Saturday, August 30, 2014


SATURDAY! Well here it is,,,, "a long week-end"... and I ask ,, "Are you ready",, and this has two meanings this morning: One is , are you ready to meet your Master ,,if called? and the other one is did you "make ready for your W/E" with Him or without" ? Two great questions, and only you can answer and make that choice! LIVING IN A BUBBLE OF A FALSE LIFE! Long today,but worth the read! Yes, lots of people live as if they will never die,,,and that they will live forever.... and that is because death is to man, a "not for sure what is after"! Now , how do you get past this, You Surrender Your Soul To Jesus,,, and then you have no doubt, and no worry where you will be when your number is called,, but YOU have to make that choice! BUT so many continue to live in the aurora of the minds of others.. yes, they give in to peer pressure,,, the having "the wrong time of their life, a life of sin",,, and when they do that , they create a type of "false bubble" around them,, and this false bubble of safety is not safety,, but destruction , for that type of "bubble " is satan at his best... and you say, well how about the "Christian Bubble"? Their should never be one , for a real Christian,, never creates a bubble,, for "Real Christians",, give out their love, their faith, their example, and their invitation always open ,, not closed off by any barrier,, but wide open for you to make the choice and to join in,, and surrender to Jesus...and be a part of God in all that they do, for a lifetime here on earth,,and then eternity is set! Make sense? Well it should,,, for I believe if you are a Christian, their is no other explanation possible, for being a Christian, is being a child of God only! Also , in short, I say, "we are to do good , be sin free, feel good, to make our God happy, and not just our selves,, for when we make God happy with us, He will take care of us,, and for that evangelist woman who said "not to make God happy, but yourself first".. well she is totally wrong,,, and that is of course my opinion and my belief? Your take on this? SOOOOO I ask..... DO YOU LIVE IN A BUBBLE TO MAKE FRIENDS, OR DO YOU LIVE FOR GOD, AND JESUS?,,,,,,,,,,,,, OUT IN THE OPEN, WITH AN INVITATION TO JOIN THE OPEN SPACE OF HIS CARE, HERE AND THERE? Lord, thank You for my all, and the Choice of You, that I have made, and I pray all will do the same, burst the bubble of satan, and come to you with their arms wide open ....amen John Hicks Just plain thankful for the forgiveness of my God,, for without Him, I would be doomed, and now He has forgiven me, and given me a road that is to Him, straight and narrow..and yes, He stills has to grab me from the shoulders of life's road, and put me back on His road...for no one is perfect , except Him! Join me on that road,, SURRENDER TO JESUS TODAY!

Friday, August 29, 2014


FRIDAY! Good God's day to all! May He bless you s you have never been blessed before! Wow! Thank of that blessing!! And so He can do it,, right? I believe in this every day of my life,,He gives me more and more of the same,, blessings,, and you know what, I don't deserve one of them,, but His love is greater than all else, and to me His name, God, and the Son, Jesus, spells LOVE TO ALL! Given to enjoy, so do so, in His name, and give Him the credit! Prayer Request: For one of my former classmates, Sandy Griffin Knighten, who is in the Brookwood Hospital in B'ham, AL. and needs all of our prayers, so please pray for Sandy, and that remembered smile she gave all in school! Pray God will continue to smile upon her also this day! HOW DOES THIS NATION CONTINUE? A visitor from another country came, and said, "I can see how this country is so great, free, and God has blessed her!",,"she has steeples rising all around, on streets too numerous to mention them all, every city, town, community, even in the ghettos, the rich places, the poor places... and all are taught the word of God, the salvation of Jesus Christ, and that this Nation was born of and by God,, and the people sworn to keep Him at the helm of all of it's actions...... Now, when I first visited this Nation long, long ago, the above is what I saw...and now , I am re-visiting her, and this is what I see, ,, terror in the streets of looting, for NO REASON,,,for it was set up for the Law to handle this,, for stealing is stealing!!!! Right? and I walk about all over in my travels and I see, the same steeples, but the doors closed, most of them locked, not even used on most cases, no Schooling of children in school of God, nor why of their freedom, not allowed to practice even a prayer, nor the allegiance to Her Flag!.... God not allowed at games, gatherings , on the streets in some places, the Bible banned in some marrying men, women marrying women,,, and a law that says this is how it should be, but is all this God''s law also? and I see atheists, gaining ground?" "Why is this, I ask? Have the people for the people changed,, this Nation ,, from God to satan?",, " if so , I am afraid this country will not be here for long!, and when I want to visit Her again, I will find Her in chains of slavery to satan,, will these Christians allow this?" Now what is your take on this visit,,,,, are we going to let satan win?,,,or are we going to fight him right back out of OUR country, founded by and with God, and damn the atheists,, (but pray for them,, to reform ),, and pray that we have the stamina to take back our country, and take it with GOD AT THE HELM AGAIN!!!,,, WILL YOU JOIN ME IN THIS CHALLENGE? Lord, bless this country, and I, and more are still Yours, please just give us all the strength, voice to stand stand up for You, and push satan back to hell , where he and his followers belong, amen John HIcks Yes, I stand for God, Jesus, and Freedom in this country , this THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,,,, AND I CHALLENGE ALL WHO READS THIS, TO WAKE UP AND STAND WITH ME,,,, BEFORE WE FEEL THE BURNING OF THE SOLE OF OUR FEET,,,, AND THEN OUR SOULS...WILL YOU JOIN ME IN BRINGING BACK GOD TO THIS NATION AND STAND WITH ME?

Thursday, August 28, 2014


THURSDAY! Good morning to all! and may God be with you all in all you take on this day,,, and that He be with you first by choice,,for He will be overlooking anyway,,, I today, and everyday choose Him! Will you join me? GOD IS ALIVE, AND HE WILL JUDGE US ALL IN THE END! AND JUDGE US BY OUR DEEDS! NOW , TODAY ,, I JUST ASK THIS , ARE YOU READY? Lord, thank You for my all,,and I pray that all will choose You, and be ready. amen John HIcks Short? Well,, you know, you can talk , and tell, and be an example, but all in all,,,, IT IS UP TO YOU!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Today at 7:18 AM WEDNESDAY! Hey, it's God's day first, and that ole "camel" second! Oh, , You are second? O.K.,,,I go along with that!!! For God so loved the world.......can you finish this, for God has not put you second, but first,,now we all must change our minds this morning and brag, brag,,, and let all know,,,we are first in our Gods' eyes!!! Prayer Request: Mary(Bonnie) Burkett . She will be having the first surgery on her left hand tomorrow morning. Then in about two months she will have her right hand operated on. Her hands are very badly crooked and she is suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands. Sometime down the road she will see a finger specialist to see if anything can be done for her knuckles that have twisted her fingers on both hands. Thank you so much for your prayers GOD FIRST! Now as above, I have stated from my belief, that God has put us, man,, as His first love,, and we must do a lot of filtering to see this...for with this world,,and those idiots of satan,, the isis,,, those trying to take down Christianity,, we have to ask why ,, if God loves us so much ,, why? We must think and remember all those things HE has done for us since the start of time! I call it , to have "faith"! Well here is where we do what we should do,, we should put God first on our list of each minute of each day, and we should have "faith" in Him for Love is Faith,, and yes while He does His thing, we should never falter of His reasons, , and we should put OUR LORD AND GOD, FIRST IN ALL WE DO, OR EVEN THINK ABOUT,,,, FOR WE MUST REMEMBER , AND HAVE FAITH, HE IS NEVER WRONG? God, thank You for loving me, and this world, and I do cry out my love of You, in all I undertake, for each day, I am amazed at what you do instantly for me...amen John HIcks Love of my God, and I do it openly, Yes I pray to Him openly, and in my "closet"... for first it is God, then second it is His wishes, and somewhere, where ever it is that He desires,,,is me, and you! What?

Monday, August 25, 2014


MONDAY! Are you ready for this day, the start of the work week?, and all who are not working at a job,,, the question "ready"? Ready for what? After having thanked the Lord for this day, are you ready to ask Him to go with you to and be a part of all you do this day,, are you ready to proclaim this to yourself and to all you encounter,, with words, and showing the way you not only act, talk, but by example? Make a choice,,I challenge all to make it, and let's put this Nation back on track to GODS' NATION,, ours to enjoy by His grace! How about it? Prayer Report, and Request: Doug Travis was diagnosed with acute appendicitis, and was operated on last night , thank you all for the prayers! Have not heard anymore on Dot... but I ask all to keep praying,,and also pray for all those un-asked for but much needed prayers, for God know them, but we must also ask for His help to them. Lord, I ask for those above, and I also ask for Your protection,, and Your Blessing on this Nation, and this , Your world! amen John HIcks Short at times is some times better, for more will read! Yes , it is a fact! God bless to you all!

Sunday, August 24, 2014


SUNDAY! The day He finished and rested, and made this day special, and work only to get the ox out of the ditch! And all of us that does not do any "special work" on this day, yet we all watch T.V., go t movies, to shopping, do all kinds of things that require others to work,,,so are we as guilty? If these did not work, would we not gripe? Sure we would! But for those needed such as medical, spiritual, all others should adopt the OX OUT OF THE DITCH,,, but we are man, and God has to deal with each of us, and so HE I pray for me, you, and all those others who celebrate this day, at least in our hearts!!! Right? Prayer Request: Today, I ask all of you to pray for this special lady who means so very much to our 'little community", and to outstretched people all over also, she is very special to is the request from April: my precious Aunt Dot. We're waiting for the trauma OR team to take her for surgery for one of the worst lacerations I have ever seen (and I see lots of them). Please pray that God guides the surgeon as this surgery will require a great deal of talent to reconstruct and preserve function to her right arm. Pray that her pain eases as well as she is having a difficult time with pain control. I love this lady so much!! and so does many, many others!!! PRESERVATION OF THIS , THE USA! I want each of you today to stop, and pray for this country.. and the preservation of it... that our government will stop the most dreaded attack force formed since the two WW's,,, Korea, and Vietnam,, and that is the ICCS! They are growing as I write, and our forces need to be quieting them , even into Syria, and for those who oppose this operation, had better put an iron belt around your head, no pun intended, but that is what they want to do to all Christians, behead them.... we must stop them!!!! So Pray, and pray daily for our way of life, and that is A NATION UNDER GOD! A CHRISTIAN NATION! God, I pray for Dot, and for her healing, and I pray for Your blessing upon the preservation of this country... amen John HIcks God Bless The United States of America!

Saturday, August 23, 2014


SATURDAY! Welcome to this day, of His, given to us by His love! As you take this step into another day, take Him with you, and don't be afraid to tell the ones you meet ,,, all about Him, be proud, and not shy of the Lord, for He is bold to you, for He gave you this world to use, and we should at least give back the praise to Him for this gift,, Now, what is your take on this? Greed to self , or repay God , with repentance , and testimony? Your choice, so make it , and make it now..for later , is ofter too late,,, Remember "the eye of the needle" is very small!!!!! Prayer Request: For Tommy House, who has suffered a stroke, and is in ICU at Aiken Regional Hospital.. please pray for Tommy's recovery! Lord, I ask that You be with us, and forgive us of our many, many sins, not only against You, but against each other,,,and Lord I ask that you give us Your trusted sword to meet ICCS,, and send them to the demons of satans' hell... amen John HIcks I still want these ICCS to meet head to head with an American fighter Jet, or an armed American they can have their wish, and get those virgins asap, and ask why do that they cover themselves from head to toe for being so afraid of the world! Why don't you show yourselves ,,you cowards? Well,, that is my opinion and my outburst for the day!! May God bless each and every one of you!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


THURSDAY! Good morning to all..on another of His days! Well, I have finished my morning coffee with a new lenses in my left eye,, and it is a big difference when you look, for it seems to be getting better so far..and with God's goodness it will come right back to normal, for all credit of all things, are God's,,, not ours, so we need to think,,, before we speak, judge, or even think of "why",, but to always make our minds say,, "Yes, Lord, Your wish is my command!"..Now,, can you and can I do this,, not 100%, but we have a goal in doing this, and all we miss, and always remember, of all we fail, we have our Jesus at our side,,, to make up for all our faults,,, if we have surrendered our hearts and given our souls....right? May all of you, this great and wonderful day, of His, with all it's greatness, even with it's sorrows,, have a great day,, bask in Him, and He will deliver you in all things,,, and put that LOVE out to all! John HIcks Grateful for my all,,,and ready to testify of Him in all I do! Will you? May God bless you all!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


WEDNESDAY! Good morning,, short this morning as I am not to use this good eye for it strains the one operated on,, never heard of this but they know best! I hope all woke up with the thanks to God for your day, and that you will carry Him with you and testify of Him to all you encounter this day! I will be going back to the Dr. this morning to have my patch removed, and praying with great faith all are fine, and then I can read, watch t.v. with both eyes,,,, having to run reruns so I can close my eyes and remember what happens, ha! Got to have some humor in life for it is so good!!! Prayer Requests: Please continue to pray for the Maddox family as they go through the lost of a special husband , father, friend to many, that they find comfort in their God! From a friend of mine: My friend has a daughter who works for the Government. She will be leaving soon to go abroad. She will be training others for a week before returning home. My friend has requested earnest prayer for her safety during her travel and time there. Pray also for my friend and her daughter's family. May all have a great day, and bask in His glory, and shine with His spirit from you to all you come in contact with,, and God help clear up all this looting, killing going on in our own country,, let those see what they have and these thugs who are doing this, that You will take care to clean them and this up , amen John HIcks Remember this,, GOD FIRST ,,, ALWAYS, SELF SECOND!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


TUESDAY! Morning, and a very early morning! Woke up at 4:15, getting ready for the surgery,,,and just had to take the time to do a thought of how God works,, As I thought up to this morning,, do not worry for God is my Comforter, and as I picked up my Daily Bible reading,, it head-lined,,, God Is My Comforter! For today, I am going into eye surgery,, and God will be with me. Also this morning I want to extend these thoughts to a family that has lost a family member,,, Prayer Requests: From Jim Maddox this morning, Prayers for the Family of Charles Maddox,, who passed from this life to Heaven, to be with our God, and to set upon the knee of Jesus Christ,,,, please pray for His wife, and his children. Charles is from Yatesville,GA. and was raised here, his sons were my children's friends, his wife devoted to God also. I and many around here worked with Charles, and brother James,,..and folks I ask special prayers for this lost that I have just found out about...for this man was a special man, and so it is all of the Maddox family,, thank you so very much for your prayers. COMFORTER Let's all remember today, that we are not alone,, but have Jesus Christ as our one, and our only Savior,,our God to always be standing by us, just as a warm quilt on a cold night, He wraps His arms around, gives us the warmth, the feeling of all is warm and well, and with Him holding you in wrapped arms, IT IS OUR COMFORTER OF THIS LIFE, AND THE PROMISE OF THE NEXT! God, thank You for my all, and for my Jesus, and I pray that all will come forward to You, accept Jesus... amen John HIcks We will miss Charles, but we will remember him, and we will all see you in Heaven,,, on our day my friend!

Monday, August 18, 2014


MONDAY! Well, W/E is over, and now for all those who have enjoyed being off, and have a job to go to,, it is back to work,, as normal! No, never as normal, for each day changes, and that change is in all of us....Man changes from minute to minute, and you can argue with me, that you are the same today, as you were Friday after you started your W/E,, but,, only one is the same forever and ever,, and that is God! So, today as you accept the minor, or major change, do with God, for you depend on Him,, forever and ever, and will be with Him , if you accept Jesus, so make the decisions of change, but make them in favor of God! Prayer Request: For Mary Burkett, who will be going to the Doctor on Tuesday August 19th. She will be seeing a hand surgeon for possible surgery on her hands. Pray for God's perfect will to be done. Tomorrow, I will enter the Hospital in Griffin, Ga. for eye surgery at 7:30 a.m. I will be having Cataract Surgery on my left eye, as outpatient,, and I ask for your prayers for God to guide the surgeons hand! If you don't get the "Thoughts" Tuesday,, you will know why, but all of you will be on my mind and in my prayers. CHOICE,, and FAITH! These two go together more than you realize... Choice is to "select or choose", and Faith is to believe in the value ,or trust of worthiness of someone. So as you go through this life,,,, you have to make millions, yes million upon millions of choices! and when you make them , you have to have the faith that this value of choice will work(be worthy),,, right? Like driving down the road, and meeting someone, you make the choice to stay of your side of the road, and you have made that choice, and you have the faith that the driver coming at you will do the same...and that is just one really important , usually life or death decision of choice,,,and of course there are others, as I said, millions upon millions of them....Now, for the MOST important one for you to make and have the FAITH that it is the choice of life, here, and there,there being eternity, with or without! THAT CHOICE IS JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR, FOREVER AND EVER, AND? HAVING THE FAITH THAT HE IS REAL, AND WILL SAVE YOU! DO YOU? Lord, I say to all, I have accepted Jesus as my Savior, and I pray that the word will enter all and this world will accept Him as theirs also...amen John Hicks Servant to Him, layman to Him, to Him, I give my all,,,, His Son, Jesus, I accept as my Savior... NOW ,, have you made your CHOICE, and do you have the FAITH IN HIM OF YOUR CHOICE? Well?

Sunday, August 17, 2014


SUNDAY! Let's start our day off with the big bang, and that is That God Created All!!!! RIGHT? or do you still believe that it all was evolution? Some days, I wake up full of words,, and I find out that they are just that,, words,, and as I drink my coffee, and talk, my mind often works on the thoughts,,things start coming into my mind , and well, you may not believe it, but they just over-ride all other things entering in,, and I know that all will be separated when the time to write comes.. so I come in,, after that second cup,,, review e-mail, and fb,, pray for God to guide me,,,then I start the thoughts, and I am so over-flowing with words,, and as I start to write, not any of those words come out, but those that I did not even realize, I had NOT thought of does....weird? No, God at work,,, on an ole dumb farm boy,, from North Alabama, and as I wrote that first sentence this morning, it didn't come out like "I" wanted, and then I was going to put ,,"another shortie this morning", and then I found myself writing this testimony of a movement from God, just as He did yesterday at my daybreak, and showed His self to whisper in an ear ,, mine, "it is o.k.,,, do not worry, for I am here, and I am working", and so He was , and so He did,, and then the the ship went right side up!!!!! WOW, IS GOD NOT AWESOME? AND GREAT? God, today, I say again, and again,,, thank You, and yes , I will say it to the world, and never be ashamed to say it, and try not to judge others,,and pray for strength not to judge for we all trend that way,,, and God , please continue to favor me as I worship You! amen John Hicks How is your day? and just how much do you believed , whether you are setting in a pew, or a chair by the road, or laying in a bed of leaves with the Heavens as your roof, or laying in your mansion here on this earth? Well, I am wealthy as one can ever imagine, for I have Jesus as my Savior, and God as my ONLY God,, and again, I ask ,,, YOU?

Saturday, August 16, 2014


SATURDAY! Welcome to the W/E! May you continue to have a great one, and enjoy all He offers you...and that you will thank Him for the gift ,, of love and life that HE has given each of us! AS THE WATER RUNS! No matter how you do it,, water runs downhill,, except a few rivers that run North.. yes uphill! One of them that I know right off hand,, is the Monongahela, in Pa. Water also absorbs, runs down into the ground, and on top, and evaporates into the air. Water is matter, and you cannot destroy matter.. You can break it apart, you can put sand in it until it looks like it is gone,, but it is still in that sand, boil it to complete dry in a pan,, see it going up in steam,, condensate on the exhaust fan,, watch as you pour it on the ground,, it runs off and is absorbed... then you need a drink, you go to a spring or a well for water,,, getting dry outside,, here comes the rain,, water absorbed , and evaporated,, right back in your life.. never gone, always there somewhere , you just can 't see it.. Well , God is like this water to a point,, He is always around, and you just don't see Him;;; but He is working at all times,, making things happen for us, when we need the rain ,, watching over us when we get a little too much,, He still drains it off,, keeps it running off until it is dry again,, and when you are thirsty, he is there with a dipper to give you drink,, He is always there , not only to serve you , but just waiting for you to ask Him in.. into your heart and soul,,,,and when you do,, He will not flow down into the dirt, nor will He evaporate, but He will dwell in you for as long as you want, for He stays no where He is not wanted,, He will hang around in all places, watching and waiting for that call,, yes, the call of "come on in",, and then once called in, you will see,,, and feel the rush of flow ,,,realizing that He is the WATER OF LOVE AND LIFE, THAT RUNS IN YOUR VEINS! God , thank You for You, and the fact that You are us, and that You made us, and all the things around us,, and that You do control it all... amen John HIcks Have you ever put a color in a small stream of water and try to find out where it goes , when it disappears into the ground... it is amazing that it can turn up in another state,, or all the way from North to the Southern seas.. or never see it,, but knowing it is somewhere down there running from here to there.. just as Jesus is kept busy running the same way,, but why keep Him out of your life,, invite Him in,, and then like the water, run with Him forever , and ever.

Friday, August 15, 2014


FRIDAY! Yes , here it is,, and are you ready for the week-end? Have you really made all your prep's? Are you sure? Now, the real question: WAS GOD IN THESE PLANS? God, be with us in all we plan, and let You be at our helm! amen John HIcks Short, today, but you know,,, SOMETIMES SHORT IS GOOD! RIGHT? Have a blessed day this FRIDAY! HIS!

Thursday, August 14, 2014


THURSDAY! Good morning to all of you this great God's day! It is a time for us all to STOP, revamp our lives, for God! WHAT ? You say to me , I am all for God,, well so am I,, but what does it hurt to start a day off with a healthy "GOOD MORNING GOD!",, AND ALSO "I LOVE YOU GOD , OVER ALL ELSE"! and mean it? Well , I feel like it is a great time of this world for all who reads this to do just that, and then place their faith in Him, and practice what they believe, and give that to others! A wonderful story of a gathering of our youth,, on the news this morning,,, At a school in Georgia, the Atlanta area, the school is investigating prayer by the players of games, and their coaches, no prayers at the games,,, nor in the school rooms, and a statement from the other side, "they may have God on their side, but they do not have the state on their side". The students can join together in the locker room and pray on their own, but coaches paid by the state can't join in, but they can listen in... crazy,,,, at the stadiums, they can stand for a moment of personal time.. but the crowd cannot be lead in a prayer.. it is against the state, federal law,, do not break this law,, but prisons can have Bibles in their cells, and also some have Sunday Services, and Sunday School... and aren't they "state or federal" run, and paid for,,by whom,, the guards, the warren,etc? Hey! What is this kind of law...well here is the message from a young , very smart young lady: YOU CAN TELL ME THAT I CANNOT PRAY OUT LOUD AT SCHOOL, AT A GAME, OR AT ANY OTHER PLACE IN THIS WORLD, AND YOU CAN MAKE THAT A LAW... BUT YOU WILL NEVER TAKE AWAY MY RIGHT, AND MY WANT , AND THAT I WILL PRAY SILENT IN MY MIND AND HEART TO MY GOD, AND MY JESUS! YOU CANNOT TAKE GOD FROM ME,,NO MATTER HOW MANY LAWS YOU MAKE! I WILL STAND, FOR THAT IS MY RIGHT, AND CLOSE MY EYES, AND THERE IS NO LAW FOR THAT, AND I CAN THINK AND SAY TO MY HEART AND TO MY GOD WHAT I WANT TO! Now an you say this, to a news camera, to the government, to the world? With no batting of your eyes , but with the GLORY OF THE LORD GOD IN YOUR HEART , AND YOUR MIND? WE ALL NEED TO! FOR SHE DID!!!!! God , thank You for all Your greatness and the siring or our young! amen John HIcks God, thank you for our young children and let's all of us put God back in our Nation!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


WEDNESDAY! The day of that ole camel as he runs all over the work-place, as all start that planning of the W/E! Remember as you plan, plan God in all that you plan, for He will take you through it, and make it good, for no matter what you plan, He has already set the stage, so make a choice, for that is what He gave us with that breath of life! Prayer Request: For the USA, ISRAEL, and all of this WORLD, that we all will fall to our knees, and pay homage to HIM! SMILE! Some smiles is something that gives out a sign of "hope, faith, and that God has to be in that person"! Yesterday , as Libby and I went to our regular doctor for our regular visit.... we got to the office before it opened, so we stood at the door and waited for the opening of the door! So, now to build the stage, and the play...Angie, whose husband we have been praying for , who has lost a leg to diabetics, and went through a long time in Macon major hospital ICU with this,,, Angie is our doctors nurse,, and has a constitution of a real trooper! She spent countless days working, traveling to his side, and countless days and nights by his side...then the time came for him to be transferred to a place of care here in our area! Now that was good news, and now she is back to work.. Well as we stood waiting , Libby said with a gusto, LOOK WHO! It was Angie!,, heading to the door, she was first to arrive ,and as I looked, I expected to see a down beat, walking slowly , sadden lady,,, BUT, what I saw, was a lady with a bounce, the biggest REAL SMILE upon seeing some of "her" patients waiting,, and as she walked up , patted each with that big ole smile and of course we all asking about Paul ,her husband, her answer was still with something you could see, and you could feel right down to as the ole saying goes, right to the bone! of a person that was being thankful for just where they were, and how far they had came, what they came through, and that her faith that God was with them both at all times.. and she opened the door, and welcomed all in...... and theN went about her job ,, STILL WITH A SMILE, THAT WE ALL VERY SELDOM SEE! That one as fate that took them there, IT WAS FAITH IN GOD THAT BROUGHT THEM BACK,, THUS FAR... YES ONLY GOD CAN PUT THOSE KIND OF SMILES ON PEOPLE THAT GIVES OUT THIS KIND O TESTIMONY, WITHOUT A WORD, BUT JUST THAT SMILE!!! God, thank You for giving us that show of YOU, yesterday morning, and may this message go a long way and more smiles go out to all we meet! amen John HIcks Just a story that God instilled in me to write of this great faith of His in action, when we all seem to take for granite, that we are the only ones who have problems ,,the story , that HE is taking care of billions upon billion of cases each day!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


TUESDAY! Good morning to all! I hope all are up, doing great, and doing both with God at your side, and that He is by your side, by your request, and not just standing by waiting on you! He can be so very patient, but patient just so long,,, so if you are without Jesus as your Savior,, please , I beg to you, please , just bow your head, close your eyes, and ask Him into your heart and and give Him your soul... and He will take it and it will be for an eternity with His and our Heavenly Father! Will you, if you are without? and will you re-dedicate to Him again this morning, even if you have already accepted Him? Why re-dedicate?,,, for we all need a recharge all the days of our lives, for we are either sinners, or we are forgiven sinners, but being either one, we still need to lean on our God, and our Jesus... as this ole world turns, so does satan use it as a treadmill to run around, and around looking for sinners to hold on to,, and to keep, AND God, and Jesus is our only way of staying on that, not treadmill of over and over , but the one way road to Heaven! Now, which one will you do this morning, accept, re-dedicate? or just read and walk away or scroll on down? God, thank You for You, and for Jesus, and thank You for being in my life, and for You , Jesus for rescuing me from satan! amen John HIcks Just a man, with God and Jesus on my heart, and trying to send the message of just how GOOD THEY BOTH ARE! I can feel them, can you? Make a choice!

Monday, August 11, 2014


MONDAY! Thank YOU GOD for this another of a day, of Yours , given to us as a gift! Yes, I am thankful,, for my day, my freedom, my children, my grandchildren, safe from most to go to school or out in their yard to play! For they live here in America.. Free, from ISIS,, and all those thugs in the far east, and russia(far east, and russia are showing up as misspelled, but I do not consider them proper nouns , just as I neither do satan) ,,, and WE SHOULD BOW DOWN OUR HEADS AND THANK HIM FOR OUR BIRTH HERE IN THE USA,AND OUR FREEDOM! We need to pray that our leaders will continue to meet at Marthas" Vineyard, and that maybe while President obama(also not proper, but I do think the office of President is a proper noun, it just needs a proper President) is getting in at least two rounds of golf, while 100's of children are beheaded, just maybe , maybe , if we pray hard, and it is God's will, they will make an even better move to move these isis guys back to where-ever,, and or,, to meet that AMERICAN SERVICE MAN'S OF A STARE OF "HEY HELLO,, I'M BACK!"... AND TODAY , THIS IS ALL I WILL WRITE, FOR IT IS TIME TO PRAY , AND TO PRAY MORE THAN ONCE, AND THAN WALK OFF AND ENJOY WHILE OTHERS ARE PAYING A PRICE OF THEIR LIVES, AS THE GOLF CLUB SWINGS! God, help this world of Yours, and Lord give us ,,Man,,, the strength to stand for You in all this world! amen John HIcks Just so upset with the "lazy" type attitude" of,,," laid back , strutting President, and all of his little men followers,,, lapping at his heels"... mad? YES I STILL AM, and I pray to the Lord to forgive me!

Sunday, August 10, 2014


SUNDAY! HIS! Yes, today, and everyday! And His love lasts and lasts, and today we need to read of love, right after we pray,, for AMEIA, in the hospital at Upson in Thomaston , Ga..pray for her speedy recovery! DENNICE LONG: To continue to improve and recover from her fall and may God repair that back,, for she is needed by lots! God speed! CHARLES MADDOX: Keep praying for his improvement also,and God, please lay hands on this man! FRIEND OF : Joyce Powell, and his pilot trainer, who crashed last night, and both lost their lives and are now with our God! May our prayers be for the wives, and the family of each,,, for comfort, and understanding of His will! TO LOVE! To love someone,,, or something,, is really the easiest thing to do,,,easier than eating! Hey that is almost a "Ripley, believe it or not". Love is something that we don't really control,,, your either love or you hate. You can like someone,,,but that is part of the start of love,, you can dislike someone and that is the start of hate. Now ,, again there is love or hate,,,not both, but one. Which one do you do? I know the answer you are going to give,,, I love most everyone,,, but you do not say you hate anyone ,,, until.....they do something to make you mad,,, hurt your heart real bad,, then out it comes ,,,, I hate you!!! Can you believe in going through your complete life without ever saying "I hate you",,, if it is just only a small time that you hate,, just a matter of seconds? Come on now,, you know you have said it... and if you said it,,, you at that time ,, meant it! Now ,, can you imagine loving all the time,,, never disliking anything,, never feeling remorse of liking something,, or someone? I know of only one,,, can you guess who it is,,, do you need Him? What ,, you don't,, well,,, I do,,and need Him each day,, each hour,,, each minute.. and I confess it to the world,,, and I do love Him with all I have,,, but it does not even come close to His love,,, from His birth to Crucifixion,,and even through Resurrection and Ascension.. His and the Father,,, is the greatest of love ever created... We love our partners,, we love our children,, and that is good,, love as much as you can,, it will make you feel better,,, today say to someone,, and I mean,, say it to someone!!!*,, more if you will,,, "I LOVE YOU",,, and feel the goodness within,,, then stand tall and say to God,, and Jesus,,,, I LOVE YOU,,, ABOVE ALL !!! Lord,, thank You for the choice of Love,,, and I pray that we all spread an abundance of it to all today,, and every day. amen John HIcks Love all,,, at least I try,,but I do fall on my face once in a while,,but I know that with a smile,, and a little more love,,, He will pick me up and love me back,,, no matter what and send that love out to all I meet!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


SATURDAY! GOOD MORNING! Prayer Requests: For our Neighbor DENICE BOYT LONG, who fell and is in hospital at Kenesaw, with two fracture vertebrates.. Please pray for her quick recovery and her return to home! For the continued prayers to To God, for CHARLES MADDOX who is still in the Macon Hospital with serious heart problems! For those on top of that mountain in Iraq, who are threatened, and all those who are being threaten with immediate death if caught by all those crazies in the middle east! PRAYER FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO FLEE THE jihad! TODAY, THIS VERY MINUTE, We must start a serious and one of the most serious prayer sessions of all our lives! Why? For those who are trapped on that mountain top in Iraq, and those crazy jihads" who are possessed with satanism that are sworn to not only capture them, but to kill them, babies, young children, adults, women, men,,,no surrender ,no reprieve.... These are the same , the very ones that threaten not only those on that mountain top, but folks they THREATEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Yes,, they are training more and more to come here and kill us, our children also.... so what do we do,, for we have leaders who have just let our F/A -18 jets loose to try to stop the movement on those on the mountain, and to fly in water and food.. but , hey "big bad leader",, YOU are late!!! and also letting foreign leaders laugh at you, for you are no treat to them!! Well, I say to all those leaders and to you Mr. President,,,, put our rockets, our fighters , and put our Armies on the ground, yes the "boots" on the ground, and let's stop these crazies right now, not tonight, but NOW! Yes, let one , or 100 of them round a cliff, a bend in that mountain, and look into a serious smiling MARINE , armed,. with an AMERICAN FLAG PATCH ON HIS SHOULDER, GOD AT HIS SIDE, AND A BIG OLE GUN IN HIS HAND, AND IN A SECOND READY TO SEND YOU jihad,,, to that imaginary heaven and those seven virgins! Yes, bamm, and stop them now, ram a rocket down their throat!!! BUT GET OFF THAT SORRY SCARED BUTT OF YOURS, AND LETS GET CRACKING!!!!! AM I MAD, YES, I AM,,,FOR WE NEED TO DO THIS FOR IT AS OUR SCARED DUTY THAT GOD GAVE US THIS LAND NOT TO JUST LIVE IN IT,,, BUT TO PROTECT CHRISTIANS AND THOSE IN NEED!!!!, NOW LET'S EARN IT,,, AGAIN,, COME ON AMERICA!!! , LET'S GO HELP AND USE WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN US....AND LET'S STOP THOSE IN HARMS WAY, AND HELP ALL OF THOSE IN FRONT OF THESE CRAZIES! WHAT DO YOU THINK? FOR IT,,,, OR DO YOU LIKE OUR "MR",, SCARED TO DEATH! God, release the brains of our leaders, and let them stand tall, and back those on the Mountain Top, ,and that Russian leader who loves his ladies and his own little toys, and put him in his place also....God forgive me for being so mad this day, but I call on the One and the only One I believe in ,,, in this day,, please help those who need You there and those here also...amen John HIcks YES, MAD,,, and just as committed and mad as that TWO GUN PREACHER I know in AL.. so come on America and let's do two things, get own our knees and pray ,,, and let those boots hit the ground and send those idiots to their seven virgins!!! I''ll stop for now!!!! Late on the thoughts today, for I have had to pray long on these words!! but I do not apologize for what my Lord gave me!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


THURSDAY! As the new day dawns, and we look about us and we click off our lights that we use during the night,, we think of how big and great we have become,,, to have this illumination at any time of our night! BUT, do we ever think of the light that comes on every day of our lives, with no power plant on earth to support it,, no switch to hit,, auto turn on at all times, and was there burning bright from the beginning, and given to us each day? Well have you ever thought of this? You should, for it is a gift,, just like the one your are inhaling , right now, breath, air, and all the other wonders of our God... so this morning, I think short is plenty from me , and I know all of you will agree on "me being short of words", ha!...... but let's all make plenty of words of THANKS TO OUR ONE, OUR ONLY,,,,,LIVING GOD,,, AND HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST,,OUR LIVING SAVIOR ! Now, if you agree this day, you don't have to reply to me, just reply to Him! God, thank You, for our all...amen John HIcks I hope all are as blessed as God has blessed me,, not rich in money, nor worldly goods, but so very rich in Family, Friends, and His Love! WOW! ... WHAT MORE CAN ONE WANT ?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


WEDNESDAY! NO, THAT 'S NOT CAMELS RUNNING ALL AROUND!!! IT'S CHILDREN,, GOING BACK TO SCHOOL! In my day, I would be , and this is the truth,, I would be soooo excited,, to go back and see all my classmates, and hear of all the things that had happened during the summer break! Now on the second day,, then I would say a real big UGH! MOM, YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING! UP THIS EARLY, AND WHAT? HURRY ! FOR WHAT! Yes, things sure change , and as usual for all us old , old ones, we would love to be right back there starting all over again, would we change things, you bet,, I would be better,, and not such a smart aleck...and all who knew me then, quit agreeing, Ha! KIDS! HAVE THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE, FOR IT REALLY IS!!!!! Prayer Requests: Continue prayer for Billy and Ann Franklin! For Terry Rivers, from Cheryl who has told us that Terry is in the Griffin Hospital fighting for his life... so pray that God enters there and helps this man! TODAY IS A GREAT DAY! WHY? For the Lord is hard at work , taking care of each of us, as to His plan,,, and we all who do believe, know that God is definitely ALIVE,, and LOVES each of us,, and most of all HE gives us the one thing for us to do,,,,,and that is to make THE CHOICE, OURS ALONE, AND FOR HIM, AND IF WE DO THAT, THEN THAT JUST MAKES IT BETTER...FOR CHOICE IS THE BEST GIFT GOD GAVE US,,,AND THAT CHOICE IS NOT AS YOU THINK, BUT THAT CHOICE IS ,,,,,, TO ACCEPT HIS SON, AS YOUR SAVIOR , SO YOU CAN SPEND ETERNITY WITH HIM! JESUS IS THE GIFT,, so accept Him or not, your choice! God, thank You for Jesus, and God thank you for our all! amen John HIcks Some days, it is all said simple and clear! Right?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


TUESDAY! Good Morning,, of this , another of God's great gifts to us,,, did you realize that? Each second, each minute, each day,, is a gift.. for we are not guaranteed a second! Only now, and then! So? Give thanks for your time, and ask only of His will be done, but when you ask, believe in what you ask for, for He is Truth, and only Truth! Believe in this , for He is God!!!,,, PRAYER REMINDER: Billy Franklin is being admitted at this time, please remember him now,, and through this day, and to remember Ann also, as God wraps them in His arms, and let us pray for them both! AND YES THE FLAG BLEW! I am about to tell you only a part of a "thing" that happened to me twice! Did you see the Christian Flag fly at that campus when the students prayed,, and all those other flags stood still? This made my heart beat at a faster rate, for I could just feel this, even through this picture..and made a comment of this to my wife. Now, I am a very defined person on God working so many miracles right now, these days, and even this He did in the Bible, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. Yes, things happen that we can't explain... On, Sunday afternoon, after seeing this picture, I was walking around my yard, and ventured to the front of my shop, but the back of "The Cross" Ministry garden, where you can get a free cross! Now, I have a flag pole there with a Christian Flag on it...and to the side of the yard, about 150 feet is my flag pole with Ole Glory,, and I love to watch them both fly,,only most vets would understand just how these two go together so closely. Well , to try and keep this short , which is hard to do, I felt the feeling of saying out loud, "Lord fly "my" flag, as you did in that picture",, and then ,,,NOTHING! but....then I felt the need to move to the front of the garden,,, and as I did, this feeling came over me.. and as I stood in front of the garden, looked around, and the wind was still,, I looked down with head bowed, and I prayed to my God.. then as I looked up, I saw this flag start to move, slowly, and I said to Him, yes I see it,, and Lord, I really have the faith that even with the wind still, and the little movement,,, You could move this flag , just as you did in that video that I saw!,,,, and folks, right then and there on God's green earth, that flag stood straight out, and waved with a flap that I actually could hear,, I looked in disbelief, as any would, and there was no other wind!,,,, then as quickly as it flew, it fell flat! I had seen it, and I had to stand , smile, and take a deep , deep breath,, for no matter what you think,, I saw it.... and later, as I told my wife yesterday afternoon, I invited her to visit with me to the yard and to the garden! , and I ask her to stand in front with me, and we bowed our heads, and I told her , you must pray with the faith that flag is gong to fly... and as we looked up, the same, a short movement, then as I said look, look, she saw too,, it stood out straight, and then she looked at the other flag, and stated , "Look , your other flag is still",, and it was, laying down, not moving at all, then as quick as it, the Christian flag, started, again it drooped.. the flying for the moment,,, was through! Yes, we saw it, and yes we believe you? God is good, God is Alive, and folks when you least expect it, HE WILL SHOW YOU, AND FLY YOUR FLAG ALSO! believe this story? It does not matter to either of us, for we do , with all our hearts,,, we just wanted to share with each of you, this incident of our life! God thank You, and that is all I need, is You,, God, amen John HIcks Wild things happen with God , so be careful what you ask, what you do, for it surely is being noticed,,, I do believe this, and I will each time I think of it, and each time I look at that flag or any flag!

Sunday, August 3, 2014


SUNDAY! Good morning to all this great day!!!! GOD IS GOOD! Oh yes He is,, for even when we are at our lowest, He is there looking up at us,, for HE CARES! and you can never get to low for God to come to you!!! Believe the following with all your heart,,, and with all your voice, tell it to the world!!! Yes, God is real, Heaven is Real, and Jesus is for Real what else can you comment on this day that can beat bragging on our God??? Prayer Request: Linda Runner. Linda has been sick for a while and finally was talked into going to the doctor. They did blood test and found out that her red cells were extremely low. Yesterday, as I wrote this, she is having a Bone Marrow biopsy from her spine. The cancer doctor believes that she has cancer, possibly Leukemia. She needs a lot of prayers.You might remember praying for her little girl, who had a brain tumor several years back. Prayers really . worked for that child. She was so bad off. Now she is in Junior High. God is so good.Thank you for your prayers. Don't forget , today is the day of Prayer For Israel! Please join me, and million of others who really are concerned with all those who are trying their best to destroy Her! And as we pray, let us remember, just who we do have on our side,,,and it is God...and surely not obama, nor any mulslim! (the web dictionary flashed that I spelled obama wrong, for I did not put him in as a proper noun, and should have been capped! but as I have said about satan, I only cap those who deserve it, and so far, neither of those anti-christs need it, your opinion, I am sure some have one). God , I thank You for my all, my to come all, as You will decide on, and I do pray for Israel , and this country, and all those who stand to defend her to keep Her free, amen John HIcks That's it today folks, maybe hard on some, but good on God, and to me that is all that matters, and just what matters to you?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Heaven Is Real!

SATURDAY! Let's all jump up, and never come down! Do you remember others telling you to do this as a child, and then laughing as we all tried it? Well, today, since we can't just hang ourselves up in the air,, let's all do as the church sign I saw yesterday, LET'S ALL STAND FOR GOD, and how do we all stand? FIRST, YOU START,,, by getting down on your knees!!!!! So true,,, now all together lets, not jump, but let's pray to our God this morning ,,,for this morning and all that we have,, down on your knees, then all jump up!!!!O.K.? PRAYER THANKS OF GOD'S LOVE FROM ONE TO ANOTHER: Kristie Willis, who donated one of her kidneys to her aunt! Folks, love is so unconditional... job so well done Kristie! May God continue to bless you both! Prayer Request: From Lori: A very special, God loving, wonderful man I have known for several years now has leukemia. Please give him prayers and positive thoughts! Thank you all so very much!! May God bless you all! HEAVEN IS FOR REAL! Well, I finally bought the book, saw the movie, and I ask all of you, "do you believe this young boy went to Heaven, without dying, and returned?,, still alive, and able to tell of his story?,,, not in running of hear and there screaming, I've been to Heaven, I set on Jesus' lap, I walked with Jesus, I talked to Jesus,,, NO! This young boy only told of his trip, to the ones that mattered,,, in this situation, only of the things he saw, talked about with Jesus and of things that only he could have seen from a distance up and away, and the information, was direct,, un-be-knowing of him ,and could only have come by "Divine" knowledge and sight,, and that was , I totally believe was directly from Jesus! Now, again I ask you, for your opinion, do you believe in God?,(,yes you thought I was going to say , believe that this story is true,, did you not?) But my point is this: If you believe in God, then you do know that HEAVEN IS FOR REAL!!!! No doubt in my mind at all! and even thought I believe in this boy, I knew Heaven was for real, even before this story! You? God, thank You for this story, released to all and for us to show our belief even more, of You, and all of Your miracles that occur right in front of our eyes,, as we just don't open them to You,, I pray that we do,, now open and see You,,amen John HIcks Yes, I believe in these things of God,, and why is it so hard for us to believe in them also,,for we beleive almost every tale we are told by those "tale toters"" from all over! Right? Have a great day,, and may you see a miracle today,, oh yes,, you can,, just look in the mirror, and you will have just see one!

Friday, August 1, 2014


FRIDAY! Hi to all this great day! Why is this day soooo great, for my God gave it to me, and to you, and IT IS FREE, NO CHARGE!!! Now , tell me, is this not a great way to wake up and start your day? Better than "black friday" ,, right? Have a great day, and oh yes, DON'T FORGET TO TELL GOD , "THANK YOU"! Prayer Request from me: For Charles Maddox who is in the hospital with heart problems, please pray for God to hover over Him and cure his aliments, if it is His will. Thanks to all for your prayers! August 3 has been mentioned as a day for everyone to pray for Israel and America. 9am ad 9 pm for everybody to collectively pray . We also think every hour would be good . If you agree , please pass the idea on to your friends,,, and please pray hard. CEASE FIRE! This usually means in a war, or any shoot out... to stop firing,,, talk, and try for peace! To the Hamas, it is a loud cry to revamp, look to see who they can fire a missile on some unsuspecting people, set up a charge to kill Israelites by invasion through the tunnels that no one on the Gaza Strip has been able to see the digging of these tunnels!(can you believe this?) and hey are firing missiles from building all over the strip, and digging these tunnels of an engineers dream build,, so they must be invisible,, no one can see them there on the Strip, and they can't hear the warning from Israel that they are going to fire into these muzzle flashes in self defense, find these tunnels and blow them up,,, and yet cry out of how bad Israel is, (and I also can not stand to see these little ones being hurt or killed,,but it is the Hamas who hold these people as their shields, and it is these same people who must stand up also for their own freedom from the Hamas),, that Israel is wrong!,, BUT, if Israel does not retaliate, then they the Hamas will fire missiles, and then invade Israel and kill all there,,, then on to the USA...AND FOLKS THIS IS TRUTH, FOR THEY HAVE SWORN TO THIS!!!! Now, does this seem that today, I am standing against the Hamas, and for Israel, then , pardon the words, the expression,, YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT I AM.... FOR IT IS TIME FOR SOMEONE TO PRAY FOR HER DEFENSE, AND IF I COULD GET OVER THERE I WOULD DEFEND HER JUST AS I WOULD AND HAVE DEFENDED THIS COUNTRY...If you are offended with these thoughts this day, TOUGH , for I believe in God, and I believe that we are Israels extra defense, and our "leader", and or leaders,, need to get off their butts, and use their tongues in defense of Israel , with this,,, the sounding of the USA'S trumpet,,, HAMAS STOP OR WE ARE GOING TO PUT "BOOTS ON THE GROUND BESIDE ISRAEL, AND DEFEND HER BORDER TO THE DEATH! SO STAND SOWN, NOW! God, please help, and protect these people of Yours, and please let all of us, support them also, in words , physical action, or what ever You show us to do! amen John HIcks On a soapbox for God's chosen land? You bet I am, and I do not appolized for it, but I stand first as a Christian , under the command of my God, and also a citizen of the USA, in which we are sworn to protect the right, and Israel is the "right"! Any comments,, I would like to hear them!