Thursday, December 30, 2010


Thursday- Good God's day,,, yes they are all.. As I walk down the road of life,, the soles of my shoes contact the dirt of the road with each step,, may my inter-soul be cleaned by my Jesus with each heart beat of my body.

Prayer Request: From a mother,, that her son, and daughter-in-law, shall reach for you Lord, and have you repair all their marital problems, and let them live in your safe-ward!


How many of us lock our doors at night, or when we leave our houses, to keep the thief out,, and our valuables safe. Most do,, and we also carry insurance , just for those whose locks are broken, and the thief does come on in... Well, today I offer a lock that cannot be penetrated,, cannot be broken,, and lasts a lifetime,, but this lock is for the most valuable asset you have,, your soul... and this is the lock of Jesus Christ, once accepted, once installed,, no entry can be made,,, so go ahead,, it costs nothing, it has already been paid for by His Blood, it gives you eternal life,, lets you sleep good at night, have a great time during your awake hours.. and best of all,, it leaves old satan,, just lying around rolling in a fit of fits, crying out in agony..beaten!
So ,,, if you have not already asked for,, and got the "Lock Of Life",, Jesus,, then call out,, ask,, and then you will be


God, thank you for my "pick free", "lock of life",, Your son, Jesus for keeping me safe and secure.. amen

John HIcks
Yes , I have my lock of life,, & I ask, if you don't have yours,, just ask Jesus, he will be right there,, click,, and there you go,, thief(satan) locked out, you , safe at last! Make the choice!

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