Sunday, October 9, 2011


SUNDAY! Gods personal day! So sit back and relax,, and remember Him,, pray your thanks to Him,,, for all,, for He is all... right?

Wish good for those who harm you, wish them well and do not curse them. Romans:12:14


Now this is one of the hardest things to do in life, that when someone says something bad about and to you, your family, or a friend,, any offense,, and wow.. you let go... it is wrong to do,,, but I will admit ,, at some times, and I mean some times it sure does feel good... when this happens, instead of calling it a "come back", I call it self defense.. but as Jesus always said,, turn the other cheek...
I have seen the time, I could have turned it a thousand times, and it never would stop the "hitter". The hurt, the embarrassment was so great that it cut right into my soul.. but ,, still we are to turn our takes faith in God, and the strength of God to do this each and every time...
I have been one in the past, that would hit back in an instant,, and then feel so bad, so sorry for either my physical or tongue hit on the one who had offended me.. and you know, sometimes,, after I would think,, what they said was true,, I had just felt embarrassed that I had to stand in front of a crowd of something I had did, or said in and around a few,, that didn't matter, and to face the "music" was much worst, and I had to wonder, why didn't I keep my big mouth shut... why didn't I remember Jesus, and walk away,, with my cheek turned? but the tongue had already won, and I still had done wrong!
Well , if you have been like me.. then pray for forgiveness that you used to be that way... and if you are still like that,,, pray even now... this minute and try it... for God wants you to do this,,, it is His commandment,, not mine,, and yes,,, I still have to practice it with a strong force of help from God.... for my tongue can be dangerous if let loose with satan,, so when Jesus came by and said I have had enough ,,, He put a lasso on it,, and tied it to His side of the fence.. so maybe you need to call on the "lasso man" also,, and then you will remember that with the rope and the faith of God.. you too... will learn to


God , thank You for the strength, Your Son, and His lasso.. and I pray that I will think,, before I wag .. amen

John HIcks
Yes, reformed from lots of things,,, how about it.. have you sought out the "strength" of the one who can lead you to this"turning of the cheek"? God and His Son Jesus,,, they are the only "strength from tongue waggers.. & cheek hitters",,,,so call upon them, not just once,, but call out for life.. will you? I did,, and guess what,, THEY both were already there and standing by,, just waiting of that call... so go ahead and call.

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