Monday, December 13, 2010

Minus 12

Monday- minus 12,,till then! Dashing through the snow was almost a reality here,, we got a little "spitting" of flakes,,, but it was some! Amazing of the things that God can give, that is so great, and makes everyone smile, have a good time.. run around in sub freezing wind, just to say, hey it's snowing... and thanks, even if it is just a few flakes,, for here in the south,, that's a lot.. such a small gesture, but such a great gift , from our Lord, for man cannot make and spread that much , so far! To think that each of those snow flakes were different,, and then think of those blizzards ,, not one of those flakes the same.. and knowing the exact number that fell last night, for the whole year thus far,,, the grains of the sand , not only on a beach, but on this earth,, I say no!, to all of the ones who say, there is not a God,, for I know of God, He has visited me many times, and you,, with a rain, a snow, a wind, a cloud, a feeling of happiness,, yes I know that God is real, and that the birth we are going to celebrate,, is real.. and I know that Jesus died on that cross , for me, for you, and then rose,, yes I believe,, do you? I am ready to celebrate Him , today and every day, take Him with me, everywhere I go.. will you,, and we can still celebrate even bigger

in twelve more days!

Have a great Monday folks!

God, we believe in You, in Your Son , Jesus, and the Resurrection,, and we celebrate the love from You to us today, and each day that You give us.. amen

John HIcks
Prayed for something today to write, ,, I completely had none, and see what can happen! Praise God from whence all things come .. even you!

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