Saturday, December 18, 2010

They are real !

Saturday-minus 7- As I looked into the darken sky for that "Star" to start to appear for this season,, I could not find it, and I continued to look,,into the millions upon millions of stars in that vast universe,, not to be found,, then I felt my heart almost pound, skip a beat,, Yes, I had found where my "star" is!

They are real,,,,

The atheists are for real, they are out there,, the practice of witchcraft, is out there,, the worship of Thor(the mythological Norse god of thunder and lightning), is out there,, worship of Ullr(son of Sif, & stepson of Thor), is out there,, out where? Right here in the good ole US of A.. that is where,,, to be exact on these above,, they exist in the Glacier Baptist Association, in and around the vast part of Montana, AMERICA! Satan is working overtime in this vast region,, there are .07 Southern Baptist's per square mile,, size in comparison, South Carolina is 3000 square miles smaller than the Glacier Association.. (S.C. has 22 per square miles), so our non-believers of our God, are scattered in a vast region,, and not but a few missionaries to serve them.. but we have missionaries all over this world,, so think of the job they have with this in our on backyard. The information I have is from the Christian Index,, so you see ,,, satan is very busy,, and holds this area captive for now.. but with Gods' blessings, our dedicated Missionaries will prevail.. I have faith,,they will..
How about us,, in our own state, our own counties, our own cities/towns, our own communities? How have we tired to reach these non-believers, (also those believers who need a boost to get re-started)? I can answer this , by letting them know when you talk to them, show them by your actions,, don't be just a bump on a log,, and not express Christ in all you do..
I have thought,, maybe I speak up to quick,, maybe I should go a little slower on testifying to people,, and I say,, phooey! The quicker the better,, I don't see satan waiting,, he is right on them,like grass on dirt! I see professed Christians,, that I think have had an experience of "super Glue" on their lips, and don't know of any "glue remover".!!!. Well,, I do!! He is called Jesus Christ, and if you call on Him, He will open your mouth to testimony,, before we become as a nation,,,the next Glacier Baptist Association,, .07 per square mile,, believe me


That is satan, but praise God, so is Jesus!!!!!!

Almighty God, give us the strength to talk, serve you, and get off the log and quit just patting ourselves on the back ,,but learn o speak and visit others and bring them to you.. amen

John HIcks
Are you just there? or are you a real worker,,, out working at public works,, that is the public of this world,,
serving Him , or not? Your Choice! How about it, what is your opinion,, I would love to hear from you....

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