Thursday, October 31, 2013

THURSDAY!!!! Happy Halloween! May all have the treat of their life this night of goblins, and ghosts,,and be very careful , if you go out in the streets... and be courtesy to those who give, but be sure and eye those treats before putting them in your mouth.. just be careful, and may God bless all this day, and especially this night! Prayer Request: For those special ones, who I pray will reach out to God ,, from both sides , to settle that of want for each other... and that God will enter in, in reality, and judgment will return from Him, to them,, and they will abide in His wishes. For that special girl, to feel better, make the hurt go away, and put back on that smile we all love so much, with the rest of her.. WE ARE WHAT WE ARE! Today, I want each of us to stop,,, reflect on ourselves! Yes , ourselves! It will be the hardest judgment you will have to make in your , as to now,,your lives! Yes, if you will do it true!!!! Ask yourself,,, and do not be prejudice to yourself, ask in honesty, for you are the only one, and God , who will know exactly how you judge yourself, and if you are honest, it will make your days form here to there,, much better, for those who are really with Him, , know Him, accepted Him as there Savior ,, will be with Him,,,, those who say they do, but don't ,, won't! Enough for this day! REMEMBER, TODAY, IT ALL ABOUT YOU,, OF YOURSELF, AND TO YOURSELF! God, I make no judgments, I leave that up to You, as You have commanded us to do ,, JUDGE NOT! and I ask that all here judge me with honesty, and much, much forgiveness,, and I pray to You Lord for forgiveness of all my sins. for I am a sinner. amen John HIcks This morning is a little strange ,,, but has a really great meaning, and I think a great message,,, maybe you need to read it again, and then ponder yourself in the thoughts of yourself... well? Have a great day of another of His days, and given with love, for you are special to Him!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Rejoice, for you woke up in the land of choice today,, accept the Lord and carry Him with you in all you do,,,or keep on the road to hell... which one is it for you today,, "choice"! BACK IN THE FIFTY'S TODAY! As I start to write this, I think of Ronnie Milsap singing this very song.."Back In The Fifty's Today". My days in the fifty's was an experience. It is now considered by lots of people , a classic of time, back in the real olden times... and it is.. as bad as I want to admit it.. 58 years ago to 1955.. the year it all got kicked started to the "rock n roll" era. The times when Moms and Dads started dragging some kids to the barber shop! Hair combed back,, with enough grease to grease an 18 wheeler.. and then some... What did you ask? What is a barber shop? Well , now it is getting on up there in years,, but you know, I don't see very many barber poles in the towns of today, oh yes , explain two things now? Barber shop and barber poles? I guess you want to know about the fall-out shelters,, the soda fountains.. and many,, many more things that went on , "back in the fifty's! We were a family driven nation, with God at the helm.. then. Our mothers and fathers,, got a reply of "yes mam" or "yes sir".. and if one spoke to us, we did the command, for all that came out of their mouths were a hard history that they had to tread on , to get to where we were,, but it came as the Bible teaches,,, not a mandate of law, as to how to discipline the child.. yes ,, I can remember those days, of leaving the door open, keys in the car, plenty of family love,, and plenty of family eating,, around a table, and having the blessing,, first.. yes, as I do remember,,, I ask you to also put on your memory hat if you are as old as I ,, if not, turn in to Happy Days.. and see God in plenty,, more than it seem to go around, He was in school, court, Presidents office, senate, house, ballgames,, everywhere,, yes God was plentiful BACK IN THE FIFTY'S ,,, THEN,, WHAT ABOUT NOW? God, thank You for the memories,, and I ask , God, please let us all today show You as we did back then.. amen John HIcks I had God as a baby, a child, a teenager, a young adult, in the Military Service, in my life from then, to now.. we need to as a group , or individual ,, set out to renew the God we know .. to the youth of this day,, for if we don't ,, we will loose it.. will you pray,,and then testify, of your belief that God is alive and real,, to the Young! Restore, for He never left!,,,, ONLY WE LEFT!!!!! !!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

TUESDAY!!!!! Well,. I got up this morning, and I realized just how big this world is! How many millions of people live in it, and then I said to myself,, "God ,,, just how may I help?,, and He answered,, thank you,, just one day at a time,, keep on testifying,,and having the faith...and I will continue to take care of this sinful world,, and of you!" What! YOu don't talk to God, and you don't get answers? Better pray with intent, and faith! Pray! He hears! Prayer Request: For a friend and fellow Christian brother of mine,, Perry, who is sick, and I ask all to pray so that He can get back on His feet, and continue the great work of sharing Christ with all he meets! He is needed in the field,,, and is missed by all the others that are their in the field looking over their shoulders for him to lead them,, so pray for him with gusto, that God will put His hand on him and heal completely. AS I WALKED IN THE YARD! As I walked around in my yard, my feet rustled in the fall leaves, making a crisp crackling noise,, and then I shuffled them, and to my delight, they were even a better sound,,, and I noticed ,, they were still falling, just floating to the ground,, like dancers,, or a sky diver doing twists, just before the chute is popped... and looking up , seeing the branches going bare,, and some holding on for life.. I could tell , God had sent another season... right on time.... and then the clouds floating in, and out of the limbs, for with the green cover gone, you could see almost clear through what was left...then I caught a glimpse of the sun,, shinning more to the South,, and a little feeling of warmth coming with the flowing breeze,, and as I turned, I could see the remnants of the three quarter Moon, high in the West... barely making it out...and I thought,, Wow! that Moon was just over here,, about six hours ago,,,, and now it is shinning on others who are waiting for the Sun to rise above them,and then they also can take a walk,, just like me, and as I lay my head down, this coming night,,, I will realize, that tomorrow, God willing,, I will be able to repeat this act... just as they will do theirs... and all of this is a Gift From our God! and if you have not taken a walk on a sunny day, in the leaves , under a tree, then do as my Grandson, Noah does. run into them ,, fast and headlong,, with laughter, looking all around as your rustle your feet,, and show as he does. the gift of life,, that a true and loving God has given us all,, and realize ,,,,, maybe, just maybe,,, more of the American people should take a walk in their yard, or a yard, and realize just how God is for real,,, AS THEY WALK IN HIS YARD, WITH HIM, AND FEEL HIS WARMTH, AND SEE HIS WONDERS! God , thank You, for these wonders of Your world, and lending them to me ,, for awhile...amen John HIcks Really stuck on my God,, how about you? For I look ,, and I see, HIM IN ALL THE PLACES I GO!! Do you see??

Monday, October 28, 2013

MONDAY! Starting of the week day!! A day of off to work for some , for others it is a day of vaction, or retired kickback,,but of all these things, just don't forget who made it, and whose it is, and that we are just borrowing it,,from our Almighty God, so when we get through it today,,, let's make sure we leave it today, and ever day as we found it ,, in tack, an clean,,,, of things of His dis-aprovement.. but those things of His complete approval! O.K.? THE BATTLE!!! Today I am going to write about something I read,, and I am copying it , but changing two words,, and I hope you get the message,,, for this message came for an old Native American Cherokee: Grandfather to grandson, "My son there is a battle between two wolves inside of us all! One is called "evil",, It is anger , jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority,lies, and ego." "The other is "Good" ,,,,It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth." The grandson thought about it, and asked,, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The old man quietly replied,,, "THE ONE YOU FEED!" WHICH "WOLF" DO YOU HAVE IN YOU? GOD OR satan? God, I ask that all really understand the real meaning of life by this story, for it of you giving us the choice of You or no, amen John Hicks I choose God, ,and good, come join me today, and let's have a great God's day! May He bless each of you as He has blessed me!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

SUNDAY! Well , a late good mornign this day!!! A really busy day of our Hoedown(the 39th, my mistake yesterday)... We walked and we walked,, and it was busy with a lot of people from all over, and then I realized,, this world, is so vast, that those who were here and us , are just a dot on a pin of all of God's people...yet each one of them has his eye and His love... it just make me realize, just how good and how great our God is,, how about you? LOOKING! As I continue to look at the vast amount of people in this world, and the vast amount of land, the vast amount of different creatures ,,, wow! I can not do it in a life time,, for every time I turn on the T.V. I see something else, that I did not know existed.. nor something just invented to use , or do with.. yes it is a vast and complicated world! It was all made for us,,, so why do we say,, we don't have anything to do, or anything period? We have this world,, and to see it all,,, in our lifetime.. we can't, but I surely am going to Heaven ,not only to be with my God, my Jesus, and all my relatives, and friends,,,, but I am going to catch that morning cloud bound for "everywhere", and I am going of a ride that only one can dream of,, I am going to look this earth over.. I am going to dip down, and look at all these creatures,, animals, insects, and yes even some of the humans... yes I am going on a ride of a dream come true,,, oh yes, you can tell ,, I did not say, if I get to Heaven,, I said ,, "When I get to Heaven"! Are you sure,, have you made your travel plans.. don't say,, I'm not quite ready,, for you don't have any say about when YOUR train leaves the station bound to Heaven ,, OR hell.. so be ready, don't wait, go ahead and buy a ticket from God, It will come walking and with a stamp of Jesus Christ across the front,, you can't miss Him, if you will just call out His name.. so go ahead ,, get your ticket, then lay back and , you too,, can make your plans of what you are going to do when you get to Heaven... for I can just see all of us riding on that big white cloud of adventure as we go through this world and this universe ,, just rolling along LOOKING! Lord,, thank You , for my stand by cloud to travel Your world, Your Heaven, Your universe , here, there, and all over, & Lord I pray that all who reads this,, has made the same decision as I have,, as to where they want to go.. amen John HIcks As I walk around on this earth, and see life , and the vast area' of plants, the wind, rain, sunshine, the moon and stars at night,, I tingle at the sight,, and my heart skips a beat.. and I then know as a reminder each time my little ole heart goes ,, bump , bump,, just how big and how great my God is! Can you feel Him today? Do you know the real of Him? Do you have your trip planned? If not,, then do it , now,, call , He has His hand to His ear, just waiting to hear from you!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

SATURDAY! Good morning to all,, and I pray and hope that all of you wake up with a great spirit of life, and love to the one who gave you that life! We are all here because of Him, and for Him,, so give it up, and come join us in the quest to spread His name to all,, God, and His Son, Jesus Christ! Will you join the crusade? HEAR THIS PRAYER! Dear God, I did not sleep well last night, but I woke up!  My muscles are sore, but they work! My wallet is not full,,, but my belly is! I may not have all I want, but I have all I need! My life is not perfect, but my life is GOOD! THANK YOU GOD, FOR ALL THE ABOVE! John HIcks,,, Today is our annual 17th Chittlin Hoedown, here in Yatesville , Georgia, and we draw in people for all over the Nation,,, and you are invited, and you can have my share of the chittlins... I will stick to the greens and cornbread!! May God bless each one of you,, this another of His days"

Friday, October 25, 2013

FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED!Good morning to all... on this great day,, one of God's gifts to us all, with another gift , the gift of all time,, His son, Jesus Christ! do you know Him? If not ,, then make today the most special day of your life, and aask Him in , and accept Hi m as your Savior, for today, and forever, and ever! Will you? DAILY USE! How many times have you bought some kind of medicine, skin conditioner, itch suave, or even vitamins,, that have instructions on them ,, "Use Daily" ? I would think we all have had these,, and wow! It does not take but one line to get to where I am going with this heading... Yes,, I have one medicine, one vitamin, that is a must to be on your top priority list of "Daily Use".. It is to pray to God Almighty, and to take Jesus, your Savior , with you ever where you go,, and I mean EVERYWHERE.. not just convenient places for you, but all places. Oh, you don't know God and Jesus? Then bow that head,, and call out to Jesus,, ask Him for His forgiving power to enter you, be sincere and believing that He is the only way for you to get to know God.. for He is the only path To God , in the end.. Now when you call out,, Jesus will respond.. on the spot. Now you can take Him with you , where ever you go... and everyday ,, from the waking moment of consciousness,, to the laying down of your head into your nightly sleep,,, you can and must , USE HIM DAILY! God, I pray that all who reads this, will take You and Your son , just as they would take a vitamin ,,, daily, and then spread this word on to all they meet, so that all will have the chance to know you as I do.. amen John HIcks Each day I have Jesus with me,, and each day I can tell and see the things He does for me, in giving, keeping on the straight, away from the clutches of satan, He is just that great,, if you don't know what I mean, then you don't really have Him,, stop, think and if not,, grab hold of Him and experience the experience of all times!!!!!  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

THURSDAY! Good morning to all! Great day,, for God is Good! and He has blessed me, in so many ways, I will never be able to thank Him enough,, but you know what? HE does not look for a thank you,, just a "I love You, God, and Your Son Jesus'! Is He not the best thing in your life? If that answer is not a YES,, then you need to bow your head,, and talk to Him!!!! Prayer Request: For Cindy Siebert, who is a 20-year-old student at Gallaudet University in D.C. She is deaf and has had major kidney problems since birth. As of today, both kidneys have shut down. She is at Washington Hospital Center and will be on dialysis starting tomorrow. She is now on the kidney transplant list for both kidneys. Please remember her in your prayers!!! For Miracle Millie's friend Joe's family. Joe died yesterday at 11:15. Pray for his family during this hard difficult time. We just don't know if he ever accepted the Lord, but we do know that he knew the way. Please pray for the family!!! FROM THAT LITTLE WHITE HAIRED COUNTRY BOY! Seventy two years ago, Samuel Mahlon and Lilla Hicks gave birth to a little boy... moved to an unpainted farm house out in the country of Vinemont Alabama, Flint Creek Community. This house had no indoor plumbing, no central heat, one overhead light bulb in each room(5), two outlets, one in the living room, one in the kitchen,, and when the wind blew ,, so did the curtains,, BUT, when it rained, we were dry, when it was cold, we gathered around the coal stove burning red hot and warm...we had food,, clothes, and MOST of all we had the love of a GOD SAVED CHRISTIAN FATHER AND MOTHER,,, AND GOD RAN RAPID IN THIS HOUSE! Even out in the country.. with no car, just a one horse wagon, and a mule to pull it, for our transportation,,, we walked most of the time,,, and thank God we had a church close by so we could walk,, and everytime the doors of our church opened, these parents had all the family in that church! What a great way for this little baby to start his life !!!! Well , that little boy grew, and he ran and he played, and then he was grown, & off to the Military,, then married, and had children,, and the little white haired boy, hair turned to almost black, then turn "loose"(Ha)... is still not running , but stumbling as best as can,, but remembers his teaching from that Father , and that Mother,,of God, and His love, and of His Son, Jesus,,,, and you know the raising and the belief, and the acceptance of that LOVE OF GOD, AND SON... never left that LITTLE WHITE HARED COUNTRY BOY,,, THANKS TO A GODLY MOTHER AND FATHER!!!! God , thank You for the years.. and to be able to be in a free country to worship you out in the open, and freely... and for all of those in this great nation to do the same. amen John HIcks

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today at 6:25 AM WEDNESDAY! Good morning to you all! It's a great morning down here in the South,, a little cool, light jacket needed, leaves starting to fall all over the yards,,, the fall colors are arriving,, another season of beauty painted and given to us, by our Almighty God! Wow,, what a painting this is,and folks it is in 3D, and live also,,,, so get up, if you are able, slip on a light jacket,, get out and just look around, and then up,,, and say a big ole "THANK YOU GOD!"!!!! Prayer Request : Ann Olive , who had a stroke and was rushed to the Macon Hospital,, she is doing better, but is looking at rehab... please keep Ann and her family in your prayers. Pray for Ruth Bauchman, who has had a hip replacement, and having trouble with it... she has had trouble with a prior replacement, and she has suffered enough.. please pray for this lady to heal ,,,, and be able to get around, especially out in her yard... BROTHERLY LOVE! This does not just include men,, for in this instance "brotherly" means all of God's people, so if you are one of His, which we all are, then you are "brotherly"! What is love? It is a signal that is sent out to others , from within, to another,, a feeling that is one of the most important things of this life.. This love was demonstrated by Jesus, when He died on the Cross. for He did it for Brotherly Love,,, for He considered himself not only the Son of God , but the brother to all.. and he gave this love with no strings attached. We should take this example, and we should love more, rather than hate, back-stab, say we love you, and don't mean it, and not to lie in anything! Now , you must examine your heart, your soul... and then YOU,, yes YOU,, must ask yourself ,, "am I full of love, or not?". There is no just a little , either you are full of BROTHERLY LOVE!! or you are not! Lord, I pray for all to receive your Son into their heart, and broadcast nothing but brotherly love,, and do it in your name. amen John HIcks Love abounds within my heart.. and I try to show it to all who I come in contact with,, sometimes it is accepted ,, sometimes it is not..but that is up to the receiver, not the sender, so I continue to love.. how about you? Love thy God first and foremost, and other love will follow,, I know it, I live it,, so yes it is a guarantee.. to you... have a great another of one of God's great days.    Wine   

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

TUESDAY! Here it is, another of God's miracles! What is it you say? It is called ,,, a sunrise of another of His days, given to man,, to enjoy,, and He is furnishing all the needs, and all the wants, and He stands ready to serve you,,,and all you have to do to order, is open your mouth in confession of your sins, and accept His Son,,, Jesus,,, ! What? You have nothing to confess? Better re-think that one,, right... now that you have, go ahead, and pray your confession, for there was but one who was sinless!!!,, and His name was Jesus Christ!!!! WHAT ARE WE BUILDING FOR OURSELVES TODAY? The people of this world,,, have again, gained the way, by that of computers,, that will interpret all languages... You can dial this device up if you are in France to French,, say what you want in English, turn the screen to the person you are talking to,,, and it will show in writing to them ,, in French,,, or you can get the high price model,, and it will repeat in words to this person,,, and you can dial up any language,, and it will work,,, now for the real deal,, they also can talk back to you in their language ,,,, and it will either write their words, or tell you in a voice of what they are saying to you in English... also... it works for them also, for if you gave it to them, and they run into an American, and ask for it to interpret in English ,, it will do it... Now I ask ,,, have we come a long way ... are we smart, do we send people to space, in to the heavens we can see... do we not send out searchers for other forms of life,, can we not right now , talk to someone in another country, by phone as we look at them in their homes, their den, or even in their bedroom,, car, office.. in a plane????? Oh my,, think about it,, have we,,,, as "man" built our own modern day TOWER OF BABEL?,,,, AND WILL GOD TEAR IT DOWN SOON? Well, it is something to think about, is it not? Lord, I pray for You to watch over "Man",, and give us our way, and do as You wish, and may all built their tower of faith by relationship ,, and that being a relationship with You, rather than trying to build a tower of materials to You.. amen John HIcks Just watching the advancement of "man".. and do we really like what this world has turned into? Well , if we look back into history,, it really was worst off in it's own barbaric way? Have a great God's day, and keep thefaith and keep building your personal tower to God!

Monday, October 21, 2013

MONDAY! Well here is,,, that next day!,,, The one after the weekend.. the one that most have to get up by the sound of an alarm clock... others,, well , whenever! Let's start this week off with the Lord beside us , as well as in our hearts. and let' s do it by choice,,, Turn your head , and just say it "Lord, come , go with me to and into what ever I go and whatever I do today, and Lord, I will make you PROUD of me!!! Now, after you do this, and with that smile on your face,, go out into His world, the two of you, and may you and all you shall meet this day, have a great day!!! Prayer Requests: For Terry Anderson, who got bite by a spider.. in hospital, on antibiotics. and mother on them also for another illness.. please give them your prayers. For Katie Emerson,,, and her children, for the lost of her husband, Kyle, and for the lost of these children's father... pray for them to understand, and may the Lord wrap His arms around them all. REACH, TOUCH, TELL THEM ,, "I LOVE YOU"! Today, do you have that special one.. that many ""ones",,, that you love.. more than any other , or close to that.. a wife, a husband, a child, or children,, uncles, aunts, close friends,,, those you hold dear to your heart.... they make a difference in your life.. heck ,,, they make your life here on this earth... yes ,, those that are that important to you... think of them this day, and start and do not keep these things in your heart alone,, let them out, and tell this one, ,or these "ones"... TODAY , I WANT YOU TO KNOW, I LOVE YOU! Lord, let all review their hearts. and tell those that they love of how they love them.. and to let You know also Lord,,, of the love they have of You also.. amen John HIcks Never too late to tell that one,,, I love you! if you do it now, for we do not know what the future holds

Sunday, October 20, 2013

SUNDAY! A great and cool fall morning,, and coffee in the den this morning!!! No, I'm not that tough!,,, but it is a good day,for it is a great gift from the Lord, no matter the age,,,, it is just as you get older,, you seem to appreciate them more often,, Ha!!! May all of you have a great day,,, and take God with you wherever you go, and don't be afraid to show Him off! Prayer Requests: For the Family of Huge Reeves,,,, who passed on to the Lord,, two days ago... pray for the family, and for his Corinth Baptist Church Community Family who will also miss him very much! He was a loved man in his family, and his community. For the family of 4year old Mallory Milton who went home to be with the Lord. Her grandfather writes: our lives have been up-ended this morning as our beautiful , intelligent 4 year old granddaughter , Mallory Grace Milton. Died at Arkansas Children's Hospital ... She was our love and our brightest star, and we were preparing for her 5th b'day,, as she was under the physicians care all week with strep, and the flu... we are in shock,, please pray for all of our family! Doug STANDING FOR JESUS! When it is time,,, and you are asked that question in your life, "do you believe in Jesus?",, how will you answer the question? With a big smile , head held high, shoulders back, kinda at attention... a sort of a boast,, say YES I DO!!!,,, or will you lower your head slightly, eyes downward, shoulders slumped, and a low very hard to hear the sewords,, yes I do? I hope and I pray, that all will not coward down,,, but proudly with shoulders back, eyes bright, that look of courage and of can't wait to shout ....... YES, I DO BELIEVE , AND I STAND HERE TODAY, AND SAY IT, I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST! God, thank You for Your Son, our Savior of this day, and all the days of our lives... amen John HIcks I want to thank all the prayers , and all the calls,,, and I am feeling some better.... Today,,,we as a family of "The Livingston's",, and "The Hicks",, watch and attend the dedication of our Grandsons' Noah and Mason Livingston, by their Father , Todd, and Mother, Dana as they thank God for them and dedicate these two young boys to Him.. Praise our Lord,,, for He is our all.. Again, we give Him our all of our blessings,, and the credit for our all,,,, also!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Today at 4:40 AM SATURDAY! Woke up early,, but woke up with God at my side, by choice! Have you made any choices lately? Better now, than later! Meeting at the bottom of the mountain! My testimony of God's Help! Yesterday, I wrote about men and mountains, in reference to "Faith". I woke up yesterday in some of the worst pain I have experienced.. could not hardly walk... I had a request of 300 small crosses for the Shoe Box Christmas program, from a fellow Christian ,,, He was going to have to turn people down on putting these in the boxes to send to children all over the world,,, they had 1000,,, and needed 300 more... I prayed to God Almighty to help me,, for I had already made the 300.. I needed to paint them... well,,, I set them all up... and made a doctors appointment... it was at noon, so I just ask God for the energy to paint these yesterday morning! First coat on at 11:30 a.m.,, made it to the Dr... diagnosed with Diverticulitis,, given antibiotics,,, two, pain meds... and told to rest, and stay out of my shop, well,,, I put the second coat on those crosses at three p.m. ,,, and now on Monday I will finish them.. why am I telling this? Not bragging,,, but repeating, "God will get you to it,, and He will surely see you through it",, and it took the faith of Him to do this....and of course to make it after I finished,,, for the pain meds, ,just won't ease the pain... but from the base of a mountain, He helped me...and I was not hit by the first stone... so have faith,, when impossibilities face you,,, for He will carry you through!!!,, and I give Him all the Glory, and all the Credit.. for without Him,, nothing would have happened.... Pain through-out the night,, and this morning I ask for your prayers! John HIcks Yes pain, but guess who ,, (besides Libby),, is holding my hand? You guessed right! May all of you have a great day, and may God bless you all !

Friday, October 18, 2013


FRIDAY! Good morning to all this great morning! Even if we wake up with hurt, or dread on our mind,,just stop,, and ask God to help...and then wait,,, you have asked, and He will answer,, maybe not right then and right now, but He will!!,,,It is called FAITH! There is the "Mountain",,, and there is the "Man",,, and also there is the FAITH,, and the NON FAITH! Now,,, just a few words this Friday morning, and you might want to re-read, you might want to memorize,,, you must believe,,, GREAT THINGS HAPPEN WHEN ,,, WITH FAITH,,, MEN AND MOUNTAINS MEET! (do you have that faith of that little seed of a mustard plant? if so,, move out of the way of falling rocks) God, I pray for us all to have faith in You, of all things,,, and receive yur answers, your doings to us, and that we use this faith to show others, of You, and of Your greatness.... amen John HIcks Faith, and yes sometimes afraid, but when afraid,,, and in darkness, I just reach for my Jesus Flashlight, and wow, you should see the pathway,,, when lite up by the Savior! May all the Glory of my all be given to my God, and may Jesus be there not only for me but for you, and He will be, if you will just ask,, another time of saying,,,, YOUR CHOICE!!!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

THURSDAY! Well, we woke up this morning with news running wild, shutdown over for now.. the Pigs, and the Piglets have made a temporary deal and re-filled the trough,,, when this slop is gone in three months, then they are at it again... kick the can? No, kick those idiots out of office,, and let's put God back in,, and then we will know for sure,, we will have a leader , of the people and for the people!!! So,,, pray to God, to forgive us, and make sure the can you kick,, are the ones who put you through all of this threat,,, as their salaries, insurance, work out room,,, assistants,, all kept on working!!! It is time to realize,, not only are the Ten Commandments out of Government , but these "Rats",,, do not wake up with Him, nor take Him along with them where-ever they go.. Yes, I know , I am back on the soap box.. .but somebody has to voice their opinion,, without worrying of the back-lash! Have a great day,, and keep God in it! KICK THE CAN DOWN THE ROAD? Our Nation's debt funding, and the way people of other countries look at us, and respect us are more to me ,, than a game that I played as a child,,,, I grew up, and I left childish things behind!!!! How about you? I am of the age of accountability.... are all the elected officals of age also? God is our answer,,,, and He is the ONLY answer, and without Him,, we will never get down to "real " business!!! God, I still ask you to be with those in charge for this Nation.. and instill into their minds,, a thing called "SPIRITUAL SOULS,, AND FAITH IN YOU".. AMEN! John HIcks Enough said this day,, May all have a great God's day,,, given without having to "kick the can down the road",, first,, for He is and has always been there for us all... Take Him with you today on lifes journey!!!! Reply

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today at 6:03 AM WEDNESDAY! WOW! As I woke up, and realized that God was right there,,, right where He was when I went to bed,,,,alive, and working,, for as I opened my eyes, I felt my heart skip a beat,,and I knew,,,He had not shut down..but was still open, and His Son was still receiving lost souls,,,and I went outside into His world,, and toasted Him with my cup of coffee, with thanks, for never shutting down , nor scaring Your people, giving us choices..and most of all ,,, loving us and being for us, and not against us... every second, of every day,,, eternally open!! Glory to my God!!! Prayer Request: For our Nation, and for the leaders of this Nation! May You forgive her, and them, of their sins., and for You, Lord,, become our leader, by request ,, again! CAN YOU MAKE IT? If the government should default,, could you continue to make it? No money, no SS... no disability checks, no Vet. checks, no unemployment checks, no welfare checks, no credit cards(for no way to repay them),, back to no cars, for no money to buy gas,, only pennies to buy food... drinking out of the streams... back to walking, cutting wood for warmth, sewing to have clothes, and not for fashion, but for warmth,,,and cooking.. planting gardens,,, learning to can food, and smoke, and cure meats.... ???? Again, think about it,, could you make it.... do you have this knowledge,,or are you completely dependent on the government? Some, and I say, only a small amount of "older" folks ,, still exist of how to do the above,,,yes some of us,, still know of the travels, the plowing, the raising of crops, and milking a cow, by hand... putting the milk in the well, or the stream to keep it fresh... yes, just a handful... so I ask you,,, can you do it? The only answer I can give is YES,, you can,,, for some of you, your father, your mother, and your great, great grandparents,,, did this,, they lived for years out of the back of a wagon!!!... So, yes you can do this ,,, survive,,, but how? For on this day, we have the most educated minds in our government than we ever have had,,, but maybe we also have the greatest greed we have ever had also... so how do you make it in this day of our do you survive the future on this shutdown, this debt default, as I have asked above,,, how??? SIMPLE,,,,FIRST,,, YOU VOTE THEM OUT, AND PUT IN GODLY MEN, AND WOMEN! LORD,, I ask for You to come to our rescue ,,, let out leaders have a vision of You, and return to sanity,,, and make the right choices, and re-start Your Nation, with You at the helm... amen. John HIcks Today, it may seem a little out in space of the thoughts,,, but if you could remember the times that I refer to... you would understand the privilege of being a person who was voted into an office and to serve the people... and not their own greed first,,, and how we did survive,,, and the only question,,, think of yourself ,, WITHOUT,, RATHER THAN WITH!!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


TUESDAY! Up and atta'em! Good Day to you all,, and I hope you all have a great and wonderful day!!! Be a bright eyes, with a smile, and if you really do have God in your heart ,, this will be a focus you will wear automatically!!! Be good, and have a great day!!! Prayer Requests: For our Churches, and for our Nation. LOVE! We all say that we love someone,,, and we really do.. but how much do you love,,, that person,, wife, husband,, mother, father, child, friend? Can you love as much as this.... ? "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son,," Can you finish this verse? Go ahead,, and if you don't remember it completely ,, go to your Bible,,, and read John 3:16. Imagine,, you made this world,,this Universe,, and man,, and to save this man from sin,, and eternal death,, you sacrifice your only son? God Did!!!! There is no greater LOVE! God, thank You, for Your sacrifice to me,, undeserving ,, yet you gave it freely,, my praises are of You. amen John HIcks I know the love,,, that He has given,,, I see the love,,, that He has given,,, I tell of the love,,, He has given,,, DO YOU?????

Monday, October 14, 2013


Today at 7:34 AM MONDAY! Good morning! I wake up to still a free Nation,, for now...and I still wake up with God at my side by request... and I am proud to say,, that I do know that every day of my life, I will be able to wake up with God at my side, by request,,but any other that I wake up to is not guaranteed! Maybe ,, we , the people of this Nation ,,, need to wake up,,,period,, and pray out those tongues of poison we have in higher places!!! Off the soapbox, and ready to see if any other has the back-bone to get up on it and say,,, Washington ,,, release our country, put God back into it! Prayer Thanks: To God, for the 2000 who attended the Hope Tent Crusade, in Corinth Georgia last week,, for four days. Sixty Five walked the aisle to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.. Wow! God was sure working there.. and prayers are answered, and all the glory, and all the credit goes to our living and only God! SUPER HERO'S! Who is yours? Batman & Robin, Superman, Spider-man, for the cowboys of the world, The Lone Ranger? I have one,,, and He wears no mask,, He does not have to find a pone booth to change(even though their is non of those left).. nor does He have a bat cave,, nor an apartment of existence.. He stands out in the open, ready to assist all, upon request.. and no one can knock Him down, nor destruct Him,, it has already been tired, and He overcame death, and rose to walk this world,, ascend into the skies to Heaven,, and then back here to walk among us.. Yes, He is my "super Hero",, and that is JESUS CHRIST,, WHO IS YOURS? Lord, I ask this day, for all to choose Jesus as their one , their only Hero, and that they let it be known publicly,,,, and stand up for You, and for Him, and call on Jesus for their all.. amen John HIcks Let freedom ring in our Nation,, and let that freedom ring out A NATION UNDER GOD.. LED BY GODLY MEN AND WOMEN!!!.... Are we being led up on a path to a Nation under God ,, or down the path to a Nation of hell? I have my opinion, what is yours?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday- The Lords Day! "In the long run , the pessimist may be proved right,, but the optimist has a better time on the trip", I choose the trip with Jesus, for I know that He has been proved right, and that He is the best of the best of the trip of life , & He gives you a real way out of it! ELEVATOR OF LIFE As you walk on the floor of life, there comes a time that you must choose your life in the beyond. No, I am not crazy,, for I know that life continues after this one, in two places, Heaven and hell. We do not need to let any chance of making that decision pass, we do not know exactly when the time will come when we leave here, and go there. You need to ask Jesus to come into your heart now,, before that time!,,, When you do this, you have made your plan.. and when you are called, and you walk to that "elevator" on the launching pad,,, there will be two buttons.. UP, and DOWN. If you have accepted Jesus Christ,, you don't even have to push a button, for yours will already be on and shinning like the sun,, it will read in real big letters UP! God, Thank You for my own personal elevator to You, Your Son Jesus Christ,, I also pray that all who reads this will accept the ride of their life ,,,with Jesus here & to you!.. amen John HIcks As I walk through this life, I am positive that my elevator to Heaven has the light of up on it! At times , I wonder if my brain elevator goes to the top,, I know , debatable to some.. Ha! Seriously ,, Make sure your elevator of life is set with the up light on,, for as you go up,,,, the fan comes on and it is cool.. down, no fan! HAVE A GREAT GOD'S DAY!!!!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Today at 6:47 AM SATURDAY! Good morning to all... I am on the new "yahoo" email, and it does nothing that I try, so it is terrible,, I may have to change, but don't want to lose this address, so bear with me until I get the mail straigthen out... but as I do work on it;, the format of the "Thoughts" does not change, for they are of God, and of His Son, Jesus Christ, and are inspired by Him,, believe it or not. for I do,, and always will! Have a great day! This is a verse I received today of a daily Bible reading, and a comment from one of the ladies who responded to it.. I think you will like it and it fits us all. Corinthians 2:9,, But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined,, what God has prepared for those who love Him. Mae Serrano · What a wonderful promise from God today! A beautiful reminder to each and everyone of us not only to persevere but also to endure our run in this life's' race for great is the reward that awaits at the end! What the Lord says will all come to pass! Lord, thank You for inspiring us with Your word today! Reminding us that what we are experiencing in this world we live is nothing compared to what You promise. Forgive our doubtful, proud and senseless hearts that easily forgets Your undying love for us especially when troubles, trials and circumstances overwhelms us! Lord, cleanse us with all unrighteousness and let Your Spirit live and reign in each of our hearts so we will be victors in each day of our journey! Yee! We will run the race and set our eyes in Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith! Hallelujah! Amen I agree with this and I say this as a prayer of this day,,, God thank You for loving us, and preparing a place for us... and I do, and I pray all will work for You, and alll will accept Jesus as their one and their only Savior in this life... amen John HIcks Enjoy this day, in what you do , do it in His Name and with Him in your heart... May God bless you all!

Friday, October 11, 2013

FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! Waking up is soo good, after a good nights sleep,, rested with God in your heart, and as you open your eyes, a smile comes over you, for you know ,, He stands by your bedside,, ready and as excited of the new day with you.. for you have asked Him to be with you for life,,, so He has sent His Son, Jesus, to be born of human, by a virgin birth, walk and teach this world, die on a cross for this world, rise from the grave, death beaten,, life wins, and then shows His Son to all the ones who are there, and then that word , has lived to now and will forever.. Yes, is it not good to wake up with Jesus and His Father just waiting on you,, with all you need, and that is the two of them!!!! Have a great day,, this another of His days"! Prayer Request : Continued prayers for all The Nell Livingston Family,, as she is laid to rest in our world.. and we pray for the family here, and thank God for receiving another of His angels here on earth...may God bless all of you,, "The Livingston's"! My Phrase of Today: With all my words of no prefixes of being an American,, I have one I would like to introduce, , and it is for all,,, and I do mean ALL,, and that is WE,,, are all,, ,or should be... GOD AMERICANS! I am afraid that the above will never be ,, again, for greed has over-taken our government.. for before income taxes,, our government had a balanced budget,,,no debt... but when the taxes started rolling in,, so did the pigs,, opps ,,,, I mean the pork,, as they , the porkers call it...and they started rooting into all aspects of the money... give me this, and I will give you that,, and give me a cabin in the mountains, oh not mine, but let me use it for my own , for life,,, and don't forget the beach house also.. nor the cars..... and insurance, and my retirement...and then as the Congress meets.. and all come together,, we see them look around and ask,, well who has the biggest "slop bucket",,and let's get it, split it among ourselves, and don't give any back to those people who pays it all, ,,, we are still hungry, and the head hog, is starving ,, for money and power, and all the piglets running after him grunting for handouts,,(the ones who voted for him and all the other congress,, the ones who want for free, and don't work for anything),, and leaving the people ,, yes the real Americans behind,,, yes, I am afraid we are being run without the God at the head of our Nation, you remember,,, the GOD that gave it to us in the beginning...the GOD we started this country with??!!.. BUT,, never worry,, HE IS LOOKING!!!,,, and He is looking very hard, and WITH A HEAVY HEART!! Now ,, I ask ,,,,"Will we ever be able to ,, as a majority,,, be able to ever call this Nation,,, A NATION ,, REALLY UNDER GOD, BY REQUEST OF ALL THE PEOPLE?" (and this includes the so-called leaders) Lord, I pray for this Nation, and ask forgiveness of all our sins, and may You give us the true leaders with You in their heart, and Your words on their tongues,,,amen John HIcks Yes, I express my opinion,,,, for I served to have that freedom, and I will express, it,, and trust God ,,, and I will express it with my votes when the elections come.... will you vote for the Lord or the reward of those kick-backs,, again your choice ,, for now, you are getting kicked ,, and not in the back,,, but in the ***!!! Have a great day, and may God bless you in all you do,, in His name... !

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Thursday! Getting up and out of that bed,,, sometimes is hard, and then I think of those who can't get up, for what ever reason, and would love to get their feet back on this ground, I am thankful to my God,, that I still can! Now cherish those legs, and those feet and that body that still works,, and thank your God, for someday,,,, we all will be where we can't! Have you thanked Him for anything , lately? Let's all stop just long enough to thank Him for something ,, today! Prayer Request: For Jimmy, Perry, and all the Livingston Family,, for they lost their Mother last night. I ask prayers for the family,,,,,,,,and I thank God for each of them today... please be with them is your prayers.. JESUS,, WHERE DID YOU GO? A question from billions and billions of people,,, even Peter asked Jesus,, "Lord where are you going?" (John 13: 36)NIV. I will not answer this question,, but I will write what Jesus answered Peter,, and it also answers the question above.. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you . I am going there to prepare a place for you. John 14:1-2 NIV So, the answer is,,Jesus died on the Cross, for all of us, for our sins,, He was buried,, and in three days ,, He arose ,, walked this earth,,, then rose on to the the Father in Heaven... which God had already made for you and me,,, now He is there,, yet He walks this earth still today ,,,in spirit , just as God the Father does. He is there,, and He is here, for us at all times,,, yes He can be in many ,, many places at once for He is the spirit, just as The Father, our God.. He has really and truly GONE NO-WHERE! God, thank You for Your Son, and for You,, being alive, preparing us a place, and walking with us throughout this life, and giving us eternal life of our souls for an eternity. amen John HIcks I believe that Jesus is always standing by us, night and day.. if allowed or asked, He intertwinds with us,,, and if we do not ask ,, he patiently stands by, in case we do,,, for God gave us that one thing, and charged us ,,, alone to make,, and that is to accept Jesus or not,, so it is your choice, and you must make it alone!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 6:22 AM, john hicks wrote: WEDNESDAY- Good morning on this middle day of our week! May God be in front of you, and foremost in your travels of this day,,,, known as "the hump day" of your week and plans to start for your w.e. Now if you really want a great W.E. ,,, then start with God today, and ask Him to be with you for the rest of your life, and mean it,, ,then travel on, with a smile and a skip in your step! PRAYER REQUEST: For Mr. Elmer Kent, who is very, very sick, and for his wife , Joy, who stands by his side, caring for him , and as bad as he is, she still smiles the smile of love to him every-time she looks at him or speaks of him... please pray that God will continue to touch these two and then keep his hand on them both! CHRISTIANS,,, TEAR DOWN THAT WALL! President Reagan, told the Russian top man, Gorbachev,,, tear down that wall!,,, and he did, and East and West Germany,, were united again... no check points, no border crossing, it was again one Germany. Now , I ask all of the Christians, to do the same thing. Don''t think you are the only ones who can worship God, and that you and your sanctuaries are for Christians only,, for he , satan, has the bars,, the houses of ill repute,, the drugs,,the gangs, the thieves, the murders, the politicians(well most of them)... and we need to be beating the bushes for these people and yes we need them setting in our pews each Sunday.. listening to that great music of "The Old Time Religion", "Amazing Grace" & other music that people know how to sing,,, and listening to the messages from God,, and all of this in person,,, and of how God saves,,, first,,, and not of how much money the church is making, for without God,,,their would be not churches, no worlds! So , Christians , talk the talk, walk the walk, and reach out.. put up more tents, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, come down out of your towers of greed , wealth, and your near-sighted of only of ones-self,,, and yes, this day,,, I cry out,, I holler as loud as I can,,,, come, join in, and let's take the word of ,, come to Him ,,, come our churches, come to our tents, and listen to Him, and join in our fight agaist satan, and let's all , quit setting on our backsides, talking the talk, but not doing it... come on,,,, CHRISTIANS, LETS' TEAR THAT WALL DOWN,,, AND LET'S GO AFTER SINNERS,, AND INVITE THEM IN, NOT LEAVE THEM OUT! WILL YOU? OR WILL YOU STILL SIT ON THAT BACKSIDE? Lord , I pray for all walls to fall, and all Your people cry out Your name, and testify of You, and tell of that offer of Your saving Grace,, and that choice you give all,,, and let all know that they are not just a Christian ,, but a practicing one... amen John HIcks Too hot today? ,, then tear down your wall and then climb over the debris, and start a new trip of a working Christian,,, well? right or wrong... again , there it is,,,,, choice!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

TUESDAY! On a cool crisp fall morning , I woke from a complete nights sleep,,, and as I opened my eyes,, I said to the night,, "Good morning Lord",,, "Thank You for the night, and thank You for the day"..and then off to the day, coffee, and plans for this great gift of a day for me... and oh yes ,, this day is for you also..and it is up to you to start it anyway you choose.... and I hope you choose starting, and going through your wonderful gift of another day,,,, with God at your side,, and not be ashamed of having Him with you, but PROUD!!!! Prayer Request: For the revival at Corinth Baptist Church in Bremen, Ga.,, 17 Saved, thus far, Traffic Jam to Sunday School ... 600 crosses from their part of "The Cross " Ministry requested to put in the Children's Christmas Boxes(approved by the Franklin Graham Group ).. WOW,, Go for God!!!!! Pray for more to walk that aisle, send out a Christmas box to all the world,,with a Cross or a small Bible in it!!! All for God and His glory! DAMPER OPEN? Now , who out there reading these thoughts, know what a damper is? It is located in the pipe from a wood or coal stove.. that is adjusted to let the smoke and air go out the flue or chimney. The more it is opened , the faster the fire burns, and more goes out the chimney... so most would built a fire,, let it get going real good, and then close the "damper" to the desired heat output.. but too much could also smoke up a room real quick... so now you know what a "damper " is... Why the question mark in the heading? It is to make you think of how a room full of smoke will make you where you cannot breath, and you would eventually suffocate... but with the air-way, the damper, opened wide, you can breath, and live.. and now I give you ,, your body as that stove, with a fire burning, making smoke, (the witness of His word) boiling up in the belly of that stove, and no way to escape, it just kills the fire.. but that stove with its' damper wide open..., then that damper is your religious out-put, and how far it is opened is your choice. choke or open up!!!! Question is , are you doing all you can to let the word of God(smoke going readily out the chimney) go out to the world,, or are you one who adjusts your damper daily, to slightly open,, putting your witness of God on a slow hold, or do you open maybe a little more,, if confronted,, will say you are a Christian, or are you a "wide open damper",, letting the word , and your testimony go out like a smoke signal on a mountain, for all to see, and you are giving the signal of the way to God..the signal of YOU, as an example,,, for people to see and to respond to giving their all to Him... well now that you know what that word "damper" means,,, is yours OPENED COMPLETELY,,, OR IS YOURS JUST ADJUSTED TO YOUR LIKINGS.. JUST ON SIMMER? Lord, I pray for all to open their dampers, and let the smoke boil out... and Your word is seen, and tasted all over this world... amen John HIcks I have my damper opened and I do not back down from the smoke nor the ones who complain of my smoke of the word I testify of my God... for my witness is of Him, and of Him alone, who do you witness to? Your choice ,,, so think about it,,, and answer carefully, for your answer is your life, eternal . ");

Monday, October 7, 2013

john hicks MONDAY! As you wake up this morning,, please start praying for this Nation... it is not about what party you belong to.. but what Nation you want to live in.... Free,, or mandated by the President, and the ones in charge of the House and Senate... I thought there was more members in Congress than Harry, Nancy, and John, and I say , as they go around in their limos, eat their fine meals, cool in their ac offices, homes, and keep or call back who they want,,, and put us on the line to look like a third world country,, with our credit in question, and yes.. watch Russia, and Syria come closer ,,as we get father apart.... we are a Nation of One,, but today ,,, I say it had better be The Nation of One, and that One is God, not those who claim to be either him, or his offspring.. but if you notice the him and his offspring is in lower case,,, I guess I was referring to that guy with horns, and a pointed know who(maybe they are satans,, who knows, but by their actions?),,,, I had to write this ,, on this first day of our week,, provided by God, and folks ,, His world,,, will never shut down! I think we are at the cross-roads of our Nation... and this morning I close with this... WE NEED CHANGE!!! IT IS TO PUT GOD BACK INTO OUR GOVERNMENT, INSTEAD OF THOSE THERE, NOW!!!!! God , I pray to You, forgive us , this Nation, of our sins, of greed, and idolatry.. of things, instead of You.. amen John HIcks Maybe you don't like this on this Monday,, but it is a statement of what I see happening of those few that are tearing us down,,,,and throwing us off the cliff,, and if you don't see it ,, then later you will feel it,,, if we don't ask and receive from God a change of us,, and be "for Him",, and "not against Him" May God bless you this day of His, given to us as a gift, and let's open it with a thanks to Him for it! ");

Sunday, October 6, 2013

SUNDAY! The seventh day,,, and He rested,,, and was so pleased with what He had made! I wonder what He thinks today,, with what we done to such a perfect piece of perfection? I pray to Him, that He will forgive us for destroying, slowly His making, and also of His word! Will you join me this day? Every child deserves a champion -- an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be, and raised with God in their house! TEMPTATION! TEMPORARY Temptation: encourage, or draw into a foolish or wrong course of action. Temporary: lasting for a limited amount of time. Everlasting: forever. satan: temptation to the fullest, and only temporary in promises , except for one, a trip to hell , if you accept him.. then that becomes a fact.. and is forever.. Jesus Christ: is not temptation , for satan could not even tempt Him,, He is the real deal, the real thing, and is not temporary , but everlasting, and if you accept Him, so are you..Now that is a fact! Now that you have had your "word lesson" for today,, you must pick one of the words, "temporary or everlasting,, to take through this day and seven more with you , where ever you go,,, did you hear me, everywhere you go... so pick, for what you will be comfortable with, for the rest of your life and eternity.. kinda extends the seven days, huh? Well , go ahead and pick,, your "choice".. go for it!!! JESUS EVERLASTING! ,,, or the other guy with nothing,,, but burning,, your choice, and yours alone! God, I pick Your Son to travel with me always, and I thank You for giving Him for my salvation, and also for the salvation of all who are reading this today, thank You for each one of them.. amen John Hicks I walk with my Lord every step I take.. sure, I slip,, I fall,, but Jesus is always there to pick me up, set me straight, and then send me on my way.. just a slight step behind me,, but with His hand on my shoulder, always. Who do you have walking behind you, besides your shadow? ");

Saturday, October 5, 2013

SATURDAY! Welcome to another of God's days, and be sure to thank Him for it.. for He does not hand them out ,,, just to be handing them out,,, He has a reason,,,look at your day, your plans, and see if it involves you... and that you are indeed in His plans, and if not, then you need to make a change,,agree? Prayer Request: For Jeanette Russell, who is in the hospital with an infection of the GI area.. please pray for the doctors to find, and give the healing medication so she can get well quickly. Prayers of thanks: For God's blessing on Bootsie Curry,, her open heart surgery went well, and she will be in recovery, and home , we hope real soon... thank you for all your prayers. THE OPEN GATES OF YOUR LIFE! Even if you don't have a fence with gates, this morning I want to ask all who reads these thoughts, to close their eyes, and wipe your mind as clear as you can... the let this enter in, and make a decision.... See that with your eyes closed,, you are in a fenced in yard,, you are walking down the driveway, towards the road, and the gates of this fence are closed... To get out on the road, that is marked at the end of the driveway, is "Road To Your Life"... You see this and you pause, and now you think for just past that sign is one that has an arrow on it pointing down the slight hill you are own.. and on the other side of the driveway is another sign,, with an arrow pointing up... The one pointing down has these words written on it..."Roadway To Hell" ... The one pointing up, has these words written on ..........Roadway To Heaven"... NOW, you must open the gates, and go out into this world..this day,,, and as you walk forward, you must make a decision that will effect you for the rest of your life... and this driveway,, is only a few steps long, so you must make this decision as to the right or to the left.. as you step forward and OPEN YOUR GATES OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, ON THIS DAY!! WHICH WAY WILL YOU TURN? YOUR CHOICE! Lord, I pray that all will make the decision to turn up the hill to You, amen John HIcks Just making a statement of the importance of the way to start your day, with or without Him, and I pray that you made the same choice as I did,, up the hill,, and may God Bless you all! ");

Friday, October 4, 2013

FRIDAY-TGIF! Good morning ! As we wake this morning we are still under siege by our government,,, of the want to "want", but not give,,, oh my, if only they would only really and truly get down on their knees and pray to our real leader, our God, and ask for Him to take the lead,, we would be out of this siege, and back on track... I am an American, and my loyalty to my country has not shut down, just the faith in our leaders...and I still believe as bad as things seem, that God is in control,, we just don't understand yet... understand that phrase, "not yet"? Prayer Request: For Sue Burkett, who after a biopsy, they have determined she has cancer of the uterus, and must not even do surgery , but start chemo, and radiation at once.. please pray for her to have God touch her in this part of her life. For the upcoming crusade of "Our Only Hope" , the "Big Tent Harvest Crusade" in Bremen, Georgia, on the 6th through the 9th, to put the word of God out, and the invitation for all lost to come to Him, and accept Jesus.. please pray for the words of these who bring this message be that of God, and of God only.... see the brochure attached below. OUR ONLY HOPE! I believe we are in a mode of "our only hope" , of this country, and of this world,, just as the name of the above crusade. I believe if we do not go to God, and pray for this America , we are in jeopardy of losing Her.. to greed, sin, sex, and satan leading our leaders down the road to the water with his flute.. for it looks like all the rats are rallying around him in our capitol and making laws that take away our freedom... and if we are not careful, we will be standing against a wall, for telling of our God, and of His word! So , be careful America, of who you vote for , who you put back up there in those offices of our "hope",, and that they are the "hope" under God, as they are sworn to uphold...and not hidden dens of sin.... Yes, I believe that times are here ,, for prayer, and more faith... and that faith is of the Lord , and not of those who are trying to tear it down, nor become king.. so America,, be on the watch, for it is your watch, so guard her well... and remember as you walk your watch, walk it with GOD, OUR ONLY HOPE!!! Lord, I pray this morning for our nation, and for this world of Yours, and this prayer is for our sins to be forgiven, for we have not done a good job of taking care of Your world... and I ask forgiveness for every one of us.. amen John HIcks I support my God first, then those others... well, I am still trying to decide just who is really for us, and who is on the side of sin,, it is a small group that I see so far... please pray for our Nation! P.S. : I could not get the Crusade picture to attach, so I am putting it on forward to all of you to see ,, revivals is hapening, and we need to pray for them across this nation , even though it is in another part of the Nation,, our prayers reach higher ,and further than all can imagine, thanks to you all for this request of prayer!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

THURSDAY! Good Morning to all.. Waking up, giving thanks to God for this day,,, WOW! What a way to start a day,, and just how did you start yours? Prayer Request: Bootsie Curry, who is having open heart surgery this morning in the Macon Hospital.. please pray that God will be holding that surgeons hands for this good friend of ours, and a good lady! HEAVEN IS HAVING A SALE! Yes!!!! A sale of all sales,,, they have ordered trucks by the millions to be in all areas.. and you must find these trucks by faith... These trucks are filled with "knee pads"... It seems as if this world has plenty of knees, but they are not being used for bending down to the ground for prayer to God.. Sooooo,, He figured the reason could be tender-ritis of the knees,, ,,, because of none use.... even though there are lots who are hopping around with hurting knees,,,, worn out.. and that is good,,, for they too can use them to continue to kneel and pray... Well, how many are out and going to the sale, and don't forget ,,, these are free,,no charge,, and this is not part of obama-care,, it is really free, and you have the right to get them or not.. no fine, just a burning sensation if you don't use them,, that is the knees,, to kneel and pray, but please go to the sale, and request a pair... Where is this sale? Right there ,,,close your eyes, see it,, it is in your heart, and in your mind, and see that your soul is at risk if you are not using them,,, that is the knees .. for using,,, yes, for praying, and if you need the pads ,,, then they are free also, but you must get down and pray to see if you need them! Kinda of a crazy "thoughts for today",, but you just have to stop, and think,, let it soak in,, and then ask yourself, does this point me out.. for I do not judge, I just pass on the way... to you know where,,,so are you going or not... to THE SALE,, and one other thing , this sale , this headquarters is never closed down! Lord, Yes, I am having some fun, and yet being really serious... and I pray that while down on my knees, all other on thier knees, will be wearing a smile, as they are kneeling in prayer to You. .amen John HIcks Folks, it just comes to my mind and I write it, and yes, I have to re-read it, to understand sometimes, but as I do, and I ask God for help... it is faith that I do understand, and it is faith that I believe in, and the belief is,, that God is real, and that Jesus is my Savior, and the the only way to Heaven is through the way of that Cross... .how about you? Have a great day! and ask God to go with you,,, while you are on your knees! ");

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

WEDNESDAY! Look out,, did I see a camel in the yard? Ha! Yes , it is the ole camels day... "hump day"! The day most climb to so they can say, half way, now to the finish... they make their plans,, for two more days after this one, & then for two more days of a week-end... and I ask only this question,, have you made your plans,,, for eternity? The most important plan you can make ,,, and you don't have to wait until the middle,, for you nor I know of this "middle" this "hump day" of our lives,, so it is very important to make it now....understand the meaning of "having the right plan",, now? Prayer Request: For Sherman Afford.. whose is a diabetic, has heart problems. and kidney problems with a lot of other problems, in which he is almost blind... and cannot get all of his meds.. and help in his care,, please pray that God will come to his aid, and come quickly,,if it is His will.. For Anna Claire, my granddaughter... who has been running high fever, and a sore thoart, that she recovers fast! THE EXCITEMENT OF GOD! Do you ever just have that , all of a sudden ,, boiling over, like a pot of water on the stove, that bubble over of the Holy Spirit? We all have it, if we will just let it go... I do !!! I have it lots. I tell Libby, my wife,, of these happenings, as I walk back in the house, or she walks up on me in the shop, yard, or sometimes in the truck, being waved down by someone, who rushes up and asks for us to pray for them or someone,,, and right there, and no matter who is around, ,or who has to stop and wait,,,, for God waits on no one when called upon... (right Jeff?) and I will say to her(Libby),,, "Wow, don't that just feel so good, when you can wittiness right then and there,, and talk about God, and with God? I just feel like it is just pouring out ,,, all over",, and she replies,, "Yes, I can see it, and I can hear it!".... Do you ever feel like this? It is one of the greatest things of your life! So, you be a wittiness,, and be one that is a public wittiness,, don't go into wittiness protection, and do it only in your mind, but do it with your tongue, and your voice,,,, for this wittiness of God ,, does give you the protection of a life time.. so go on out there, into this world of His, and tell this story,, ,of Him ,, and all His great works, and all of His great glory.. and the greatest of all,, the Love He has for us all...yes go out,, and feel THE EXCITEMENT OF GOD, AND THAT IS THE WITNESSING OF HIM,, PUBLICLY!!! Lord, thank You for letting us do this, and I pray that this world, will fall to their knees ,,,and bow to You, and claim You as King of all Kings, and that You are indeed the One and the ONLY GOD..amen John HIcks Wittiness, yes, and thankful for His forgiving me, and giving me those moments... You try them and feel that feeling! Have a great day of our Lords,,, , given each second of every day,,, of His Love to us... ");

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

TUESDAY!!!! GET UP,, IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER! What happened to September? Let's all make a pact ,, slow down and enjoy this Month,,, and the rest of your life!!! Want to join,,, come on out into the sunshine,,, warm up to HIS world and and spend your time with the praising of the Lord!!!! (instead of yourself) NO ONE,,, BUT ONLY HIM! We had observed the setting Sun,,, it was so fiery orange,, just shimmering,,, and a perfect circle ,, wow,,, what a sight. Warming us,, giving us light,, from a non-ending ball of fire,, so hot it would incinerate us if we got within a million miles of it,,much less trying to touch it... Then you see the Moon,, at the time perfectly round and a clear light also,, not as hot,, but warm and giving us a smaller amount of light,, with a double handful of stars , just thrown up in the sky like a sprinkle,, just to get us around in and through the dark... and then a little bit of wind,,, just enough to cool us a little,,,making it so enjoyable.. maybe a little shower to keep us with water for to drink,, and a little drink for the plants also... Have you ever just stopped ,,, and thought about just how this all came about?.. If you listen to some of the "so called smart nuts", we evolved . Well , I am here to tell you the whole story,, are you ready to hear the REAL STORY? IT WAS GOD WHO MADE IT! YES ALL OF THE ABOVE CAME FOR GOD, AND YOU ALSO... NO ONE ELSE, NOT EVOLVED , BUT MADE BY HIM ONLY! Thank You God for all of the above and more,,, amen John HIcks I can not only see it ,,, but I believe it! Do ,, you??? I mean really?