Friday, August 16, 2013


FRIDAY! WEE! "Week-End Eve"! Ha! Start your day off with a little laughter! As you open your eyes, and right after a big yawn, and stretch, put on a big ole smile, say a big good morning to the Lord, and give Him thanks for your day,, slide out of that bed, and start your day by greeting all you come into contact with,,,,,with that same big ole smile,, and watch as it is a "catching thing" ,, like a yawn... and I mean that smile even to those ole sour doughs, and the ones you don't really care for... and if you should run up on anyone who tries to remove that smile,, make it a wee bit larger,,,and just tell them,, you know , Jesus loves you! It makes their come-back,,, usually a non-come back but a kinda of dumb-founded look on their face..... try it,, I have, and it works, but hard to do, even if it should not be,,, we are just human! Thank our God for that, for if we were not, and we were in charge,,, I can not imagine where we would be now....can you? Have a great day, this Friday! Prayer Request: For our friend, Gary Maxwell, who lost his Uncle Dave Maxwell , and will be traveling to Atlanta this day, for the funeral tomorrow, please keep this family in your prayers for God to let them know ,,, He is there.. for He is and will be. For our America,,, that she will kneel in honor of her God, our one and only living God, and more will re-turn to Jesus as our leader with His Father... pray, for we need pray for this Nation! WAS THAT YOU GOING INTO THAT PLACE? This is a question, I ask,, for all places you go, you should be able to say, "yes that was me, and wave back",, and be proud of where you are, and what you are doing, and know that you would go into that place with your Mom and Dad, your children, and not be ashamed, and most of all,,, you would not feel bad to have Jesus walk in and set down with you!!!! Again , have a great Friday,, John HIcks

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