Thursday, September 18, 2014


THURSDAY! Good morning in this greatest country of the world, the good ole USA!,, And the freedom to being able to worship our living and only God,, and His Son, Jesus Christ as our Savior of all our sins! Are we not fortunate? WE ARE SO BLESSED BY HIM, SO THIS MORNING AS WE AWAKE, LET'S ALL USE THIS DAY, FROM START TO "FOREVER" TO PRAY TO GOD ALMIGHTY FOR THIS GREAT FREEDOM! And let's us pray for all those other countries, that they might have this freedom also, and USA, let's pray, and support Israel! Prayer Requests: Kimberly, that her pain sustains, to not small, but completely gone! Susan Lowe Roberts: that all gets better, and better for her, please continue to pray for these two people! Unspoken Needs for Prayer: Pray for the needs of all are carried to God in prayer, and that He will answer them , give them the relief of what ever they need. God, please continue to keep us , the USA, and all the countries that see You as their one and only God, and that worships Your Son, Jesus, and request for His Salvation, and realize that He is the only way to you God. amen John HIcks Servant of Him,, and may all of you have a great and blessed day!

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