Saturday, August 31, 2013


SATURDAY! Goodbye August,, and welcome September! Time flies,,, one second at a time, so use yours carefully,, and be a person that others does not mind being around , nor hearing from you, just be yourself... for it is you who will be accountable for you and not the ones you are with here! Have a great W/E! ARE YOU A SAND PERSON, OR A STONE PERSON? Most will know what I am talking about right off..... as a Christian,, are you a Sand Christian,,one that washes with the rest of the stream,, here and there,, never really able to stick or committee to being a true Christian, just enough to try to please all and compromise? Or , are you a Stone Christian,, made hard, and fast,, weathering the storms of satan, standing for God, and for Jesus,,leaning into the wind of temptation and resisting ole satan,,, telling people of the greatest of God,, the Salvation of Jesus Christ,, a real steadfast foundation,, yet showing all how to live, a good and enjoyable , fun life,, as a Christian, and staying a Christian as you do this living? Well, now ,,, when someone looks at you ,, do they see a one a day,, or a need to be only at times, Sand Christan?,, or do they see the solid Stone Christian? Your choice,, so be careful and make it stick, and be a real "Stone Christian"! Lord, I pray that all will stand their ground, and show that their belief is solid, and is that of You, and Your Son.. amen John HIcks As solid as stone, made from a good foundation of good parents, and a great belief in the protection of my God against all of satans gratuities... how about you? ");

Friday, August 30, 2013


FRIDAY! Welcome to the pre-day of the week-end! This is the one all have been waiting for ,, planning all week for,,, and then after the two days,, well back to planning the next one... it is called "faith" and for me, and my house ,, we will always have faith in our Lord,,, and Him will we serve.. and just what have you planned for this long week-end? and did you invite God to be in on all your plans, or will you have to park Him outside? A good question! LAUS DEO (Taken from a previous "Thoughts" of 08/30/2008, and needs repeating this day) Take God out of this nation and it will fall like a lead balloon off the top of a building, an it will hit the bottom and break into a million pieces......... It is already tilting on the side and it is up to us to pull it back to safety. How do we do that,,, pray for the leaders of our great nation, to get on serious knees, and pray for guidance from our Living God. He will save our nation from the wicked ways of satan, and believe me , satan is more busy than he has been in the past. I see the results getting into very high places, and our representatives ,, without the commitment to stand up and declare God as our leader of this great nation... "LAUS DEO", is printed on the top of our Washington Monument, and can be viewed only from the air,, looking down. Our forefathers did not separate church from state, nor God from our nation. We need to stand tall and let our representatives know this, and defeat the few who is tearing us down in all respects. There are satanists countries all over this world just waiting to tear us down and kill us, that is their religion . Let's get back on the correct path, and let's stand higher than the Washington Monument, stand for our belief in God and do it out in the public for all to see. Let's do what our forefathers did and was practicing when they built the monument with these words on top , pointing toward Heaven without any fear LAUS DEO-,,,,PRAISE BE TO GOD Lord, give us strength and stamina to stand against satan and his workers, and stand up and shout the glories of You and all You have created and given to us to guard for Your glory, amen John HIcks,,Let's all stand as we are also monuments for God, and we are His representatives to all we come into contact with.. so...let's be vocal,,, and let's shout to the world,,, PRAISE BE TO GOD,, ALIVE AND WELL! Will you stand beside me , or will you step behind the door,, when I shout this out? God does not play hide and seek,, think about it,, and I mean really,,, think about it. for where you are ,, invited or not, He has eyes on you! ");

Thursday, August 29, 2013


THURSDAY! I hope all have a great of another of Gods days,,, and you give out just as much love to all you see, as He gives to you! Folks ,,, that is a lot of love! Prayer Report: Betty Mae had emergency surgery yesterday, as her tests showed a very, very large blood clot, and surgery was desinated as a "at once " and she is now in ICU, doing as good as one can after that type of surgery,,, so please keep praying for her..... God is Great! A picture and a saying with humor is worth a lot... and yes, God loves humor ,, for good humor is better than any sin,,, and folks ,, I just wish that all our blood was this thick,,, how do you feel, and I hope all gets this saying and the picture....have a great day, and may God bless with His love, and forgiveness,,, The pictue is of a Mosquito,,, and the saying is "I want to be so full of Christ that when a mosquito bites me,,, she flies away singing "there is power in the blood"! John Hicks Hopefully that mosquito that bite me,,, is singing away!!!! ");

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Yes, it is the day of the camel..."hump day"! Now you are here by His choice, and now yu make one to thank Him for it,,, and make the kind of plans for the week-end, and the rest of the week, as if He will be right there with you,, and why you are making those plans, go ahead and send Him an invitation... will you? He loves to attend all trips, parties, and just lazing around... so go ahead and ask! Have a great day to all! Prayer Requests: For Betty Mae,, she will be having her surgery today on her legs,, post-ponied yesterday for more tests. For David, who was at the hospital for chest pains... For all those whom we know that need prayers of love, and family reunions... and those who are in pain, but never complain.. or need help, but have none,, We all need to pray more each day for others, and put out faith in Him,,, He will take care of us, and our prayers..try it, and see!!! STANDING UP FOR HIM! Where were you, and how did you re-act, when: someone called out using Gods' name in vain? Someone denied there is a God? Jesus is a myth? There is no satan? When you die, you die? There is no heaven? Someone stomped on your church? Someone took away your freedom? of religion? devalued your preacher? This is a question we and I mean we,,need to answer each day,, each minute, to stay in touch with ourselves as to where do we stand... and the question "where were you?", is not a physical location, but a vocal one? Did you stand up? did you sit down? did you turn your head? did you close your eyes? did you choose not hear it? or just choose to make like you didn't??? Now, that is the real question to answer,, did you speak up for God when you heard all of this? Did you say ,hey that offends me, or I will pray for you, and tell them ,,Jesus still loves you? Or did you just keep on keeping on,, doing nothing, but praying later talking to God,, and asking Him for something,,, and yet you did not even STAND UP,, NOR DEFEND HIS NAME, WHEN IT WAS BEING TARNISHED? Lord, I pray for the strength to stand, speak with You as my spoke-person, and say what You want me to say, and I am an example of and for You, amen John HIcks I always remember the night that my brother -in-law , G.T. Sanders stood taller than any man I have known, and stopped this kind of talk, at a meeting of men, and children,,,right in front of his friends, his neighbors, and did not flinch one bit in doing it... the quiet,, was that kind of quiet,, of good,,,and all did just as he asked, they refrained from that kind of talk, and to my knowledge, never went back it, in his presence , nor mine! What a hero to his God, and to many,many their that night,, NOW ,,, WILL YOU BE A "G.T.",,, AND STOP THE FILTH AROUND YOU? I CHALLENGE ALL TO DO THIS ,,, EACH TIME YOU HEAR IT.. Let's make it a better world... Thanks to one of my greatest hero's for his example, I will! Have a great day ,, given by Him, to do as you want, so do it right!!!!! ");

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


TUESDAY! Yes,,,, it is one of the best things of life,,, and what is that? To wake up knowing that you have asked God to be with you ,,, not just through the night, or the day,,, but you have committed to having Him with you at all times..24/7,, and the greatest part of this commitment is ,,,letting others know just how you feel, and live like you should!!! Now, get up and make that commitment ,, if you haven't already! Prayer Request: For Betty Mae,, who is in the hospital, awaiting ultra-sounds on her legs,, and a possible operation of inserting shunts in her legs for circulation.. she was admitted for having really bad pain in them... please all pray for her! LIVING TO SOME,, AND ACTING TO SOME! Just what does this mean? Well it means, "to act to some",,, is like when the preacher is around, you speak good language, you act like a decent person, you pull your jeans up,, blouses buttoned to the top,,, and you are acting like a real Christian.. yes acting.... now to "live to some", is to live as you always live no matter who is around,, not acting to impress , but to be yourself, and I do pray that you are a Christian,, and that that being yourself is a great example to all you see, and the one thing about being yourself,,, you don't have to remember what you said, or how you acted ,,, after you leave the "scene" of where-ever, or what-ever you were or did! Understand all of this gibberish? Lord, I pray that all will not be actors ,,, but doers... of you and you only...amen John Hicks Not the best at being an example,,, but what I do,, is truth, and I do it in His Name... and I have made the choice,, and I will live with it,,, stand tall for it... for life,,will you join me? Make the choice also!

Monday, August 26, 2013


MONDAY! Good Morning To All! May this day be the one , that you make that decision, if you have not, to say those greatest words that you will ever say,, "Hi Jesus,, I want to say, I accept you as my Lord, and my Savior,,, above all others, and above all things,, I ask forgiveness of my sins, and Your love and acceptance of my soul!",, Now if you have already done this,, then say it again, for "re-dedication of ones soul" is just as great .... so let Him know,,, and be a proud Christian who does this and then acknowledges Him publicly!!!! Now , after all this is done, go on out there and have a great day!!!!! Prayer Request: For all those countries who do not have the freedom, nor the food, clothing, health facilities, peace that we have.. and pray that all those so called heads of state of these countries, will fall, and God's people will finally prevail! God, please bless this world,,, in spite of its' self! FOR TODAY!!! If we will just do the above praying, and the doing,,, I think for this day,, that will be enough!! What do you think? For the first paragraph will create a great celebration in Heaven, and a lot of the hearts right here!!!! Have a great day , and remember who to invite along with you in ALL you do this day! John Hicks A believer,,,, and not afraid at all to show it at any time!!! Are you?

Sunday, August 25, 2013


SUNDAY! HIS! You know, for while we cannot understand why things happen as they do,, the One who puts the rainbow out, has His own plans for you and I, so may it comfort you to know, that you are in His care, for we are all a part of God and God is everywhere, and yes, He is in charge! BUILD AND RE-BUILD? We all have an aim in life, and that one thing that is huge , is owning our own house. We work hard, many, many hours, and if we are lucky,, we purchase a house. It is so exciting to move in, get settled and then just lay back and say,, ahhhhh,, it feels so good , and natural. Well after a couple of years we see something about it, that we just have to change,, that is how it all starts.. it just keeps on going downhill.. more and more change. You must stop, and say,, why did I buy this house, if it needed all these changes,, remodeling? Just humans,, that is what is wrong with the house,, nothing to do with the structure,, it's just the humans that live in it.. they are never satisfied with what we have,, that is UNTIL WE LOOSE IT! Yes , until we loose it. Then we say, what has happened to our beautiful house, it then becomes that beautiful house you first bought. First ,, purchase a "HOME",, then let it build around you a family closeness,,,, you and your spouse,, lean back , look at it closely,, and see if you brought the right charm, warmness, cleanness, humility, belief, the tie that holds the HOME , together, brought it through the door with you? Have you? Think,, did you bring in the door when you first moved in,, the LORD JESUS CHRIST?He is "The Tie", that holds a family together.. and once you do bring Him in with you,, you may build a room,, remodel a room, or the house,, but you never have to remodel , rebuild Him, for He is there forever, and will remain with you in your home , never to leave you.. always protecting, and the paint on Him never wears thin, for it is blood ,His forgiving, and His love,,, shed for that is the way you build , buy and move in,, a "HOME". No more rebuilding, for The Father made Him, and He made Him so that we all can recognize Him, and made for all of us,,, and as you have company come into your home,, they will see Jesus there. also, Hopefully,, they will see the word of the Father that built it all, YOUR BIBLE, LAYING OPEN ON A TABLE FOR ALL TO SEE! Lord, thank You for giving us the ability to build houses out of matter,, and thank You even more, to help us make a home that matters,,, to you.. amen John HIcks I was raised in a home that as a little boy, was unpainted, and cold breezes taht blew through the closed windows on a cold winters night,, no lawn, just a dirt yard, but I can say, and so can all my brothers and sisters,, it was a home, and it was made by a mother and father, that brought God in the door the first day we walked in.. how about your place of dwelling, is it a home or a house? "); ");

Saturday, August 24, 2013


SATURDAY- Everybody,,, welcome to this another of Gods' days,, so get up or if you are up,, just go right ahead and say thank you God, and then enjoy it to its' fullest!!! Have a great day !!!!!! ALL IN,, TOGETHER! You have heard ,, if we are going to make it,, then we need to stick together ,,, "all in" ,, or, down we go. Well ,, it is the same with our religion,, and our freedom! We must all commit,, to either be a stick in the mud ,,, and let it all slip away,, or we need to re-instate our belief in God and our United States of America,,, how about it? Want to be a loser,,, one lost in their way,,or do you want to join in and be ALL IN,, TOGETHER! May we all pray together and stay together,, amen John HIcks Going to be a great day!!! God is already here, we are up drinking coffee, and we are with the anticipation of our two grand-daughters coming to be with us,,, been a while and we are excited,,,, so I hope and I pray, that all are going to have a great day,,,, just do it so God will be proud of you! O.K. ?

Friday, August 23, 2013


FRIDAY! TGED-TGIF! Good morning on this day,,,, I hope all have awaken and feeling good,, for you have already had one "good thing" happen to you this day! God has given it to you, with no holds,,, He has given it to you free to do as you wish to do with it! Now,, you think about that, and at least give Him a thank you,,, if you do decide to live it without Him in mind! I choose to do it with Him,, and I pray all do.... Prayer Request: Pray for this Nation,, and that she will stay free,,, and one of those things to be free of is OBAMACARE!,, This is my opinion, and I am strong on Reaganism, a real President,,,, what we have now is not! Pray for America! AMERICA! The land of the free, the land of the melting pot.. and right now, we are not as free as we were yesterday, not the day before with this "in charge of leadership",, Nope, we may be the turkeys about to be dipped into this boiling melting pot of theirs... Look for new leadership,,, and when we go to the polls this next election, let's put God back into government,,,, and put the fires of hell out,,, for our leaders are bathing in it, and we will ALL get burned if we let it keep on... and all the news media are right in the tub with them... of course this is my opinion of our famed leaders... and I love AMERICA,, and I ask all to pray,, for her..and let's together pray, and vote her back to being a GOD DRIVEN AMERICA!!!! God, thank You for America, and I ask Your forgiveness of her sins, and ask for the peoples strength to put you back up in front where You belong in our America! amen John HIcks Opinionated,, so are you, if we are different, it is o.k.,, for we are Americans,,but make sure you stay free,,, so you can "opinionate"! Have a great Friday,,, and TGED! ");

Thursday, August 22, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning to all....woke up this morning, thanked the Lord for this day, and yes, then the good times rolled, as I sipped that good ole cup of coffee, and then run my mouth to Libby,,, of yester-year.. this happens more often than not, as you get older! Ha! Yes, as I have said in the past,,, start your day off with God, and a little humor,,,, and enjoy the life He gives us!! So , now get up, say thank You Lord for this day,,, smile real big,,, and I guarantee,, your day will be better for it, than without it! Prayer Request: For Gavin Kidd, who was in a car accident 2 wks, ago.. and with all the cuts bruises, and brain injury,, His family stands fast, by his side, and with the belief in their God,, and prayers are asked by friends of this young man, and his family, and by me. A GATHERING IS NEEDED! Yes, a "gathering" of the Christian People of this Nation is needed to put us back on the right track! We have slipped to the satan side of life here in this Nation... with all the greed, sex, (of many different mates), lies from our elected officials, and our elected officials going out of session with so much on the table,,, watching support given to the very nations who have sworn to kill all non-Muslims,,, and especially Israel,, and we are sending in the very equipment to kill them and us... yes , we still live in the best Nation on this earth,, for now.. but folks,, we need a Gathering of the Christan Families, and let God back in the running of this Nation.. and pray those satan lovers in Washington, our States, our local governments,,, out.. yes, pray them out!!!! We have some good, but what I see and what I hear,, we are overloaded on the satan side... of course this is my opinion.. but when I see our leaders support against the teaching of Jesus, and God.. what else is left? Not doubt,,, but truth... if you don't like to hear it, then delete it... FED UP! AND WONDERING,,WHERE WILL THE GATHERING BE? HERE NOW, OR AT JUDGMENT? YOU CHOOSE,,,,! Lord, I ask for You to forgive this Nation for back-sliding ,, and I ask for your strength, and your guidance , of us back to Your word, and Your works, Your plan, and not ours,, amen John HIcks Some days, it just boils over,,, when you have a full pot of water on the stove,, and you go off to other things and don't watch that pot.. yes "boil over".. and that happens ... can you make a difference? , you sure can, if you will,,, pray, and BECOME AN EXAMPLE, instead of politically correct... Enough said! ");

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Wake up to another of one of His days, given, by choice, so by choice, just say "thanks Lord",, the day is yours, to go out and enjoy and make Him proud of the things you do...that is your plans , isn't it. to make Him proud? Which One Are You? SINNER,,,, OR CHRISTIAN? Your Choice!!!! So Make It! Lord, may all be out today giving you credit for this day,and making You proud of all they do,, and I pray that they do nothing, that they have to hide from others.. amen John HIcks, Have a great day, this middle day of the week!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


TUESDAY! Well, you survived "blue Monday"! Now,, welcome to another of His days,, and make sure the two of you enjoy it together,,, it is never as much fun to share it with God at your side,, than without Him! A NOTE: I read this on facebook, and think it is a good thing to think about it,,,when accosted by a stranger of a possible hurt,, robbery,etc.,, just look at that person, and say ,,"So, you can really see me?", and do it with a smile... and then watch them run!!! Ha.. Humor of the day,, but with a lot of truth!!!! Prayer Request: For all those unspoken, and spoken needs ,,, pray for all lost.. and pray for this Nation, this world! SEEING THE LITTLE THINGS,, OF HIS WORKS! We all set around, make our plans.. and we make all kind of statements.. but do we really see His works,,even as they happen,,,Do we see those little statements, as they become "happenings"? We think of the wonders, the miracles of yest-er-year.. but never see the little things that we cannot control nor do....of this time and this day! Here in our town, we have had an abundance of rain,, almost 6 inches, and grass is growing... so Monday, I set back, rain in the forecast, & I made a statement, I will just set here today, keep on relaxing, doing nothing, and I will quit worrying about cutting grass, and turn it all over to Him...Well,, I did ,, completely lazy for three fourths of the day... and around four,, something made me set up, realize, no rain,, sun had come out for a while,, and still shinning... and as I looked out at the grass, and remembering what Libby had told someone on the phone early that very morning, that the sun would have to shine on the grass for two days to just dry it up to cut... well, I knew ,,, even before I looked at it...It was dry ,,,, where I needed to cut... and I cut the complete yard.... then after about two hours ,, it rained... so tell me...when I put it in His hands,,, does He work,, right in the middle of things you and I just can't explain. Well maybe we all need to stop,,, look just a little closer to our surrounding, our happenings,,, and give credit to where credit is due, and have more faith ...and REALLY SEE THE LITTLE THINGS, OF HIS WORKS, RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR EYES!!! Lord, thank You for being in all places at all times, and listening ,,,even to the little things,, amen John HIcks Yes, there are many, many things, I give the Lord credit for, and mowing grass,, is only a fraction of the works He performs in my life,,, What little things happen in your life,, I would like to hear from you on all these things,,, & take the time to write me ,, and let me know,,,, .... I wonder ,, just how many will answer? ");

Monday, August 19, 2013


MONDAY! Don't fret,, it's only 4 more days,,, until you have another W/E!!! Unless you are retired!!! Bad humor , huh? Prayer Request: From Betty May: "Please pray for my daughter, Tammy Calderon, as she will be having exploratory surgery August 23 for severe pain in the lower abdomen." Laugh,, and Laugh Out Loud! Life is meant to be great and a lot of fun, not down and sad, like the humor above,, making maybe a little "smilefrown" on those still going to a job, but that little frown, is really a little upside down smile, as all look ahead at their time of retirement. There are too many people who wears a frown , looking like they are mad at the world.. instead of a beautiful smile! It takes more muscles to frown, and only one to smile. Stop, think, God gave us so much to be happy over,,,, just look around you and see what He has done, what He has given us all.... When you feel down and out, just look at His creations, and one of those creations is you,,,,, so smile,,,,, and even Laugh,, And At Times... Laugh Out Loud! It Makes YOU Feel So Good! You Smiling ,,, Makes God Smile,, Also!!!! Lord , thank You for all we have, and may we enjoy it with a smile as long we are able , amen John HIcks Smiling, and walking with Him,,, and walking with Him, well ,,, it will make you smile also, guaranteed!!!!! ");

Sunday, August 18, 2013


SUNDAY! HIS DAY! I ask this question this morning,,, even with all the stress, all the good things, all the bad things, all the love from family and friends,, all that you have, and the eyes to look around you at this world of great things,,, the great trees, the small trees, even the dirt, the rain, the sun, the moon, the stars. the air to breath,, all those things you use each day without thinking about them, the turning on of a light bulb, a fan, A.C., T.V. , cranking a car, flying on a plane, and of course waking up and checking your phone, for most never turn them off...they are to some more in their lives than any other thing,,, and the question again is,, How can you even not think nor not believe, that there is a God, and He is the supreme being of all things,,, He is the top of the list, there is none higher, more powerful than He, and that He gave His only Son, Jesus,, for you and me? Now , that you have read this,, stop and ask Him, yes invite,,, Him along with you in all you do, and also , bow your head, in reverence of thanks to Him, for all you have , no matter how big,, nor how small .. for it is all His in the end, so enjoy His world, His day, this Sunday,, His day of rest! Have a great Gods' Day! John HIcks

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Saturday-Welcome- This morning as you wake, and get out of bed,, smile real big, look around you and be thankful, for all you have.. no matter how big nor how small.. be thankful, of His giving! RECIPE FOR HAPPINESS Two cups of Patience One heart full of Love Two hands , full of Generosity One head , full of Understanding and a Dash of Laughter Sprinkle generously with kindness , add plenty of faith , and mix well. Spread over a period of a lifetime and serve to everyone you meet. Lord, may everyone us this recipe today, and every day, amen John HIcks Nothing to add this day! It's all in the "recipe". Recipe from a e-mail sent to me by Lori way back in 2010!

Friday, August 16, 2013


FRIDAY! WEE! "Week-End Eve"! Ha! Start your day off with a little laughter! As you open your eyes, and right after a big yawn, and stretch, put on a big ole smile, say a big good morning to the Lord, and give Him thanks for your day,, slide out of that bed, and start your day by greeting all you come into contact with,,,,,with that same big ole smile,, and watch as it is a "catching thing" ,, like a yawn... and I mean that smile even to those ole sour doughs, and the ones you don't really care for... and if you should run up on anyone who tries to remove that smile,, make it a wee bit larger,,,and just tell them,, you know , Jesus loves you! It makes their come-back,,, usually a non-come back but a kinda of dumb-founded look on their face..... try it,, I have, and it works, but hard to do, even if it should not be,,, we are just human! Thank our God for that, for if we were not, and we were in charge,,, I can not imagine where we would be now....can you? Have a great day, this Friday! Prayer Request: For our friend, Gary Maxwell, who lost his Uncle Dave Maxwell , and will be traveling to Atlanta this day, for the funeral tomorrow, please keep this family in your prayers for God to let them know ,,, He is there.. for He is and will be. For our America,,, that she will kneel in honor of her God, our one and only living God, and more will re-turn to Jesus as our leader with His Father... pray, for we need pray for this Nation! WAS THAT YOU GOING INTO THAT PLACE? This is a question, I ask,, for all places you go, you should be able to say, "yes that was me, and wave back",, and be proud of where you are, and what you are doing, and know that you would go into that place with your Mom and Dad, your children, and not be ashamed, and most of all,,, you would not feel bad to have Jesus walk in and set down with you!!!! Again , have a great Friday,, John HIcks

Thursday, August 15, 2013


THURSDAY! Waking up to the sound of rain drops ! I arise, and as usual go out to the carport, in the dark,, for sunrise has move up,, and with coffee in hand,, I gaze out into the lights of the night. In each sphere of light,, I could see at different times, while drinking this cup... a light sprinkle,,, sparkling like little lightning bugs... then a quick downpour,,,making a complete blanket of like shattered glass... then in an instant,,, back to a drizzle... and I have always told of the waking of the days, but the pre-waking of the day, while still dark and rain, I have never talked about,, but,...oh,, oh,, God does put on a show of "WOW",, at all times, rain or shine,,,, have you ever really stopped,, and looked around you to see God at work,, and His beauty? Make your day "bright" whether in the dark or the light,, stop and look at His beauty. Prayer Request: For some who have requested unspoken prayers for this day.. pray, for God knows who..and we know who to go to... so go! THE THREE OF YOU! There are"Three Of You"! 1.There is the person you think you are. 2.There is the person others think you are. 3.There is the person God knows you are and that you could be, through Christ. These are the Three you need to pursue daily, 1.God 2.Son 3.Holy Ghost today's thoughts,,,your food for thought !!!!!! so eat hardy!!!! Lord, forgive us all of our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us, and may we always pursue you in our quest of this life. amen. John HIcks Always looking at nature,, His works,,, and when I do, I seem to put Him closer,, for I see His love,,, and know His might... and appreciate His gift's.... What do you see when you are awake and walking through His world?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


WEDNESDAY! HUMP DAY! Waking up for the day of planning your week-end! Your are just as happy as the camel on this "hump day"! Ha! He gets the full attention of being a camel.. you get the full attention on deciding what this coming W/E will bring to you... Check the weather, 1st thing, right? Most will,,, check the bank-account next to see what it will with-stand, then start calling back and forth to , if married, each other, just dating ,, to each other,, if single of who will I spend it with, and all of you,, just where will I go.. what will I do... but the first thing is not the first thing! First, take this day as now,,, no plan on it's start, for it has started, God has woke you,, so start it off with a big thanks for it... to God that is , for it... then make you plans for this day, with Him also,,, make a family decision on the week-end, and as you make it,, include God first,, make this comment,, if you will allow us this w/e! for he promises this moment, and tells us not to worry about tomorrow,, for He has made the real plans.. and He wants you to join in with Him first,, then make yours with Him at your side, in your mind, not with others first, pray to Him first for guidance,, then not only Hump Day will be a great Hump Day,, but you will make the start of the slide to the W/E with a smooth slide, splinter free!!! and now you are ready to plan,,,,What do you think about all these words,, are they right, or are they wrong... let me know! God, as I awake on this another day of Yours, I thank You, for it,,,and I thank You for all the up coming days You allow us to have,, and enjoy ,, and Lord I give You all the glory, and all the praise for all I have, and will ever have. amen, John HIcks,,Can you pray the above prayer and mean it? It will make your day,, it will make your heart flutter, as it does to me ,,,, each time I talk to my God..and that is numerous times a day,, not bragging, but you know ,,, He is my best friend in this life,, always above all else...and that folks,, is the way I feel about life,, what is your feeling, take time to read,, take time to give a reply... o.k.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


TUESDAY! As we slowly open our eyes this morning, and the light seeps into our eyes,, and our brain start to consciously work ,, an it says, time to get up, and get going, and we say ,,Oh no!!!! Why is it ,, we just want to roll over and go back to sleep?,,BUT on a holiday, or day off,, we can't go back to sleep...Ha!! Well, even the retired have this problem,, or at least I do...for after all those years of working,, I still have my habits.. up in the morning,,by 4 or 5.. sometimes till 6, but rare....habit over the years? Yes, and also proud to just be able to get up... What happened to all that we was taught,, from birth, to accountability, and up to now. of our Lord and Savior...of waking up from sleeping , with Him by our side, and starting our day of with a conversation with Him, personally, then at the table with our family? Did we follow through with Him, as we followed through with our jobs? Have we let these teachings of old,, fall to the way-side? Maybe we all need to look back, and re-start our waking days like our parents use to do, and the way they practiced the start, and the daily living of their lives... you know... those days of old, or as I call it THAT OLD TIME RELIGION!!!! Lord, I want to restart my day of wakening, and say, good morning Lord , first,, and then ,,, will you go with me today Lord, and inter-act in all I do? Lord , I do this request by love of You,, first and foremost. amen John HIcks Can you really pray that prayer ,,,,,and mean it.....from the heart, then actually practice with all you meet and talk to this day... and at the time to lay your head back on that pillow of sleep tonight ,, be able to say to the Lord, I did a great job, and thanks for being with me? Can you,, and will you,, the last part is what will get you there? Will you?

Monday, August 12, 2013


MONDAY! Good morning to all... May you awake, and thanks God for a nights rest, and for the new day..and then after thanking Him,, invite Him to accompany you on this days travels... OH! BUT I INSIST! JUST SHOVE TO ME, I HAVE IT! I hear of stories where God intervenes in some of the strangest places.... and some will make you think,, that God is indeed everywhere, which is truth! Yesterday, we needed a few groceries,,, not many, but a small amount,,my wife, Libby told me I needed to get out of house and go somewhere so I would feel better,, so after days of inside, and "cabin fever",,,, I gladly said,, "oh yes, I will go"... and after arriving,, ,I decided I would even get out and walk through the store with her,, and even that we had to go from one entry to the other,, and in some of these grocery stores,, that is a feat for the most well...not the sick... so she said you wait here on a deli item,, and she walked all the way to the other side and got back as I finished at the deli...we than started to the checkout...and all were backed up,, except the last one ,,, the most far from us...but first things first,, as we walked down that last isle,,, I told her , with a little laugh, I am feeling weak, and if I should fall down on the floor,, just kick me, and tell me to get up and quited showing out,,,, and she laughed and of course asked me if I was o.k. to make it,, ,and I assured her ,,, I could....well as I said, the viewing was over, and we picked the last aisle,,with only one being checked out... the one last man to be checked out... and wow,, he had almost as much as we,, he was in for a quick shop also and to get out quick ,,as we were... and as he turned to us,, he smiled,,, and backed up his cart...then it started,, God's intervention... excuse me,, He said,, please take my place and go first! I replied , oh that's o.k., for he had such a small amount...and he still said,, I insist! ,,, so we did.. and almost as magic the clerk gave me the total...and before we walked out.. I shook that mans hand,,told him thanks, and I had been sick for three days,, he said ,, "I know, and your welcome".. and then we went outside, I got in the car,,weak , and ready to go home... and Libby was to take the cart back,,and one of the workers said,,,hey that's o.k.,, just shove it to me..., and she did, we left and came home.. .so I was already feeling better,,,and have continued to get better...and last night, and this morning,, I reflect to all of you,,, none of us really and truly realize that God IS everywhere,, and God DOES CARE for us, in all times,, even if it is just a little OH! I INSIST,,, OR JUST SHOVE IT TO ME,, AND I WILL PUT IT UP...... YES, GOD, THANK YOU FOR YOU! God, thank You for being everywhere for man, and may we thank You more often than we do,,amen John HIcks Better today because of yesterday,,, the soul, and the body....Have a great day to all !!! ");

Sunday, August 11, 2013


SUNDAY! Good Day to all..on this HIS day... so kick back, and do what is fun, make you feel good,, as long as it is pre-approved by His word....have a great day! Me,,, better today,, looks like I made a turn yesterday.. small but a turn, thanks for all the prayers ,, and the many responses! God is always wonderful, even when you find yourself in what you think is a rough spot.. for there are more worse than us! QUICK DRAW! Back in the ole wild west days,, there was always one cowboy, that though he had a fast gun,,, even the fastest ,, and you could find plenty of these young cowboys,, in boot hill ,,, and if you could have seen their faces,, of of disbelief on their faces, when they realized they were not that fast.. Did you know a quick draw can be done without a gun? It can be a look,, a word, or words,, and it can cut deeper than a bullet,,,and it usually is a better shot than that young cowboy, right through the heart, and can kill feeling as quick as a bullet can kill a body. Did you know you had the lives of some people right in the "palm of your mouth"? Yes the palm of your mouth ,,that,,, sometimes ugly tongue! How many times have you said something so quick,, so strong,, so cutting,, so penetrating,,, that you could even feel the impact yourself? A quick draw of the tongue,,, once said,, cannot be taken back ,, it is out,, it has hurt,, and it is someone you love deeply...or maybe it is a friend,, an acquaintance,, no matter who,,, already fired,,,, right into the heart! We all need to put a delay trigger on our tongue,, and think before we speak,,, and if we think of something that is going to hurt,, delay,, and try to say something constructive,, or just walk off and don't say anything. Can you do it? Sure you can,, it just takes practice,, believe me ,, I use to be one of those "Quick Draws" of the mouth,, and yes I have hurt, and I have had my butt kicked also because of engaging the tongue before the brain.. One way that will help you control that tongue,,, and those blasts of hurt,,, is to accept Jesus as your personal savior,,and then ask Him to help you guard against these outbursts.... I guarantee,,, that He can do it,,, He will help you hang up that quick draw of a gun of a mouth,,, and make you a QUIET,,,, AND RESPONSIBLE DRAW! Lord, thank you for the clip on our tongues, Jesus, that keep the words of hate and hurt in check , casted out of our minds and not released out to the ones we come in contact with ,, amen John HIcks One who has learned the hard way,,, a lot of bumps and bruises,,, but thank God,, for the intervention,,, Have you asked or know someone who needs Him? Have you done anything about it? Well, what are you waiting for?? Ask and Testify!!! ");

Saturday, August 10, 2013


SATURDAY! Good morning this , another day, given with love, and given with no ties,, so make one anyway,, with God,, even if you already have,,,have re-tie your heart and soul with just telling simple,,right,,,almost scary that you can talk to one so powerful as God, yet you can't even get a real good glimpse at someone like a president, or a big athlete....We sure have the upper hand on the most powerful...right? Prayer Request: For me today...I have a bad infected colon.. and the pain is the worst that I have experienced.. or feels like it right now,,and I will be out of commission from any work, cutting grass ,, can't lift anything.. will probably have "cabin fever" in a short time.. Seven days of meds. re-check by Dr.. then maybe he will turn me loose.. just pray that I do not become a "spoiled baby" with all the attention from Libby.. Ha.. thanks for your prayers! REFLECTING LIGHT! Have you ever looked into the distance,, on a sunny day,, and all in the distance, you see a sparkle of light? You then wonder , what is that,, and if you look,, it may be just a old piece of glass, tinfoil..piece of a broken mirror.. nothing very big, not worth much, but does reflect light better than all of it's surrounding.... How does the light of salvation reflect off of you when God looks down and around the world? Do you reflect at all...have you accepted your mirror of salvation,,, Jesus? If you have ,, then as the little piece you found, you will be just a small dot on this earth, but a big reflection of all around you, and to your God.... so think about this small , simple statement of reflection,, and then look into yourself, and grasp the piece of reflection, if you have not...and then SHINE LIKE THE SUN,,,SO ALL CAN SEE,,for if saved ,,, it will out-show all around ,, by your lifestyle! God, I ask that all pick Jesus as their Salvation Reflector,,,and shine that message back to You, amen John HIcks Let's all give our Lord, the credit for all we have,, and the glory,, accept it with humility, and a big,,, "thank You , God for my all".. How about it?? Put God ahead of all , shout it out,,, it will make you feel really good!

Friday, August 9, 2013


FRIDAY, TGIF, TGED! Here it is, the day before the W/E for those who are off work,, plans to be completed,,things of ones want to be done... time with family, time to do those chores you have put off... and now have to do... so much to do these two up coming days,, you almost forget the things of this day! Well, this day will make those other two days, for your planning today should include having Him along with you today, and the next two days, and make your plans to include God,,, do not just expect Him to be there, invite Him,, He likes this ,,, better! and for those who have to work,, your W/E will be coming, so hang on, and take Him with you to work also,,, and all keep Him in your lives and home,,, by invitation! Prayer Request: For Gary Maxwells Uncle Dave Maxwell: For those receiving this and do not know about this situation, my Uncle Dave is in ICU at a hospital in Canton (around Atlanta) and this is a collective request for prayer. Dave and I are so close in age that he's been more like my big brother. Not much time for details, but Dave is relying on a respirator and has had no brain activity for at least 24 hours. We've not given up yet. We don't know what God's will is, but we clearly have the ability to even change God's mind through prayer at times. Jesus raised Lazarus even after death. Please pray for him. FULL SPEED AHEAD That is what a captain will turn and say to his man at the controls on a sub-marine, when he is ready for that vessel to go to a destination of importance, very quick! The sub then is rolling through the deep water at a reckless speed with only a sonar/radar to guide them. The captain has all his faith on this sonar/radar, and all the lives of his men are at stake with this man leading them! How about you? When you set sail through the dark waters of life,,, with your life at stake , what and who do you use for your guide,,, where is your faith,,,, what sonar/radar do you do you keep collision away???? There is only one way,,, get on the "sub" of God,,with His captain,, from the Cross,,, Jesus, the ultimate sonar of life!!! He will turn the light on in the dark waters, and you will be able to see clearly, and guide you through life without hitting all the perils of sin,,, and He will keep your life and soul close to His heart, He will write your name in the Captains Journal of Life,,, He will take you with Him, on all journeys of life and eternity, So why are you waiting,, go ahead and jump on board,(by the way, you can recognize the "sub", it looks just like a cross) and cry out to Him,,, I want to join your crew, please accept me on board with you,, I accept You as my Captain of Life,, so take me and let's go FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!! WOW , WHAT A RIDE!!!! God, thank you for the captain of my ship, Your Son, and I pray that all who reads this will call on Him,,, accept Him and jump on board, for the ride of their life. amen John HIcks On the sub of life,, with the Man, Jesus. Want to ride with us....Jump on,,, He turns no one away!!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


THURSDAY! Eyes slowly open,,, and you are slowly be-coming conscious,, awake from a nights sleep... you yawn,, you stretch,, you smile, for as you awake ,,,,, you know that Jesus was at your side watching over you through the night,,,and that He is now standing ,,,, ready to go with you through the day,,,,then you thank Him, for just being Him,,,, and how do you know this,,for you have accepted Him,,, by faith,, and you just know it.... you feel Him,, deep with-in,,, and that is how a REAL Christian wakes up, each and every morning,, and I ask,, just how did you wake up? Prayer Request: Judy Evans,,, Judy's surgery from two months ago resulted in an infection and the healing has been rather slow, however, she is almost healed at this point. Her cancer treatment cannot start until all infections are completely healed. The delay in treatment is becoming a bit risky. We are praying that the infections heal soon and everything comes together so she can start cancer treatment. Being a diabetic has also caused the healing process to move at a slower pace. Please pray that all infections clear up so that it will not be too late to start the treatments for the cancer. Amanda Newby, whose heart is still not beating correct... she is back on blood thinners, and will go back on Monday for a "re-shock" of her heart, please pray for her on this treatment, and that this time it will hold. Larry Smith, who is under treatment for throat cancer... pray for his success in this fight .. REFERENCE TO THE ABOVE DAILY COMMENTS: Are you really conscious of the presence of God? Are you conscious, that He is alive,, and that He walks this earth daily, just as He walked the Garden of Eden? So, do you hide, have you sinned, and are you afraid to face Him? You should not, IF,,, you have accepted His Son, Jesus as your Savior...for when you do this, you become sin free, for Jesus takes all sin,,, and clothes you with His Blood,,, so don't hide,,, stand out... and put a smile on our God,,, and as He walks,,, STEP OUT,,, AND WALK WITH HIM,,, SHOULDERS BACK AND PROUD!!!! God, thank You this morning for waking with not only me,,, but loving this world to still waking up with it also...amen John HIcks All is said this day,, what do you think? Are you awake, or walking on thin ice? Make a decision, and don't fall through! ");

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Good morning and a happy day, this middle of the week, day! I pray that you ask this day, for your protector to be with you in all you undertake this , another one of His days, given to us as a gift... so handle it carefully,, as you unwrap it!!!! SERIAL KILLER We have had some famous "serial killers" in our day,,, Jack the Ripper ,,, is one of the more famous ones. A serial killer is one who kills in a like or almost same scenario each time... always death ,,, never leaving anyone alive to tell the story. Police have a hard time finding these type killers,,, yet we see one every day,,, and are warned about this one many,,, many times, Yet we still continue to walk and run with this one,, letting this one be beside us doing nothing. If you had someone call you today,, or walk up to you right now, and point and say,,,this guy with you is a killer!!! He has no mercy,,,no repentance,,, and loves to kill,,, the more the better,, and he does not have any prejudiced in his plan,,, just sure death, would you continue to walk with him,,,eat with him,,,or even be close to him? A big question,,, why in this world are you doing it anyway? Preachers,,, are standing in the pulpits,, standing on the corners,,, on T.V., on the radio,,, screaming so loud they are getting hoarse,,, warning you,,, about this "serial killer" who is standing right next to you,,,and yes everyone else,,,, and the only one that can keep him away,, is not the police,,, state patrol,,, momma,,, papa,,, brother ,,, sister,,, but JESUS CHRIST,,,,the "ULTIMATE ENFORCER" of this serial killer,,, satan.. So why have you not reached out and cried for protection? Why do you sit by and let him kill you, and more, around you? Don't you care ? Your "enforcer" cares,,, for Jesus is standing beside us all ,,, also,,, waiting for you to call out His name,,, when you do,,,wow! Fireworks,,, like you have never felt before,,, as He kicks that guy of out of our way,,,,and clears a path for us to walk ,,, even better than the secret service does for our leaders.. so come on let's join up in Jesus' care,,, and be protected from this satan,, this SERIAL KILLER! ASK FOR JESUS TODAY,, NOW, THIS MOMENT! BE PROTECTED! Almighty God,,, thank you for my protector,,, Your Son,, Jesus,,,amen John HIcks I called for my protector at 12,,, and I am not making fun,,, but He has had to work very hard in protecting me(more than most),,, and I have seen Him at work,,,and I praise even higher and higher of His greatness,,, and power,,, May He bless us all as He enforces our requests to rid our bodies,,, of this killer.. Have a great,, great day,, this Wednesday! "); ");

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


TUESDAY! A Great day to start ,,, with God at your side,, and your acceptance of Jesus,,,if you have not...for He gave it all, and He can take it away,,, soooooo America,,, let's wake up with Him before He decides we have gone too far... you know like in Sodom on & Gomorrah,, when we don't have 10 left who believes enough to save us also...think about it, and let's pray for this Nation, and for Israel. Prayer Request: Henry Hand, who has had cancer come back into his life, and he has chosen to walk on with it, and not have treatment...he is 80+ and is at peace with His Lord,, pray that God will keep him close and hurt free,,, until. INVISIBLE SHIELD! For some reason, when I think of these two words,, I think of the two birds in the Windex commercial. We are very much like them... we are always looking, and don't see very good ,, of what is right in front of our very eyes! We don't see the world of good things that God has given us,,, and we see only the ugly things that we want to see, and gripe about, and not shout thanks and give God the glory, of all we can He puts this protective shield up against satan, IF we request it.... otherwise we bounce off and fall back just like that poor bird in the commercial... but if we request Jesus and forgiveness,, then we will have this shield, but not to bounce us back on our backside, but to walk with ,,,,to protect from satan, and all his angels, who work for him.... and folks, look around, for they are very busy, and not invisible at all....really, you don't see them??? Better go to the optician and get a pair of "inside of ones" soul" ,, and see what is in there,,, then re-look,, and ask Jesus to show you how to avoid them.. and there it is,, pop,,,up goes that INVISIBLE SHIELD OF JESUS CHRIST! God, I ask for all eyes to open , and be able to see satans' works, his workers,, and that once they see, they will fall to their knees, and ask for Your Son, and Your shield..amen John HIcks,,I have my shield,,, and I brag about it... and I am proud of it.. and I give all the credit of all I have to my God.... and I ask,,,,how do you feel,,, about credit to who, ,and have you been knocked down?? If the answer to that last part of the question, please stop, and ask Jesus to come to your aid!!! He will then pick you up, and yes for you ,,, pop,, the inviisble shield is around you!! Just that simple,, and I wonder why people just don't see it!!! How about you?

Monday, August 5, 2013


Monday! Good morning on this first day of the work week! Not for all but wish it was , as in the old days. when those who worked on a Sunday,, was only emergency or on call... and Monday was really the first work day of the work week. but man needs all that extra money,, and to keep up production with those incoming ,, imports... One thing we can do, is keep God in our fore-sight, and first in all we do.. and folks,, we don't need to keep production up with Him,, for He produces all,,, and He is always present,,, you don't have to worry about importing Him...just worship Him above all,,,, and all will be well....even if you don't see it.... it will! Prayer Request: For Pam Burnett's, son Bobby,, who will be having surgery today.. pray for guidance of the surgeons hands, and ask God to be with Bobby,,,and all of his family. WHY THE PREFIX? If we as Americans, are to put the racist thing behind us,, then our media, and all our races, need to have an event,,, a celebration, a trial,,, reference to the president.. religion,, or anything that a human being is involved with,, MUST quit referring to specific countries before the word of involvement of AMERICAN! It does not matter what the color, but the who.... you ARE AND AMERICAN,, & will our media ever realize this,, and will our America ever realize it also? So why do they ,,, the media, the racialists,, put a prefix on their own heritage? If this fits,, then don't continue to wear it,,, shed this coat of prejudice,,, and put one on,, of many colors,,, and not focus only on one or two.... we are all Gods' people,,, and if you believe in this, then be an AMERICAN ONLY,, AND NOT A PERSON WITH A PREFIX! God I pray for you to come into our hearts, and let us all love one another as you do...amen John HIcks Tired of our news media keeping the race thing open and always active by their perception of color,,,, oh yes, they do... if you don't believe it,, just get a pencil and write it down,, and keep a count,, and then watch this as their way to popularity... some popular and elected people are absolutely afraid of the media.. and this is toooooo much of the shaping of this country... I believe in freedom of the press,, if is truth,, and justice for all...yes a little of "Superman"! Just how do you feel about being just an AMERICAN? ");

Sunday, August 4, 2013


SUNDAY! HIS DAY,,NOT YOURS, BUT BORROW,,, YOU MAY! So,,, welcome to this, His day,, and as your day rolls around,, be sure you are not the tumbleweed that just rolls with the wind, no were in particular to go.. but be a person of commitment and make sure you know were you are going,, and that is you are rolling with Jesus, and have real direction! I WALK , BUT NOT ALONE! When you are up and around, off to work , play , town, grocery store, school, visiting family or friends, do you go alone? Maybe some of the family goes with you to some places, or friends go to some with you, and some,, you go alone.... We all want to have someone around us,, in just about all we do,, we look for companionship,, someone to talk to , and just someone to be there with us , in what ever it is we do.. and some may have one, two, three or numerous people around them , 75% of the day or more,, and still be alone.... alone of the heart and soul..... Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever felt it? I have, we all have ,, at one time or another.. and then there are times when we are over-loaded with family and friends,,, we look to be alone ,, but for just a while to adjust, relax for a few hours, but we still want that return of .... companionship, if only for a little while,, someone to come , to talk to, be with, just for a while . Well,, there is one whom you can walk with, take with you everywhere you go.. even into the hurt zone, the laugh zone, the real sad zone, the real happy zone,, the sick zone, the vacation zone,,,, all zones.. This person will never let you down,, He will travel very light , but with the armour to protect you , the sword and shield of eternal life .. yes that good! Who is this that will volunteer to walk with you,, protect you, laugh with you, cry with you, hurt with you,, be there night and day ,,just with you,, with just a small gesture from you to Him,, just a little,, " come, come with me, I want you, I believe in You.. I accept you as my friend for life,, yes,, you Jesus,, come",, and bamn! you have that friend,,, that will WALK WITH YOU, AND YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE AGAIN! God, Thank You for giving us Jesus, and letting Him walk with us through this life by our request.. amen John HIcks I walk with Him, and I know He is there ,,, how? By faith, and by sight,, Do you have Him with you when you are awake, asleep? If not,, ask Him to come to you, and that you accept him , by faith, and He will come running,, guaranteed.. how about it,, want to go for a walk

Saturday, August 3, 2013


SATURDAY! Well, how did you wake up this morning, and just how did you plan your day? With God, or without? I hope, with!!! Prayer Request: From Billy Graham, “If ever there was a time this country needed the intervention of God, it is now. We can and should pray for America as a whole, but remember that when God sets out to change a nation, He begins by changing people. It starts with individuals.” PRAYER! We as Christians seem to think, or at lest some do,, that praying should not be done in public,, for their are stares at restaurants, or if you are just sitting in your vehicle and want to say a small prayer while at a stop light,,or in the park on a bench, with head bowed...... BUT, we as a culture will walk right by a person praying to Buddha, or on a mat praying to the East,,,in fact we will make an extra effort to give them room to lay their mat, and room to pray... We even give in to searches of under turbans, or veils, habits as called, because of religion, but let our own Protestant religion be attacked and our prayers banned.... why,, it is not because of faith,, is it because of "social standard"... or to be like some of our so called peers? We as Billy Graham said above, it is time our country needs to pray ,, for God to forgive us, of leaving Him out, and we must pray for Him to come back into our country... and I mean pray for all souls,, not worldly goods,,, for they are not forever.... but God, and your soul is...where ever your soul shall be.. Let's today, start a new trend , a new trend of old,,,, and start praying earnestly, with our heart, and not our tongues of greed,,, and pray as our mothers and dads did in the days of yester-year!!!! Will you join me in praying to God for our Nation, and this world to give her back our religion,, our old time religion, of Him ,,and pray for not mega churches, but individuals.. for that is how it will return,,,, if we want it ..... and if we want it badly enough,,then we all will spend more time ON OUR KNEES,, HEADS BOWED,, IN DEEP,, DEEP PRAYER TO OUR GOD ALMIGHTY, WITH HUMILITY ON OUR LIPS! God , forgive me, forgive those who have sinned against me, and forgive and restore this nation,, amen John HIcks Praying,, and you?

Friday, August 2, 2013


FRIDAY-TGIF-TGED! I still like the last of the symbols for this day that I started using after Perry gave it to me.. TGED,, and it is a great reminder,,, do not dwell on just one day, but all days,, to give worship, and thanks to our God...for He does give to us 24/7,, and I ask ,,why don't we? Just plain lazy,,and that is truth, like it or not! Now, on this Friday, and all other days,, let's put in our vocabulary,,, TGED!!! PRAYER REQUEST: For all those who are in dire need of help from God... for all those problems you face, let's pray that you, and we put all of these troubles in the hands, of God, and pray that He will wrap His arms about you, and give you relief, and the answers you need... please let's all pray for all those in need of the above, and all those in need of what-ever they are in need of... amen CONTAINER! Mr. Webster says that a Container,, is something that holds or carries. We as a human race , in this day, have more containers than our fore-fathers would ever believe possible. How about those used to ship things on the great boats from here to China,,, from China to here? That is only one country that ships to here,, and we cannot ship back all the containers that are shipped to us...What about all those other countries that ship here also? We have millions of these containers ,,, just setting around,,, not being used,, People are trying to sell these to people like us,,, for storage,,, even to build houses and live in... Wow,,,, these containers can be useful and not just setting around rusting,,, not being of any service anymore... nothing to hold,,, nothing to carry! (these containers would be great houses for the third world countries... if we would just ship them to these people, and make sure they get them..... How about us? We are containers,,,, living containers,,, we hold and carry something within,,, We carry solutions,,, we carry hope,,, we carry love,,, WE CARRY GOD, WE CARRY JESUS!!!,,,Some hold on to these things,,, within,,, never letting them go,,, keeping our containers full,,, rusting,, rotting with self,,, not serving anyone but ourselves.. BUT NOW,,, is the time , you and I need to get up ,and let our containers OVERFLOW WITH HIS WORD, HIS WONDERS, HIS HEALING HIS COMFORTING, AND THE WIPING AWAY OF THE TEARS OF SORROW,, RENEW LOST HOPE,,, we need to reach out and send out with His word,, His greatness,, not ours,,, we need TO SHARE OUR CONTAINER KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WORD TO ALL WE COME IN CONTACT WITH, as we talk and interact with our fellow human beings,,, Are you a container that is stacked up in a backyard,,, a den,,, a business,,, a hospital,,, with the doors closed and locked,, rusting away? Or are you one who has their doors wide open, with arms reaching out with God and doing some healing of feeling,,, helping someone come closer,,, testifying to ,,, not tearing down,,, looking away,,, instead of within, and with the invitation of "come on in",,, sharing all that you are carrying for Him? We need to carry our containers as if we are open and letting in ,,, instead of walking around with doors closed, holding all of this wonderful word of Him inside, we need to let it burst open, and share, yes share to all. Can you keep the doors open and the word of God pouring out of your CONTAINER? Almighty God,,, I pray that you keep the wheels of my container rolling and the doors open with the outflowing of your word on my lips and arms outstretched with hope to any who might need You. I pray for this to all who reads this also... amen John HIcks A container once closed and stacked high in an un-used field,,, just rusting away,, then the miracle of God,, Jesus walked back in at my request,,, and now it rolls with well oiled wheels,,, and an open mind to do more testimonials of Jesus and the word of God... Want to join me ,,, or just stay in the field and be part time or no time,,,just a rusting old container,, ugly and not inviting not testifying???? Come on,, reach for the oil can, the paint of the Blood of Jesus, and get rolling ,,, today,, right now!!!! Come on!!!!!!!!! ");

Thursday, August 1, 2013


THURSDAY! FIRST DAY OF A NEW MONTH,, AUGUST! Summer is slipping by, so get up, and get out in that good ole fresh air,, for God has sent the rains in our region, to wash the air and give us a breath of His air,,, so breath deep of Him, and exhale His word.... for you are His, and you are His workers... so work...don't hibernate!!!!! FLUTTER! Flutter: flap , wave, a quick beat , of irregularly! Have you ever had that little "flutter of the heart"? I have, not once but at my age, many, many, for all kinds of different reasons.... Some reasons of heart flutters,,,, are a great car goes by,,, a loud, unannounced noise,,, a pretty bird, a pretty woman, for women, a handsome man,,,, the first look of a baby,,,, the holding of that of the skies,,,,, the pledge of allegiance,,,, many, many things can make your heart flutter... your wife at first glance(and you know this is the one),, but I think the most and the biggest, and lasting flutter, that happens,,,and never ever really leaves ,, is when the time we ,, as an individual,,, realizes that God is God, and that He is the maker of all things, and we decide that it is the time in our lives,,, we accept Him as our Savior,,,and folks ,,, when this happens,,, we experience the biggest ,,, the bestest, and the longest FLUTTER OF OUR HEART,,, OF ALL TIMES!!!!! God, thank You, is all we need to say today... and I say it again, as my heart still flutters at the thought of You,,, amen John HIcks Heart a-flutter,,, how about yours? Today, make the choice and feel the "flutter"!!!! ");