Thursday, December 2, 2010


Thursday: There are days when , as I walk, I feel the pebbles underneath my shoes,, maybe I need to have them "re-souled", and then the road in which I walk, will be smooth with no pebbles, thus giving contentment, not to me , but the "SHOE-MAKER"!

Prayer of Thanks: Ray Noll has had a great diagnosis, no cancer, and he is out of the hospital,, yes, prayer does work, and the thanks goes to our God, who answers them all,, in His way..


I heard a man say to a man whose color was white,, stop, wait, let the black man come first. Then I heard again, the man said , stop wait, let the white man come first. Then I heard again, the man said, stop wait, let the red man , come first. Then I heard again, the man said stop wait, let the yellow man come first. Have you ever heard this ?
It is a choice, made by color , not by soul. When God spread everyone at Babel, He did not do it by color. He did it by voice... never did He say, as I have read the Bible,, hey you , yellow one,, go down the valley,, Hey you, red one, go up the mountain! No, I have never heard this.
I am not writing this to say a certain color of ones skin is more prominent to God than the other color.. I am not on a soap box for rights, nor discrimination of anyone,, but I am on my soap box of telling each one who reads these thoughts,, that I am standing as tall as that "soap box" will let me,, and testifying for my God, He is not a discriminatory God of any person...
I ask only this question,, "When you get to Heaven,, do you think you will hear God say these words as you stand before Him on the time of your judgment.. Next my Son, and as Jesus takes you by the hand to stand with you,, before His father, that God will proclaim to Him,," Stop My Son,, I want that man, that .......... over there first"
; (color)
If you believe this , then you are with a different God , than I am... for I may hear it here, but I know my God, and I know that when I stand in the balcony of judgment,, I will be called upon for my deeds , not for how long I have been or how long I have not been ,, under the sun, but how long I have been with the Son!

Color, is from ones heart, and of deeds,

not the eyes!

God, thank You for Your judgment ,, for I know it is swift, but true,, and I ask that all who reads this, there heart will be right when they appear before you... amen

John HIcks
I have many friends, each of the colors represented here on earth, stand by my side in life and death, and I have been thankful that God let me serve with all of them.
I now serve only my Lord God, and my Savior Jesus Christ,, who do you serve? The choice is yours.. to make or not to make.. but when your name is called,,, make sure you have made the one that Jesus does hold your hand as you walk to that Throne, and are judged by the Father....

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