Saturday, September 20, 2014


SATURDAY! First day of the week-end, and to start it off with God at your side us the only way to start this day,,, and ALL days! What do you think? Prayer Requests: Please pray for Delores in your prayers as she recovers from back surgery, and the pain will go away, and the healing will be quick and she will be up and about,, and keep her husband also in your prayers as he sits and holds her hand to comfort her.. ALL ARE FROM ONE! To be a Christian, one must believe this! Yes,,,, The ONE is God. HE created Adam and Eve,, and they joined with each other, and produced the first baby,, and then more and more.... our world filled from these two that God created! Now, you say, well , God killed off all but Noah, his wife, his three sons,,, and their three wives.. and when the water receeded, they left the ark,, and they mated,, as did Noah and his wife did again and again also...and they all filled the earth up to now... and folks, they were still from the two that God joined together first!!!!! We are all from one, and I dare anyone who believes in God, the Bible, Jesus, and are a real Christian to deny this, for to deny this would be to deny God,,,, would it not...for no human was evolved!!!! We are made,,, ALL, BY GOD ALMIGHTY! PERIOD,, NO OTHER WAY, BY HIM! DO YOU UNDERSTAND, BELIEVE? God, I ask that all do answer that they do believe in You, and only You, for "darwin", has no place in a Christian's vocabulary.. amen John HIcks Servant, and only sending out what I have learned of my God, and His complete creation! Look at it ,, really, and reread, Genesis,, and see who made who! Responses?

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