Friday, December 31, 2010


FRIDAY-TGIF-NEW YEARS' EVE! As another year falls like the leaves of Autumn, this year started with the cold of Winter,, slipped in the Spring, let leaves and flowers bloom, then the Fall comes,, and the flowers wither, the leaves fall gently to the ground, the trees bare,, the Winter wind blows another end and start of another year,,, is God not great, to give us all this?


Today is "the day" to start thinking , and making those resolutions for the upcoming year for you have until midnight to decide, then utter them from your lips with the anticipation of keeping each and every one of them ,, but knowing ,, deep down,, some will fall to the way side,, so I could say,, be careful what you decide, so you can be sure and keep them,, but NO! I SAY--MAKE THEM AS YOU WANT AND HAVE THE FUN OF MAKING THEM, AND KEEPING THEM ONLY IF YOU WANT TO... Start your New Year with a bang of smiles not one of treacherous promises of "I Wish",, be reasonable,, do it like you want, but be safe, and sober in what ever you do.. do not drive with booze! It could kill you, or someone else! Drink and digest the spirit of the Lord,, and then you can have the time of your life,, and wake up with a clear and happy head,, I know , for I have woke with satan, and it makes for a long year!
Now,, stop while planning this coming New Year. Time for you to REFLECT on this year passing! What ? You had as soon as forget it? Or , you say ,, can I have another just like it? These are the questions we all say , or have said.. but guess what ,, the New Year will provide you what you make it,, yes you,, the old is the old,, look at it,, learn from it, but don't dwell on it, it is past,, now is the time to start your life,, yes start it!
If you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, I ask you to think about it, pray about it,, then make a decision,, so that when next year arrives, you can reflect on whatever,,, not by yourself,, but with Him still by your side, for this year, and all the years that follow,, will you? I have,, and the years , just get better,, for He is the good in all .....



Lord, be with everyone this last day of our calender year,let all drop the sin, and grab the new , if they have not,, the new to them, the old to us,, that is grab the old time religion of the salvation of this world, Jesus Christ, our only future in this life, and the next one.. amen

John HIcks
May God bless each of you on this New Years' Eve, and bring you into the New Year with the smile and ambitions of the greatest year to come...

I have enjoyed sending out these thoughts to all,, each and every day,,and I ask for your prayers, for God to keep instilling me to do so, for it is His Dominion ,, not ours, again , God Bless You All...

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Thursday- Good God's day,,, yes they are all.. As I walk down the road of life,, the soles of my shoes contact the dirt of the road with each step,, may my inter-soul be cleaned by my Jesus with each heart beat of my body.

Prayer Request: From a mother,, that her son, and daughter-in-law, shall reach for you Lord, and have you repair all their marital problems, and let them live in your safe-ward!


How many of us lock our doors at night, or when we leave our houses, to keep the thief out,, and our valuables safe. Most do,, and we also carry insurance , just for those whose locks are broken, and the thief does come on in... Well, today I offer a lock that cannot be penetrated,, cannot be broken,, and lasts a lifetime,, but this lock is for the most valuable asset you have,, your soul... and this is the lock of Jesus Christ, once accepted, once installed,, no entry can be made,,, so go ahead,, it costs nothing, it has already been paid for by His Blood, it gives you eternal life,, lets you sleep good at night, have a great time during your awake hours.. and best of all,, it leaves old satan,, just lying around rolling in a fit of fits, crying out in agony..beaten!
So ,,, if you have not already asked for,, and got the "Lock Of Life",, Jesus,, then call out,, ask,, and then you will be


God, thank you for my "pick free", "lock of life",, Your son, Jesus for keeping me safe and secure.. amen

John HIcks
Yes , I have my lock of life,, & I ask, if you don't have yours,, just ask Jesus, he will be right there,, click,, and there you go,, thief(satan) locked out, you , safe at last! Make the choice!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just Me , My Burro, and a Can of Beans!

Wednesday-Yes, it is the ole"HUMP" day,, start of the slide to the week-end - day of preparation, and plans... Whoa! Wait! This is the last slide of the year! Yes, when you slide into this weekend , it will take you the rest of the year to do it... but a year, when worded right is a long time,, but for now it is only three days long... are you ready for this new year? Are you really fully prepared for this new year, this 2011? Prepare for it,, just like you would prepare for judgment,, for it is really the start of yours, & mine, for we can change now, or not,, have a great slide,,, 2010 has had many slides.. some splinter free, maybe.. some with a little splinter or two!


Have you ever played the lottery? I know, dumb question! We all tend to , at least once in a while , go buy a ticket, or a scratch off.. and when we do,, we reach for it with the hope,, dream, anticipation of becoming an instant multi -millionaire.. Not to awful long ago,, we were hoping to become just millionaires,,but inflation, and greed have taken over,, so now we are reaching out for trillions.... is it inflation, or the greed of buying more to have reached this fever pitch of want?
It is both,, greed first, which causes inflation,, the want of more , and more.. it started with the want of more attention, the killing of a brother, and now , to this , hunt for the treasure,, the answer to my freedom,,, my independence... just around that corner! We just don't realize ,, just how free we are now...
Just like the old prospector,, as he reached for those reins of that burro,, his heart leaped to treasure, in his mind.... He would leave civilization, with only his clothes, shoes, hat, , bed roll, ole burro , pick, shovel, sifting pan, pot to cook in, a sack of coffee, and a few sacks of beans, and his ole trusty rifle, for his meat,, if any, and a few boxes of shells... He then would walk,, pulling along that ole burro,, loaded with all his possessions ,, walking, digging, and panning along the trail, and the trail being where he could envision the treasure was... just by sight, he could conjure up the sight of "gold" the precious metal, that brings us, to greed! This old prospector walked and talked to that ole burro, for there was no one else there , but God, and satan,,, These old prospectors were of good men,, harmed nothing ,, of good cheer, of good character,, Godly men, with only one haunting thought,, where is it,, where is this treasure of gold? And if they found it,, then satan was ready,,dormant until the gold appeared,, walking and lurking at every turn , working the gold to a sinners road,, he was working now fever-sly to take their soul,,
Not knowing,, the old prospector had life ,, a life of joy, hardships yes, but enough to live, had all he needed in this world,, for when he did come up on someone, it was talk , not harm,, the enjoyment of the moment,, the fellowship,, the richness of it.. He had it all,,,this old prospector, and didn't even know it... have we?
Yes , just a story of how much do we really have ,, right now? Does it take the lottery,, the treasure , the gold , to make us happy,, or do we not already have this treasure,,, right in front of us,, Jesus Christ, the treasure of the Father, who had laid up treasures you cannot even imagine,, for He has already paved the streets we will walk on with gold,,,, so why do we seek more here,, stop,,think,, don't you already have the reins on your hand,, your burro,, loaded down with all you need?? Don't you have that precious nail scared hand in your ,,,leading you already? If not ,,, reach out,, it is there, that hand ,, just waiting to take your burdens of this world,,


God, thank You for our "TREASURE" here on this earth,, Your son, Jesus Christ.. our path to You.. amen

John HIcks
I have walked many miles with a heavy pack on my back,,My burden released, only when I found my Savior,, He took these burdens that bent me low to the ground towards the serpent,, and now carries my load.. have you found your burden to heavy to carry,, if that answer is yes,, then my friends, call to Jesus, and unload that heavy pack,, only you can do this... have a great day!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Tuesday, welcome to another of God's gifts,,, a day in your life,,, to live as you want, but to be reviewed by Him later.. so live it as if it was your last?

Prayer Request: For Margie Perdue, who lost her sister Marie Rogers, 88 years old,, please pray for the family,,, for comfort and understanding.


If you have ever watch an old western movie,,,you might have heard the wagon- master yell this phrase. This was an inspiration to get the settlers heart pounding of the new land waiting and promised by the guide who had blazed the trail ahead. The wagon-master , with his knowledge of the path to untouched land,,was the leader to one with the biggest dreams of money and that settler,, the want of a new life and a new home of a new, stores, new churches,, just new freedom. We all as a people are always looking for something down the line in our and challenging,,,an exciting life...
I have one promise of a new life that is a guarantee. It is one that many wagon-masters(Pastors) have yelled out, not atop of a horse,,,but a pulpit ,,, or a corner,,,yes an even on the T.V. screen,,, yelling for you to join the rest of the train to freedom , freedom from sin and lust, death,, ,,yes ,,just make the trip to Jesus,,, by bowing your head ,,,accepting Him as your savior,,,having Him guide you right to His Father,,,for He has already blazed the trail for us all...a straight way to go, with no obstacles in our way,,,a new life,,,everlasting,,,and a new land,,,heaven...listen for the sound that comes to your ears,,,as you hear a pastor,,,a person,,,,a friend,,,the "wagon-master" in your life, as he or she yells out for you to come,,,, come ,,,join the "Wagon Team" bounded for Heaven,,, yes listen real close for your call,,,

"Forward Ho!"

Almighty,,, thank you for Your Son who blazed the trail and made the way for our trip ...amen

John HIcks
Rolling on,,, my wagon hitched to the one and only,,,,Jesus Christ,,,who are you hitched to,,,and where are you headed...I hope on the same road as He is traveling......if not,, just call out,, He will pull you aboard,, by choice! Yours!

Monday, December 27, 2010

What Did You Get For Christmas?

Monday- Back to usual? I hope not,, I hope that the experience of the birth of our Savior has taken on a new meaning to all... a meaning of ,, "there is hope for this country", why ? For we just celebrated it, and if you celebrated it as the day of the Birth of Jesus Christ, then you have two things, faith, and Jesus,, and that is the only hope of this country!


Christmas is a season when we give gifts to those we love. Like the three wise men of old too we each hope to find the perfect gift to express our love. As I look back on all the perfect gifts that I have gotten over the years, however, I have noticed that none of them came wrapped in paper or were put under a tree. Still, each of them found a forever home in my heart.

My Alabama Grandma gave me the forever gifts of her big, strong hugs and soft, gentle kisses. My Mom’s sweet smile, twinkling eyes, and joyful laughter were gifts which lit up my life for so many years. My Dad gave me the gifts of his wisdom and common sense even though I didn’t always use them. My brothers gave me the gift of time. My sisters were there to hold their little brothers hand,, and although I was the youngest of seven,, they always made the time to play with their “little brother.” My first dog gave me the gift of unconditional love and loyalty. A beautiful girl gave me the gift of my first kiss which made me tingle from head to toe.

A favorite teacher gave me the gift of seeing that learning can be a joy instead of a job. My children gave me the gifts of tiny arms wrapped around my neck and “I love you Daddy” whispered in my ear, now my grandchildren continue the saga of the hugs, and little whispers. So many beautiful souls blessed me with the gift of their friendship. I also got gifts in the smiles of strangers, the hugs of neighbors, and the kind letters from people all over the world who had read my writings. Each one of them was precious. Each one of them was eternal.

Not a single one of these forever gifts could be bought in a store. They all had to be given from the heart. They won’t break, rust, or rot either.
Instead I will carry them in my soul all through this life and into the next. Every day of the year, give your own forever gifts to those you love.

Remember too the wise words of Leo Buscaglia:

“This life you are given is God’s gift to you, and how you live it, is your gift to God.”

Thanks Lori for the reminder!

John HIcks

Christmas still lingers in our hearts ,, here at home,, I hope in yours too, where ever you may be at this time,, may God bless and keep you all...

Thank You God for the real gifts of Christmas,, Jesus, love, faith, smiles, hugs, and You, amen

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Run Joseph, Run!

Sunday-364 more days left till .....Good Morning all...I hope and I pray, all had a great and Merry Christmas day... In our house was a good one,, and we had our Savior right here, and thank His father for our faith and our strength,,for He felt right at home with our love, that He belonged! I hope all of you had this same visitor at some time of the day,,,, or all day.. again, we had a thankful Christmas!

Run, Run Joesph!

After the birth , Joseph was notified by a voice,, to move Jesus , and after he told Mary, then , run , they did, for the command to kill all first born went out.. with a scream of one, then thousands, of screaming mothers, fathers, and little innocent babies... the scream of satan at work to try to kill Jesus... but no! Satan can not be greater than God,,, and no matter what satan did,, Gods' plan was in the works,, and Jesus went about his own way, to preach , guide , and then the ultimate sacrifice ,, His life,, for us,, Yes,, Joseph ran, by Gods' advice and command,, and protected his Fathers Son,, and raised Him to complete His journey,,,
Jesus did complete this journey, by conquering life, and death, all for us,, Now resurrected , He is here ..this instant,,,, yes , this instant,,, this today,,, for to all who reads this,,


God , thank You for Jesus, and His birth, His life, His and Your sacrifice,, for us,, we all love you God, and Jesus! amen

John HIcks
For it all has been said on this blessed Savior,, and now is the time for us all to stay on the road with Him, and to put our words in action to pull as many as we can on the road with us,, and never let one , if possible , fall off... I am on the road walking,,,,,,,,,, are you,,,, it is your choice, and only yours.. don't wait until it is a wish of impossibility!

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Saturday,, CHRISTMAS DAY! 2010 Years ago, our SAVIOR, JESUS , was born and it was just the start of our lives... from that day forth, came freedom for all of us! Praise be to the Father!

Today, I would like to say to all of my friends on the thoughts list ,,,

MERRY CHRISTMAS! May God bless you as He has me... I owe all to Him, and

I ask Him to bless each of you, and to carry you through this life with care, good health,

good friends, close to your love ones, and that you all will travel to places with Him that

you have never before witnessed before.. a ride of a life time... again,, have a great


John HIcks
What a gift,,, from Him, our living God, the Father,,, to me..--and all of you!!!


Friday, December 24, 2010


TGIF-FRIDAY!!! Kids all over,,, are waking to a minus-0 days,, for this is Christmas Eve.. yes the journey is almost to the little stall that housed & blessed us with our Jesus,, to be born shortly,, oh wow, will we celebrate the birthday of birthdays, and be sure and listen to the explosions after explosions , the singing of the Hallelujah Heavenly Choir,, the Angels doing all kinds of flying maneuvers.. yes the Heavens will almost explode as they celebrate the birth of the Son from the Father,, our God,, wow, run and do that shopping, get ready folks,,, for here it comes, right around the corner.............


On this Christmas Eve,, I want to just say a few words about those who are serving to protect us,, the men and women who are saddled with the overseas duty,, the Christmas away from family, friends, and the USA... for I remember too good of those years that I spent,, Sometimes it is hard to pull out memories, that are made by friends without even a thought of consequences of self, the memories of those still here and those already gone,, but here goes ,, just a little tribute to all of you,,, there sitting, walking, dug in on the sentry line,, lying in a barracks with "a at anytime" whistling sound of alarm.. a thought of times past, and time now, in short time for there is no long time,,, ,right now.. Please, let's all pray for these brave men and women, that their Christmas is a safe and good day.. for as they do their duty ,
With a Bible in their hand or vest,, A gun in his or her hand, Home on his or her mind, Nerves in a web of alert, afraid, brave at the same time, possible death,, just around the corner with the next step, Yet they walk on,, each minute , each day, for us, and our rights , to stop and celebrate with safety on this day of the Birth of our Christ Jesus,,
Prayers for this "vet",, this giant of a person,, this son, daughter, grandchild, wife, dad, uncle , aunt, good friend,, prayers of God Speed, & shouts for God to wrap His arms around each of them, and let's all of us,, stop , long enough to bow our heads, drop to our knees, close our eyes, in a true reverence to each of them.. as they climb in their own foxhole, their bed for this Christmas Eve, and this Christmas,,, with only the memories of HOME as their presents for this day!!! This cold dirt, this cold rail of a ship in rough seas, this home away from home,,, this ,, their bed of choice, for you and I,, so that we may give thanks, eat a hot gorgeous meal and open our many presents in a warm, protected home! SO AT THIS TIME, I GIVE A SALUTE



God, I thank You, and I pray for these comrades in uniform who are standing guard at this time,, that You grant them the time to stand ease, to lower their heads in thanks to You for their cloak of salvation that wraps around them now,, Your Jesus,, and God thank You for their return home , safe and secure,,, from harms way.. amen

John HIcks
Thank you fellow "vet" ,,, now in the present! , in the past!, and the ones I know who will step forward in the future!
For my freedom to worship my God and my Savior, may all of America pray also..for you are granted freedom through YOUR GOD, AND A LONELY VETERAN,,, STANDING GUARD! SALUTE!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Thursday-minus 2-- Folks,,, that star in the sky of that day is again getting brighter and brighter as the time climbs slowly to the day! If , in your mind you want to see it, just look up at the night,, and you can, for God will re-share the moment, not only at Christmas,, but anytime you want ,, He is always there, prouder than any other parent of a Son, and a job well done!


There is a force,, police, or your own mind, that will catch up and punish you when you do create a fraudulent thing.
Webster defines this word as: Fraud; deception for an unlawful gain; impostor. How many people are walking around today as somebody they are not? Like a Christian? but are just a fraud? They talk like one, they act to the public like one,, they pray and wail in public, they act like they are good,, they give(just a little) (some a lot to gain recognition). but all in vain when it comes to that day, for pretending,, and not being realistic, will not get you through that eye of that needle.. and when the time comes,, you, and I will be judged from the actual book of life and truth, for all we have done, what we actually were in this now.. a real Christian or just an old


Almighty God, I pray that that everyone will be real in all they do and say, when they worship and accept you and Jesus, and never be a fraud to you , nor their fellow man.. amen

John HIcks
I once was a fraud,,,, but when I ask Jesus into my heart,, really asked for Him to accept me and save me,, I have never felt ashamed nor fraudulent to Him again... You can be that way too,, just by accepting Him as your personal Savior.. yes you can be a non-fraudulent person by your own CHOICE! If you will.......?????

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Wednesday-minus 3- "HUMP DAY",, This is a special "slider" day, for as you slide, it will be towards "The Day",, yes, right into the w/e and "Christmas day"! Make your plans,, finish your shopping,, get ready for "The Day"! Make your slide ,,slick , smooth, and easy,, be not stressful , be relaxed, for it is a celebration,, not a job! It is a Birthday Party coming! So slide, with a pow! Land on your feet and right into the day of days,,, Birthday Party for Jesus!! All are invited,, so come one, come all... it will be a great slide to.... this day!

Prayer Request: For Helen Pipin, who is in the hospital with heart problems, and breathing. Please pray for her recovery.
For all those in this bad weather across the nation, and especially California,, where the complete state is under a weather siege!


What if you heard words being spoken while sitting in your house alone, no radio, no t.v. no phone, by a person who just suddenly appeared,,, and gave you a message of good tidings?Would you take this message? Would you do what the message told you to do,, even if it could cause you to lose face with your family, and the one you most loved on this planet? Could we,, in this day, face the family, our future husband/wife, with words as was received by Mary? Here is a young girl, ready for marriage, a virgin, and impregnated by our God,, What will happen to her when Joseph hears of this? Just as God planned,, family did not abandon her, neither did Joseph,, He married her , loved her, and with the both of them, holding to each other with love and faith,, Mary gave birth on that day , in a stable,, no fan fare, no rockets going off in town,, only in Heaven... the message from God received,, and delivered!
Now , how about the message that has emerged from this birth ? all the way to the death? This Baby Jesus , grown, with arms stretched out to you, and to me, to everyone,, yes, for He lived then, He lives today,,, the message , of "Come to me,, and I will save you!",,, If Mary and Joesph accepted the message from God, a message of impossibly to anyone,, and follow through with it,, facing family, friends, with no shame. but the sparkle in their eyes,, why can't we accept life,, yes life, the saving grace from our Savior,, can we not hear the


God, please open the closed ears of those who cannot hear Jesus calling, calling out to all to come and be saved.. amen

John HIcks
I have heard Him calling,, I have been covered by His arms, it is a feeling of something so great , you must have it happen to you ,, and then you too, can feel this rush , this rush that lasts a lifetime,, and beyond,, how about it,, if you have not,, then do so now,,,call out to Jesus, to come in and take you unto Himself,, go ahead,,, choice! Yours.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Tuesday - Minus 4- Are you ready? I mean really, really ready? Are you getting those little goose bumps of anticipation? The days are getting closer,, one or two last minute presents, the ones yo have shopped for , and just can't find, should I just buy something? or keep looking, , oh my(for the travelers), where am I going to put all these things, did I overdo it? Oh, yes, what the heck,, is the car full of gas,, is the tires o.k.. oh my, what is the weather going to be like,, Oh, they have the thing I am looking for ? Yes , I should call , but I will just run up there, they might have something else! Folks, this is Belks,, sure they have other things,, ha! Keep on,, keeping on,, let it be a good time, and watch that spending! Christmas will be here in four more days, then you can relax!


This year , I think we all started celebrating Christmas very early.. Most of it was due to commercialism,, for our economy is so low,, and they are all too eager to get it back up and running,, and what better to reach for than the Christmas crowd.. get them early,, that puts $$$ in their pockets to keep open, and the factories going(here or abroad), also the hope that the consumer will be so caught up,,, they will continue to spend right up to the big day.
I can see their logic,, but do they see the day after,, when it is all over for the retail industry,, and they, the retailer is counting his money... they smile,, then in February,, the consumer gets the bills,, and sees the debt on their spending, down goes their "consuming"..
I think why people get caught up in spending (or celebrating-for spending is a celebration of relief to some, and depressing to some) is the outlook of our nation... people are worried about the future,, and they are looking at something to hang on to.. something to get their minds off the bad, and concentrate on something exciting and good.. and they are looking in the right direction but the wrong reason.. for the reason is THE SEASON! You don't have to go out and spend a great deal of money to celebrate the birth of Jesus,, for the gift should be ,, that we except Him,, now or at any time as God intended . We should celbrate out Heavenly Father, who gave this great gift to us,, as we give back ourselves and our support.. and cast the demons of materials out of the window... and we must know that this DAY of HIS BIRTH,, is a day of celebration,, for since His Birth,, you can accept Him any second, minute , of any day,, He is there waiting for you to accept Him and then each year , having a gigantic party of trillions and trillions of "Christ"-ians celebrating "Christ"-mas(the hyphens are to show who it is all about)... so let's do celebrate early, and get out and tell the old,, old story of our Christ,, light some soul candles,, they don't blow out the with first little wind!



Thank You God for Jesus, is my prayer today.. amen

John HIcks
How are you celebrating ? Singing happy birthday Jesus all "yearout" , or being just like a bandit who made out good on the presents of materialism,, which last only a few short seconds? Your choice!

Monday, December 20, 2010


Monday-minus 5- You know the other day as I walked along the sidewalk,, it seemed that I could hear a noise behind me.. I stopped,, and could only hear, what sounded like a footstep coming down on the toes,,and to a halt.. I turned, did not see anyone,, I walked on,,, I noticed others stopping, looking over their shoulder,, then walking on..traffic was pretty loud, so I thought , this noise has got to be loud,, I stopped , looked back,,nothing, then I stepped off the curb,, I heard brakes, and a truck just missed me to almost scrubbing my shirt, but I didn't hear that noise of the truck,,,, but felt a tug on my shirt! Now I know, not what I heard, but who... maybe we all should listen more?


All schools, assembly halls, arena's, apartments, Churches, must have a fire-door to stop fire from spreading, apartments even have firewalls.. Fire can spread really fast when it has the fuel to burn,, and it consumes all in its. path... it is one of the most destructive things in this world,, and is slated to be the ruin of it also.... Satan is sin,, nothing but sin,, let loose on this earth to roam at will,, burn the lives out of all he can conjure up to come and support him..his fuel,,, and folks , the amount who are following him are in the millions,, and millions,, the arenas' of America could not hold all of them. Yes , they are that many,,, well there are that many Christians out there also.. just one difference,,, the satans, the followers of satans, never past up a chance to show off his wares,, they show, they speak, they film, they not only come in the night, but in the day also, never resting.. and the Christan's,, well most depend on others, and the preachers and deacons to show off God, for it might not be the "in" thing to do in the mall, or on the beach,, or in front of the kids friends,, oh my! What would my children do if I declared a prayer of blessing of our food, with their friends there? Well , it is time for us, and I say us, to get off our backsides , sitting in the t.v. recliner,, and walk beside these satan sinners,, yes beside them(for satan comes to church and prayer meetings with you, he has the joints and sin holes).... so let's walk one in front, one in the back, one on each side, until we beat them back to nothing.. for as we walk , we take with us the only one who can stand against satan, and never get burned nor destroyed, it is just the opposite, for Jesus is our shield,,, he is our strength,, he is our hope of salvation, who never leaves us , once w accept him,, yes ,, folks,, Jesus is our own personal, living


Let's get busy and get this fight on! Build this army of salvation, and watch our General, lead us to good times!

God, thank You for the use of Your Son to keep satan at bay , from and all of the followers of You. amen

John HIcks
I know about those loud mouths promoting satan and all his lies,, for I was one of his number one workers,, until Jesus came as I called out, and said these words, satan get, get out of this man,, and then He, Jesus, moved in, and since then,, wow, what a ride, you have to call him in to experience how much fun it is with Him than satan,, any-day.. Go ahead and call out, if you have not, and if you have,, have a great ride, for I am.. By Choice!
So can you!


Sunday, December 19, 2010


Sunday-minus 6- I put a coaster under my hot coffee cup,, to keep the burning heat away from my desk, simple, what do you put on to keep the heat of hell away from you? You put on the cloak of Jesus, SIMPLE!

Prayer requests: The family of Albert Hardy, who passed away on Thursday,, pray for the family.

Paula Turner, Pam Burnett, (Friends of mine), who lost their Uncle Harvey, pray for
them and their families for their lost.


These will be remembered by , not me or you, but by God, and recorded in the book of life, so when you engage the hinges of your jaw, please, as I have said in the past, first,, engage your brain!!!!

God, please give me the good sense that when I speak , that I will do two things, 1. I will talk as if I am talking to myself and say things that you will enjoy. 2. Most important, I will say and talk only about the things that You approve of. amen

John HIcks
Fired Up! and praying that my jaw hinges are well oiled by my brain, and by my God!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

They are real !

Saturday-minus 7- As I looked into the darken sky for that "Star" to start to appear for this season,, I could not find it, and I continued to look,,into the millions upon millions of stars in that vast universe,, not to be found,, then I felt my heart almost pound, skip a beat,, Yes, I had found where my "star" is!

They are real,,,,

The atheists are for real, they are out there,, the practice of witchcraft, is out there,, the worship of Thor(the mythological Norse god of thunder and lightning), is out there,, worship of Ullr(son of Sif, & stepson of Thor), is out there,, out where? Right here in the good ole US of A.. that is where,,, to be exact on these above,, they exist in the Glacier Baptist Association, in and around the vast part of Montana, AMERICA! Satan is working overtime in this vast region,, there are .07 Southern Baptist's per square mile,, size in comparison, South Carolina is 3000 square miles smaller than the Glacier Association.. (S.C. has 22 per square miles), so our non-believers of our God, are scattered in a vast region,, and not but a few missionaries to serve them.. but we have missionaries all over this world,, so think of the job they have with this in our on backyard. The information I have is from the Christian Index,, so you see ,,, satan is very busy,, and holds this area captive for now.. but with Gods' blessings, our dedicated Missionaries will prevail.. I have faith,,they will..
How about us,, in our own state, our own counties, our own cities/towns, our own communities? How have we tired to reach these non-believers, (also those believers who need a boost to get re-started)? I can answer this , by letting them know when you talk to them, show them by your actions,, don't be just a bump on a log,, and not express Christ in all you do..
I have thought,, maybe I speak up to quick,, maybe I should go a little slower on testifying to people,, and I say,, phooey! The quicker the better,, I don't see satan waiting,, he is right on them,like grass on dirt! I see professed Christians,, that I think have had an experience of "super Glue" on their lips, and don't know of any "glue remover".!!!. Well,, I do!! He is called Jesus Christ, and if you call on Him, He will open your mouth to testimony,, before we become as a nation,,,the next Glacier Baptist Association,, .07 per square mile,, believe me


That is satan, but praise God, so is Jesus!!!!!!

Almighty God, give us the strength to talk, serve you, and get off the log and quit just patting ourselves on the back ,,but learn o speak and visit others and bring them to you.. amen

John HIcks
Are you just there? or are you a real worker,,, out working at public works,, that is the public of this world,,
serving Him , or not? Your Choice! How about it, what is your opinion,, I would love to hear from you....

Friday, December 17, 2010


FRIDAY! TGIF! Minus 8- You have made the slide,, with few splinters , I hope, congratulations! After today, you will have the W/E, two whole days, to shop for all those who you have not yet done.. remember the best present to give is still the word passed on, and to keep Christ in Christmas, and to remember the reason for this season!


This is an old story of how lucky the dog, named Lucky, was. You have heard it many , many times,, kinda like some sermons,,, from home, church, teachers, or just friends ole stories.. Well, Old Lucky started his life off in a pen, of about 12 feet by 12 feet,, He was born of a "dog",, no pedigree,, of eight in the family at once! That is enough said for some now.. a family of eight in an instance! Wow, mothers,,how is ole Lucky's mom feeling! Just glad of the pen and not having to run after them.. Back to the pen,, Lucky had a pretty good home,, with that big a pen,, and someone to feed and water him... as they all played with each other all day long,, happy as can be... then someone comes, with a little one, and got one of the dogs.. Lucky just looked, wondering where they were going.. but 6 more left to play with, then one by one, the 6 disappeared, as Lucky looked on.. feeling sad and lonely now with each disappearing, to where he did not know,, Lucky was not feeling too lucky now,, but he still had mom and his owners,, but then one day, mom was gone! Lucky was really down.. He was a year old now, and one day, the gate was left open,,, He decided to take a walk,, look around and see that big black streak that kept all those loud noisy things running up and down them.. as he walked upon this black streak,, he heard a horn blowing, what was that, then he felt pain, flying through the air,, landing with a crunch.. then blacked out.. when he awoke he was in this strange place.. missing one eye, one leg.. he was hurting, thinking first , the lost of all his family,, now where was he and what was he going to do,,he was so sad and hurting so bad,, then the door opened and in walked the little boy who had been raising him,, the little boy was crying and smiling at the same time.. from somewhere Lucky got the strength to stand, wobbly and give a little bark.. and then the two was hugging.. what a sight...
The moral of this little tale,, is when you feel like you have lost all in this world,,just think of how Lucky felt, then when all else seemed so lost,, the door opens,, and in walks your little boy,, Jesus,, to the rescue to hold you and to hug you , heal you, and give you a ride of smiles and love , for the rest of your life,, and then some,, all the way to the throne of God!


God , I, and we, thank you for giving us , Your Son to hold on to us and care for us, to heal us, and carry us with a smile from here to there , with You...

John HIcks
I got up this morning, got of bed,, stopped and thought of how lucky I really am,, how blessed I am.. and then for some reason, I thought of "Ole Lucky ", and smiled, for yes , I had this old dog, three legged and all.. and as I Iimped to get that cup of coffee, I said , "thank you Lord" , then set down with a smile of my ole lucky in my mind, running wide open,, on three legs ,, and you have read the rest.. Have a great day and take Jesus with you , everywhere you go.. Thouhts are little long today.. but was in my heart!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Thursday-minus 9....As your feet hit the floor today,, did you feel like it hit solid,, of did it hit like no bottom, , if the first,, o.k., if the second,, you need to call on the foundation man,, who puts you on solid ground!


As I close my eyes and envision the status on this country,, the USA,, this is what I envision.. see if you see what I see.
I see a nation , maybe in trouble,, but a good nation,, one of the most religious nations on this earth. We have "devils" working to tear us down,, but the "good Crowd" , the Christians are sending these devils back to hell where they belong,, more and more,, I know with all the crime on the streets,, the sins we all commit,, how can I say that. I believe we are the majority,, and how do I know this,, for we are still standing.... how long? It is up to our Creator! I have looked around,, and I see crime on the streets,,from the news media,, I then stop ,,,read more of the Christian news, the magazines, the programs on T.V. & that we are actually winning the fight, here at home and across the world. so that is what I base my beliefs on.. We have a lot to correct,, and I feel like more and more people are on their knees,, praying to our God, and that yes,,, we are on track with God , for now... But the race is on to expand, to expand until we are all in charge of the streets,, and folks ,,, this all starts within the home...... stop , look around you,, see the response of food to the homeless, un-employed, the toys coming in for the children ,, the Christmas spirit(for the reason),,Have faith,, that God is still within this nation, and working hard. How do I know? For I , and many, many of you , have asked Him to! .. Do you have the faith to talk to Him, and join in the blessing of a great and good nation, to get on your knees in public and call out to Him , let Him know you are there,, so He will be there? If you disagree with me today,,, fine,, just go and live in some third world country for a week,, then ask yourself ,,, if we are not the blessed of all nations for now? I am just simple,,, but I am a "simple Christian",, what are you and what is your


God, thank You for hearing us, and caring for us, and keeping satan at bay! amen

John HIcks
Hard to understand some times, but written from the belief that I have in me, and the faith of the Lord God , Our salvation of life itself! Where do you fit into His plan?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Wednesday-minus 10: You have made it to the day of the slide! The slide to the week-end, the last one until Ole Jolly You Know Who comes! Are you excited? Everyday left will be the slide to Christmas for someone,, to rush to get that shopping done,, plan for something special.. so to all, I wish you a great slide, or slides to that special day, that started it all,, that birth of our Savior! Praise God for it,,, the opening of the door to our salvation!


We wander in our own wilderness, looking for that something, that something that will make us whole. But we wander and cannot find it,, we get close, can almost put our finger on it.. but just can't get there. It is as if we are in a coral.. that goes round and round... we can see the outside,, the good side, the not in the same old rut,,, the vast land of freedom! How do I get from here to there,, out of this wilderness of round and round? I have tired the gate,, it won't open,, so here we are ,, round and round, getting dizzy? I ask , just who can open this gate of life for us all,, take us on an open journey,, and get out of this rut of sin,, and gloom.. who,, I holler,, then I hear this voice.. I CAN! I ask ,, who, who is that , that says I can open this gate ,, and I hear the voice again,, that says, I CAN, IF ONLY YOU HAVE FAITH AND CALL OUT MY NAME,, CALL,, "JESUS OPEN THE GATE AND SAVE ME"! IT IS YOUR CHOICE! I then see this little figure , feverishly wrapping chains as big as trees, around the gate,, one over the other,, you can see the sparks flying as the steel hits steel.... and a voice that says ,, no,,no. not again Jesus, you can not have them,, they are mind,, and then as we all say, no satan, we want Jesus and freedom from this life of nothing,, and as we cry out, steel breaks, as easy as tearing a piece of paper ,, links of steel go flying into oblivion,, out of sight,, I see some of the links,, they spell "sin" on each one of them,, Jesus is opening the gate and slinging satan and all our chains of sin & slavery into infinitely.. wow, what power,, none is as great... we are free,, we are free!
How about your coral gate,, has it been opened,, have you called out yet,, if not,, call on the most powerful power that exists,, of man and satan,, Jesus Christ , and He will come and cast you chains of sin that keeps your gate closed away, and lead you to glory,,, as He


God , thank You for sending our keeper and having Him to open our gates from hell to Heaven.. amen

John HIcks
I have ran that circle of rut in many corals, and I have found that the only one who can get me out , and keep me out, is my Jesus, if your gate is still bound with the chain links of sin,, cry out now, and watch as you are freed of all sins, watch the fireworks of the greatest gatekeeper of all.... your choice to cry out or keep walking,, down, deeper , with each step... make the right choice!!! Jesus Christ!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Tuesday-minus 11- Does your road of this life have too many "pot-holes"? When you walk, do you have your head down, to keep from tripping? Wobble around a lot,, miss things, except the pot holes? Well walk on that road no more! Jump onto the road to glory, that Jesus has made and keeps it up,, it is smooth as silk, and you can walk with your head held high,, and it leads to nothing bad,, only good,, and the destination, salvation, eternal !

Prayer Request: For Wanda Livingston, who is having knee surgery today.. may God have His hands on the surgeon, and guide him to a successful operation.. and pray for full recovery.

Remember,, Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking, and sings of it while it is still dark, knowing that feeding is just around the corner!


Today, another one on faith,, and I don't know much more to add about faith,,than that above! Wow! Do we have that kind of faith? God said,,for us not to worry,, for as He feeds the birds,, He will take care of us ,, IF,, we will just BELIEVE! Well, did any of us wake up today, before dawn, and sing... of the coming of the dawn,, and great day? Do we have just a little of that "bird faith" or just that of a mustard seed..? Well as I said in an earlier thought,, I haven't seen a mountain go sliding down the road.. that is all I will say about faith,,,, as I continue to work on my own also.. for today , at 19 degrees,, I heard a bird singing before dawn, while I huddled next the stove,, and thinking of what I would have for breakfast,, a hot breakfast,, while that bird had faith of just a breakfast... hot or cold was o.k. to it

Lord, thank You for the breaking of the dawn,, and also of the night for us to rest, and be ready, for that dawn.. amen

John HIcks
Faith is the hardest thing to keep,,, not have! For we all have it,, just don't know what to do with it!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Minus 12

Monday- minus 12,,till then! Dashing through the snow was almost a reality here,, we got a little "spitting" of flakes,,, but it was some! Amazing of the things that God can give, that is so great, and makes everyone smile, have a good time.. run around in sub freezing wind, just to say, hey it's snowing... and thanks, even if it is just a few flakes,, for here in the south,, that's a lot.. such a small gesture, but such a great gift , from our Lord, for man cannot make and spread that much , so far! To think that each of those snow flakes were different,, and then think of those blizzards ,, not one of those flakes the same.. and knowing the exact number that fell last night, for the whole year thus far,,, the grains of the sand , not only on a beach, but on this earth,, I say no!, to all of the ones who say, there is not a God,, for I know of God, He has visited me many times, and you,, with a rain, a snow, a wind, a cloud, a feeling of happiness,, yes I know that God is real, and that the birth we are going to celebrate,, is real.. and I know that Jesus died on that cross , for me, for you, and then rose,, yes I believe,, do you? I am ready to celebrate Him , today and every day, take Him with me, everywhere I go.. will you,, and we can still celebrate even bigger

in twelve more days!

Have a great Monday folks!

God, we believe in You, in Your Son , Jesus, and the Resurrection,, and we celebrate the love from You to us today, and each day that You give us.. amen

John HIcks
Prayed for something today to write, ,, I completely had none, and see what can happen! Praise God from whence all things come .. even you!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Welcome to this Sunday- I have learned that people will forget what we said, what we did, but people will never forget how we made them feel. Make sure your tongue is in cheek, and not wagging something that will be felt very deeply, called "Hurt"!

Prayer Request: Please remember the family of Mary Mitchell, who passed away yesterday late. Pray that they find the peace they need on losing this love one.


We, as a nation go to war, we also fight with one another,, sometimes with the same weapons as used in these wars.. knives, guns, clubs, ropes,, etc.. but none as deep , penetrating , hurting, lasting a life time, as the word of a friend, neighbor, love one,, that is directed to you with a vengeance of hurt , or just plain hate.. Once that word is launched, it cannot be retrieved and wiped clean,, no never completely. The human body will not let all be erased from our minds.. even though we forgive, and can live side by side, under the same roof, for a lifetime from the on-set of that word or words,, our subconscious mind will hold on to it,, and at times , toss it back in the ring,,and the only thing that controls it... is ,,that forgiveness you gave that person, or persons.. I would say that man needs to install a "mind rehearsal switch" in your mind, that rehearses what the tongue is about to utter, before you toss it out,, and thus avoiding the incident ,, if you can think that quick! Oh , you say you do have one? Then why the words? Just a "human " mystery.
The only one that can wipe the slate completely clean is God Almighty, and that is if you go through His Son, Jesus Christ,, FIRST! Did you get that "first" word? Yes , you accept Jesus before you get to the throne and face God. When you do accept Jesus, and then appear in front of God,, there will no bad words, or deeds on the pages of your book of life , they will be clean, and no sub-conscious mind of any reminder of your sins here,, for Jesus has already paid for them and cleaned them away for ever and ever.. Now put the "guard" the "rehearsal switch",, put Jesus in your mind, accept, and listen to Him, yes listen, for He does talk to us, just as the Father does.. if you believe, and I do...
So accept if you have not? Re-dedicate,, if you already have accepted? Go ahead and say the words that will not hurt, but will start a party in Heaven of songs, and celebration,, that will make the feeling of good , not evil,,,


Yes, Jesus, I accept you, as my Lord and Savior!

God, I pray that all who can hear the tongue of man, get on their knees and call out those words of salvation,, "oh Lord , I come,, yes I come to the altar of Your Son, and ask forgiveness of my sins,, amen

John HIcks
Walk with me, and not against me, as I tread down the path of this life , on my journey to salvation!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Hello Saturday! What a day!!! Do what you want to do,,,but do it the way God would approve! That let's the enjoyment,,,, last!


He is alive, and well,,,still accepting souls,,,still loving,,,still caring,,,still walking with us,,,Let's all stand up, and shout with all the breath in our lungs,,,,Now, together let's,



Thank You God for us Your Son , and the way of Him to You, amen

John HIcks
Talking the talk,,,how about it ,,,want a conversation with God,, then get on your knees, and make a few dents in the ground,, start of with , "Hi God,, here's what is on my mind, and what I want to say from my heart,,,," , the rest is whatever you want to say,, so go ahead , have a great conversation,,, I just did!

Friday, December 10, 2010


TGIF/TGED- Friday,,, put your feet out as you come to a stop on your slide to the week-end. Now in life , one plans, and plans, makes the decisions , right or left, up or down,, and in all these decisions, if you have made them without Jesus included, you have failed already!

Prayer List : Please pray for Barbara Wilkinson to have a good check up ,, and to have her health restored to great,, in all areas. Prayers have helped already her mother,,, praise be,, mother, who was in Charlotte Hospital ,, has come home,, Praise God for all.
Continues prayers for Mrs. Whitley,, Todd's' mother,, may she continue to get good news from her doctors.


You know how when you walk in your house, or even maybe from one room to another,, you stop, and say those words,,, "Do I smell smoke?"... even if you don't have a wood , coal , heating stove,, or you haven't been cooking,, your furnace, heaters are in good condition.. but you just get that little sniff of odd , something is burning a little! We all get those smells,, and sometimes you get other smells, weird glances,,, and then we turn all those to having the spirits in our house! Ha! It is usually all interpreted of orgin after we investigate,as to what it is , and then sometimes we never know of where or what,,, we just finally, after a brief examination, go our merry ways... with a smile of not quite sure on our faces.. now to the real reason for this thought of the day...
Are you by chance smelling the smoke of satan,, for he hangs out all over... yes,, all over.. at work, at play, at supper, dinner, breakfast,, in the car, walking, swimming, running,, sleeping(yes, pounching you back and forth, causing a bad night of sleep),, yes my friends , ole satan is right beside you working away,,, trying to get you to join him , and burn, burn! The only barrier you have to not burn,, is Jesus Christ at your side,, doing everything with you,, and not trialing behind you, but present now ,, right beside you.. Jesus is there in the mist of you,, but waiting for you to ask Him in,,, satan does not ask,,he just keeps on tempting you with all he can conjure up.. If you have not, and if you already have, ,, go ahead and call or recall out to Jesus,, to come and walk with you, and just live within you to the utmost of life,,, and then , and only then will that smell clear up,, the moving of a not explainable movement.. yes call out to Jesus for His saving power and put on the fireman's hat of salvation, and you will become completely free of that little(which, in the end, will be very big, even eternal)


Lord, I am calling out, again, for forgiveness of my sins, and asking You to continue to walk with me, for I believe in You, and want to show You off to all I meet.... and Lord, I ask the same for all who reads this. amen

John HIcks
Yes, folks, I have my smoke detector , my Jesus, and when that smoke gets to close, it gets a very big boot to a distance that not only do I not get burned, but I never even smell the smoke anymore,, want Him to walk with you and be your fireproof wrap? Just ask,, choice, yours.. so ?

Thursday, December 9, 2010



Good morning on this Thursday morning from again Huntersville, N.C. I hope all have a great day and may God bless you all...


With this economy in a twister of a roller coaster ride,,,up and down,,,the nation seems to be in complete disarray. We are "in the mist of " a recession/depression,,,by all the news I hear,,,see on the net. Listening to our news media,,,we are going to pot! Well I say ,,,"we have been on this route for quite a while". How can we expect our nation to thrive,,,if,,, (we and I,,) let the angels of satan, run most of our country? We have let "one" take prayer out of our schools,,, our states,,,and our nation,,,we have let the same angels take life before it is born,,,,we have set on our butts,,,and said,,,well this will go away,,, what can we do? Some of us say,,,,well look at how it was when we were young...I will say,,,"we were haunted with war,,,and rumors of war,,,but we did not openly see dope peddlers on corners,,,local stores being robbed at leisure,,,presidents having shoes thrown at them... movies with the vulgar talk ,,,no there was law,,,and order,,,,THERE WAS GOD IN ALL THAT WE EN-COUNTED!!!! " How can we expect our nation to rise to the occasion, time after time if we are going to continue to let God slide out of our decisions,,,and our accountability? Yes we are in the "mist of a recession/depression,,,and we will see it get even worst,,,if we do not open up and invite the Master back into our daily lives,,and all our decisions,,,what we need to do is in be in the



Lord , I pray for this nation,,,and your mercy on it,,,and that you will re-enter into our daily decisions and all we encounter. amen

John HIcks
Praying each day,,,for our nation,,,standing with God and our Flag,,,and standing tall,,,will you stand with me?



Here it is, Wednesday,, ,,to be a beautiful day,,,cold here,,,so wrap up in His sunshine,,, and His arms,,, and enjoy it to its fullest!!! Sorry the "Thoughts" are late,,, Libby and I are visiting with our Son and his wife here in huntersville, N.C. , and as I stated, it is cold here!

Prayer Request : The family of Elizabeth Edwards,, who fought a great battle, enjoyed her life, her family , and stood tall to all who knew her,, may You God, take the family into your arms, for we all know You have already open Your gates for her..


When we want to cover ourselves from the elements of the weather,,,such as rain,,or cold,,,we put on a raincoat,,or in the cold,,,a heavy coat of some kind,,,we wrap ourselves in a "cloak" of some sort...If we are out in this climate,,, we can get wet,,,or cold,,,and it will give us a chill,,,that turns into pneumonia,,,or flu,,,it can cause a lot of discomfort,,, even death..We work hard to purchase these "cloaks" for not only ourselves,,,but for our children,,,wife/ is part of our life, to protect our lives and the lives of our families...As our children grow up, they will follow this same path we have shown them. They are what we teach them...
Now for the biggest question of our lives,,,,Have we supplied the ultimate "Cloak of Protection" to our families,,,and have we taught our children,,,,grandchildren,,,,about this "cloak"? The "Cloak", that will wrap around us,,,our families,,,protect us and give us life....You may say,,,how can a "cloak" give life? This "cloak" is Jesus Christ,,and He is the everlasting life,,,,So,,, not only put a material coat on for the elements ,,,which can burn, no matter what material you use,,,,put Jesus, the material of everlasting to everlasting,,,, in your heart,,,give Him your love,,,accept Him,,, and He will be there for you at all times,,,and He will





Lord, thank You for wrapping your arms around us all,,,and the comfort of Your love within our souls...amen

John HIcks
Wearing the "Cloak of Jesus" and making no excuses!!! Will you accept this "Cloak of Salvation"? I extend it out to you in His name,,,it is up to you to grab hold,,,,!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Tuesday- On this day, 69 years ago, the Japanese Empire attacked our shores, killing thousands, and as a quote from one Japanese commander said, I am afraid, afraid that we have awoken a great giant. He was right, The United States of America responded and bought them to their knees,, with God on our side, we won ! Thank God for this great victory!

Prayer Request: Let us bow our heads in reverence for the Military Men, and Women that have gone to these wars, fought and died , for our freedom that we have this day... God bless these Men, and Woman, for those still with us, and those you have wrapped your arms around, thank you God for them all.


We as humans , carry a load with us during each minute of our awake days, and some carry it with them , even when they sleep. This load carries a hurt to our minds, our heart, our vital organs through out our bodies... we must unload this wagon.. You can go to the doctor, get medication that will help you deal with this tension, this load, that has reached on some , to an almost "tip over" of the load.. then you are in more trouble than just trying to pull an overload.
So, how do you stop being a mule of labor? Seek the team that is harnessed, and ready to pull your load.. that team is,, first God,,, then His Son , Jesus, the better medicine!
All you have to do is to stop what you are doing,, if you are driving down the road , pull over,,, if you are walking down the sidewalk, on the road, through the woods, a park,, STOP! If you are with someone, ask them to stop with you, they will wait, and might just join in,, don't be embarrassed,, but smile with abandonment,, and just say,,,, Jesus come , come and save me from all this load , this load of sins,,, , forgive me,, I accept You as my Lord and Savior! It will feel like you are a dump truck , instead of that little pick-up,, for Jesus and God will automatically dump those sins,, kick ole satan in the butt, and start your life over,, it will be some work on your part, by doing something you may not be use to,,, that is having faith, walking with Him, and not the old crowd that has helped put you there, but one thing also,, you talking the talk of God to those friends and all others... so go ahead,, put the brakes on , Pick Up The New Load Of Jesus Christ, as your cargo,,, and let Him push the dump button and


God, I pray that you will grab the wagons of those who need you , and carry their loads as they request.. forgive them of their sins,,, and forgive us all .. and thank You for Your force that keeps this nation free.. amen

John HIcks
I am proud of this Nation, and I pray that we will continue to keep God at the head of our nation, instead of a door mat, as some of our leaders have and are doing, pray with me that our leaders will do a turn around, and they will ,, with a lot of our help,,, at the voting booth!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Monday- Welcome to a great day,,,, another one that God has graciously given us , to hold , and enjoy,,Do you know what is better than a family wrapped together in a great big family group hug? It is a great big family hug, with our arms wrapped around Jesus and God! Wow , what a hug that is!


Let's all just start it off with a day of


to all you come in contact with,, let's be the ones who make this day , a day for someone-else enjoyment!

God, be with us in all we do this day and everyday,,, may it be for you, and not for us. amen

John HIcks
My acts will start by smiling at people with a gleam in my eyes to tell the old, old story of Jesus,, then a good and meaningful,, "hello",, how will you start your day?

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Sunday-Welcome this day, and as you awake remember this: "Confidence is the feeling you sometimes have before you fully understand the situation." So before you speak, thank !

A joke: Where circumstances change very quick!

Man calls in to Church receptionist and asks , "I want to speak to the Head Hog at the Pig Troff". She is very upset with this request.
She tells the caller, "You will not refer to that name , you must ask for the Pastor!
He says back to her, "Well I was going to donate $10,000 to your church!"
She says to the caller, "Hang on, PORKY just walked in!

Change of Circumstances

We all at times , let ourselves change with the circumstances around us. We may be doing a certain thing and someone around us says or does something to alter our thoughts, and we automatically change, even when we don't really want to. We should always follow what we feel is what God wants, and we should not alter ourselves, but alter the circumstances that try to alter us. Satan, works constantly, so don't let him jump in with any type of alteration ,,,, just Trust in God, things will work out, and

Change Circumstances For Him Only!!

Lord, may we always alter to suit you, and only you , and not man.. amen

John HIcks

At twelve, I changed, then I went on my merry way, and left God to the side, I thought,, no! He stayed, I altered, then I realized the alteration was me, and then I changed,,, altered myself back to to Him. How about you? Do yo know Him? If not, make an alteration,, from you to Him . How? just by calling out to Him,,,, Go ahead, make the move!

Friday, December 3, 2010


TGIF-Friday! You made it , yet again! Is it not wonderful to be so , that we can all celebrate this day as an accomplishment for the full week, & that we have been so good, so great, we deserve this day that leads us to the two days of a week-end,, even the retired get excited! God bless this nation, of really ,, happy children, what-ever the age! Have a great Friday all....

WHERE DOES THE LINE FORM? Where is the line?

I listened to a video on Facebook yesterday, that inspired me to write this little piece today. Let's see if it fits any of us.. read with tears, for I now tell this story,,, in the mall,, a mall of thousands of shoppers , daily! If you were to go there, from opening to closing, now ,this season, you would have to turn your shoulder, left or right, probably one million times, if you shopped for six hours... now folks that is a lot of people shopping in this mall. On the main floor is the area of Christmas Land,, it contains all of the ornaments, trees, little animals of all kinds(stuffed), just your ever-day decorated winter wonder-land,, with a big pavilion made with a path from the mall floor ,up about three feet and to this big ole jolly man dressed all in red, with white tips on his coat, and hat, a big black belt, and big black boots.. and yes, by golly,, he laughed and shook ,,just like a bowl full of jelly.. it was Santa Clause.. wow,, was the place at a stop,, you had to go way around the kids , with their parents,, as who , the kids, was jumping up and down , just to see Santa, then get to talk to him, and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. What a site, all these children, and guess what,,there with just as big of anticipation of seeing him, was the parents also.. smiling at everyone who had to brush them ,just to get by.. then out of no where,, a little voice from a little boy , about five years of age, came like thunder to this celebration,, over-riding all the voices in the mall,, not so loud, but the message,, that made it hit like lightning and thunder.. the voice of this little boy rang out with these words,,,,,,
"Is this the line to see Jesus?",,, "I know it is His birthday coming up, and I want to wish Him a happy Birthday, and see what He wants for a present". "Is this where the line forms to get to see Jesus?"
Not a word could be heard,, not a laugh could anyone hear, not even a smile,,, and that is quite,,, just breathing,, and the widest opening of thousands of eyes.. for not one , out of all these people could answer this little innocent boy,, who knew the reason for this season of celebration, and just wanted to line up, see his Jesus, and ask that question, not what he wanted, but what Jesus might want for His birthday,,,
Now, I ask ,, as that little boy did,,,,


My almighty God, I thank You for the innocent of children, and Lord , I thank You for this upcoming birthday of Your Son and the reason He came, and the reason He left...thank You God for all we have,, amen

John HIcks
Each time I am in the mall, I will think of this little five year old when I pass the Santa Claus line! How about you,, what will you be thinking?


Thursday, December 2, 2010


Thursday: There are days when , as I walk, I feel the pebbles underneath my shoes,, maybe I need to have them "re-souled", and then the road in which I walk, will be smooth with no pebbles, thus giving contentment, not to me , but the "SHOE-MAKER"!

Prayer of Thanks: Ray Noll has had a great diagnosis, no cancer, and he is out of the hospital,, yes, prayer does work, and the thanks goes to our God, who answers them all,, in His way..


I heard a man say to a man whose color was white,, stop, wait, let the black man come first. Then I heard again, the man said , stop wait, let the white man come first. Then I heard again, the man said, stop wait, let the red man , come first. Then I heard again, the man said stop wait, let the yellow man come first. Have you ever heard this ?
It is a choice, made by color , not by soul. When God spread everyone at Babel, He did not do it by color. He did it by voice... never did He say, as I have read the Bible,, hey you , yellow one,, go down the valley,, Hey you, red one, go up the mountain! No, I have never heard this.
I am not writing this to say a certain color of ones skin is more prominent to God than the other color.. I am not on a soap box for rights, nor discrimination of anyone,, but I am on my soap box of telling each one who reads these thoughts,, that I am standing as tall as that "soap box" will let me,, and testifying for my God, He is not a discriminatory God of any person...
I ask only this question,, "When you get to Heaven,, do you think you will hear God say these words as you stand before Him on the time of your judgment.. Next my Son, and as Jesus takes you by the hand to stand with you,, before His father, that God will proclaim to Him,," Stop My Son,, I want that man, that .......... over there first"
; (color)
If you believe this , then you are with a different God , than I am... for I may hear it here, but I know my God, and I know that when I stand in the balcony of judgment,, I will be called upon for my deeds , not for how long I have been or how long I have not been ,, under the sun, but how long I have been with the Son!

Color, is from ones heart, and of deeds,

not the eyes!

God, thank You for Your judgment ,, for I know it is swift, but true,, and I ask that all who reads this, there heart will be right when they appear before you... amen

John HIcks
I have many friends, each of the colors represented here on earth, stand by my side in life and death, and I have been thankful that God let me serve with all of them.
I now serve only my Lord God, and my Savior Jesus Christ,, who do you serve? The choice is yours.. to make or not to make.. but when your name is called,,, make sure you have made the one that Jesus does hold your hand as you walk to that Throne, and are judged by the Father....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Wednesday: Today the first day of December,,,the month of the most famous baby ever born...may we start the worship early and continue it each day.... and especially,, when writing Christmas,, no x's!


Sling Shot: a device made of a forked stick,,,with two elastic strands of rubber and a leather clutch plate...or two throngs of leather, with a clutch plate...
This sling shot can be, with a stone placed in the clutch plate,,,be a deadly weapon,,, when thrown with accuracy to the head,( ref: Bible,, David and Goliath engagement.)
Can you imagine ,,you or I,, having enough faith to go against this mountain of a man,,this big giant, with only a small sling shot? As you look at this Goliath,, and he is four times bigger than you,,,and you have a machine are still intimidated with have the urge that all is over,,, and death is at hand... This is when you have to reach far down into your heart and mind and gather all the faith that you can muster in the fact, that machine gun( sling shot),,,is going to function,, save your life, and those around you.... you aim and fire...praying that you don't have a mis-fire, and that you hit the target, even as big as it is. Then you fire!!!! with,,,,,,faith!!!!!
Faith: belief in the value, or trustworthiness of someone or something. You have the faith in this "sling shot"...your life depends on this faith... this is the something,,, now the someone,,,how about the faith in God,,,bigger than any sling shot,,,or gun,,,more powerful than any weapon made... (bigger than any giant)??? Do you believe in Him???,,,and have the faith???,,, that,,, if you accept His Son as your redeemer,,you will beat all sin,,,hit satan right in the middle of his flaming head,,, and send him right back to hell, where he belongs....with this kind of faith , you can not only save yourself, but with the testimonial of God,,, His love,,,His Son and The Sons' saving power,,, help to save others also? Use your weapon,,,the mouth,,,letting the tongue talk, and talk loudly,, of Him,,,the shouting of His Name,,,His goodness, His strength,,, to be heard like a loud clap of thunder,,, let all know the Lord Jesus is definitely alive and is standing beside you in all the battles of this life,,,,He is your




Lord,,,thank you for your protection against all giants,,,and the Son at our side,, at all times...amen

John HIcks
Will stand against satan and all of his dark angels with my "Sling Shot" of protection,,Jesus Christ,,,will you come and stand beside me, with the same faith!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Tuesday-- Hello out there, come on , wake up, get out of that bed,, we are going on a hike get a shower, get dressed, put on your shoes! This is a hike today with Jesus.. He has been ready for some time,,,and it is time we take Him up on it,,, We are going to hike down a straight trail, no hills, no brier brush, just cool sailing ,, a cool and fair day,,, we are going to hike down, His trail, today,, and then you might, just might, want to hike on it each day,,, I hope!


In the beginning,, Genesis:2:7, the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
After the beginning had started, Genesis 2:18, The Lord God said , "It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a help suit-able for him.
Genesis 2: 21-23: So the Lord God caused the man to fall unto a deep sleep: and while he was sleeping , he took one of man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman', for she was taken out of man."
Now in the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth,, He created Man, and He created Woman.. I believe , do you? Man, count your ribs!


God, thank You for us, and the use of Your earth, and Your promises,,, amen

John HIcks
Knowing I never came from anyone, except my God,, Look in the mirror and see where you came from and where you are going, you have to look deep, just passed the banana tree.. Ha!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Monday: Back from the long week-end, that is most of us... Those in re-tail, a long , long week-end! Now , we are full,, lots of shopping done,, we can kick back , and enjoy a Monday,, yes enjoy a Monday! Yes, I know, except for those who have jobs to go to , just be thankful , you have one!

Prayer Request: Ray Noll,, husband of Delores, who is back in the hospital with problems. Let's all give him our prayers for healing and relief, and back home soon.


I walked up on a fellow one day,,,he had his ear to a wall,,,I looked at him,,, he just continued to listen and after a while,, I put my ear up to the wall,, a few seconds later,,I said,,"I don't hear a thing!" He said, "It's been like that all day!".
Of course this is a joke, but it is a lot like our leaders of our government, in their messages today...they talk, we listen at the wall, and we hear nothing,, just the wind!
But, today, there is one who calls, and calls us second by second.. This one, the Leader of all is our salvation,, and He is calling to you , to me, today, this second.. If you have not heard Him,, then put your ear back to the wall,, the wall of faith,, open your heart,, then you will hear, and then , if you have not already accepted Him, ,, you should listen and react...Yes,, once you hear Him calling,,, "Come,, come to me!",, then you need to answer right then and there,, "Yes Lord, I am here,, I confess to You my sins,, please accept me in your heart." I can guarantee you.. He has His ear to the wall, listening at all times, and once you ask, He hears, He reacts, and "bamn", you are His,.. just so simple.
We need to stop in our tracks,,, listen to this voice calling out...if we don't, and if we don't change our ways,,,and the ways of our co-existers in this world,,,we may loose it all...We cannot turn a deaf ear to this voice,,,for we are on our way to the darkest times of this world,,,and the only thing that can turn it around is this voice we hear,,,"come to me,,,accept me,,,give me your heart and soul,,,show me your faith,,,I will make it right, Just call out to me,,,,I am listening!"
Yes,, this voice ,,, is the voice of the SON OF GOD,,,JESUS CHRIST,,,CALLING OUT !

Do you have your ear to the,, "Jesus Wall"?

Lord, thank You for being at the wall of calling for us, and that You listen 24/7. I pray that all will call , and call before it is to late. amen

John HIcks
I called, He heard, how about it,, it takes very little breath to call out to Him,, have you....Choice, yours!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Saturday- As we walk on our road, let us walk and pave it with the love of Jesus, and then we can have a smooth road to God, and Heaven..

Prayer of Thanks: My grandson, Noah fell out of a kitchen chair on his head,,, a ride to the hospital in an ambulance,, "ct" scan, and all was o.k. ,, just a big red spot on his head,, and after he won all of the staffs heart,, they sent him home, a well and sound baby under Mom and Dad's loving care... Thank You God, for grabbing him and easing him to the floor , unhurt.. all praises go to you!


We do travel a rough road in this life.. with all the bumps, holes, and hurts in it. There's satan, with a shovel, pick, temptations, all things to just demolish any road. We let him do his "digs" make his pot holes,, as he wants, and just limp by these holes, stepping on a spike, then falling down on barb wire,, these are all cuts and bruises of sin, on his road he has worked so hard,, to make us stumble and fall off , right into hell.
Now this road of satans' is this way , because we let it be . It does not have to be, it can be just as smooth as glass, and a view of the beauty of this world, it can carry laughter, singing, skipping, hand holding, smiles, love, just the fullest , greatest life we can imagine, and yes it also leads to the eternal life of spirit in Heaven with our Savior and God.
Which is better? the first road or the second road? I have taken the second one,, the first you don't even have to do anything to get on it.. just deny God,and you are on it. Now, the second road is easy too,, it has this "on ramp" that is just like a Cross.. at the top of the ramp stands Jesus, just as alive as you and I, with arms outstretched, and smiling. As you put your foot down, and call out to Him,, oh Jesus,,, I love you, and I want to walk with you through this life,, I accept you.. you are instantly standing next to Him, and He will wrap you up , and carry you down this road ,, and never let you fall off.. on through this life with happiness, and on to Heaven with a guarantee of a partner to get you in..


God, thank You , for Jesus, and the paved road to You,, amen

John HIcks
I never will walk that rough road again, for by choice, I choose my Savior, Jesus Christ, to trust and to walk with in this life, and I never want to feel the sting of sin again.. for I have the only One who can take this sin away... yes it is by choice of your road to travel,, come walk with all of us,, and ask Jesus to save you... make the choice,, now!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Friday- WOW! What a day yesterday! We as a nation, are the greatest place on this earth, and anyone who does not believe in this , and believe that God gave it to us,, has a brain that in in relapse! I pray that the people of this United States of America will see how blessed they are, then assist those who are in need and share this great blessinig that He has bestowed upon us!

Prayer Request: Please pray for Charles Crews, who is in the last stages of cancer,, and needs all the prayers for his pain, and his mindful presence.


I just wonder ,, if the Pilgrims are looking back at us , what are they thinking of us now.. and how just far that one dinner with those Indians,, affected a nation so big, from that little sandy shore on their day, the very first Thanksgiving day?
Well , if they could have seen our celebration, they would have been proud... we first had fellowship with each other, as the dinner was prepared,,, then the welcoming, the reading of His word, a prayer to bless that abundant meal, eat,, then laugh, fellowship more and more,, and one of the best of all,, watching those young ones run, play hide n seek, laugh, and the look in their eyes as they see uncles, aunts, cousins, that for some, have never seen, and for all of them the look of "Wow! I did not know I had so many cousins! Ha,, They, these precious one are the future, as I was the future to many, and as I looked around,, I didn't for a short while worry about this world, for I could see the future running , laughing, building character, soul, and love for one another,, just as I saw their parents running around the same way. Yes this world is in good hands,, and I believe that is just how the Pilgrims were thinking as they looked at their young doing just that, and then seeing all of us giving thanks to the Master today as they did,, and I justt know that they are very, very proud of what they see as




John HIcks
Humble and thankful for all of you , my good friends and love ones!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Here it is, Thanksgiving,,,a day of feasting,,,full stomachs,,,fellowship with love ones,,,and a day to stop and pray thanks,,,,to Him ,,,for it all!!!


These are two powerful, life changing words, THANK YOU,,have you used them lately?
Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods' will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the time, to say to God, thank you for all we have...and also take the time to say it to others as they do things for you...It is something we don't use enough,,,and it is something that is needed to be used in abundance...
Stop as you feast today,,,reflect on what you have to be thankful for,,pray that others in this world will be as fortunate as you and I. Thank God for Jesus,,,His love for us all,,,and thank God for the U. S. A. and may He show us His mercy to continue to give us the freedom we have...may I repeat,,,




John HIcks
Prayer of thanks, for all, to have as much as I have,,,,Thanks to you all,,, for listening...


Here it is, Thanksgiving,,,a day of feasting,,,full stomachs,,,fellowship with love ones,,,and a day to stop and pray thanks,,,,to Him ,,,for it all!!!


These are two powerful, life changing words, THANK YOU,,have you used them lately?
Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods' will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the time, to say to God, thank you for all we have...and also take the time to say it to others as they do things for you...It is something we don't use enough,,,and it is something that is needed to be used in abundance...
Stop as you feast today,,,reflect on what you have to be thankful for,,pray that others in this world will be as fortunate as you and I. Thank God for Jesus,,,His love for us all,,,and thank God for the U. S. A. and may He show us His mercy to continue to give us the freedom we have...may I repeat,,,




John HIcks
Prayer of thanks, for all, to have as much as I have,,,,Thanks to you all,,, for listening...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Wednesday-The day before! Yes,, I hope all diet today, for tomorrow will be pig out day! God bless all of the cooks today, may they not burn anything today , for tomorrow! I know that I will get a big,, yes,, yes on this!

Prayer Request: For The "Cross Ministry" who are supplying "Crosses" , free of charge,, to all who want to declare their love and belief in Jesus Christ, and do it publicly by placing a small cross that looks so big in their yard.
For all of our Troops who are defending our freedom and our land, both here and overseas.. may God forge ahead of them and give them His protection in all that they might encounter!


May God grant me the brains, the speech, the tongue , the breath, and the complete ability to stand before man, and this world, and testify of His Goodness,, that He is the greatest of all,, and most of all ,,, the love He has for us all, and to put that invitation out to all who reads this,, and a challenge to these also,, the invitation of joining all of the ranks of His world.. in this world, and His world to come! Speak up for God, and that you are not afraid to stand for him in anyway that is possible,, do you believe,, will you speak?


Thank You God for being here for us all. amen

John HIcks
Just have to say it ,, I do speak and I am very proud, and never miss my chance to speak... how many times have you looked back and said, I wish I had told that person about God,, or told of your belief in Him , and did with pride and head up high? Thank about it,, I mean really stop and ponder on this question!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Tuesday-Welcome to another of God's days,, wake up , your mood is what you are , inside, put a smile on that face,, and then the world will smile with you.. put on a frown , and the world will frown with you, which one will you choose?

Prayer Request: For, Mary Brown,, the mother of Barbara Wilkinson, who is very, very sick in Charlotte N.C.


Who at work,,home, community, works harder than anyone else? I want you to just stop, and think, how hard this one works, to turn you to sin, and damnation. Now, I want you to think and ask your self,,do I work 1% as hard, as this one does,, for the word and testimony of God? One percent is not much,,, and if we all answer truthfully,,,we may be surprised at the answer within..
Well, this "one" who works to get our souls 24/7,,,52 weeks, 12 months/year, all the time...and yes, you know him,,,you have been around him and he around you,,,,and we all have at some time in our lives,, worked side by side with him...he works harder to get your soul than anyone else does,,,his name,,,satan,,,the devil,,, He sends out more messages each minute than the Internet,,,the phone,,,more signals than your T.V. or radio....yes ,,he is at work all the time,,,,pulling you and promising you,,, the world....his world,,,hell and damnation for eternity....but coating it with sugar and false-hood,, yes he is working harder and harder,never resting, not for a moment.
Now, you say the Lord is stronger, so why doesn't He work harder to get me if He loves me? God does love you, and He has already done the work,,,presented it to us in a greater effort than satan and all his angels can ever accomplish,,,but it is on a "do it yourself, by choice, God loves us, and He wants us to love Him back!
All we have to do is say please these words,, accept me God , I come through Your Son,,,, (He gave Him for us,,no greater love than this,,and what kind of work can this be,, for one to do..than give this gift?),,forgive me of my sin ,,,,BAM! IT IS DONE!!! more worry about the hard works of satan,,,,no fire nor heat,,,,just heaven for an eternity.... Now that's not having to work hard,,, is it???,,so easy and effortless...all of the work done!
Now that we have ask for and received Him,,can we not get out of our easy chair,,, go out into this world, and testify and work for the Him,,,The Living God, that has made it so easy for us to have a great life . here and later in eternity?? Do we want to set back and let satan continue to work and mane and kill? Or do we want to be greater than that little old 1%,, and get our percentage to say 100% , we are for our God,,,,,




Well,,, how about it, Your Choice!

Lord,,, thank You for giving us Jesus so we had a way over satan and the way to You and our eternity to be spent with You, amen

John HIcks
Working ,,,but still not as hard as needed,,,,come help stamp out all the sin we can,,,Let's do it together,,how about it? Will yo join me in the fight?

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Cup Runneth Over!

Monday- Welcome to the start of the Thanksgiving week! I know all are looking forward to this great Holiday,, that will show the world that we are a thankful nation, and that we are thankful to the one who made it, and who gave it to us, our Almighty God!

Prayer Request: To a friend on mine, James Streeman, who is feeling weak and bad,, please say some prayers for him, and let's see him back out into the yard more and more,, for that yard is not natural without James out and about!

My Cup Runneth Over!

My cup of life is full and overflowing,, I am so blessed by my God! What more could I want? Being a human being,, probably if I had pen and paper in hand, I could fill a book of wants,, that is not at all essential with my life of need? No, I actually need nothing! That is hard to believe, but if one will stop and look around them ,, and actually count their at hand blessing,, they might feel the same... maybe not.. but my Lord and Savior has accepted me, and that is the top,, and really only, need I have ever had,, and it cost me nothing, but gave so much.. how about you,, what do you not have , that you need to sustain this life, that you do not have.. is it Jesus, love, food, shelter, clothes, cars, any motor vehicle, warmth, cool, money? The only real need is the first one named, for that is the only need that will get you to where you are actually going.. and He is the only thing that will get you through that eye of that needle! Now, thank about life again, and see as you look down into your cup,, do you see life overflowing out of it, and with Jesus holding the handle of that cup.. or do you see, doubt, smoke, sin, dirt, mud, greed, not even half full and satan holding the handle of that cup? If you have accepted Jesus , really accepted Him,, then you will see


God, thank You for my cup of life,, my, Your Jesus, amen

John HIcks
As I walk this road of life, I lift up my eyes to the one who gave me the feet to walk this road, and I need not have to say a word, for I already know, my cup runneth over! Does yours, if not , call out to the one who can pour pure love into it, and make it run over, in an instance,, go ahead and call out!!!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Sunday- Welcome to the day, that God chose to set down, and rest, look about, and I know , said to Himself,, job well done,, then He made man!


As I had previously said,, my family has been blessed with many miracles.. we also have had our sad times.. times of lost, and thanks to our parents teaching,, never lost but gone ahead , just as their forefathers have done ,, as if forging ahead into forming a welcome party for their off springs at a later date.. now to continue the "miracle",
I had just retired, moved back to Yatesville, never (hopefully) having to live through the week anywhere else.. when my wife and I had to go back to Mississippi to pick up my little Chevete. I had to leave it when I packed up and sold my house I had over there.. We had been out to eat, having a great time with our friends, and I had already picked up my little car and we had it at the motel.. when we got back, I decided I would fix a little light in the car, I had gotten my tool box out of my truck, finished the job, went to put it back into my tool box mounted on the truck.. I climbed into the back, my foot caught the tail gate, I lunged forward, all my weight, my left shoulder hit the truck tool box corner,, I fell back onto the floor of the truck bed,, I felt one of the worst pains I had ever felt. I hurt so bad, I could not cry out at the moment,, we were parked down from the room , across the parking lot,, and in the dark,, and then when I could cry out,, it was late,, no one could hear me,, I climbed out of the back of the truck with a lot of pain, then slipped, bam,, hit the pavement,, I nearly passed out.. I managed to stand up, walk to the room,, my wife rushed me to the hospital,, x-rays,, my shoulder crushed , into many , many pieces, they where going to operate there and then, I choose to come on home in pain, so my wife would not be there along with me in the hospital.. Well I made it home , plenty of pain, I don't know how I made it,,, but I did.. The orthopedic here, said after another x-ray,, I will , of course have to operate,, and you will , by the x-ray, not have much use of this arm.. your shoulder is crushed and there is not way to fix it, except to eliminate the pain, and give some movement, very little..
Now the day of the operation,, about an hour and a half,, he operated,, I went to the room, and in just about half an hour,, the doctor walked in,, smiling.. said,, "operation was a success,, I put a metal plate on you shoulder, attached it with screws, and all of the liters, & muscles seem to fit back into place.. don't know how,, but I believe you will be able to use this arm some... well my friends, after a page of explaining this mis-hap,, I have 98 percent use of this arm.. from broken splinters to a well working arm,, yes,, thanks to God,,no other could have done it,,, I know who did the real operation,. and preformed yet another one of


God , you are a good and gracious God, and I know you personally, and treasure your presence all around us.. amen

John HIcks
So Folks,,, don't let anyone tell you , God doesn't preform miracles in this modern time and day, for I know personally, and so does my family, we have had so many,, that I will have to write of others,, later.. believe in God, and if you have not invited Him into your life, please do.. today..


Saturday, November 20, 2010


Welcome Saturday,, we have waited all week for you to show up and now that you are here Mr. Saturday, we have lots for you today.. by we,, I mean, us, the readers of this, and also the one who made you Mr. Saturday! God Almighty!


I have told all of you about the miracles in my family.. and we have had many. Here is two in one writing. I retired April 2006,, and at that time,,, I was a heavy smoker,, about 2 to 3 packs of ole Winston Longs.. and I would fight you to save my cigs. I had three plants that kept smoking at a designated place, just for me.. yes that is right,, some did not know this, but in these three plants, I was asked if they cut out smoking what would I do.. and I said quit..and they knew , I would.. and I would have done just that,,, folks , I was hooked , and hooked since the age of slipping around and smoking roll your own, or a cob pipe(homemade). Yes,, my body had not known life without nicotine since the age of 5.. I decided to quite after I retired,, and did not know that day, that I would... I had made a "smoking booth" for me and my wife, in our utility room... I went in there on this morning at 10:00am, lite a cig, smoked half, looked at it,, cut the fire off of it, fell to my knees, and "I cried our to God,, please take this urge away,, and help me stop this destruction to my body!"I rose with a feeling like none other, than baptismal,, and I knew I was free, free from cigarettes.. and I was,, when an urge hit me, I looked up, smiled and it was gone.. a miracle from God!
I promised two,, but being long winded as I am,, I will do the second one of this chapter tomorrow.. please bare with me..

Miracle don't just happen, they are planned, and all of them come from God!

Lord, thank You for the miracles of mine, to all who reads this, and may you continue your blessings on us all.. and may we recognize those miracles You send us .. amen

John HIcks
I have heard people say, "Why don't we have the miracles today as they had in Biblical days?", and I say,, we do,, you just have not recognize them,, one outstanding is that you live in one right now!! Recognize it ?