Friday, May 27, 2011


FRIDAY! Yes, the W/E is at hand! Now the big question,, the W/E is at hand ,but do you have it in hand,,and have you included Him in your W/E plans.. He is , as always, packed and ready to go.. all He needs is an invitation from you,, that is,, if you are going, and doing what will please Him,, or maybe you have other plans?

Prayer Request: Pray for Jacob Moore, who is going for Pediatric Cardiologist examination today.. pray for great results..


Tenth part of income paid as contribution to the church. Do you "tithe"? People tithe different ways, some give 10% of the gross income, some give 10% of the net income, some give less and some give more. The words to really explain "Tithe" , should be , a gift from the heart to God. If you only have a penny, and you give it to God, you have given your all. That is what God is looking at, not the amount, but the heart that gives it. Have you truly given God a part of your heart? Not only money, but the heart , soul, and person. Don't think 10% of the soul, think 100% of your soul.(think eternity with God). Don't let satan get your "soul tithe" ,by not accepting Jesus as your Savior, just bow your head and ask, "Jesus,, accept me",, "I have accepted you , in my heart". That is all!!! You have made the best "tithe" a person can make, you have just gave your soul, you have truly


Lord, thank You for accepting our small token of money,, but all of our soul... we give so little, You gave us back Your all,, Your Son.. thank You ,,, amen

John HIcks
I can give and give, but cannot give as much as my God.. but what I give , is not the amount , but the spirit in which it is given,, how do you give, by the amount or the spirit?

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