Tuesday, September 30, 2014


TUESDAY! Good morning to all,,, on this the last day of this month,, and tomorrow we start a new month,, and I ask , will you do that month as you did this month? With God, or without God? Now that is a question for you to think about on this day,,, re-think the the days of this last month,, and the thoughts for this day,,,,,and all the days to follow,,, WILL IT BE GOD FOREVER, OR AS YOU THINK YOU NEED HIM ,,AT THAT PARTICULAR TIME? Continued Prayer Requests: For the Great Tent Crusade at Corinth Baptist Church in Bremen , Ga. and for the defeat of ISIS and all those brave military protectors we have. Lord, thank You for my and our all,, for I and we give you 100% of the credit for our all,, amen John HIcks Have a great and blessed day to all!

Monday, September 29, 2014


MONDAY! Another of His days,,, your gift today? Is life, and the choice of accepting Jesus as your Savior and your only way to God! Today, I want to be short, so I will leave it up to God, and here goes! Yesterday, the pastor at the church I was at,, told a very , very interesting message... Have you ever thought of the time of the Non-Jewish people,,, before Jesus? We had no way to God,,, for God's people were the Jewish,, and at that time ,,, we had no Savior,, God favored them. for they were His people,,,, THEN,, He sent us a Savior, not for us only, but FOR ALL,, Jesus, who came , lived , died, and rose back to life , victory over death, and He did it for ALL...the barrier was gone, we had something that I have put on these thoughts hundreds of times...and it is one that God gave everyone of us with Jesus,, and that is CHOICE! OF HIM OR NOT,, BUT IT IS ONE YOU MUST MAKE, YOURSELF! BURN OR NOT? Another point,, was that ever time YOU say the Bible says it is this way, but it really means that it is o.k. this time to do it just a little bite different... then YOU have just called God a liar.. FOR HIS WORD IS LAW, AND FOLKS THERE IS NO OTHER EXPLANATIONS OF IT,,, READ IT AND HEED IT,, FOR WE ARE ALL SINNERS, AND WE ALL ARE CLOSE TO FALLING TO SATAN AT ALL TIMES, BUT WHAT KEEPS US FROM him, statan? OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, AND THE WORD OF GOD! Prayer Requests: From James Lemmings,,, 20 people saved, 10 Baptized, 5 joined the church Sunday morning at 11 O'Clock,,, Revival starts tonight at 7o'clockThanks for all your prayers Keep praying For all those Military involve in stopping ISIS,, of ours, and all those other countries who have joined us in the fight against... ISIS! John HIcks Servant, and yes I fall down daily, but who picks me up? by my choice and my outcry,, MY JESUS CHRIST, WHO IS MY SAVIOR, AND I PUBLICLY CRY THIS OUT! and your choice? Lots of "red" this morning , but think of the "red blood that was shed for you, and for me!

Sunday, September 28, 2014


SUNDAY! Good morning, and may you wake up with the Lord at your side, by your request! Enjoy this ,, another of His great days,, made by Him for you, an for me to enjoy, and praise Him ,,not ourselves or anyone else ahead of Him! Again ,Have a great and Blessed day! Prayer Request: Continued Prayer for "The Big Tent Crusade" at Corinth Baptist Church, in Bremen Georgia and that God will grant a "BIG SUCCESS OF BRINGING THE LOST TO CHRIST!" FREE!!!! In this country, we do have things that are free! Yes we do! First , there is the right to worship who we want, the right to bear arms to defend ourselves, our families, and our rights, and that of free expression, even when it hurts others , it is called free speech,, and we have the right to agree or disagree with that speech, and we have the right to have a meeting or march, as long as it is not harsh, nor of looting,, and destroying of property! Now, I ask this,,,,, why is it so hard to give away a little 18 inch high white Cross free,,, to put in your yard, or a pot if you have no yard, or if you are not allowed to show in front, do as some,, put it in a pot on your deck,, and you can put it in your house if you have no other place to put it! YET,, people stand in line, sleep outside for days, to buy a phone, see a rock star, or any musical star, a game, but you do not see these camped out , or these long lines in front of our churches,,, folks,, THESE CHURCHES ARE FREE TO GO TO, THE LITTLE WHITE CROSSES ARE FREE!!!!! Of course this is your choice, and I may seem like I am judging, but no,, I am observing! and two questions I ask all of you to stop and answer yourself.. was I raised this way? and is this what is wrong with our country,,, MATERIALISTIC OVER GOD? God, I ask for Your deliverance from satan to me, and to all who request it,, and to quieten the tongues of those who rebuke You! amen John HIcks Agree today or not,,, it is my opinion, and my belief and that is free also...Have a great and blessed day, and I pray you will choose God again for this Nation, and This World, and you will talk to Him about it! Again , Have A Great Day, & Thank Your God for it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


TUESDAY! God is Good! God is real! God is your ONLY hope ! Jesus Christ is your only way to live with God , forever! Accept Jesus, and your sins are forgiven, and surrender to Him, and you are saved from satan, but you must work at being a Christian, for satan works 24/7 to get you back!!! Now today this very, very short,, BUT,,,, if you will re-read this, you will find that it is the ONLY way to walk through this life and ,, LEAVE THIS LIFE AND LIVE FOREVER WITH GOD! ,,and that is to accept, believe,,, before that time,,,,,,and have THE LORD BY YOUR SIDE, AND IN YOUR HEART, AND ON THE WORDS FORMED BY YOUR TONGUE! (The latter is the hardest,,, so you must put a bigger effort on this one) God, bless these days of ours, and may we give back to You what we are supposed to do, and that is to acknowledge You as the One , the ONLY GOD! amen John HIcks Servant! and you?

Monday, September 22, 2014


MONDAY! What a wonderful morning, waking up to a cool , a slight breeze, the night bugs still crying out to be heard,,,, the darkness fills the void,, and you can just feel God all around you.. and just as in the daylight,,,, if you will really, really look, and feel,, you will see Him, and feel Him,,, and as we drank our coffee,,, we offered our, again , thanks for the day to our God! Who did you wake up with and who did you thank for your all,, this day? Prayer Request: From Lori,,, Please pray for a co-worker who was taken to the ER Sunday and is now in ICU undergoing dialysis for kidney failure, severe chest congestion, high blood pressure and water in the lungs. He is a young father of 3 and a great young man who really needs all the hope and prayers we can give at this time. Thank you so much and God Bless everyone!!! GODS OVEN!!! We all have or know what an oven is,, right? Well, we had one when I was a kid, and it ran on natural fuel,, wood,, and it had to be cut, split , and brought in, then after the wood was laid for lighting, (with lighter,older wood)then it was lite! And the Mom would start the breakfast meal, and in our house, all was natural,, home grown,,, and a feast, the smell could be smelled as the ole saying goes , a country mile away! Then of course the gas, the electric, and now the Micro-wave ovens are a "dime a dozen",,, children of today, knows of no "just a fireplace, or just a heater" to cook on, and folks , I have seen my Mom cook biscuits on the top of a wood and coal heater! Even our little girls had their little "bake ovens"! Now, I heard a young man speak on a famous recorded show...he had a speech impediment, did a great job in making himself understood! As he spoke , he gave the greatest conviction of His God, and the saving power of Jesus... and smiled as he slowly spoke to make sure all his words were understand, yet his speech impediment was still showing ,, he made you forget it was there, by his testimony! Everyone was watching, and listening with a special smile upon their faces, not of pity ,but of how he was giving the message of God,,, then as he started to sing,, he still had that speech, but he did great, and the audience finally joined in, and as he finished,,, he made this statement... "folks, for those saved, I will see you all in Heaven,, and when you see me, you will understand me perfectly,, for all is perfect in Heaven,, and my words will be so perfect, I will not miss a word,,,for you see, there is nothing wrong with me right now with my speech, YOU SEE,,,,,, I AM STILL IN GODS' OVEN,, AND HE IS FINISHING BAKING ME!,,,, AND WHEN FINISHED, ON TO HEAVEN AS PERFECT AS HE!!! AND YOU? I was moved as to how he saw himself, and this life, and he is right,, we are just molded , given the chance to make a choice of how we bake up in His oven ,,and it is our choice to make, of how we come out,,, firmly brown and risen to God's heaven, cooked just right,,, for those who have accepted him,,,, or we make the choice of the treasures here,,and we are burned,, fall flat and we then we fall into hell! God give us all the right "bake Your way", and may we all set their ovens on the dial of Jesus, and rise to You in that time,, amen John HIcks Have a great God's day to all!

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Sunday! the seventh!,,, He rested,,,He had made this world and the heavens..... Yes He did , we did not evolve....God did it all........ Prayer Request: Tomorrow, James Streetman, will be having eye surgery, please pray for him... and also pray for all those in need of His loving care! Jimmy Lemmings, will be sharing "The Cross" Ministry today at New Hopwell Baptist Church in Heflin, Ala. Be praying please for this great Mission! WAKE UP, GET EXCITED!!! It is time for all of us to get off out backsides and work for God!!! We can talk about anything in this country ,,and if we don't start talking "God Talk" , we are going to be censored to where we can only talk as a child ,, only when we are spoken to, we will be back in the closet reading the Bible and praying... We need to do more shouting, waving our arms, and showing our backbone to ALL,,,, let them know you are a Christian, not afraid of satan or fellow man nor woman.....Be the one who stands out , not stand behind,, unheard,,,, we have enough unheard Christians,,,, it is time to be a "Heard Christian" and tell to all ,,,, Jesus is the way, the only way!!!!! Do I sound excited??? Yes,,, I do!!!! We need to be in prayer more than once a day, this country is still the best in the world, but we are going the wrong way each day. If we don't stand up for it and God, how can it last.... so get out of bed each day, pray to the Living God,,,, walk out of your house to where ever you go,,, with Jesus, and let everyone see you both,,, how do they see you "both"?? by the way you carry yourself, the way you act ,,and the way you talk!!!!! Are you with me??? Will you walk the walk ,,, talk the talk,,, and not be afraid someone might point their finger at you and giggle?? Well , let them,, for you have God and Son with you, wrapped tightly around you,,, nothing can hurt. So, again,,, get off your backside,be counted,, and work for Him , who made you and has given you all you have,,,,,, WAKE UP,,, GET EXCITED! HE'S WAITING TO HEAR YOU! Almighty God , give me the strength to stand tall, shout your name above all others,,, be yours while I am here. amen John HIcks Not perfect,,,,, buuuut not afraid to testify that God is real,,, living,,, and so is His Son,,, Jesus,,, alive and well... will you stand with me?? YES or NO?? Fired up for God, and Son , you bet,, so come on and let's lite the match under some of these "so called Christians", and get them up and at it,, testifying, and living the life God wants, not what we want!!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014


SATURDAY! First day of the week-end, and to start it off with God at your side us the only way to start this day,,, and ALL days! What do you think? Prayer Requests: Please pray for Delores in your prayers as she recovers from back surgery, and the pain will go away, and the healing will be quick and she will be up and about,, and keep her husband also in your prayers as he sits and holds her hand to comfort her.. ALL ARE FROM ONE! To be a Christian, one must believe this! Yes,,,, The ONE is God. HE created Adam and Eve,, and they joined with each other, and produced the first baby,, and then more and more.... our world filled from these two that God created! Now, you say, well , God killed off all but Noah, his wife, his three sons,,, and their three wives.. and when the water receeded, they left the ark,, and they mated,, as did Noah and his wife did again and again also...and they all filled the earth up to now... and folks, they were still from the two that God joined together first!!!!! We are all from one, and I dare anyone who believes in God, the Bible, Jesus, and are a real Christian to deny this, for to deny this would be to deny God,,,, would it not...for no human was evolved!!!! We are made,,, ALL, BY GOD ALMIGHTY! PERIOD,, NO OTHER WAY, BY HIM! DO YOU UNDERSTAND, BELIEVE? God, I ask that all do answer that they do believe in You, and only You, for "darwin", has no place in a Christian's vocabulary.. amen John HIcks Servant, and only sending out what I have learned of my God, and His complete creation! Look at it ,, really, and reread, Genesis,, and see who made who! Responses?

Friday, September 19, 2014


FRIDAY! TGIF, TGED! Time to get ready for the w/e! Even when your are retired,, the w/e's are still special for we have been trained this way since we started to school! Now, let's all start our Week-End off with the invitation of asking God, and His son Jesus to walk along with us in all we do..now re-read, I did not say what we want them to see and hear, but in all we do!! It's up to you, for He gave you the choice to choose HEAVEN, OR HELL!!!!! Prayer Request: Will all stop sometime this day,, and pray for that fallen policeman in Forsyth, and the Trooper that the crazy guy ambushed,, pray for their families, and all the other officers who are out there protecting us amen Lord, I pray that today, all will choose Heaven with You, over satan and his burning inferno, amen John Hicks Have a great week-end, and may God bless you in all you choose to do in His name!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


THURSDAY! Good morning in this greatest country of the world, the good ole USA!,, And the freedom to being able to worship our living and only God,, and His Son, Jesus Christ as our Savior of all our sins! Are we not fortunate? WE ARE SO BLESSED BY HIM, SO THIS MORNING AS WE AWAKE, LET'S ALL USE THIS DAY, FROM START TO "FOREVER" TO PRAY TO GOD ALMIGHTY FOR THIS GREAT FREEDOM! And let's us pray for all those other countries, that they might have this freedom also, and USA, let's pray, and support Israel! Prayer Requests: Kimberly, that her pain sustains, to not small, but completely gone! Susan Lowe Roberts: that all gets better, and better for her, please continue to pray for these two people! Unspoken Needs for Prayer: Pray for the needs of all are carried to God in prayer, and that He will answer them , give them the relief of what ever they need. God, please continue to keep us , the USA, and all the countries that see You as their one and only God, and that worships Your Son, Jesus, and request for His Salvation, and realize that He is the only way to you God. amen John HIcks Servant of Him,, and may all of you have a great and blessed day!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


WEDNESDAY! Ole Camel Day! He has millions running and making w/e plans already!!! LOL! I am glad to wake up with the Lord, and and being able to thank Him for my day, and my all...and ask for all to be blessed if it is His will! I will not have to call on that camel! This morning, I want to write a little on my Daily Bible Reading! I ask , are you a surrendered Christian Soul to Jesus.. have you accepted Him with all your heart and soul? It is your choice! Think like this,,, you wake up in the middle of the night,,, it totally dark in your bedroom. As you look around , you feel like , I am in the dark, and I can't find my way, I can't see! Scary, for you look to the right , to the left to the back, then ahead,, nothing just complete black,, so dark, eyes will not adjust to this darkness... then(as most of us do , we leave a night-light on in our hall-way.. or somewhere we can see when we go out the door)... so as you lay in that bed, thinking what if it is this way for all times,, I will not make it!!!, then as you sit up in the bed, there it is, that little light under the bottom of the bedroom door! Your heart leaps, as you slip out of bed,, knowing as you walk toward that light , there the switch will be on the wall next to it,,, as you flip the switch, the room is lite with all the light of a shinning day!!! You are delighted,, you open the door, then you get ready for the day,, coffee, or whatever,, for you have light!!!!!!! NOW,, think about it,,, when it comes to your time,, will that light will be there for you, have you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior... the light by which you will go to, and HE will be there waiting and be your switch for eternal light!!!!!.. no more darkness, never ever will you have darkness,,light of the Lord forever, and ever,, FOR HIS LIGHT WILL SHINE FOREVER!!!...HAVE YOU MADE THAT DECISION, SO YOU CAN SEE THAT LITTLE LIGHT,,,, UNDER YOUR DOOR! Lord, thank You for the LIGHT OF YOUR SON,, JESUS, and giving us the choice to acccpet Him as our savior, and the light of this life, and also of our eternal life, amen John HIcks I have surrendered,, and am proud of this surrendering!,, Have you, will you, for remember, God gave us that choice to made by us?..... So please pray, and make the choice of Jesus!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


TUESDAY! WELCOME! Today,, another of God's gifts to you! Yes, a Gift from Him to you,all in the name of LOVE, and the gift of another LOVE,, in another time, and that is HIS SON!,,,, ALIVE AND WELL TODAY, AND YOURS FOR THE ASKING! THE DINOSAUR! Wow,, how can something so big just disappear,, extinct? No more! No eggs! No seed! Man is still guessing why the dinosaur disappeared.. it is a mystery that only can be scientifically "guessed". We find remains buried for centuries,, intact, some are put together, and gives us the picture in our heads of how these monsters looked. These were God created as all things are,,, and disappeared by Him,,, this I believe,, why? I do not even give it but a small tiny thought. Now ,, God created us also,,,,gave us a way out of sin, by sending us His Son,, we are called Christians,,, and we are working at going extinct also,,, will God let us do this? Certainly He will,,, for He gives us "choice",,,even though, He would be sadden so much,, that when we deny Him ,, He will destroy us all,, for in my mind ,, He will never let this earth go "satan" all the way... We, as "Stale Christians" are ,, as it seems,, letting satan work,,,, in our schools,, government,, our public,,, our homes,,, and yes,,, in some of our most sainted places.... We must all stand up for God, NOW,,, speak out ,,,turn this trend of sin,, from going forward,,, to satan ,,, back to Christ,, and the Father,,, yes,,, we must go back to work, or just set back,,, on our backsides,,, mouth closed,, heads dropped in shame, for denying Him,,, and let satan ride over this world,, and make us not extinct of body but EXTINCT OF SOUL!!!! Lord,, I pray for the strength to stand tall for You,, speak for You,, of You,, and Lord I pray for a stampede of others to stand also... amen John HIcks I will fight for Him to the death,,,, will pick up the sword of Christianity,,, and fight the dragon of sin,,, with me or continuing to sit on your backside????

Monday, September 15, 2014

MONDAY! Waking up with God, is the greatest thing a person can ever do!!!!! How about you? SPARE THE ROD, SPOIL THE CHILD! Woe! What a controversy that is going on in this country! There is correction, and there is "beating",, and folks this is a big difference!!! A "keen" little switch can be an answer to the way a child grows up,, and of coarse this is my opinion,,, for not all believe in a little switching. When I was a child, I wish my Mom only gave me a light switching or time out, take away the ice cream, cookies, cake, or certain toys,,, REASON,, well, we didn't have any knowledge of time out, it was set down, shut up, and don't open your mouth,, or you will get the switching of your life,, and it was said with authority! And we did not ask when we could talk, for we knew better,,from that tone of her voice! We knew that one day, she would let us talk again, and move! And take away the treats? what treats,, we did not have all these little bags, and boxes of treats... and take a favorite toy away,, oh yes, for why was it our favorite, it was our only toy!!! Yes, we only had one toy and at Christmas, we had one toy...and it was a little toy! Now when we did something really bad,,, we got a whipping, and it hurt,, but not to the point it was "a beating",, it was "corrective switching",, and we all were better off with it.. and in school,,, Students were better behaved in school, if they knew that the teacher had the authority to use a paddle on their behinds if they mis-behaved,, and they did just that, and got no back talk,, and then your parents were contacted and told of this event,, and you guessed it,, then we got it at home.. so you see, the sparing of the rod,, was not heard of in our house, and we all turned out to be good Christians, for we were taken to church, and we all respected our elders, never did any one of ours bullied anyone, we all took up for the one being bullied,, so you see, it never hurt us, but made us as God wanted us to do! I am not saying grab a switch and use it at all times, but do it when necessary, and then I guarantee you, if the news media will leave it alone, and let the police handle these cases,,, we will have less criminals than more criminals, and more respect from our young , teens, and then adults.. and we will all be better off to remember that SPARRING THE ROD,, WILL SPOIL THE CHILD! I know lots will disagree with me,, but that is o.k. for I still believe in it,,,and I see lots of places where it does help,,,, so I raised my children with it, and they respect me and my wife, and others, and most of all,,, they learned to respect THEIR GOD,, ABOVE ALL!!!! Lord, give these new parents Your help in raising our foundation of this world to come. amen John HIcks Raised by two of the greatest Christian parents, thaT ruled with a switch, LOVED WITH ALL THEIR HEART,and we raised our own with that same "way of the respect for others, and for themselves as well! and I stand behind it!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


SUNDAY! HIS! YES! All are, but this is the one He set aside to rest,,, after building this world,, and YES,,, HE did built it all,,,it did not evolve, and if you don't believe this, then you will later! Make your choice today to give your heart and soul to Jesus Christ, be saved, and go to Heaven, and enjoy eternity with all you can ever dream of,,, folks it is the "giant lottery",, and you don't have to gamble and hope,, all you have to do is accept Jesus as your Savior, give Him your soul, and your heart, and follow Him, and you win!l,,, and so does all who do this! Make your choice today! Prayer of Thanks Today: Lord , I (We), thank You for our all, for without You, we would have nothing, amen PATIENCE! As we think of Noah and the Ark,,, and the time he spent in building it,, and had a certain time to finish it... think of the trips of all those animals ,,, that had to travel from such a distance,,,of thousands and thousands of miles from their natural habitat! They had to pass thousands upon thousands of people who wanted to kill those that were natural killers, such as lions, tigers, big elephants, snakes, and all those others,,but God guided them safely , for it was His plan, as man was doomed, because as these animals, and Noah and His family found favor in God, and these ,,Noah, and the animals followed Gods orders,, they lived,,,for Noah had the favor of God, and God had the plan,, and folks I want you to think of the patience of our God.. for we don't know how far THAT SNAIL HAD TO WALK TO GET THERE, BUT GOD HAD IT TIMED PERFECT, FOR HE MADE IT!! Now, I ask,,,"will you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior , surrender to Him, and make it?,,or will you fall off the cliff into the fire and burn, for that is the message of what is to come,, at His will and His time! Please make the choice, I beg of you!!!!" John HIcks Servant,,,, and yes I fall down a lot,, and I have to pray a lot while I am down, just to get back up to where I need to be to make my God happy! Let's all do it together,,, we can, yes we can!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014


SATURDAY! Welcome to the week-end, and have you started it with God at your side, I hope you have made that choice this another of one of His days,,,, make the choice! Prayer Report: Brother Sam is home, doing good , thanks for the prayers, God is wonderful! FOR LOVE,, to abound with-in all the hearts of His, and for all who have harden hearts, I pray for God to loosen these hearts, let them explode with love and affection to all they encounter, and stand for Him in all they do and say,, for this Nation, including me needs this,,, so please God loose our hearts for You, Jesus, and testify endless for You. LOVE OF ONE ANOTHER! Love is not for here right now, gone when you go, or out of sight and then you start talking trash about someone,, no matter the person! God wants you to love one another, and love hard , pure and as He does forever,, for He loves us, and if He did not, folks , first we would not exist, and next we would not be here with all the sins we commit... so do as God wishes , love one another , and that means all... color has no place in Gods love,, so remember that,,, for I have friends of all colors, and they are all precious in His sight,,, Family , love each other, friends , love each other, ALL learn to love by first loving your God, and turn it over to Him, and watch love abound,, and remember the old saying, "You are to love all, but you don't have to like them!".. but I say, love and like, LET GOD BE THE JUDGE,,,, what do you say? God, forgive us of all our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us,, and Lord , RE-TEACH this world LOVE , and that of Yours,, to love each other , and to testify of Your love, amen John HIcks Yes, I have to be reminded of love to others, and to keep my big mouth shut, and sometimes I overstep my boundaries , and when I do, I don't blame someone else,, I fall to my knees and I ask the one and the only one to forgive me,, and that is my Living God! Just who do you talk to when you sin?,,,, and don't say, "what sin"!!!!!! Make a choice,it is your eternity!

Friday, September 12, 2014


FRIDAY! Good morning to all, and may you celebrate this day with the start of asking your God to walk, talk , and guide you through it and all the days He chooses for you to enjoy in the future,,, and do this by request! Will You? Most will, most will not! He gave you the choice, and you will see each choice you and I make as we stand before Him on that day of judgement, so think about all and what you ask for, and how you use what you have! Prayer Request: For my Brother , Sam Hicks, of Morris, Alabama,, who was admitted to the hospital yesterday for the battery on his pacemaker giving out.. Today they will replace the pacemaker, keep him a day or two, and then home and back to normal, Pray all will go well with him,,, thanks to all of you for I know prayers are headed up as you read this! YOU ARE AN AMERICAN, PERIOD, OR YOU ARE NOT! IF BORN HERE, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, THEN SAY IT,,,, I AM AN AMERICAN, BY BIRTH,(OR CITIZENSHIP), BY FIRST HIS GRACE, AND I WILL STAND FOR HER TODAY,WITH NO PREFIXES,, JUST A GOOD OLE AMERICAN! How many will really do this ? Lord, I ask for Your blessing upon this Nation, and upon Israel , and all of Israels' protectors here on this earth! amen John HIcks Servant of a living God, and saved by the GRACE OF HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST! and you?

Thursday, September 11, 2014


THURSDAY! The Anniversary of 9/11- of 2001!!!!! We have much , much to be thankful for..the recovery of quickness from this attack on our Nation,,, the bringing back of our nation as a whole! We all seemed to come to God as a whole...but woe,, that only happened for a very short time! Too continue to survive, we must turn to God... I have a question... What are we here on this earth for? and I answer this with these words,, WE ARE HERE FOR GOD, FOR JESUS, AND TO SPREAD HIS WORD, AND TO LIVE BY IT ! There folks is not other reason... testifying, living as He wants us to live , not as we want to live,, just turn loose and He will guide you, accept Jesus as your Savior, and tell others of your salvation, and let them know they can come to Him also.. yes this, my friends, are YOUR JOBS , HERE ON THIS EARTH, TAKE IT OR LOOSE IT,,,, AND I MEAN LOOSE IT! God, thank you for our freedom, for we(I) know it all comes from you, and even though so many think it comes from man,, I ask that they realize YOU, and JESUS, and come to You this day! I also ask that You continue to bless this Nation, and Israel, amen John HIcks PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, AND I STAND TALL AND PROUD FOR MY GOD, AND FOR HER! How do you stand, for , using of her as a crutch, or against her? Your choice of her, and of course , your choice of accepting Jesus Christ as your per

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

From Then To Now!

WEDNESDAY! And, another of His days, and yes it is good! for all He giveth is good,,,,, can we say that about ourselves? You answer this one! Your heart, your mind, and your convictions will make your answer... The following was an email I received from one of our deacons..and as old as it is, it fits today.... for where can you go without all this ? Right here is where satan is keying in, and we as a Nation, Under God had better turn to God, and away from satan and the following, so read it and think about it..even long , it is short: Newspaper Clipping from Oct 13, 1975. Here is an old C.G. newspaper clipping a mother saved in her Bible. She had been a school teacher and believed prophesy, so she always kept up on issues, long before most ever thought of them here. In May of 1919 at Dusseldorf, Germany, the Allied Forces obtained a copy of the Communist Rules for Revolution. Fifty years later the Reds are still following these rules. A. Corrupt the young, get them away from religion, get them interested in sex, make the superficial in their ruggedness B. Get control of all means of publicity thereby: 1. Get the peoples mind off the government by focusing on the athletes(paid outstanding salaries, making them heroes of the young) ), sex books and movies, plays, etc. 2.dived the people into hostile groups by constantly having or creating matter of no importance,, like race riots, looting, etc. 3. Destroy the peoples faith in their churches, and belief! 4.Always preach true democracy, BUT seizing power as fast and ruthlessly as possible, (by in-sighting riots of different ethical groups) 5. By encouraging government extravagant in debts, it credit lost, produce inflation and high prices. 6. Form un-nessccary strikes, in vital places of business, and demand more money for workers. 7. Cause the breakdown of morality, honesty, sobriety of all. C.Cause the REGISTRATION OF ALL FIREARMS,,, from the public!!!! Another indication of what’s happening. SCARY ISN’T IT? God Bless America and give us the strength to stand up for You, and reject satan and all his little toys of destruction! amen John HIcks

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


TUESDAY! Good morning to all,,, and a very Happy Birthday top my daughter, Terri Hicks Franklin today! God is good for giving me all my children! We all need to stop, and don't hurry life, for it will come, as long as God allows it to do so... SOOOO , slow down, and enjoy the flow that HE gave us all this day to enjoy, and may all have a blessed day! Thought for Today ~ ~ We never know when the words we speak will be the last words that someone hears.(Thanks Joyce for this thought!) Lord, be with all today, in all they decide to do, and I pray that they choose You. amen John HIcks

Monday, September 8, 2014


MONDAY! A very good Monday morning to all on this great and blessed day of His...as all days are His, only released to us as a present... believe it or not! The day will come when you will understand this! Prayer Requests? We have lost a real Christian of the Business World,,Truett Cathy, 1921-2014. Mr. Cathy stood for God, and stood tall,,, He never ever bent when pressure of satan was upon his business, or against polices that He believed in ...and He helped in the raising of many, many young Christian Children, which He always considered His very own, and in a way they were,,,YES, THIS MAN WAS A CHRISTIAN! He will be missed, and our condolences go out to the remaining members of His family. Also, keep Delores Nolls in your prayers, as she is starting her "rehab" on that back surgery this morning.. pray for all to go well, and the aches and pains will be small, and bearable, and pray for her husband Ray, as he stands by her side! DO YOU BELIEVE? As I set under our carport,, Libby made a statement that there was no sight of the moon.. as it was cloudy, and overcast. Right after she made the statement the clouds cleared, and the bright moon appeared...and the beautiful light appeared... and flowed right into the carport, as God showed His might! Then as we set, watched, the light showed so bright ,it seemed to flood our carport, just for a while, then receded back to normal... then slide back into the clouds.. and as we talked, I made the statement, that particular moon, seemed to appear as if sent by Him... we both said we believe that, and at once , here it came again, bright and shinning bright, and the that brighter beam shown right down upon us.. and we both said ,,, Good morning Lord,, the there was that bright beam,,,and then back to normal,, and then receded again.. and as we set there,, it appeared on a dull side, not as bright as those two showing,, and as we commented on those two... we just pondered them in our hearts, and we believed, and as all those who seen this same moon while sitting around, and or driving down the road,,, did not see this bright beam that shown upon us, or maybe shown upon you also,, .. or did you?, for we believe!,,, and it does not matter to anyone else if you do or not , for it matters to only One, and that is who we think of and whom we stand for... and worship! We here comes the statement..... BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Lord , thank You for our all, and be with those who are in need of You this day,,,amen John HIcks So blessed by Him! and yes, I will serve Him always, will you join me? How about some answers this day,, as if it was on another subject , there would be 100's of answers , but on God, most do not comment!!! Well,,, why?

Sunday, September 7, 2014


SUNDAY ! Good morning to all! As I awoke, this morning, I just had to say,,, "Good morning Lord"! And as I got up,, got my coffee,, coughing, full of congestion,, I walked to the carport with that cup, and Libby said , "Just look at that Moon!"...and then I knew that I was so little in statue, but sooooo big in the eyes of God... and forgot I was feeling bad , because He was so magnificent in His appearance right if front of us,, yes, we are so little but sooo big and so precious in His sight, and even when we feel sorry for ourselves when we are a little puny, we should be shouting His Glory, instead of moaning for ourselves, for He will take care of us!!!! THIS IS MY CHRISTIAN FRIEND! How do you want to be introduced to by your friends to someone else? Wouldn't it be nice to hear all who are Christians, introduce their Christian friends to others with that phrase? We introduce people all over the world with per-fixs,, so why not this is My Christian Friend,,, instead of this is the King, this is the Queen, this is the President, this is an actor friend, this is a friend at work, this is an acquaintance of mine,, why do we not? Maybe we don;t know enough to know IF they are Christians or not! Maybe, just maybe, we should ask those we know, "Are you a Christians?"... and that may be the very start of being able to then find out.. and if they say no,,, then what an invitation to the chance to say, well let me invite you to Jesus! Right,, then if they indeed do come to Jesus, then you can then introduce them as A TRUE FRIEND AND A CHRISTIAN FRIEND OF YOURS! Lord, may we always have that on our minds.. YOU, and the confessions of our sins to you and ask others to join in our friendship with You at all times of our lives, amen John HIcks How many people do you testify to each and every day? Only you know the answer, and the why you do, and the why you don't! I choose to testify!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2014


SATURDAY! Good morning to all, and may you be walking through it with God at your side, by your request, and by the way,,have you thanked Him for this day, for it is a gift, each and every one of them!!! Thank about it, there is but one guarantee in your lifetime, and that is if you will accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, give Him your heart, and soul... then when this life is over, you will join Him, The Father, and all of those who have done that, and are in Heaven, so will you be! YOUR ONLY GUARANTEE OF THIS LIFE, IS JESUS CHRIST, AND THE PROMISE FROM OUR HEAVENLY FATHER YOU CAN COME TO ME , ONLY BY THAT CROSS(JESUS), AND ONLY BY HIM,,, YOU HAD BETTER READ AND LISTEN! Lord, thank You for this day, and I pray for all who need You this day! amen John HIcks Today is short ,but to the point,,,as I believe in, and today I am sick with infected sinus, throat, and chest.. please say an extra pray for me... as I put my faith in Him and I know all will be well! Have a great of another of one of His days!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014


FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! What is your choice today,, thanking God on Friday only,, or Thanking God Every Day? Oh , yes, it is fine to give extra thanks any time, minute, hour, or day,,, but it is a must to talk to God every day of your life,,, and the greatest thing of all is to accept Jesus,, for Jesus has stated, No one will come to My Father, except by the Cross(meaning Him,Jesus)"... NOW , WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE THIS DAY? God, I pray,,, all choices are of You, and of Your Son, Jesus,, amen John HIcks Short, but you know , sometimes it as God makes it,,,so simple to just talk to Him at any times ,,day or night, May all have a blessed day!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

TCB! Taking Care Of Business!

THURSDAY! Good Morning to all!! God is Good! Right? I believe He is ALWAYS GOOD! Maybe we should change this day from Thursday, to "Thirsty" for we this nation,, under this administration, should be very "THIRSTY"for the word of God to enter their heart, and mind,,, and TCBFTPF"! TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS FOR THE PEOPLE'S FREEDOM! STOP ICIS, DO IT NOW, FOR FOLKS THEY ARE ALREADY HERE! MR. PRESIDENT, CONGRESS, WE AS AMERICANS,,,, SAY, STOP THEM NOW, TODAY,,, AND THAT IS OUR PRAYER TO GOD ALMIGHTY THIS DAY, AND EVERY DAY! BRING US BACK TO HIM!!! God, I pray that our leaders will seek You out, and that You will forgive this Nation of its' sins, accept us back into your fold,,, and render us victory over satan, once again... amen John HIcks I believe we must move on the above instantly,, and back mr. russinan down as we do it also! Maybe WE need to flex our muscles, take our shirts off, and strut to God's way, and not to be seen,,, and anyway no one is listening to you mr . president, for you are just stammering through to get to your end of term,, then it may be too late for the USA! PRAY PEOPLE FOR OUR GOD TO BE WITH US , AND PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WEDNESDAY! Good Morning! Wow! Waking up with the Lord at your side, just how much better can it get? Nothing is better! Soooo... run camel , run.. on this "camel day"! May all make their plans for the upcoming days, and the w/e with God included and invited by you asking,,,not just waiting until you need Him! Right? Prayer Requests: For all those in need, and thanks to Him for answering all those sent up from everyone who sent one,, for He has heard all, and even if you don't see results, or you do,,, never fear for He has heard and He has acted! Lord,, help all in need this day! THE HALL WAY OF MIRRORS! As we walk thru this life on earth,, it is like a hall-way full of mirrors! Why do I say this?,,, God has said , "that all will stand before Him and answer for all we have done here on this earth, for all things have been recorded in the Book of Your Life". And you are worried as to what the government is recording, and what they are seeing? Well, you need to think about what you are doing for sure,, but for the judging of God,,, and as you walk down that "hallway",, you need to stop! look into the mirrors as you walk, look at the reflections you see, and then take the time to ask yourself this,,, "will my God like this?",,, and also make this decision to confess to Jesus your sins, and accept Him as your personal Savior, for when that book is handed to God ,, Jesus will step forward, and take it and say,, This one belongs to me, His sins are mine, and they are at once forgiven, and the book becomes blank! Wow,, there are many, many decisions to make in this hallway of life,, but the most important as of this minute is to be sure you have made a decision to call and accept Jesus into your life! Then you can WALK THE HALLWAYS OF LIFE,, WITH EASE OF HEART! HOW ABOUT IT, WILL YOU? Lord, I ask for all to fall to their knees and worship You this day, this moment, and ask Your Son Jesus into their hearts,, and be saved now! amen John HIcks Walking with Jesus by invitation,,have you sent yours ? No need for any type or RSVP, for He does respond at once! Yes, at once!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


TUESDAY! Waking up! Had my coffee, feel like a great day with my Lord God taking the lead! Who do you have leading you? LAMB OF GOD! John 1:29 This is what Jesus was called in this chapter,,, He was ours on this earth, sent by God for the sacrifice of our sins. In the old testament, sacrifices were made with burnt offering called for from God , and as HE smelled the aroma,, the people were blessed for showing they acknowledged Him as their one and only God, above all else! Now when Jesus was born, walked this earth to give us the New Testament,, He was crucified on that Cross,, and died there,, for your sins, and my sins, of all nationalities,,, no one eliminated, but ALL,,,, He became the Sacrificial Lamb for us all,,,,then on that third day, He arose,, alive and walked this earth again! Then when the time was right for Him to ascend to Heaven and be back with His Father , our God,, so He did! What you asked? "back to Heaven?",,,,Well, you see, Jesus was with God the Father before the world was even created! He became Human to show us what God was like,,,by God's choice ,,, and when He died, for our sins , rose, it was for our choice to accept Him, surrender our all to Him,, and then we have our highway to Heaven! But it is your, and my CHOICE,,, for Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth , and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me(John: 14:6) He became the sacrificial lamb for you and for me.. so by choice, listen and accept Him,,,, for HE IS WAITING FOR YOU TO ACCEPT HIM, NOW! IF YOU HAVE NOT! Make the choice! Admit to God that you are a sinner, repent turning away from your sin,and by faith receive Jesus Christ as God's Son and accept Jesus' gift of forgiveness from sin.! Make Him your SAVIOR OF THIS LIFE, YOUR HIGHWAY TO THE FATHER! God, bless this world, this nation, and all those who have asked for Jesus, and I also pray for those who have not,, for I ask for the strength to be an example and the word for all who reads this, and for me to give out Your message of Jesus... amen John HIcks Servant to my God, to make Him Happy, and not myself,,,pray for those very famous who professes to make yourself happy ahead of God!,,, for it is all about God, and never about us!!!! Read the Bible and you will see!