Friday, August 1, 2014


FRIDAY! Hi to all this great day! Why is this day soooo great, for my God gave it to me, and to you, and IT IS FREE, NO CHARGE!!! Now , tell me, is this not a great way to wake up and start your day? Better than "black friday" ,, right? Have a great day, and oh yes, DON'T FORGET TO TELL GOD , "THANK YOU"! Prayer Request from me: For Charles Maddox who is in the hospital with heart problems, please pray for God to hover over Him and cure his aliments, if it is His will. Thanks to all for your prayers! August 3 has been mentioned as a day for everyone to pray for Israel and America. 9am ad 9 pm for everybody to collectively pray . We also think every hour would be good . If you agree , please pass the idea on to your friends,,, and please pray hard. CEASE FIRE! This usually means in a war, or any shoot out... to stop firing,,, talk, and try for peace! To the Hamas, it is a loud cry to revamp, look to see who they can fire a missile on some unsuspecting people, set up a charge to kill Israelites by invasion through the tunnels that no one on the Gaza Strip has been able to see the digging of these tunnels!(can you believe this?) and hey are firing missiles from building all over the strip, and digging these tunnels of an engineers dream build,, so they must be invisible,, no one can see them there on the Strip, and they can't hear the warning from Israel that they are going to fire into these muzzle flashes in self defense, find these tunnels and blow them up,,, and yet cry out of how bad Israel is, (and I also can not stand to see these little ones being hurt or killed,,but it is the Hamas who hold these people as their shields, and it is these same people who must stand up also for their own freedom from the Hamas),, that Israel is wrong!,, BUT, if Israel does not retaliate, then they the Hamas will fire missiles, and then invade Israel and kill all there,,, then on to the USA...AND FOLKS THIS IS TRUTH, FOR THEY HAVE SWORN TO THIS!!!! Now, does this seem that today, I am standing against the Hamas, and for Israel, then , pardon the words, the expression,, YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT I AM.... FOR IT IS TIME FOR SOMEONE TO PRAY FOR HER DEFENSE, AND IF I COULD GET OVER THERE I WOULD DEFEND HER JUST AS I WOULD AND HAVE DEFENDED THIS COUNTRY...If you are offended with these thoughts this day, TOUGH , for I believe in God, and I believe that we are Israels extra defense, and our "leader", and or leaders,, need to get off their butts, and use their tongues in defense of Israel , with this,,, the sounding of the USA'S trumpet,,, HAMAS STOP OR WE ARE GOING TO PUT "BOOTS ON THE GROUND BESIDE ISRAEL, AND DEFEND HER BORDER TO THE DEATH! SO STAND SOWN, NOW! God, please help, and protect these people of Yours, and please let all of us, support them also, in words , physical action, or what ever You show us to do! amen John HIcks On a soapbox for God's chosen land? You bet I am, and I do not appolized for it, but I stand first as a Christian , under the command of my God, and also a citizen of the USA, in which we are sworn to protect the right, and Israel is the "right"! Any comments,, I would like to hear them!

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