Monday, October 28, 2013

MONDAY! Starting of the week day!! A day of off to work for some , for others it is a day of vaction, or retired kickback,,but of all these things, just don't forget who made it, and whose it is, and that we are just borrowing it,,from our Almighty God, so when we get through it today,,, let's make sure we leave it today, and ever day as we found it ,, in tack, an clean,,,, of things of His dis-aprovement.. but those things of His complete approval! O.K.? THE BATTLE!!! Today I am going to write about something I read,, and I am copying it , but changing two words,, and I hope you get the message,,, for this message came for an old Native American Cherokee: Grandfather to grandson, "My son there is a battle between two wolves inside of us all! One is called "evil",, It is anger , jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority,lies, and ego." "The other is "Good" ,,,,It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth." The grandson thought about it, and asked,, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The old man quietly replied,,, "THE ONE YOU FEED!" WHICH "WOLF" DO YOU HAVE IN YOU? GOD OR satan? God, I ask that all really understand the real meaning of life by this story, for it of you giving us the choice of You or no, amen John Hicks I choose God, ,and good, come join me today, and let's have a great God's day! May He bless each of you as He has blessed me!

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