Friday, December 10, 2010


TGIF/TGED- Friday,,, put your feet out as you come to a stop on your slide to the week-end. Now in life , one plans, and plans, makes the decisions , right or left, up or down,, and in all these decisions, if you have made them without Jesus included, you have failed already!

Prayer List : Please pray for Barbara Wilkinson to have a good check up ,, and to have her health restored to great,, in all areas. Prayers have helped already her mother,,, praise be,, mother, who was in Charlotte Hospital ,, has come home,, Praise God for all.
Continues prayers for Mrs. Whitley,, Todd's' mother,, may she continue to get good news from her doctors.


You know how when you walk in your house, or even maybe from one room to another,, you stop, and say those words,,, "Do I smell smoke?"... even if you don't have a wood , coal , heating stove,, or you haven't been cooking,, your furnace, heaters are in good condition.. but you just get that little sniff of odd , something is burning a little! We all get those smells,, and sometimes you get other smells, weird glances,,, and then we turn all those to having the spirits in our house! Ha! It is usually all interpreted of orgin after we investigate,as to what it is , and then sometimes we never know of where or what,,, we just finally, after a brief examination, go our merry ways... with a smile of not quite sure on our faces.. now to the real reason for this thought of the day...
Are you by chance smelling the smoke of satan,, for he hangs out all over... yes,, all over.. at work, at play, at supper, dinner, breakfast,, in the car, walking, swimming, running,, sleeping(yes, pounching you back and forth, causing a bad night of sleep),, yes my friends , ole satan is right beside you working away,,, trying to get you to join him , and burn, burn! The only barrier you have to not burn,, is Jesus Christ at your side,, doing everything with you,, and not trialing behind you, but present now ,, right beside you.. Jesus is there in the mist of you,, but waiting for you to ask Him in,,, satan does not ask,,he just keeps on tempting you with all he can conjure up.. If you have not, and if you already have, ,, go ahead and call or recall out to Jesus,, to come and walk with you, and just live within you to the utmost of life,,, and then , and only then will that smell clear up,, the moving of a not explainable movement.. yes call out to Jesus for His saving power and put on the fireman's hat of salvation, and you will become completely free of that little(which, in the end, will be very big, even eternal)


Lord, I am calling out, again, for forgiveness of my sins, and asking You to continue to walk with me, for I believe in You, and want to show You off to all I meet.... and Lord, I ask the same for all who reads this. amen

John HIcks
Yes, folks, I have my smoke detector , my Jesus, and when that smoke gets to close, it gets a very big boot to a distance that not only do I not get burned, but I never even smell the smoke anymore,, want Him to walk with you and be your fireproof wrap? Just ask,, choice, yours.. so ?

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