Friday, December 24, 2010


TGIF-FRIDAY!!! Kids all over,,, are waking to a minus-0 days,, for this is Christmas Eve.. yes the journey is almost to the little stall that housed & blessed us with our Jesus,, to be born shortly,, oh wow, will we celebrate the birthday of birthdays, and be sure and listen to the explosions after explosions , the singing of the Hallelujah Heavenly Choir,, the Angels doing all kinds of flying maneuvers.. yes the Heavens will almost explode as they celebrate the birth of the Son from the Father,, our God,, wow, run and do that shopping, get ready folks,,, for here it comes, right around the corner.............


On this Christmas Eve,, I want to just say a few words about those who are serving to protect us,, the men and women who are saddled with the overseas duty,, the Christmas away from family, friends, and the USA... for I remember too good of those years that I spent,, Sometimes it is hard to pull out memories, that are made by friends without even a thought of consequences of self, the memories of those still here and those already gone,, but here goes ,, just a little tribute to all of you,,, there sitting, walking, dug in on the sentry line,, lying in a barracks with "a at anytime" whistling sound of alarm.. a thought of times past, and time now, in short time for there is no long time,,, ,right now.. Please, let's all pray for these brave men and women, that their Christmas is a safe and good day.. for as they do their duty ,
With a Bible in their hand or vest,, A gun in his or her hand, Home on his or her mind, Nerves in a web of alert, afraid, brave at the same time, possible death,, just around the corner with the next step, Yet they walk on,, each minute , each day, for us, and our rights , to stop and celebrate with safety on this day of the Birth of our Christ Jesus,,
Prayers for this "vet",, this giant of a person,, this son, daughter, grandchild, wife, dad, uncle , aunt, good friend,, prayers of God Speed, & shouts for God to wrap His arms around each of them, and let's all of us,, stop , long enough to bow our heads, drop to our knees, close our eyes, in a true reverence to each of them.. as they climb in their own foxhole, their bed for this Christmas Eve, and this Christmas,,, with only the memories of HOME as their presents for this day!!! This cold dirt, this cold rail of a ship in rough seas, this home away from home,,, this ,, their bed of choice, for you and I,, so that we may give thanks, eat a hot gorgeous meal and open our many presents in a warm, protected home! SO AT THIS TIME, I GIVE A SALUTE



God, I thank You, and I pray for these comrades in uniform who are standing guard at this time,, that You grant them the time to stand ease, to lower their heads in thanks to You for their cloak of salvation that wraps around them now,, Your Jesus,, and God thank You for their return home , safe and secure,,, from harms way.. amen

John HIcks
Thank you fellow "vet" ,,, now in the present! , in the past!, and the ones I know who will step forward in the future!
For my freedom to worship my God and my Savior, may all of America pray also..for you are granted freedom through YOUR GOD, AND A LONELY VETERAN,,, STANDING GUARD! SALUTE!

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