, every one is His,, given to us to enjoy, so get up, and get out and enjoy it , in what ever you do.. from work to play,, do it with gusto, and humility of just having it to enjoy!


On a day in the middle of July , standing in the middle of an asphalt parking lot,,, at two hours past noon,, the temperature was 110 degrees,, and the man could see a small tree,, about 6 feet tall,, maybe 4 feet around .
He thought,,, wow,, some shade,,, a little,, is better than nothing,,, (why not go into a store? No doors!), so as he walked towards that little tree,, he felt the burning on the bottom of his shoes,, sweat running down his face,, and back,,, slowly he walked seeking relief from this terrible heat,,, He made it, only to fine the leaves just dropped off,, the temperature was rising,,, 120 degrees,, wow,, hotter! When is this going to end? Hey ,, I'll walk over to the shadows of the building,, again ,, the shoes, burning worst,, almost sticking to the asphalt,,, as he was walking,, he noticed his watch,, the time was still two hours after noon,,, and the buildings were moving a step away ,,, just as he took a step! What is going on? I can't take this,,, the temperature rose to 140 degrees,,, the asphalt was getting beyond sticky, so hot,, it was starting to melt, or was that his shoes,, He cried out,,, "Oh Lord,, what is going on?",,, and a voice cried back, from a face with tears running down His cheeks ,

" I was there, on that day that you went to eternity, I saw you fall when your heart stoped and you landed on the parking lot asphalt, I saw you had breath left to call out , but as all through life,,, you would not call out for me,, and I saw the temperature rise,, and I cried as you would not come to me before you left,, for I had my arms and my invitation extended out to you then, just as I had all of your life,, but you just would not come to my arms, as you let out the last of your breath.....


Lord,, may all see You,, and rush to Your arms and ask to be saved now,, before it is to late,,, amen

John HIcks
Sometimes it takes a vivid or weird story to get the attention of Hell,,and how satan continues to give you pain, even after he has you in death,,, as all the things he temps you with,, just think,, when he has you, he does this for an eternity,,
I am glad that I am wrapped in the Almighty Arms of the Lord.. are you wrapped,,, or looking at hot asphalt? Pease wrap ourself now!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011


MONDAY! Now is the time to plan your life,,,, how, that is up to planning,, you need to plan who is in control of you first, then the correct plan will follow.. Who is in control of your life now? This is the most important answer to a question that you will ever answer!

If people's thinking is controlled by the sinful self, there is death. But if their thinking is controlled by the spirit, there is life and peace. Romans 8:6


To God, you are the most important thing to Him than anything else is.. for even though God made this earth,, and made all in it.. He made man,, in His own image.. and He fell in love with man,, even though man broke His heart,, sinned against Him ,, right from the get go.. and God threw man out of the most perfect place on this earth...( this garden of eve was as I imagine Heaven is like...) but even after the toss,,, He still loved man,, and looked after Him,, when man made Him so mad,, He was going to destroy all the world,, He found favor in one man,, and that love saved man.. so you see God loves us, in spite of ourselves.. and He is capable of putting each of us as the first,,, man cannot do this, for he is not of spirit,,, and he is not a god.. but made of the one , the only God.. who is in charge of life and death,, love, hate, laughter , tears, good and bad... He is our all... can you realize this? If you cannot realize this, then you need fall down on your knees and ask Him in,, by way of :
The Son of Man,, Jesus Christ.. He is the doorway to God Almighty,, He is the choice God gave you to ask for, receive , and then let God look after you, for , from then to now, and the future ,, you are His,,,, so His love to you, makes


God, thank You for loving us, and sending us our Redeemer ,, our map, of the highway, to You. amen

John HIcks
I am so thankful that Jesus is here with me,, and I am thankful that he is so patient and so strong, for with me, He has His hands full... but for Him,, I will die for,, and that is not said loosely... How do you feel?

Sunday, October 2, 2011


SUNDAY! Did you feel that slight shake this morning as you were waking up,,, guess who it was? Yep! Your right!

Here are three quotes, this morning, that might be of good use: (1) The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. (2) A hug is the shortest distance between friends. (3) When using a public campground, a tuba placed on your picnic table will keep the campsites on either side vacant.

It is not our love for God, it is God's love for us in sending His Son to be the way to take away our sins.

1 John 4:10


Need I say more? It can not be equaled.. so don't even try,,, but give all of yours back,, He looks at it as the greatest thing ever,, that is ,,,,love to Him ,,from man!

God , thank You for Your Love,,, the love of Jesus , our pathway to You, amen

John HIcks

Saturday, October 1, 2011


SATURDAY! Welcome to another of God's days, and the first day of October!

Remember today: We are many, but in Christ, we are all one body. Each one is a part of that body, Romans-12:5


God has us in His navy and placed us on His ship.. to carry us safely to the other shore. This is .. a battleship. Each of us has a different task. Some ... are snatching people from the water, others, man the cannons of prayer and worship. Still other devote themselves to the crew. Each can tell of a personal encounter with the Captain, for each has received a personal call.... We each followed Him across the gangplank of His grace onto the same boat... so lets show everyone else where this boat captain , Jesus, is and let us share with them of how to cross from the dock , onto the gangplank and on the boat of God.. with Jesus at the helm.....


Lord thank You for the ship of salvation, to pick us up and carry us home.. amen

John HIcks
I ride on this ship,, do you,, if not ,, call out to the Captain, and get your pass.. and if you know of anyone who you want to bring with you, grab hold of them.. and come on.. He is still at the dock waiting... hurry!