Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Tuesday! I hope all fared the three day week-end! We did, and thank God for the memories of our hero's who died for us, and to remember all those who have worn the uniform, and still wear it today.. may God continue to bless these United States of America, and shed His blessing on all in it.


Are you ready? To join the army, the army of God? There are no age limits, men, women, children, all are welcome to join, He takes all that are willing. You join on faith, you march to only His drum, you live by His rules, and your cadence is His word.
One other thing, no matter what your feeling on weapons, you do have to carry a gun,,,,,,,it is high caliber, and has a really big bang, it is better known as
"THE GOSPEL GUN" ,,,,when fired, satan and all of his workers will run for cover , for they do not want to be hit by this gun, and also our General(GOD) has a power bigger than any we can imagine, power over all the seasons, wind, rain, sun, and all living creatures!!!!!! He has the power bigger than any nuclear bomb , it is called fire and brimstone..... It is the most powerful army you or I can ever imagine, so why don't you listen to your recruiter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jesus,,,,, and come and join


Thank you Lord for the chance to join you, and to serve you ,,,, amen

John HIcks
In step with the rest of the gospel soldiers and a cross as my weapon,,,,,,the symbol of our freedom, bigger than any flag or any country,, the symbol of the greatest of greats.. our God and His Son , who heads our army, and our saving power and our freedom from sin

Monday, May 30, 2011


Monday,,, Memorial Day! I hope all of you have a good day off, enjoy it the way you want to,, just do one thing,,,when you pass a lowered flag,, take a deep breath of a thank you.. for the ones who gave it all for our freedom.. when you pass a person in uniform,, smile at them, and say out loud to them, thank you,,, for my freedom.. and when you pass the old guy or woman who has their chest standing out just a little more than usual today,, you smile at them real big, for they have been there,, also,, and maybe it is just a young person with that chest out, but believe me, you can tell, Happy Memorial Day to all those, before, now , and will in our future....

My Thoughts today is only about the above,, a real big




John HIcks

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sunday- Welcome to the sabbath day! May all have a great and blessed day, and thank your God for it!


Blinds are used in most of our windows to keep the sun out, to hide or keep private what we are doing in our houses, or offices. We open these blinds when we want to let a little light in, or if we hear something, and we don't want to go outside to see what the noise or disturbance is, then we crack the blinds and look out , whether light or dark..these blinds are our hideout,,, just as if we are in a "duck blind" all the time of our waking time of life... We can not let the outside come toward us as we hide in our "blind",, and that way we don't have to make decisions,, like,, are we doing what we should or are we doing things that are sinful, and that is why we wear these portable blinds of life that surround us as we go through this life. This way, we can do as we please and no one can see nor hear what is going on in our life...
Are we doing this with our God? Closing the blinds, and opening them only when we need,, or we think we need to peep at the little tap, tap on our closed blinds(our spiritual eyes) that we hear when our conscience's is working as it should? Yes, that tap, tap may save your life.. yes save your life, for one thing you may not realize, even though you keep the blinds of this life shut against God,,,and not letting Jesus into your life.. is that when we all go to stand in Judgment , in front of God,, that book of life , will be opened and there will be no blinds to cover it,, it will be on big screen and a plainer and truer picture, you have never seen... so why not reach for that little rope that keeps these blinds closed,,,and pull,, open them now..saving your life from hell,, having trouble? Ask Jesus,,, He will pull with you, and then you will realize how bright and good this life is,,, with Jesus pulling with you,,, and opening those spiritual blinds,, Gods sunshine will flow in ,,and you can see Jesus for the first time...so go ahead ,, pull, pull that rope and open

those blinds of glory!

God, thank You for Jesus , who can come into our life, and open our souls to You, and then save us from all sins, and give us life eternal with an open life.. amen

John HIcks
I had my blinds closed for a long time, and I still squint at the great light I see from my God , that shines into my heart each minute of each day.... Do you enjoy the light that shines in on your face, or are you still without Jesus, and are still getting "sin-burn"? Let Jesus in, and you have the best anti "sin-burn" made , and it is "made in Heaven".

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Saturday- Welcome week/end,, now to get out and make a great day out of this first day... how? First ,by taking Him with me in all I do.. who will you first invite,, and who will you really take with you on this adventure of life?

Prayer Request Reports: Christy is at home,, will have further diagnostics.. but so much better.
Little Jacob,, O.K. to get out, rip , run, have fun,, heart is fine..


I have always been told that if you leave clothes hanging out in the sun, they will fade.. well today I will do a little judging, and it will include myself... I really think that we have a lot of Christians who have been out in the sun too long, for I see this country fading from Christian to satan and his sinful ways... more on satans fun and games,, and letting the real fun,, the excitement of Christ fall from the clothes line , faded and losing its glow..
Folks, God will not allow this to happen for very long,, He is sending the signs of our times.. so lets. open our eyes , just a little wider, climb down off the clothes line, and get in the shade, and give a little back to God, and stand up for Him, and quit letting the officials of sin trying to re-hang us all... right back on the line,, after a good dosing of sin,, call out to Jesus, He will shield you from this sin ,, remember , He is the shade!
Let's us the no fade detergent in our washes of life,,that is the blood of Jesus Christ and let's all of us stand on our soap boxes and be heard and seen... come on folks ,, step out of the fading light of sin and be color-ful,, not faded and lost! Grab hold of Jesus Christ, and

watch the color come back!

God, I ask for all to come to the Son, Jesus, and be saved and glow like new money! amen

John HIcks
Yes, I have to come to the cross again and again, to get that glow,, just like going to table to eat,, my fuel is the cross and Jesus Christ.. what do you power up on?

Friday, May 27, 2011


FRIDAY! Yes, the W/E is at hand! Now the big question,, the W/E is at hand ,but do you have it in hand,,and have you included Him in your W/E plans.. He is , as always, packed and ready to go.. all He needs is an invitation from you,, that is,, if you are going, and doing what will please Him,, or maybe you have other plans?

Prayer Request: Pray for Jacob Moore, who is going for Pediatric Cardiologist examination today.. pray for great results..


Tenth part of income paid as contribution to the church. Do you "tithe"? People tithe different ways, some give 10% of the gross income, some give 10% of the net income, some give less and some give more. The words to really explain "Tithe" , should be , a gift from the heart to God. If you only have a penny, and you give it to God, you have given your all. That is what God is looking at, not the amount, but the heart that gives it. Have you truly given God a part of your heart? Not only money, but the heart , soul, and person. Don't think 10% of the soul, think 100% of your soul.(think eternity with God). Don't let satan get your "soul tithe" ,by not accepting Jesus as your Savior, just bow your head and ask, "Jesus,, accept me",, "I have accepted you , in my heart". That is all!!! You have made the best "tithe" a person can make, you have just gave your soul, you have truly


Lord, thank You for accepting our small token of money,, but all of our soul... we give so little, You gave us back Your all,, Your Son.. thank You ,,, amen

John HIcks
I can give and give, but cannot give as much as my God.. but what I give , is not the amount , but the spirit in which it is given,, how do you give, by the amount or the spirit?

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Thursday- Who did you wake up with? Is it someone you don't mind sharing their name with all? I hope the main name is Jesus! He can open your eyes at any time, day or night. right?

Prayer Request: For Jacob Moore,, our little neighbor , son of Shane, and Katy Moore,,who had a check up for tonsillitis, and they discovered a heart murmur.. He is scheduled to see a cardiologist for complete diagnosis.. pray for good results.. He and twin brother Jackson are precious, for we see them running and playing and having the best of times across from our house! Pray for him and the compleete family!


Deeds Left: these will be the ones that all left here on earth that people will judge you by, and will remember you by. We all want these deeds to be things of good to be remembered of , things we don't mind people discussing out in the open... of course there will be some things that will be mentioned ,, things that we don't really want people to remember,, but it will do no harm nor good.. for you have done your thing , the thing called "life" here to be judged as the jury of ones left will judge,, no use to worry about these deeds , for they are for the living.. you can do no more.. to change them!

Deeds Forwarded: Now these are the deeds you want to be the front runner of deeds... the ones that will be real,, and judged for the big haul ,, the haul through eternity,, and brother and sister,, this is forever, and ever,, there is no end! You will have not multiple judges, but only one.. and God will stand you,,, before Him , in front of the Throne,, and will give you your final judgment,, that of staying, or dropping into the pits of hell.. These are the deeds you must account for ,, for life eternal.. and the one who will stand there with you.. and getting you past this judgment,, for no one goes by the judgment without Jesus by your side.. so ,,, first, let the first deed you do , is accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, and go forward with no worry of deeds, for He is your best deed ever..



Lord,,, May we all jump to the task of asking Jesus to be by our side through this life, and be by our side at the judgment with You.. amen

John HIcks

I make Jesus my side-kick each second of each day... how about you , have you set your clock of life with the deed to take with you? Your choice and what a choice , right, well , go ahead and make it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Wednesday- Yes, it is the ole "hump" day of the week for the workers, for all of us retired, as usual,, I have to say,, well what will I do today? But workers, keep working,, it is great to retire , but take your time, and it will come, in time... slide up to the top and slide down, slowly, enjoy the slide,, but slide with Jesus at your side, and your slide will be smooth and perfect, from start to finish, for He is the "slide", and the "perfect"!

Prayer Request: For the family of Doris Birdwell, who passed away yesterday.. she is the sister of Walter Boyt, one of our friends here.
Update on Christy: Hallelujah,, she ate solid food! A feat in its' own.. may God continue to bless her, and folks, keep the prayer line open and in use.. it is not a slam dunk yet, but better , and better is good!


Websters definition of the word, friend: A personal, close companion. a noun.
We all have friends,, but are they based on the definition by Webster? I think some are and some are not, some are a noun, that is they are something, and some are a verb.. on the move to anywhere directed to make a good sentence. This word is slung around loosely, just like the saying, I am a Christian. Both of these have to be defined , not by Webster, but by ones-self! Yes , by you! You are the one who says the words, and you are the one who is , not by word , but by actions, you own actions, and these actions will actually tell the truth. Some are the greatest of actors,, and yet some are so real,, true to themselves,, they are both ,, friend and Christian.. a combination of great feat.. one we all must seek.. for we can be friends to others, and Christian to ourselves.. be both , then you definitely have and are with the one and the only one who is really a true friend, and will never falter under any kind of pressure, but cover you with that friendship,,that He calls love.. and this friends name is Jesus.. and we can call and receive Him as our Friend any time, but now is better than later..
Now , after all of this rambling,, are you true friends with those you claim,, and folks that takes , just as Jesus does.. love, much love.. and long lasting with each of those friends.. for today, and I have before,, I claim all who reads this ,, as a friend, and whether you claim me, or not, I claim you,, with love and the sharing of my Savior,, both, for one with the other is none existences,, so come on be my


God , today I thank You for my friends , for I do have dear, dear friends, and thank You for my best of best friend, Jesus.
Lord, I Pray for Your compassion on Joplin , Mo, and that You will touch this forsaken, torn up land, and help all there,, take and hold them in your arms.. amen

John HIcks

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Tuesday: Get up, and give a shout,, no matter someone will hear you, for we need for them to hear.. shout it out,, praise the Lord , from which it all comes,, praise the Lord for this day, and all in it!


What is a foot-hold? It is something that a person can stand on and be secure,,,it can be climbing a mountain, a tree, a rope, or in the water...something you can comfortably stand on and know you are safe.
Have you ever been swimming, and get in the deep part, get a little tired,,, feet are far from the bottom,, If you touch it , your head will be under water, you will not be able to breath. You quickly swim to the side, grab hold with your arms or you swim to shallow water, put your feet down for that " foothold"...If you are in a lake or a stream, and this happens you look for that "foothold",,,quickly,,,so you don't drown....this "foot-hold" becomes the most important thing,,, the center of your life, for without it, your are lost,,dead!
How about when we are walking in the deep sea of sin? We walk, and we are constantly going into deeper,,deeper sin,,,we are going over our head and it spells sure death,,,,we are looking feverishly for that "foot-hold" of salvation and life!!! Reach your foot out ,, you just can't find a foot-hold, it seems as if it is close , but just out of reach,,, then you raise your head toward the heavens, cry out with a scream,Lord, Lord, help, me , forgive me of my sins,,, I want you, and I accept you as my Lord of Redemption and Salvation,,I give you my all,,,please accept me into your fold,,,save me,,,save me,,,,all of a sudden!! You feel the solid pressure on your foot as you become stable , no more sinking,,,but the feeling of rising above this sea of sin and satan....yes,,,He answers just that quick, for He is watching and waiting to pull you to safety.....yes,,, you have just found,,, the




Lord, thank you for holding us all in the palm of your hand and keeping us up and out of the sea of sin...amen

John HIcks
Holding to my permanent "foot-hold" of the Cross,,,and to the one who paid for my sins,,,Want to hold on with me,,,,looking for that foothold,,just ask Him ,,,He is waiting and wants to give it to you!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Monday- How was your week-end? I know,,,,, some good, some just o.k., some great, and some bad! Stop and think,, even the worse is not as bad as some third world countries.. maybe we need to be on our knees, for are we not on a trend to there, ourselves, whata you think?

Prayer Request: Christy Hicks, thanks for the prayers, and please continue to pray lots for Christy,, she had a fair day yesterday, but people , we need to pray more and more and ask God to have mercy on one of His biggest workers.
Steve Maguire,, pray that he continues to improve.


This question is one that only individuals can answer.. we all profess that we are Christians, we act like Christians, we talk like Christians.. we are perceived as Christians, BUT ,, are we truly Christians? Can we actually stop and say, yes, we have accepted Jesus, we are sin-free,, we have treated our fellow man with brotherhood,, and we have not told any false wittiness , nor turned our "high heads" away from any of our fellow humans... (we use to be able to just say man, but now , this tends to offend some, so on with the trend)... Really, how have you lived this past 24 hours.. have we lived those 24 hours as Christians, with faith in Him and relying on all, from Him,, by following His guide lines set up in His book of instructions, the Bible,, oh yes, did we all read from it in the last 24 hours?
O.K., enough,,, just answer the question, are we Christians, to the letter, or are have we


Lord, I ask Your forgiveness in my straying plenty of times, and I thank You for this forgiveness and the taking me back under that wing, that I never really lost my place under. I ask that all strayed,,, will confess by their lips unto You, and hang out under that precious protective wing, just as I do. amen

John HIcks
Never perfect,, always having to re-request the forgiveness of my many sins, for ,yes we are all human, so don't try to be perfect , just be as God wants you to be , honest, loyal to Him, and all your love to Him, and enjoy this great gift of two things, this world, and His Son, Jesus, by the way,,, do you know this Son?

NOTE: To show some how God works, I had this great presentation of being "stray" written to the words of reference to a cat vs us in the back alleys,,, after writing the words "Are we astray",, the words came a little different, so don't you be surprised if you decide on something you want, and you thought up,,is not changed, and you really don't realize it , until it is done.. Faith, He is always here and tlaking to you and me!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Sunday- The Lord's day! You get six, why not give Him back just one.. Wow , do we have a deal of a life time! We get six to one! Can't beat that!

Prayer Request: Continue the prayers for Christy.


Life is a gamble ,, if you don't believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior!
Believe in God, Accept Jesus, and then you can throw away the dice, and live the life that God has given you!! You will receive the abundance that God wants you to have, with the faith in Him,, you will become


Lord, let all who read this , accept You,, and Your Son,, and be Sin free,,, with no gamble what-so-ever,,, . Forgive us all of our many sins, and those who have sinned against us . amen(be it so)

John HIcks
A non-gambler for quite a while,,, how about you, still rolling those dice of chance? Throw them out, and ask Jesus in,, become a non-gambler with me.. will you?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Today's Word

Saturday: Good morning this great Gods' day!,,,,, May you leave foot steps along your path of this life,, worth that,,, of another walking in them!

Prayer Today: Update on Tina Turner,, home, able to attend her little class' graduation, she looked good, and said she felt good... praise God, from where all healing comes...
VERY , VERY URGENT PRAYER VISUAL! My niece, Christy Hicks is having a really rough time in the hospital.. she is suffering from a colon problem,, and she is fighting this thing with all her heart and soul.. and she never doubts God,, Her and Paul have 2 wonderful young children,, Paul is a pastor,,, they have done all for Him,, and yet with all they have endured, they still stand with heads up high for God,, before themselves.. I ask , as we all have done before, go to God in prayer , multiple times,, ask Him to have mercy on this young lady,, and heal her , first for His glory, and for the continuance of her ministry of Him.. Prayer works,, and with an army of pray warriors,, God will listen, please start now.... thank you all....

Today's Word!

Humble yourselves, for you never know when this humility will be called forth, and in front of our Lord.. for satan works harder , if possible each and every second of each day.. he wants us so bad, and as long as we stand with the faith and love and acceptance of Jesus Christ, he cannot and will not penetrate our souls.. but let that guard and faith down,, just a little tiny crack, and in he comes... yes , he is a fierce solider,, but can be defeated over and over, by God,,, so call on God as your protector and soul guardian...
Just call out,, Jesus is right beside you,, waiting,, yes, just tenderly waiting on us all.. how about it? Call out today!

Lord, thank You for all we have, & we have an abundance,, and I ask that You give Your all to Christy, and Lord , I ask that You go inside of her and heal her completely, if it is Your will, and I pray, that it is.. amen

John HIcks, I will be in prayer today, for Christy,,, please join me,, and step by step,, give a word to God for her..... and I pray for His will to be done.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Friday- TGED- Remember that each week, starting Monday, you wish for Friday,, you let five days slide by without a thought, except the weekend.. so remember, that it is God who brought you this far, and it is God who will take you on... to where you decide,, yes you! Cherish His gift, each and every day!

Prayer Request: From me to you,,,, I ask that all pray that God will forgive this nation and this world of its' sins.. and spare us from His wrath, but at the same time, I pray that we all will finally understand that we are a nation deep in sin, and we need to pray very hard for us all!


Something I haven't wrote in quite a while,, but needs to be reviewed , and reviewed by all,, no one is exempt on this one.. for it is a question of the CHOICE, that God gave you, and me.. so now here it is.. and don't treat it lightly, for the CHOICE is forever, not just a smile and then go do what God frowns on.. and that is called SIN... now


God, I pray that all will choose You,,, and the up direction.. amen

John HIcks
I made the choice, UP, and I ask for all to follow the same choice,, Jesus is my choice! Who is yours? Make one or the other , both are free,, but you might not want the one down, if you research the end of that choice!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Thursday- Today is on of Gods' gifts to you, another day to get out and enjoy His world.. yes, and don't forget, "His World", we are just borrowing it!

Prayer Request: Continue to keep Christy Hicks in your daily prayers...pray for her complete recovery.


That is what a captain will turn and say to his man at the controls on a sub-marine, when he is ready for that vessel to go to a destination of importance, very quick! The sub then is rolling through the deep water at a reckless speed with only a sonar/radar to guide them. The captain has all his faith on this sonar/radar, and all the lives of his men are at stake with this man leading them!
How about you? When you set sail through the dark waters of life,,, with your life at stake , what and who do you use for your guide,,, where is your faith,,,, what sonar/radar do you use....how do you keep collision away????
There is only one way,,, get on the "sub" of God,,with His captain,, from the Cross,,, Jesus, the ultimate sonar of life!!!
He will turn the light on in the dark waters, and you will be able to see clearly, and guide you through life without hitting all the perils of sin,,, and He will keep your life and soul close to His heart, He will write your name in the Captains Journal of Life,,, He will take you with Him, on all journeys of life and eternity,
So why are you waiting,, go ahead and jump on board,(by the way, you can recognize the "sub", it looks just like a cross) and cry out to Him,,, I want to join your crew, please accept me on board with you,, I accept You as my Captain of Life,, so take me and let's go



God, thank you for the captain of my ship, Your Son, and I pray that all who reads this will call on Him,,, accept Him and jump on board, for the ride of their life. amen

John HIcks
On the sub of life,, with the Man, Jesus. Want to ride with us....Jump on,,, He turns no one away!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Well ,,,, Wednesday,,,,the ole hump day,,,, your are on top of the week,,, looking for the W/E,,,, now you head downhill from the hump to Friday,,,, just think,,, each week you do this,,, so stop,,, thank God for the job,,,, pray we keep them,,, don't rush through this life ,,, it travels fast enough as you get older,,, but for the young,,, it is like a snail,,,, going so slow,,, for the worker,,, same as the young,,, except for Friday through Sunday,,, then it is like a jet at warp speed,,, right? For the retired,,, Wednesday,,,Friday,,, Monday,,, what the heck which day,,,they are all good days,,, ha! All have a great Gods' day!!!


We all want a raise,,, in pay,, in praise,,, in recognition,,,,any kind of raise(or attention) we can get! Right? Just short and sweet today,,,
I know someone who also wants a raise ,,,, really bad ,,, and that is God,,,, He wants us all to raise ourselves off our butts,,, and stand up for Him,,, work for Him,,, recognize Him,,,, and quite letting those few take Him out of our schools,,, government,,, work,,,everyday lives. The only way He is taken out of these areas ,,,is because we have taken Him out of our lives,,, so come on,,, me included,,, let's get off our

BUTTS,,, &


Lord,,, I pray that you will forgive us all for not standing as tall as we can for You,,, give us the lift, and give us the strength to stand as tall as the Cross that Your Son hung and died on for us all,,, amen

John HIcks
I am standing ,,,, and I am reaching higher,,, and higher ,,,, will you reach with me,,, do not be ashamed to bring up His name in your daily tasks,,,, people who respond,,, are with you,,,, those who do not,,, need you and God.... How about it,,,,, sit,,,,,,, or raise up?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Tuesday-Good morning, welcome to a great one of Gods' days! As you breath, you are doing one of Gods' works in process.. this one built in. Oxygen, is made for you by plants, and your exhaust breath, is made for plants... What a wonderful thing God has given us, breath air to live by, breathing out air to plants, so we may eat from them , and live.. Now , give God something back, love, faith, and follow His rules and plans. Now that is not much, for what He just gave you ,, right,, o.k.,,o.k. relax now,,, and "breath deep"


"Help me , I've fallen, and I can't get up!" This is no laughing matter for an older person who lives alone... they do fall, or get in a predicament of not being able to move , or that they indeed have fallen, broken something, and need help.. so that is why the commercial, of the "fast alert" system for old people. It would not hurt for any live alone people to wear one also.. Who knows when you might also fall, and not have your cell phone close,, (but that is not likely for this age..), but it could happen, and you would need to punch in a button to tell someone , "come quick,, help me , I 've fallen and I can't get up"!
Now, for my interpretation of what we all need, and I am sure all of you knew this was coming! We all have fallen in our life time, and seems like we just can't get up,, and I mean not physically fallen, but spiritually fallen , and fell flat on our face... we are , when we have fallen, so deep in sin, that we begin actually liking it, and not realizing we were going deeper and deeper into the pits of hell.. building ourselves into eternal firewood for satan, as we live , day , by day! Yes , you can get to that point, where you live deep in sin, and live it 24/7. You don't know what to do with out the drink, the dope, the cursing, the falsehood, the back biting, the gossiping, the turning on brother against brother, sister, & parents and other love ones.. Yes , it turns into a way of life, and that is what satan wants you to do.. live to go straight to hell, and do not pass by God... yes , now the stop sign of sin has appeared,, God! Now , how do you get back from life of sin? You accept your saving button that is there with you,, How do you punch this button? You use your voice, just call out , Jesus, help me , I have fallen into sin, and I can not get out.. please help me! Now, you have just pressed the saving , the picking you up button , the strength to stand , and be counted, now a Christian... yes you have the one thing that you can wear for the rest of your life,, and never wear out.. and will keep you from being firewood, so if you have fallen into that pit of sin, and can not get up... call out,, listen for Jesus is there whispering to you already,, so call, and He will come.. call out,, Jesus come save me, I want and I accept you as my Savior,,, He will come, then go talk to your preacher, your deacons, or any Christian, and find the rest of the way....Jesus will be by your side, and never let you fall to


God , I pray that all who are living in sin today, will call out to You and to Your Son, Jesus, and ask for deliverance from satan and all he stands for, and that You will grab their hands, and never let go, as You have me pulled me up, and held my hand. amen

John HIcks
Past, present, if you call out to Jesus to save you , He will come to your rescue, and He will be your button of life from then on, on duty 24/7 to stop satan in his tracks, keep you lifted up through this life and eternity,, why would you not call to the Savior who can deliver you from fire and agony throughout now and eternity,, call,, make the choice of life and not the choice of death by fire.. your choice,, make it now...

Monday, May 16, 2011


Monday-As you crawl out of bed this morning,, reach and grab Jesus' hand.. you did not know He has been there all the time? Just watching over you? That is why you can sleep, for He not only watches, He cares! Have a great day, you two!

Prayer Request: Pray that my niece, Christy Hicks, that she will continue to stay well , for she and husband are two real workers for God, and both beam with the works they do, for them , it is not work, it is pleasure, so pray for Christy, Paul, and family's wellness.


I turned in a flash! I was trembling, for I had never heard this before! I had been told of it, but never actually heard it.. it was a trumpet, no but then it was like thunder I had never known, or is a wisp, a sound so unique,, an orchestra, a choir,,!!! oh my!!!, oh my!!!,, IT IS!!!, IT IS!!!,, as I fall to my knees,, am I prepared,,, is running through my mind,,, I have had the chance to prepare,,, but,, but.............. am I prepared, really prepared?
For I was walking to the west when I heard this noise of noises, from behind me, and yes, I turned my head and body to the "EAST"!


To run now,,, to accept him now, is not even in the equation! Judgment is at hand!
Are you prepared? This can happen in the twinkling of an eye, the whisper of a candle's flame going out... prepared? It is our choice, given from the Heart of our Maker to us, to be made by us and only us!

God, thank You for Jesus, and the chance to prepare for coming to You and the coming of Your Son , back here to rule over this world,, and to carry Yours , to You,, amen

John HIcks
Not trying to scare, but to prepare.. ARE YOU READY? That is my concern,,, make the choice, God gave you the choice and the one,, Jesus for your salvation. so please accept,, only you can do this!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sunday- His day , after a week of it, God decided to just set down and rest, after building all the world in just 6 days,,, and we complain of what we have to do in six days! We are pitiful!


We are trying to build a peaceful world, but there is no peace within people's hearts. We cannot build a new world on the old, unregenerate hearts of people. The new world will come about only when Jesus Christ, King of kings, Lord of lords, reigns supreme. He is the "Prince of Peace," according to Isaiah 9:6.

The sigh of insecurity and the shouts of revolution heard across the world are perhaps the death rattle of an era in civilization, perhaps civilization as we have known it. We are reaching the human impasse. On the human level we are facing total crisis.

It is God's turn to act, and Scripture promises that He will act dramatically. He will send His Son Jesus Christ back to this Earth. He is the Lord of history. Nothing is taking God by surprise. Events are moving rapidly toward some sort of climax, but it will be according to God's time when Jesus Christ returns to be rightful Ruler of the world. But before that time comes, God wants to rule in your heart. He has sent Jesus Christ into the world to be the Ruler of your heart. The Bible says that "sin shall not have dominion over you" (Romans 6:14) if Jesus Christ is in your heart as Lord and Master.

Toady's thoughts by Billy Graham, I hope you enjoy them, for I believe just as he does. Events are moving rapidly.. unless people change, and become real Christians, and not hypocrites, the change will even get more rapid.. My belief, and the times of my era, you must have yours!

Lord, thank You for all the blessings You have given me, and all those times you have forgiven this world, and let it continue to exist. amen

John HIcks

Science fiction, or not,, what we see, over the years have seemed to materialized.. may God have mercy on us, if this be the case of what I see, and hear.. bending knees, is the only exercise that will lose the fat of sin!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Saturday: Alright, I know it's Saturday, and the w/e, but at least turn over in the bed,, now that's better!

Today's Big Question? Where can we put our hatred,, while we say our prayers?


Reality,, is that you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior to enter into Heaven ,, and stay there,,
Storybook,,, is to walk through life , living as you want to, and expect to go to Heaven anyway.. and you will,, it is just that without the "reality",, you just won't be able to stay there....

Now which on will it be?


Lord, thank you for giving us the ability to see the difference in the two, and my prayer today is , forgive us all, and direct all to "reality". amen

John HIcks
Not much on fiction and storybook, just reality and the way past history is laid down,, I want the now, and the future , for all ,, is to be with God , forever, and ever... your choice!

Drums beating!

Friday-TGIF-Yes,, Friday the 13th! Are you superstitious? I say, I am not, but watch certain things,, Ha! This Friday is made by God, and folks , He is alive, and well, and He is no superstition,, He is real, and He is God Almighty over all creations, I believe and I tell you , you had better get on that band wagon and start waving that hand also.. want a ride with Him, on this Friday, the 13th?

A drum beating, is only sounding because someone has a stick, and is beating on it,, for without the brain telling the arm to swing the stick , the drum would be silent!
This saying goes with the sound of God from within us all, if our brain does not tell us of the love and truth of God ,then our mouth would not be testifying of the good and saving power of God Almighty.
Also,,, the brain does the same thing with satan! Yes, it does..
Difference of why one vs the other? God is over all creations, all who walks this earth and commands all the Universe... but He gave us that Choice of our own Will!... You see , which one you choose , is the one the brain has to do! Now , who is in charge of your brain, and where does that power come from.. yes, God gives you and I the power of choice! Can you hear your drum beat? Which one will you dance with, for this dance of life, there can be only two dancing! God and you or satan and you,


Choice is yours, and yours alone!

I ask this prayer today and every day, God, give the ones who are dancing with satan, the sign from You , that they can see , and will turn and ask you for this dance , for I know God, this is the only dance in town. amen

John HIcks
Choice made,, how about you,, can you hear God asking you,, wanna dance with me? Well?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Today , is yours!

Thursday- A beautiful day, given to us, from God and His mercy! We have His promises to us, on this life to live by, and the faith that when we carry them out, we will be given the gift of life, eternity!

Today, is yours!

What a statement, and a statement of truth to you , more than any you will receive today. "today is yours",,, yes, it is your life, & the decisions of how you are going to live this day, and the future. You will live it with God or you will live it without! Bold statement, but it is the truth. You , if you have never received Jesus as your personal savior, then you are sliding downhill to a burning inferno,, a hole of burning souls who also did not make the decision to be God's and give their all to Him. The choice may not be your first time, and you may have already gone to the Cross of Salvation, but want to re-dedicate your life and soul to Him, maybe you have strayed to the wrong road,,back -slid of sorts, if so, re-come, He is always open to forgiveness.. so in either case,, today is your day, so go ahead, make your decision, God or satan! I pray you will look at the future, and not the "fun of the day" kind of thing, but the all to serious thing,, your life , now, and in the future, to the end and beyond.. for your decision of this day is yours and yours alone.. so go ahead and make it.. & remember God gave you this life, and your freedom of choice, not satan,, now which way will you point your feet?


and whoever you choose to go through life,, with!

God, My prayer today is, that all will come to you on bended knees, calling out Your name, and accepting Your Son as their personal Savior, amen

John HIcks
I have to push satan out, not each day, but all the minutes of each day, for he never ceases to walk , ride, play, eat, sleep... right next to you, always trying to just grab hold of a small thread to hang on to.. but by talking to my Lord and having the faith of His salvation, that thread is broken also,, nothing for satan to hold on to,,,,, as long as I have the faith and trust of my Jesus Christ! Now what , who are you holding on to,,,today?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Welcome to Wednesday,,, Downhill roll for the rest of the week,,, just watch where you roll!!!


AMEN: be it so.

We all end our prayers with this word. We use it as an explanation of our prayers, be it so .
It is one of the most used words in our language on a daily basis.
I wonder if that means we pray,, more than we talk about other things?
Even though we use it more than any other word or words,, does it mean we are using
it for the real reason,, a salute to God , of asking,, of being so, at the end of prayers, I pray we do!


Lord, thank you for all we have,,,, be it so. (amen)

John HIcks
I use it often,,,,,, do you?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tuesday- Good morning this great and good Gods' day! The one whom you can grab each and every day,, and never tire of the love given, taken, on both sides. so squeeze real hard, for He likes it that way! Really.. just ask! or don't you talk to Him!


Definition: a source of annoyance!

There is ,in this world , to you, one nuisance. It is called satan! he will annoy you to the bare bone,, he will pull at you, pick the flesh right off of you,, or he will put the things you want here on this earth before you, they are call temptations. he works 24/7, to get you and to keep you , and make you think you are safe, while all the time, he is putting wood on the fire.. yes and you are the wood,,, he is a nuisance to your heart, for even thought you have all the things you want, you still have this little annoyance, that just won't go away.. and that is the annoyance of bad within... the knowledge of right and wrong..how do you get rid of this "wrong", nuisance? Only one way!
Stop, ask Jesus into your heart and soul,, give Jesus your all,, for you have a free will,, a choice, talk to Him, He will rescue you from this tug , this nuisance , this satan that is like a leech to your soul,, call out now, call out for the one ,,,,


God, thank You for Jesus, and the saving power from You through Him, and the ability to remove satan from our life, totally. amen

John HIcks
Yes , the nuisance of satan, works after you accept Jesus,, and what keeps him at bay? Your faith,, and with that faith, you can walk on, for that is when Jesus takes over.. no more little nuisance.. make your choice,,,, now!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Monday- As you awoke this morning,, you have a job, build this world, and build it in only 6 days! No, don't go back to sleep,,, I really mean it! What, you can't? I understand, for it takes God to do this,, so on this first day of this week, just go on with your plans, but first stop, and thank God for not only making this world, but making you, and then giving it to you,, unconditionally...so be careful what you do, and who you hang around with! Interest to be paid upon entering Heaven!


Yes, today you live,, flying around, up and down, across the wild blue yonder, dropping down on a limb or a fence..no you are certainly not a plane, not even a small one. Are you hungry? There on the ground, a worm, ah a bug of sorts too.. my , my delicious. Whoa, there's a cat.. better fly a little up on this tree, back to the bugs later,, don't want to wind up as cat food! I can fly to another area, and feed well, and just go down to that puddle, drink some water and take a bath, and then back to the nest. I found some great wheat stems to weave into the nest, and a little mud from that puddle to hold that nest together even better, and now I have a great nest out on a great limb, with three small eggs,which will be my children in just a few more days.. and my husband will be at my side, yes, at my side with no belly aching, ha.. going after worms and sorts , or just laying at the nest,, while I get out some, and do some hunting.. and he is a great guard. Wow ! Did God ever do good by creating us, and also making a pack with us,, He would cloth us(feathers) wings to travel, nests in the trees, and most of all,, feed and water us without us doing any planting or drilling for water. Now , is that not great! You are of faith, that this will happen! If you have not got it yet, you are a bird!
What has this got to do with you... God gave you all of this above, except the feathers, also with he brains, to build, and have dominion over all the animals , fish, and the fowls of this world,,, for you to be the ruler, and you to make the free will choices of their care.. BUT, He also gave you that choice to live with Him, and not satan.. the choice of right and wrong, and one other thing, that was the birds with their , of finding food and water,, was

FAITH IN THEIR MAKER , UNCONDITIONAL FAITH,, to be at their side as they perched upon a limb!

God , thank You for this example of the birds , with unconditional faith of You being their for them.. and for the unconditional love and saving power of Your Son, Jesus Christ whom you sent to us also,, I pray that all will receive a true understanding of You and Your plan for us all. amen

John HIcks
So today, just stop, find yourself a bird in the sky, watch him and see if you get the meaning of today's topic! And if you happen to just sprout wings and fly off in the distance, two things you must do,, thank God, and watch out for the cats

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Today, a tribute to all the Mothers, past and present!

Sunday-Happy Mothers Day! God has given us these , and fall down on your knees and thank Him for giving you something as great as a Mother! Remember ,, a Mother is the one who sees four pieces of apple pie on the table and has five in the family , promptly makes the announcement,, she does not like apple pie! Have you ever had this happen? That is a Mother, God bless them all.

Update of Little Luke: Vision nor hearing was unaffected by the Meningitis. He is coming home today,, what a fantastic Mothers' Day Present this is! God never ceases to amaze me,, thanks for all the prayers.. they work, for God listens, if we provide the faith!

Today , a tribute to all the MOTHERS ,, past, and present!

Today, stop, and think of your life, from the time of remembrance, to now. Who was always there to wipe the scrape, free of dirt, clean and bandage it. Who was there to wash your clothes, cook your meals.. help you with your homework, correct you when you did wrong, or treated someone bad,, or was to your rescue when someone messed with her little darling? Yes , she was there , when as above , only one piece of pie or cake was left,, and I have seen my Moms' mouth watering, and say, you can have it,, I am not hungry,,yes I have seen it. and now I love her all the more for it.. yes she was there,, when I lost something special, didn't win the race, nor the prize, she wiped those tears of hurt away, and then shed her own for me.. yes My Mother was the PRIZE,,, and now I realize it the more...
If your Mother is still here,,give her a big hug, a big kiss, and tell her, you love her, and then shed a tear to show her , you love her.. A mother is a one of a kind, I know, for my children's mother, raised them like her mother and my mother. What more could I have ever done to deserve that, and my children also.. for those two mothers before , were two of the stoutest Christians I knew, and so is the mother of my Children! My wifes name is Libby Sanders Hicks, my mothers name is Lilla Traylor Hicks, and my wife's mothers name is Cleo Carreaker Sanders,( two saints in Heaven,,) and I close with these words on this very special day......


John HIcks
So grateful for mine, and so thankful for a giving God,, who gave her to me.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Saturday- Finally the week-end! Now for some TLC of oneself! You worked hard and should kick back, make plans to do what you feel like doing,, for you have only two days to relax and have fun,,, and as you do your planning, just plan to take the one who got you this far,,, with you!

A remembrance what should be: Some politicians should have their mouths taped instead of their speeches.


When a person is on the run from the law, or just running away from anything,, the one who is chasing them gets close to them, then that chaser is "hot on their trail" , almost to the reaching out and grabbing them. They have a choice, keep running and use an inner fuel to go faster, if they have any reserve left.. stop and fight back, if they have the right tools to fight, or just stop, be conquered and destroyed.. a lot of choices, if you are the runner,, and choices that are choices of your life,, to sub stain it, or just let go and die!
I have one , who is "hot on my trail" ,,each and every day, and is just a grab away from my arm, wanting to grab hold , stop me in my tracks, and destroy me... How do I cope with this situation each and every day? I , first have made the decision,, stop running, even though I have an endless fuel supply, stop and fight, for I have the right tools, not to be conquered, nor destroyed! Yes, I stop the run for life, no more running,, now I walk the life, for I have at my back, my sides, and my path forward guarded with a guard that no one can conquer nor destroy,, yes,, I am as safe as one can be, and I have the faith of the times to follow , that I will always be safe and secure , yes safe and secure in the hands of my JESUS CHRIST, AND SAVIOR!
Have you stopped running, have you turned your life over to Jesus, if not, just call out, He is their running right beside satan,, and God the Father gave us the freedom of choice,, so it is up to you ,, call out and have Jesus trip the devil , stop him from grabbing you and destroying you by tossing you into that pit of fire,,, call Jesus, and then run with Him through this life and your eternal life,,
Yes call Jesus and put the "thing " with horns and forked tail to the ground and

RUN YOUR LIFE WITH A COOL TRIAL,, BEHIND,, SIDEWAYS,, FRONTAL,, forever and ever, with Jesus! amen

God , thank You for Jesus, amen

John HIcks,
Yes , as I run, I am confident, and have the faith, that I run , not alone , but with my Savior beside me, keeping all harm away,, come join my in this run of life, and lets leave the "hot on my trail" to that one who is rolling in the dirt from our protectors just and swift sword of protection,, o,k.? Come , let's run for the fun of it! Your Choice!

Friday, May 6, 2011

WE ARE MULES , to start with?

Friday-TGIF, and TGED, An old clip from T.V. "never leave home without it" and what is that? No , not the cell phone, but God.. for without Him, you are not really going anywhere,, right?

WE ARE ALL MULES, to start with!

Now, you say,, enough is enough, but really, don't we "seem" to carry a load on our shoulders through this life? We tend to pack enough on our backs, that we can't hardly walk for all the goodies,, and then right with it, we pack our minds with more than most can handle or can separate the good and the bad,, and that leaves us all with some sort of a stroke.. or needing depressants... so, if all the above is correct,, then how do you take that "ole mule", you, and unload that mighty pack of life, and all that mind bogging sin that have your legs bowed out from the load? Simple, who do you know that went through life without even a coat, only sandals, and a long "gown like" to cover their body, no jewelry, no watch, no earthly home, no car, not even a cart, nor a donkey or mule.. and that "one", "the load remover" still walks this earth, and still asks for you to follow Him.. on a journey to saving people, caring for them, and leading them to His Father? Yes, just like you,,, when writing this, or just thinking about it,, I too see Jesus, and when I see Him, I don't see Him on the road alone walking with a gesture of a hand to come and follow, but I see Him beside me, and we are beckoning the ones on the side of the road to come, for then we all who step onthat road, become workers for him and His Father, also. So throw off your load, all your burdens of sin, the sins that have you pulling you down,, change from the mule to the Christian,, and not only step on the road with Him , but ask Him to save you , right then and there, then start walking on the road to Heaven, and you too, will be standing beside Him waving to the other ones who are still caring that "mule " size load of sin,, yes,, you will be saying what I am saying, and what He says, come walk with Jesus, and lay your burdens down.. and become a


God, thank You for sending me Jesus , and giving me the chance to call out to Him, and have Him take the load of my sins, and give me a straight path to You, and home.. amen

John HIcks
We still even try to slip and reload our backs with that "mule " load as we walk down that road,, but how do you keep it off all the time,, you just keep Jesus by your side, and use that "carry all pack", it is call faith! do you have it?

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Thursday- National Day of Prayer,, please , everyone stop , and at noon today, say a prayer, meet with love ones, friends, court houses, anywhere,, and exercise this right to assemble in the name of God.. use it or lose it.. I choose to use it,, today, and any day,, will you exercise your right , today?


Well it makes it official, our president was born on American soil. I just hope that all those Senators, and Representatives,, national, state, local, all remember where they were born, and the God that got us all here,,, and then act like it. I see so much talk on T.V. of what they want for their fellow man.. and I say, wow!, then their enemies are in deep, deep trouble.
Our "reps" stuff their "pork barrel" to overflowing, more for them, more for the lobbyists.. and more for the over the border, across the pond.. and still , here we are listening, and applauding ourselves right out of a home and freedom.. We need to guide these elected ones back to God,, for what I see going on, and I do judge on this one,, they need His help , more than anything else .. and if they will just stop long enough , instead of trying to out do the ones next to them, & trying to put themselves in the "lime-light", and pass some laws that will help, instead of take away.. and ask God to enter their mind, clear it out, and start over, with their fellow man first, and themselves last.. then we would see a recovery of this nation,, and until then, we can pray,, stand behind her(USA), and fight for her ,,, and maintain our freedom, while we have it, and never pass up the chance to testify of our belief and faith in God, and sing out now,,, loud and clear,,


Lord, thank You for this good ole USA, and all the milk and honey that has come with it.. and I ask that you enter the heads of our "heads of state", and YOU, make the decisions for the USA, and that we all , with them , turn back to You and say aloud, Yes the good ole USA, one nation, under You, God. amen

John HIcks
Today, a little wild, but someone needs to say it,, our nation is sick from greed and that our leaders need to quite talking of their religion, and practice it! What do you think, or are you also stuck , right up under them? Let's bring our nation back,, and put God at the helm! Will you pray for this nation,,, starting now,, today, National Day of Prayer,, and every day, thereafter?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Wednesday: Hump day of the week,, the climb to the middle, now the slide to the week-end,, have you carried your Lord with you while you climbed up to this day? For if you have not, then what makes you think you will slide downhill, without getting your butt burned,, same thing with life, if you don't have the Lord with you, then you only have burn marks to show of your slides through this life, whether up-hill or down-hill.. now who you taking with you where-ever you go?

Pondering on this: It is possible to have good eyes, and see nothing! How many do you know that is like this? Naw! Not you!


Do you ever speak for the Lord? Yes, I mean actually physically , to others, have you ever spoke to them about Jesus and His saving power? Most think they do, in their minds, but don't....
This day,, I ask that question,, and I ask you to stop..review what you have done in the last year,, and count the times you have actually , out loud, talked to someone about Jesus,, If your answer is no, then dedicate this day to doing a YES!
Why talk? We are the first line of defense against satan, and all his temptations of this world, and believe me he places them in front of us each day.. trip hazards is what I call them.. so don't only look out,, but look down... step high , and if your answer is no I have not testified, then today is the time to make it a yes... Listen to me,, if people look at you kind of funny when you do talk to them about the Lord, then smile, and keep talking. for the ones who know Christ will jump for joy to talk right back with you .. so right off you can tell the ones who need to hear the word , and hear it from you!
Alright,, so do we agree, today is the day, to go out and testify to at least one person today, or two. or three.. and if your answer today was no,, then tomorrow,, maybe your answer will be


God, I pray that you will loose the tongues of all that are quiet on their testimonies,, and let them spread Your word of Your wonderful Son, Jesus, and His saving power.. the path You created from here to You.. amen

John HIcks
Talking,, and talking about Him every chance I get.. how about it ? Want to join in on this conversation? Your choice, walk on by without voice , or stop with voice!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Tuesday: Welcome to one of Gods' days! Question, did you wake up with the same one you went to sleep with? And that answer to all is , God Almighty! For you to trust in your deep sleep of life, to Him at night, by praying a night time prayer by your bed,, closing your eyes for a night of sleep, sub-unconsciousness,, then why do you not profess Him just as great in the day time, when all can see and hear, full awake and in plain sight of all?

Prayer Request: Meagan,, for all goes well with her in all her endeavors of this life! God Bless You and keep you is my prayer!


From the time we start to walk in this life,, we are headed down a road of snags, holes, detours, roads blocked all together.. lots of decisions to make,, small, medium, big.. all different but decisions we must make.. for we are in charge of our life... God made us, but He gives us the choice to decide , good or bad.. Him or satan.. some will walk until death with the want to make the decision to join God, but just can't quite give up the friends they have, or the life style they are living. This is a tragedy, for later after death, want is no more, road to eternity was picked before, and picked by you..
As you walk down life's' path , you also have another choice, and that is to speak to others you pass by,, of Him,, testify, telling the story of Jesus to your fellow man, tell of the wonders, the saving grace, and also tell the other side of the story,,that of satan, his beginning and his quest of your life, and theirs.. yes , his quest is all lasting,, until the end he wants you, he wants you to turn a deaf ear, blind you,, do anything possible, give you gifts of grandeur ,, anything to win you.. take you to his hell and damnation for eternity... but still you have the inter faith , that at any time, YOU,, and only YOU, can just say these words, to turn to the path to the streets of gold, the home of Heaven with our one and only one real God, our living God,, and that is to call out,,and remember at any time, anywhere, you can call ,,, while in this life,, these words,,, Jesus , I call out to You, come into my heart, and I give You my soul to keep, and I believe in You to be the Saving Power , the Son Of God, and through You and only You, can I be saved, and I give You my all... my life,,I ACCEPT YOU AS MY SAVIOR! When you do this , then and only then, can you step over the snags , detours to sin, holes of hell,, for then and only then will you have the vision to see these things as you continue on


Lord, I ask in this prayer, that all will call out, call out for Jesus, accept Him and be saved, and see the sacrifice and the gift of the same from You,, then walk with You , and Your son through this life. amen

John HIcks
I have walked that snagged road, and would still be today, if it were not for Jesus' disciples words of wisdom to me.. disciples? Yes , His disciples,,, for all who have accepted Him and follow Him,,, are His disciples.. please accept and believe,, and let's all together talk to those who we pass, and make sure they have heard that word,, that I heard! Let's not pass up the chance to open our mouths in His name. Will you join me , or walk on by? Your Choice!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Monday- Let's all jump out of bed this morning,, give a little holler of excitement! Tell God how much you love Him,,, and How thankful you are of His blessing,, then go out and enjoy this world , side by side with Him,, Oh yes,,, you need to take the protector , God, with you , where ever you go in this life,, didn't you know that!


You ask what,, and the answer is "Time". Even though you know that time ticks away in seconds,, we seem as humans to want it to go by in slow time of "tick........... tock"! We get busy on things, mostly ourselves,, we go around with our heads down , instead of up, looking at life as we travel,, and when we do really look up, we are older.. much older.. Children just grin when you tell them that.. but the ones who have hit 22 years old , don't look at you so "smiley" anymore or as they have been.. for they are thinking,, wow, it just seemed like yesterday, I was turning 12, then 16, I got my license to drive,, and then 21,, heck now I am already 22...ha! I need to slow down,, well it never does,, it just rolls on.. Now we won't go into what this ole 79.5 is thinking.... but not to worry,, if you have accepted Jesus as your personal savior, and been saved by His grace,, then when you hit the bump of death, it will be just a blink, and then you will have eternity.. and time will cease, for there will be no end...
Enjoy this life, even as fast as it is,, do good to all, be a good neighbor, and love all,, for when you look around, you can put your nose in the air,, act like you are better than,,, but when it gets right down to it, you are your Fathers ,, and when WE are saved,, we are all given a place with Him... so don't worry about today, it is here,,tomorrow it will be gone,, so enjoy with Him this daily bread that He has given,,, and enjoy His blessings and,, quite asking,,,,,


God, thank You for all we have,, and Lord thank you for Jesus, and my prayer today is,, that all will come to the Son, Jesus , and accept Him as their personal Savior... amen

John HIcks
As we have finally put the biggest terrorist threat of our times to rest,, may God continue to Bless these United States of America..I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day

Sunday: Welcome to the Sabbath! God had worked mighty hard for 6 days,, was tired, & rested on this seventh day... wow,, I bet He was awfully tired,, have you really seen and thought just how big this ole earth is.. heck,, day and night is a load to do in just a day,, and look at all the extras He through in , just for you and I.. Let's rest this day,,, and worship Him, with a prayer of thanks and no work.

Prayer Request: Continue to pray for those tornado victims. The will need our prayers for some time to come.. they have lost everything, except their lives and their God..

May Day,,,

A new month, a new opportunity,, so make sure they don't run out,,the opportunities,,, all of a sudden, and you are not prepared! If this happens,, could be a "hot time" in your ole town tonight, or today or when ever,,, so get prepared, o.k.?

Lord, thank You or all we have, put Your hands on the victims of the tornado's, lift them up from the rubble, place them in a safe, dry, warm, place, with food to eat, and water to drink. amen

John HIcks
I saw on Face book, where my Nephew said, donate Bibles to those victims,, for they have lost everything.. and I thank this is a great idea,, so with the other things, you are donating,, go to Face book, send Paul Hicks a donation, or call him at 205-655-9916,,and he will, I guarantee it ,, see that it is spent on a Bible, and he will get one to the victims... I am sending him some today.. go ahead, help keep them warm inside, just as a blanket keeps the cold out... o.k.