Friday, October 31, 2014


FRIDAY!!! TGED! and look out today, and tonight especially for the ghosts and the goblins will be moving here and there!! BOO! Now, did you jump back,, Ha! We are so blessed here on this earth,, and especially here in the USA,,, to be able to have the children get out , dress in crazy outfits, walk the streets, and go to doors with great anticipation of TRICK OR TREAT! and folks ,, let's just make sure this is for the kids,,, no 18 and 25 years old, with hands out at the door! and one really Big Thought ,, this day,, accept Jesus today, so you will not face death with that "will it be trick or treat" when you go to meet your God...for I know ,, mine will be "TREAT" for I worship the real , ONE AND ONLY GOD! and you? Prayer Requests: For Joseph Fink, my nephew,,, who is in surgery to remove an ingrowing tumor from his throat.. pray for great results... and this will end this ole tumor forever! For all those suffering from all forms of sickness, that of heart, strokes, ebola, cancer, all diseases and hurts,, please pray for healing, and for God to enter in,, and don't forget ,, you are praying to Him,, and only to Him and that is what matters,, for God can heal all!!! LOVE! This morning I had "The Thoughts For Today " written in my mind, the title,, the body of the message, and this morning as I was getting it all sorted in my mind , as Libby and I were drinking our coffee... God jumped in, and reminded me of the "Thoughts" He had in mind! It is crazy sometimes as to the feeling of this intervention... and as I felt that little jump in my heart, it kept saying "LOVE" and then as I thought,, I do try to use that word lots, often, so why is this little voice saying LOVE?,,, and then here it came!!!!!!!!!!!!! "DO YOU JUST USE THAT WORD? OR DO YOU PRACTICE THAT WORD,,, AS I HAVE COMMANDED? YOU HAVE JUST READ IT IN YOUR DAILY BIBLE READING?",, Now as you say, that was just from you reading it,, yes it was.. for He works that way,,, and then as I got on the computer,, what is the first thing that pops up... "Has anyone told you they love you today? If not God and I do. Have a blessed day. William McChargue!" and that is just what I read into it,God Almighty leading, you ,, read into what ever you want,, for my ear, my heart, and my tongue(usually) does what God wants first, my wishes last.. so this day,,, I quote my lesson of the day.... that was retaught to me, and I pray it will be re=taught to your heart also.... John 13:34-35 NIV: 34. "A new command I give you: Love one another , As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35: By this , all men will know that you are my disciples,,IF you love one another! SO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, AND DO NOT USE THIS WORD LOOSELY! for when I tell someone I love you!,, folks , it is from my heart,,, and trust me, I do love you, I do not use it for any other use, but to love! now the big question to you,,,,, DO YOU LOVE ONE ANOTHER? I pray all will answer YES! YES! YES! God, thank You for loving me, and this world,,, amen John HIcks Saying this very morning ,,"I love you all",,, and William,,, there you are ,, still being a big use and influence from our Go!, Thanks for that message....for you are so special to this man... God Bless You and yours...and to all you others,,, who are reading this!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


THURSDAY! Good morning to you all, and I pray that this day ,,,, you have a great day, and that you ask God to walk through it with you! Prayer Request: For Kala's Great Uncle , Pete Driskell, who passed yesterday at 1:00 p.m. Please keep his wife and children in your prayers! TODAY IS YOUR CHOICE! Yes, your choice go work with and for God! not for your self, nor for any thing that is against the teaching of the Bible... for the Bible is the book of instructions that was written for us to build on, and to work by! so are you following the Manual(Bible), or are you just playing it by ear, and in false hope ,that it is the right way? Folks ,,,, in this day and this time,, I urge all of you to STOP, THINK, MAKE A CHOICE !!!!!!! THAT OF INCLUDING GOD FIRST ,,, SELF ,, LAST! God , thank You for accepting me,, and giving me all that I have..and I ask for all to come to You, and accept Jesus, and take Your message forward! amen John HIcks Just a servant,,, will you join me in this servitude to God? Again, your choice , not mine!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


WEDNESDAY! Good morning on this , the day of the "camel"...and remember as you plan, put God first,,, keep Him in your heart, and on your TONGUE,, in all you do,, this day of His, given as a gift to you, and to me! Have you thanked Him for yours yet?,,,, and all that you own? for it is His, given to you with His love, no matter how little or how big, whether it is gold or just a copper penny,,, it is from Him, and it has it's reason,, that reason being that we don't know why, but folks don't worry,, it was planned long ago, so live not as to what you have today in this world. but live in happiness of what you have to live for the coming! "FOR THE COMING!",, understand! Prayer of Thanks: For Gods hands that wrapped Vickie Maxwell yesterday , as her car went off the road, and was completely totaled,, and she was handed back to Gary, her husband,,, unharmed! Praise to Our God for this great moment, lost of a car, but saving the soul of one of His! Prayer of Care: for Linberg Satllings, who will be undergoing the hardest time of his life, the funeral of His wife, Verna... and we all should pray for God to hold on to Linberg, and let him know she is there ,,, with Him.. for we all know of the good from these two...tied with the twine of God! ENTER THIS LIFE WITH HIM,,, FOR ALL COME INTO THIS WORLD WITH,, HOW YOU GO OUT,,,,, BECOMES YOUR CHOICE! Lord, thank You for our all, and I pray we all have the strength to choose You when we become accountable ,, and walk with You,,, not only through this life,,,, but when we do leave,,,,, we will have made the choice to leave with Jesus in our hearts.. amen John HIcks Have a great day!,, and may you receive more of God's blessings, than we all deserve!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


TUESDAY! Good day to you all! Is it not great that God woke you up this morning? If your answer is yes, then did you thank Him for it? or did you just swing your legs over, and got on up ,,,like this is going to happen forever? Well wrong..for all must be finished here, and the on to the Judgement... don't be left behind! Prayer Requests: For God to hold Linberg Stalling in His loving arms,, as he lost the love of his life here,, his wife, Verna.. who went on to meet the Lord. Kala Mauldin Phillips',, Uncle James, who will be having open heart surgery in Macon Hospital in Macon Ga. For a special young man, who is a friend of mine, that he may return and stay with God.. for even tough he has strayed, please pray for the intervention of God to bring him back to His fold... BETTER THAN HOUDINI! Yes, Houdini, was a magician that was outstanding,, and in many, many of his tricks could disappear, and then reappear.. in a flash! There are now many that are better than he was,,, and make objects as big as a car, a ship, disappear right in front of you,,, this is called and Illusion! We even have them happen in real life, and don't even realize it...things move, things said doesn't register, then registers later,, we read things, then we think about them, and realize they mean completely different than we read... these are all "illusions" ,, and are "man made".. now for the one disappearance of ONE,, maybe sitting on a couch, riding in a car, on a plane, in a field. walking down a road.. with someone else, and with that disappearance,, the other one is left still there.. this is called "The Rapture" ! A movie made on this, called "Left Behind!"... and this morning I am saying to you,, WHO DO YOU PLACE YOUR FAITH IN AS TO BE THE ONE WHO CAN MAKE YOU DISAPPEAR, AND THEN REAPPEAR,,, IN FRONT OF GOD! HOUDINI ,, OR YES,, GOD ALMIGHTY! God, I place my faith in You, and only You, no one else! amen John HIcks Servant,,, NOT JUDGE OF ANYONE, FOR THERE IS BUT ONE JUDGE!!! So, lets' all celebrate God today, love Him with all our hearts, forgive us of our sins,,and all those who have sinned against us, and live as GOD wants us to do,, and that is of Him,,,have a great of another of Gods days, His gift of love to us all!

Monday, October 27, 2014


Monday! Waking up to the Lord, is the best way of waking up, whether it be awaking on Earth or in Heaven, and this I ask you,,RIGHT? Well you know it's your choice... and you are the ONLY one who can make it... so today, another one that He has gifted to us,, gives you this time to do so,, or not!!! It' all yours!!!! Prayer Request: From Debbie Livingston: We were saddened to learn of the passing of our nephew Jeremy Livingston today. He was 37 and passed from a heart attack. What I really would like to ask tonight is prayers for his mother, our sister-in-law, Becky Livingston. Becky has already experienced the loss of her husband and the loss of her youngest son. Now she is facing this heart felt loss again. Her brother, who is living with her is also currently under hospice care. Becky could surely use a special touch from God. Please remember her in the coming days. For a young, now an ordained preacher of God's Word,, John Wesley Long,, who yesterday was ordained,, and may we all say prayers, not just one day, but many, many days, that God continues to lead this young man to His mission , for He has chosen John Wesley for sure! A DAY AT A TIME! For we are all NOT guaranteed any thing on this earth,, EXCEPT, the choosing of Jesus as our Savior from this world! Now, a lot of you will not agree with me..for God made this Earth for us to enjoy, and live in it with love..not with bickering among ourselves, killing others, robbing neighbors, strangers, cursing others.. going against His word that is written in my Bible , but when I quote it, I am an outcast!!!! But, I still believe in God, and in His word, and I have accepted Jesus as my Savior, and if this annoys you,, and if my telling you of it daily, annoys you,, and my trying to pass on His word, annoys you,,,THEN TOUGH! Get off your barb wire fence and walk on the smooth side of Salvation with Jesus, for that other road is a road of deceit,,, the pot holes have no bottom, and that hole is mighty hot,, so please don't jump me, jump on Jesus' bandwagon, and ride the ride to Heaven.. and please SHUT UP WITH THE BICKERING, THE FUSSING, THE HOLDING OF THE GRUDGES, AND MAKE UP WITH ALL, FOR YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THAT LAST DAY WILL COME!,,, But to remember it will come, to your surprise, maybe, you will have it,, so prepare or......? God, I ask for Your continued influence of my life, for I give it freely, and know that Your word is matter what...and I ask for strength from You, and for this Nation, and for Israel.. amen John HIcks Heard it all? Not by a long shot, but I have heard enough to know that this world is in HIS HANDS,,, did you all know this... or did you think YOU were running it,, Ha! Surprised to some, yes to some ,, but to others,, yes you know....Have a great day from Him again , this gift of life!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


SATURDAY! Good morning Lord, thank You for my new day, thank You for waking me, and walking with me through my day.. and Lord I pledge that my day will be a testomony of You, and Your love of me, and of this world!!! Today, we , here in Yatesville, will be having our annual "Chitling Hoedown"....and if the good Lord favors us, the wind will blow from North to South! But come on down, and enjoy this little ole community!!!!! It's old, and it's a great place to live!!! I had a great Birthday yesterday, and was blessed by so many "Happies" it was mind bogging to this old mind...thank you all... Today's thoughts are for all to STOP! and give thanks to the Lord above for all He has given us,, and folks it is so one sided ,, we will need to pray our thanks 24/7,, for a life time.. and today, I say,, Lord, thank You for my all,, for You are my all! Now,, you make a choice,, and make the right one.. John HIcks,,, Servant of our Living God! Prayer Request: For a special friend of ours, whom we love very much, Gladys Hicks,,who suffered a heart attack and is in Macon Hospital. This is a picture of her and her brother Jim Harp, who is 95, and in the last four years , has given out over a 1000 little white crosses.. they are of a great family ,, so please pray for them!

Friday, October 24, 2014


FRIDAY! Good morning to all, on this , another of Gods days! As I awoke this morning with a loving hand from my lovely wife, with a "Happy Birthday, I love you!",, and then as I smiled , smelled the coffee, and got my eyes to open completely, I said thank you, to her, and then I said "Thank You God for this morning, be with me by my request!,, and thank You for my 73 years +9 months,,, here in Your world called Earth!" Prayer Request: For continued prayers for Jeff Lovejoy's little grand-daughter! Sue Burkett,, who is still suffering with a stomach infection, and after intravenous antibiotics,, is at home , waiting on a return to the hospital for a colonoscopy to try and find out the why of her infection, pray for her and her husband, Donald Jr. who stands by her side ... pray for the Doctors to find the reason, and for God to heal her! For our Nation, to remain,,, "A NATION UNDER GOD"! And by our request! FAITH! We, as people, MUST keep our faith in our GOD! HIS SON! and that JESUS IS OUR SALVATION! AND THAT HE WILL PREVAIL IN WHAT WE NEED,, FOR HE MADE US, AND HE LOVES US,,,,,,,,, So do not despair,,, if in need, ask ,, and then He will deliver in His way,, not ours,, and then keep the faith,, for He will love for all times,,, remember that!!!! God , thank You for this day, and for all Your love,, amen John HIcks Servant Only! and proud to be! Make the choice, today, now!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


THURSDAY! Thank You God for this day, for without You, there would not be one! Think about this! For our God Created us,, and we should be thankful for our all,,,and we should give Him thanks, and love one another with all our heart and soul.. and respect all of what they believe in, and in turn let them respect you also... and today, I say what I feel , and I say it with God at my side, and so do you, (I hope and pray)... so as I write, if I offend you, then understand, I am not a professor of words, but a servant of God, as you are, whether you want to be or not, but in His way,, His use of you, YOU ARE HIS,,AND DON'T "US" FORGET THIS! Now ,,, have a great day,with Him at your side by request,, not behind you but inside you!! Prayer Requests: Bonnie Burketts D.I.L. who has a severe infection of her stomach limning, and has been admitted to the Culpeper Hospital in Culpeper Va. for intravenous administering of antibiotics... For Tim Jeffas, who has suffered from a second stroke, and is in the hospital.. please pray for his recovery, and God's hand to continue to touch him. Today, I ask for prayer for "Family Love" to refresh itself,, that this prayer be prayed that this family will know that we are all on this earth for such a short time, and to not love one another like God loves us,,, and let no one person intrude upon this love..and for them to reunite with words of "I love you, with all my heart", an this goes for many, many families... Prayer for all the attacks in Canada, and let the USA, know that we are in danger also, pray for our leaders to go to God now, not later! TIME TO KICK THE DEVIL OUT! YES,,, It is time to kick the devil out. It's time for a time out! It's time to take the time to kick the devil out! Out of your thoughts! Out of the things that you will to do! Out of the things you want to do. Our of your words..Out of your emotions! Take a time out,,, and kick the devil out of your life! Know that the devil is under your feet and the only authority that he has is what you give him,, SO, don't let him up,, but give him a big ole kick completely out of your life, and keep that toe ready for re-entry, for he will keep on coming after you, and the only way is to keep on kicking him right back out of your life, and how do you do this? WITH GOD IN YOUR HEART, AND SOUL, AND IN ALL YOU DO...Amen! These thoughts today was put on Facebook by a friend of mine, William McChargue,, and I felt he hit the nail on the head, it is time to kick the devil out, and invite God in!!! Thank you my friend for the reminder,,,, we, me , need to hear this more often , and get some steel toe shoes!!!! God,, thank You for these thoughts, and for Your inspiration of them, and that I believe in You first, and foremost, and I love all,, not their sin but their person... and I pray that Your creation,, called Man,, will love one another and do as You have instructed us to do by Your word given to us to be our path of life, the Bible, and we all will go by these instructions.. amen John HIcks I stand for God,, and I stand on that rock and I will not wavier from Him,, so I have on my steel toed shoes, and that is the word of God,, what do you have on,,, love or hate,, come join me in Love of the World of His, and of Him, and not our selves. I feel like I will get a lot of responses on this , this day, and they are welcome...make the choice of God, over all else!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


WEDNESDAY! First and foremost,, "Good Morning God",, and "Thanks for this another of Your days"! Now, after you do this,,, then watch the "Camel" run, and you make your plans, not with that camel, but with the same one you thanked this morning, if you were thanking God , for that is the only one that opinion! Not always liked but being truthful, it is mine, from me and I do believe God first, world second,, another of my opinions! Lord, I ask that you continue to bless this Nation of all our freedoms... and from satan and all his workers, who come to us in many, many disguises,,, I ask you help us to keep our eyes open to all of satans workers as they infiltrate this country, and all the world, amen John HIcks Got "The Cross" Ministry Factory up and running, with the help of my SIL, Todd, who came over and helped me.. and also , I would like to hear from you to see if this email went through,, I was hacked by someone on my Yahoo page, and as I have changed my password, it does not seem to be working.. so please send me a message on Yahoo. Have a bless day from our God, this another of His days, given as a gift to us all! Agree?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


TUESDAY! Good morning to all,, and as I have awoken to another day,, I toast to my God the thanks for not only this day, but for my all... who do you thank for what you have? WHAT IS TO COME? Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. - Acts 2:38 From Camela Jill Hicks- Acts 2:38Rev 11-15 There are going to be some strange and terrifying things on this earth. I am happy to say that I will not have to endure these times. But, my heart breaks for the many who have chosen not to believe, to laugh in the face of God, to live ungodly lives and deny Him. They will have to endure these times of terror. Some will live thru and some will die in the many judgements. I chose at the age of 22 to accept Christ as my Savior and follow Him (the best as I can humanly do so). I am not perfect but I am forgiven and I do have a hope and a promise for an eternal future with my heavenly Father. Yesterday, as I was traveling, I stopped to talk to a man about putting a Cross in his yard,, in fact , he had two places to put these little white Crosses, and he did indeed want one.. but here is the story that will re-enforce your belief, as do the above scriptures, and testimony are saying to each of us... Here is the conversation: John: These crosses all stared with an atheist having the state of Michigan take them down in a little small town in that state... (this was as far as I got as the word "atheist" clicked on this man" Man: I have a friend who now an atheist. Why? For he lost one of his children at an early age of four... and he said(the man turned atheist) if God is a God of good, and fair, why did He take away my little child? So,, I don;t believe in God,,,I am now an atheist! The man then told me this: I am not an atheist, and this is why,,I lost my 18 year old daughter,,, and as I sat beside her on her death bed,, I too,, was wondering where is God?,,,then my daughter looked at me, smiled the biggest , happiness smile of smiles,, and said these words to me,,"don't worry Daddy,, all is o.k.,,, I can see a bright light,,,and I can see Jesus, and God waiting on me,, so don't worry Daddy, I am going to them now, and I love you!",,,, And She Did Then Go!!!!! and thus renewed a non-wavering faith of a father!!! Now this is the testimony of a man who was telling of the story of an actual accounting of one of his loved ones,, not only telling him of what was about to happen,, but an actual testimony of it,, her last words!!! NOW, HOW CAN THERE BE ANY ATHEISTS, WHEN A DYING PERSON CAN TELL WHAT THEY SEE,,, AND ALSO TELL OF A PICTURE OF WHAT IS TO COME, AND WHERE WE ARE GOING,, IF WE RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST AS PETER COMMANDS US, AND AS JILL TESTIFIES OF!!!! We too can go to this same place, but folks ,, it is a choice that you and only you must make! John HIcks God, I pray this day, that all will read into this message of Yours, given to a humble servant ,, and make the decision that they need to make to be with You... amen Folks , this is why these Little White Crosses ,, are such a testimony of Jesus, and what God has promised us all.. and with these,,, come these type testimonies....Pray for all Missions, and all Churches to flourish with the people to take this message forward!!!! Will you do your part?

Monday, October 20, 2014


MONDAY! Hi! Little late this morning, for I did not get up until late... unusual for me! But ,, after William McChargue describes my sounds of getting up, is like "Rice Krispies" ,, snap, crackle, and pop! Well, he hit it right on,, ha,, but that is God still letting me get up, and letting me know, that, I am still able to get up,, and that getting up and going to that coffee pot ,and getting that first cup of coffee,, is His gift to me each morning,, and I ask ,, "Do you have a relationship with God? A personal one, or just like on the street of someone you see but don't really know, a casual relationship of only recognizing but don't really know personally ?" "Well, I say to all of you,, GET A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD NOW, LATER, JUST DOESN'T WORK!" I would like to wish to my brother, Fred Mahlon Hicks" wife, RUTH WILEY HICKS,, not a S.I.L, but considered a SISTER,, a HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY! We love you Ruth Hicks, and we always will, & may God continue to bless you in all you do,, and all you have!!!! God, today, I thank You for my all,, for without You, there would be nothing, and I pray that ALL comments today will be that of joining in with that statement, YOU ARE OUR ALL,,AND NONE ELSE SHALL PREVAIL, satan , get thee behind me,,, FOR THE ONE WHO STANDS IN FRONT OF ME, THAT ONE WHO LEADS ME,,,, IS THE SON OF THE ONE AND ONLY GOD, JESUS CHRIST.. so look out world ,, here we come,,, and again God, I ask this out of love and my trust in You... amen John HIcks Today, I hope to finish the rewiring of the feed line back into "The Cross Factory" ,,, please pray this old man can get this done,,,, and then back to the Lords work! May all of you have a great blessed day!!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014


SUNDAY Good Morning to all of you,,, this great,,, of another of God's gift of one His days! As I awoke , and as usual creaking, and limping from some really hard work,,, and at almost 73,, I say this, that even from very, very young, to old, very, very old,,, God uses us, and we must also understand one thing, God wants us use our body, our life from start to finish,,,not from crawling, walking, then running, then school, the graduation, love, married, family, growing up, middle age, and the old age, and God wants YOU to understand, that HE loves you, and He wants you working for Him at all times of your life, from birth to death,,even when we are old, we must continue to work for him, & never, never retire from God!!!! and go to Him at all ages with prayer, for HE loves to talk to you, and that you interact with Him in all you do,, no matter the age.. and that is how you act in this life,, the "example" you not only show, but the THE REAL YOU! FROM BIRTH TO DEATH, GETTING OLD DOES NOT MEAN TO RETIRE FROM GOD! Prayer Request this day is for all to come to Him, and Him is Jesus Christ! Accept Him as your personal Savior! Will you all join me this day, this minute, to stop what you are doing, and talk to God? I pray you will! John HIcks I retired from a job in textiles, a hard life I agree, but I thought I was ready to sit down and quit! I had done my dues! BUT,,, I was wrong, for God retouched me, and I did retire completely from textiles, but not from God, for up came , "Thoughts For Today" in 2007,, and then Aug of 2010, up came "The Cross" Ministry ,, and both of these changed my life, and as I approach 73, I am still excited by both, to almost the exploding of excitement of both,,,and more excited to testify of my GOD.. so you must understand as Dr. Charles Stanley also says, you may retire from man's jobs, but your are to never even try to retire from God! Now, may all plan their retirement from man, , but may you never plan retirement from God, but that you do escalate your work of life,,, that plan of servitude to your Maker, God and say what I say,, , I WILL NOT QUIT MY GOD, NO MATTER THE AGE NOR THE SURROUNDINGS,, ,EVER! and your choice?

Saturday, October 18, 2014


SATURDAY! And as the day starts,,,, do you wake , thank God for yet another of His days, given to you as a gift from Him to you? And what do you give back? Love, respect of Him, and of His name, and letting all you know that you DO BELIEVE IN HIM 100%? or do you just wake up, and go about your daily activities,,,, as if tomorrow is guaranteed? Well the only thing we have a guarantee of in this life is the freedom of CHOICE! and that "choice" is the acceptation of Jesus Christ as your Savior over this world, this worldly death, and if you do accept Him,,, Publicly,, and testify of this publicly,, then you will be guaranteed a spot in Heaven,, and that is the only way to Heaven, is by the Cross of Jesus! Now, as you awake on this particular day,,, you have a choice to make if you have not made it... and it does not hurt to testify of your choice if you have already made it.. for I feel like God loves to hear of the testimony of His greatness not only daily, but by the minute,,, for look what He has given.. and look at what you testify of now.. a great athlete, actor, movie, car, house, money, jobs, greed of bullying...killing.. so much being testified of man,, why not that of God, AND the choice to make, if that of accepting Jesus as your Savior! Are you ashamed? Remember,, the "ashamed part", and if you don't know what I am saying on this ,, ask a Christian! So, as I ramble on and on this morning,, I say to you with all the things of this world hammering us down,,, REACH FOR THE HAND OF GOD, TO PULL YOU BACK UP OFF THAT GROUND,,, AND TO THEN PROCLAIM OF HIS EXCELLENCY, AND ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR REDEEMER AND SAVIOR ,, OF THIS WORLD! Lord , I ask for You to watch over this world today,, and Lord I ask a special prayer for "The Cross" Ministry,, and I ask for all who reads this, that they will ask you also to not only preserve this Mission, but to see it to all the yards of this country and beyond, amen John HIcks Servant to My God,,, who do you serve is a question you need to ask yourself, and put your priorities in order.....and decide just who you want to serve FIRST AND FOREMOST,,, listen to me, FIRST AND FOREMOST, Him or worldly goods... Hey,,, it is your choice, and as in basketball,,, you can shoot for H-O-R-S-E or you can shot for G-O-D! and see which one makes you the "real winner"! Have a blessed day, and thank God for it!

Sunday, October 12, 2014


SUNDAY! Welcome to another of His days! As I awoke this morning,,,, and then as I toasted my God ,,, with a big "THANK YOU, FOR MY ALL" ,,, I then turned and toasted my wife, and of course my little dog, Pug! Then as I sat down, I thought of all God had blessed me with.. and the road He has me on right now.. and I felt like a billionaire... for gold, silver, paper money, nor man can ever equal to what all God's love gives....if you don't believe this ,, or you don't believe in God,,then stop,, and look around you, and close your eyes, and tell me ,,, what can you see that man can give you, or make you that is not of God, and by God..... and look at what He gave us in this love,, Jesus Christ... now I ask you,, how can you take a breath, and not believe in God, and how can you open your eyes,, and not look around, and say to the world to hear,,, "THANK YOU GOD,, FOR MY ALL" Prayer Requests: From Christy Hicks,,,Please pray for my UM BCM friend, David Reid, from years ago as he is in ICU with stage four brain cancer and pneumonia! Please remember his wife, Tara Metevier Reid and their daughters! Also , pray an unspoken prayer of peace and tranquility for a great friend of mine! John HIcks The heading this morning ,,,,says it all!! and your opinion?

Friday, October 10, 2014


FRIDAY! TGIF, TGED! Yes, I thank God every day for His being with me, and allowing me to walk, this world of His! Not bragging,,, just saying of how thankful I am of being able to not only do this in my heart, but to do it publicly,,, and proudly! and You...who are you thankful to this day of yours? Prayer Request: Donna White. About two months ago she had cancer surgery on the side of her back. She started feeling worse. So tomorrow (Friday morning ) In York Hospital they are taking out some veins in her legs and putting them in her heart. She has total blockage. This is extremely dangerous. Donna doesn't see well because of her diabetes. Let's all pray for God to hold the hand of the doctors as well as Donnas'. THE TIME TO PRAY! NEVER TOO LATE! Yes,,, praying is a time for us to do at all times,,for God says pray without ceasing,,, and even if we are not doing this out-loud,, then let's do it in our hearts and minds... let's pray to our one, and only God,,, the God that made not only the world, but us also... and allows us to use this world as we see fit.. so let's make Him proud and us it in His name! Will you join me in this prayer, and the use of His world? Must rush this morning, got to go to my grandson's "grandparents day" at school,, starts at 8:00 a.m. Noah is in 4K,, getting to be a big boy! Lord, I ask that You be will who reads this, and bless them with all Your might, and for those that have traveled, and are traveling , we all thank You for their safe trips, to and back! amen John HIcks Off to school I go,, ,some say,, maybe I should start over, but I don't think I would fit in the desks any more! NO COMMENTS,,, PLEASE!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


THURSDAY! And welcome to another of His days, mine and your greatest of gifts, and that is of two things,1. another day on this ,His world, and 2. the chance, if you have not... to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your one and only Savior! Now, I ask all ,,,, have you ever opened any other gift as great as these? Not me! He is my life,,, and my path that I choose to walk,,, and I invite any and all to join me on this road to salvation! Will you? Prayer Requests: John, please add the family of Lawrence Gassett to your prayer request. Lawrence's wife - Teresa, his son - David, daughter-in-law - Dee Gee, granddaughter - Sara Lauren, sister - Agnes Holloway, and brother - James, several nieces and nephews. His funeral is Thurs. at 11:00 at St. Peter the Rock Catholic Church. This from my brother, Frank T. Hicks,,, "I have been selected to go on an Honor Flight for Veterans from the Rochester Area,, to go to Washington D.C.,, to see all the war monuments and memorials. There will be 44 of us and 44 Guardians(Scott, his son, as his guardian) . We fly out on Oct. 18 and return on the 19 to a ceremonial welcome. I'm excited." I would to congratulate Him, and all the 44 other veterans for the show of their service, and pray for a safe round trip, and a great visit at our capital ,,, that they defended! For all those who are facing pain, decisions with doctors, for God knows your name, and what you need, and may His will be that of making you well! USA IN CRISIS? How do we really stand in this , still at this time,, the greatest country in the world? Are we safe,,, from ISIS,,, disease of great concern,,, leaders that are up to the task of standing UP AT ATTENTION, with the real COURAGE to address all of our concerns,,, too much immigration, that is costing us jobs, and money to feed,, while seniors of here ,,, go hungry, do have medical attention,,,, losing more and more medicare,, that they worked for... children going hungry, homeless, moved from one family to another,,, some being molested,, and where is our religions of old? YES RELIGION OF OLD! IT WORKED FOR 200 YEARS, WHY NOT NOW?,,, Now,, how about it LEADERS, from the state officials, to the federal staus,, The House, The Senate, all of the Presidents cabinet members,, and of course OUR PRESIDENT! Are you watching over us,,, or are you JUST STANDING ON YOUR BALCONIES, WHILE THE WATER GETS DEEPER, AND DEEPER? Make a decision LEADERS... as we take on more and more water,,,and consult first , before you make that decision, that of one of prayer to our one and only REAL AND ALIVE GOD, THE MAKER OF ALL..., then make the decision! Of course,,,my opinion, we are already in deep ,, deep trouble! and your opinion? Lord, I pray for our USA, our Allies, and all of this world , and asking for your protection and defeat of satan and all his armies of destruction... amen John HIcks Yes, again, I am opinionated,, and ask for yours,, for I do recognize that this , the USA, is a Nation of Free Speech,, and we must decide who do we believe in, and I choose God over all, first and foremost? Your opinon?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


TUESDAY! Good morning to all.. and may all give the credit for this day,,,, to God,, for it sure is a gift from Him to all of us by His grace and love! Just wait, and you will see! YOUR WANT OF TODAY,,, OR TOMORROW! I know all of you have heard of putting something back for a rainy day,,, and nothing is wrong with this ,,, for we never know what the "next " day will bring! There are no guarantees,, and I mention this often!!! As the boy Scout code says, "Be Prepared"! and with this ,, Jesus had said it first... and ask yourself this,,, had you rather accept Jesus as your Savior NOW,,, or wait,,, well NOW is the only way, for nothing is guaranteed of a tomorrow... except by His wish of what is His ,,, for you! So, today,,, I ask all to stop,, think of just where you are in your life this day... are you saved? Have you really committed to Jesus your life, and soul,, gave all together,, the all in decision, and not just the day,, week, or just not at the times of only when it suits us,, and have you given your all to God also, for the two are the same, you can't have one without the other!,,, do you practice this, or just talk about it, making people think you are a Christan or even making yourself listen to some of satans. garbage, and convincing yourself that you are a Christian,, but don't be short changed, don't be fooled, stay away from fortune tellers, and liars... for the only one you need to turn to today for your future,,,, AND PUT YOUR ALL "WANT" IN,, TODAY, FOR TOMORROW OF ETERNITY, IS JESUS CHRIST! Now, do you understand, the want of today, the want of a tomorrow? For with Jesus, there is assurance of a tomorrow!!!!!! even if not here, it will be Heaven! Think about your life, your decision of this very day, for it could be the last chance to make that decision, for there are no guarantees here in this world,, but that of Jesus.. and by the grace of God Almighty! God, I pray for all the lost,, and I ask forgiveness of my sins, as I also forgive those who have sinned against me... amen John HIcks Servant to my God,,, and only to my God!!!! and you?

Monday, October 6, 2014


MONDAY! And as we wake on this , another of His days ,,, do we ask for Him to not only wake us, but to wake us , & let us smile at having the freedom of Him beside us, and then asking with a freedom from Him,,, and that is to ask Him to stay,,,, walk , care for us, and talk to us for not only the rest of the day,, but for life,,,, yes,,, not be sentenced by a judge, but a choice of yours, and the freedom of a soul from your Creator to do so...Now,, what did you decide? Prayer Request: For our country, the sick, the needy, the unbelievers, the hypocrites, the waring ISIS to be defeated, the continued support of us, the USA, to Israel... and pray our thanks to our God, and the greatest gift ever given,,, Jesus Christ to us,, for the Salvation of our lives....amen For our painters of the crosses of "The Cross" Ministry, at Lovejoy Baptist, who are not able to paint ,, and all over 80..Peggy, cancer, Virginia who rides with her, not way to church to paint... Dianne, who is helping her autistic grandson from ankle surgery,, so we are slow,and behind on painting,, for they are the ones who ahve been paintin g these 150,000 plus crosses to hand out,,,FREE! Pray for HELP FROM GOD FOR OTHERS TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE, AND PAINT US AHEAD! Martha Stone , of The Angel Pin Ministry,,"The Cross" Ministry, and transportor of so many crosses, who is facing back problems and probable surgery! PEOPLE WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!! and your help! GOD? OR NOT? In Davidson County, N.C. the school banned prayer from the start of their games,,, this one in particular was a football game.. so the complete audience stood and repeated the Lords Prayer in unison... and this being a voluntary act, not even this government can stop this.. (for now)... and did those who opposed sit while this was being preformed? Well this was not reported for their was not enough of them to out-weigh the believers! You go, Davidson County! San Diego college campus,,,where a student was told to remove the American Flag,,, as it might offend the foreign students! Well,,, no brainier to the administrators of the college..what country do you think your college is in? Stand for America,,, not the admission dollars,,nor the cost from that foreign student.. if they are offended, let them return to their country, and their college! Agree or not? Then there is the atheist,, a really big question to you,,, and I want an answer from you mr. and mrs. atheist! If you do not believe in God, then WHY ARE YOU INTIMIDATED, AND OFFENDED BY GOD,, THE CROSS, THE CHURCHES, AND OUR BELIEF IN GOD,, IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE OF HIM, just as you do not buy something that you don't want, so why do you taunt the Christian if you first do even believe in us and our God? Well, your answer? AS FOR ME, I WILL FIRST SERVE ONLY THE LORD IN MY HOUSE , AND MY LIFE, MY COUNTRY RIGHT NEXT TO GOD, AND I WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH FOR BOTH! AND YOU? Will you still stand,, bent from satan, a snner , a disbeliever, weak, scared,, and stay silent while we are washed down the stream into an ocean of sin? Or are you made of rock, strong and formed to be solid,,, or are you made of sand with no real staying form? For God(the rock) ,, satan(sand)? Lord, Thank You for being You, and being in my life by request and Your Son, Jesus Christ that You gave me, and all who request Him as our salvation to eternity...amen John HIcks Servant, believer, and not afraid of being opinionated,, for my God, and my Country, and you?

Sunday, October 5, 2014


SUNDAY! and a very good morning to all! After waking up, feeling the little bit of the cool crispy feeling of early fall,, thanking God for it all ,,, for all the seasons are His,, and I love each of them, and of course like you, I have my "best liked",, but love them all! Most of all, I love the ONE who not only made them, but gave them with love, and the top love of all loves,,, His only Son, He gave to us for our salvation, that as humans we had chosen the wrong path, but God gave us the fork in the road, that reads as below,,,,,, THE JESUS ROAD TO HEAVEN,,,,,, the other one says satans ROAD,, STRAIGHT TO HELL,, and a little sign right below the last arrow sign on the post is this..... AND IT IS YOUR CHOICE, AND THIS CHOICE IS THE ONE YOU WILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH FOREVER! God, I pick The Jesus Road, and I pray,, all others will do the same. amen John HIcks Servant to the one, the only real master,,,, GOD ALMIGHTY,, who do you serve this day?

Saturday, October 4, 2014


SATURDAY! Great day! Stated with the sound of "Good Morning Lord", from my wife, before I could even utter the words! Now, again, beaten by the "weaker sex"! Whoever made this comment was never married! lol... I am kidding,,, a marriage takes three to succeed! God, Husband, and Wife,,, all joined as one! Agree or disagree,,, and just who did you wake up with,,, and how did you wake up,,, great with the morning, and satisfied with,,,, and not ashamed of yesterday.....Well, if you need "fixing",, then ask God in,, and Jesus Christ, and give Him your soul and your heart.. the re-start your day,, and all say it , and say it now!!!! Thank You God For My Day, Given By You To Me As A Gift Of Your Love To Me! Prayer Request: For that little 3 year old, that was in that wreck on the prayer list yesterday,,,for the mother passed on to Heaven yesterday at some time.. please pray for those remaining, and all those in that wreck! JESUS AND MARGARINE! Did you know that margarine is just one ingredient from being plastic? Well, it is,,, and after it was invented , color added, with a little taste,, there it was,, perfect for the American substitute! and as usual, we all jumped at the chance to be with rest of the crowd,,, put it on the table.. while it was killing us... and to, this morning,,what is on your table , beside you,,, your today's' "great ingredient of life" of this day? YOUR PHONE, AND I BET IF YOU ARE SITTING AT A TABLE EATING OR HAVING COFFEE, IT IS THERE ,,,, BESIDE YOU, OR YOU ARE LOOKING AT IT AS YOU EAT AND DRINK,,, BUT CAN IT KEEP YOU SAFE FOR AN ETERNITY? IS THIS YOUR JESUS? YOUR MARGARINE? You and I should by now realize that we as Americans are always looking for that "perfect" product that will make us healthier, prettier, younger , and give us eternal life,,, for we all live in a dream world , thinking, we are here for ever..but we are very, very wrong, and I am not being morbid,, I am being a realistic,,,, We were born, by the Grace of God, we live every day , by the Grace of God, and we have the way to Heaven , by the Grace of God,, in His Son Jesus Christ, and yes , one day, of His choosing , we will die, and we must be ready! Yet we are still looking for that one extra ingredient to make us "margarine",, good to look at,, with good color, great taste, a good looking package, and appealing to all,, one of the crowd ,, of any crowd that we choose to be in,, and put us out in the sun( as margarine,, and watch,, for it lasts and lasts, better than the "energizer bunny",,, even the pests won't eat it).. So are we safe?,, NO!!!!!, That ingredient we need to LIVE,, that one ingredient we must have, and if you have not asked for it and received it, and you can still feel the missing of it,,, WELL THAT IS THE ACCEPTING OF JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR MARGARINE, THE ONE INGREDIENT THAT WILL TRULY LAST FOREVER, AND EVER, AND HE WILL GIVE YOU THIS ALSO, BY YOU,,, JUST ASKING,, HE WILL RESPOND, IMMEDIATELY! God, I ask for all to come to You, on bending knees, heads bowed in reverence, and accept Your son, as their Savior this time, this day, and that no one delays , and loses their life. amen John HIcks Servant, and as I see and hear more , and more "thoughts of God, and of Jesus",, and more testimony of those concerned with America, and bringing God back into our churches, our business,, our schools, and most of all and important, the HOME, where it all starts from birth to accountability.. I am beginning to see hope at the end of the tunnel,, IF WE ALL JOIN TOGETHER IN ONE OF THE BIGGEST GOD MOVEMENTS OF THIS CENTURY! Be heard now! Make a choice ,, of Jesus!!!!!! Please!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014


FRIDAY! TGED! My day is great,, for I woke up with my Lord already awake and waiting on me,,, litterally waiting on me.. like "a waiter", for their I was able to open my eyes, get up, and make the coffee He provided,,, and out into the dark to enjoy His starting of yet another day,,, and with one of the greatest of all surprises was my son was here with us! For as we drove in from having an eye check their he was , at our house, to visit a quick day,, and then back off to N.C. to work,,, WOW! What a pleasant and loving surprise,, now is God not good? Prayer Requests: From "Millie,,my cousin. Bob Hulvey, was killed in a very bad car accident yesterday in Elkton, Virginia. His family needs our prayers. Tonight when I was speaking with Judy she asked me to add a young lady to the prayer list. She was seriously hurt and is in very critical condition in the hospital. Bob's car hit her car. She has a three year old child who was in a car seat and although he was taken to the hospital, he has nothing wrong with him. My cousin Judy requested prayer for this young mother. She is really bad and still listed in very critical condition. Please pray for my cousin Joyce Hulvey and the entire family. For that Second Grade Student , and his Brothers and Sisters,,, who lost their Mom,, please pray for God to wrap His Arms around each of them, comfort them , and care for them in this , their greatest lost of life,,, thus far! BIG TENT REVIVAL ,,,, A SUCCESS!!!! Thanks for all the prayers, from Corinth Baptist Church's Big Tent ,,, for 65 was saved, 23 Baptized then and their,,, God Is Good! This is the "good news" that we like to hear and very seldom get to hear for all the other goofy killing, raping, looting, robberies, and family fights on our news. Would it not be great to turn on your T.V. , open your computer to your home page, or Facebook , Twitter, or your phone and all would light up with the above in red,,, caps,, and stay on your screen and in front of your eyes all day long, and you went here, there, telling this story, and showing others about it,,while you are standing in the lines at Walmart, Target, Grocery Stores,,or walking down the sidewalks, smiling and showing this off,, instead of yakking to someone whom you can't leave for just to go to they store or the bathroom without,, wow what a change this headline would be,, to be on the lips of all.....We need this type of "GOOD NEWS",, and put these phones to the real messages!!! of the type below....... HEY, BEG TENT REVIVAL,,,A SUCCESS,, 65 SOULS WERE SAVE BY JESUS CHRIST! WOW! God , I pray for a miracle today,, that the above would happen,, and that all your people , and I know that they are all Yours, saved or not, they are Yours, would open their hearts and give their souls to Your Son, Jesus... amen John HIcks Servant of Him first at all times, and you?

Thursday, October 2, 2014


THURSDAY! As we rise this day,,, please may all bow their heads, and thank God for giving us His son, who died and rose for us on that special day,,, and has been saving lives who ask for Him every second, minute, hour, days, months, and years , since that death on that cross, and overcoming death, just for YOU, and for Me!!! Now, as we bow and thank God for Jesus this morning, this day,,,, try,, yes try to find something in this world, that ever topped this after the creation of this world by our Living God! Can you? SURRENDER!!! TO JESUS,,, AND LIVE FOREVER, AND EVER! Prayer Requests: For my friend Charlie, that he may get better, be rid of all aliments, and love the life he has always loved so very much! For L.P. that God will touch and give satisfaction of ALL IS WELL, AND GOOD! Lord, I ask that You help the ones above, and all those who are in need of You this day,, and we all know that is all of us,,, for we all have sinned and come close to losing our eternity with You,, please forgive us,,, as we forgive those who have sinned against us... amen John HIcks Servant , and glad to say it ever chance I get,,, for in my house , I will serve the Lord, and only the Lord! Who do you serve this day, this world and its' goods, or the one who made it all? Your choice, and yours only!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


WEDNESDAY! New day! New month! Same belief? or do you need a change? That change being the one to accept the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ NOW!,, and not wait on another new day, new month, new year,,, for none are guaranteed,,they are gifts from the Heavenly Father! This is a fact! So,,, as I have used the escalator of eternal life going up,,, or down, and which one are you on,,,and also using the direct words of "up to Heaven" or "down to hell",,,, Today, I ask this question today.... JESUS AND UP,, OR satan and down? YOUR CHOICE, AND YOURS ALONE, MINE IS TO TELL YOU! Have you told anyone lately of the salvation of Jesus and the damnation of following satan? Prayer for the "BIG TENT REVIVAL" at Corinth Baptist Church' sucess,,, continues as blessing are pouring in,, so please don"t cease praying for the success of this revival, and watch the success of God at work!!!! Lord, I ask that all testify of Jesus as the salvation of this world,, and that they make the choice,, and I also pray that the "Big Tent" will not only be filled, but those there , will make the decision of you over all else. amen John HIcks Servant to my God, and testifying of my Savior Jesus Christ, and your choice?