Thursday, May 12, 2011

Today , is yours!

Thursday- A beautiful day, given to us, from God and His mercy! We have His promises to us, on this life to live by, and the faith that when we carry them out, we will be given the gift of life, eternity!

Today, is yours!

What a statement, and a statement of truth to you , more than any you will receive today. "today is yours",,, yes, it is your life, & the decisions of how you are going to live this day, and the future. You will live it with God or you will live it without! Bold statement, but it is the truth. You , if you have never received Jesus as your personal savior, then you are sliding downhill to a burning inferno,, a hole of burning souls who also did not make the decision to be God's and give their all to Him. The choice may not be your first time, and you may have already gone to the Cross of Salvation, but want to re-dedicate your life and soul to Him, maybe you have strayed to the wrong road,,back -slid of sorts, if so, re-come, He is always open to forgiveness.. so in either case,, today is your day, so go ahead, make your decision, God or satan! I pray you will look at the future, and not the "fun of the day" kind of thing, but the all to serious thing,, your life , now, and in the future, to the end and beyond.. for your decision of this day is yours and yours alone.. so go ahead and make it.. & remember God gave you this life, and your freedom of choice, not satan,, now which way will you point your feet?


and whoever you choose to go through life,, with!

God, My prayer today is, that all will come to you on bended knees, calling out Your name, and accepting Your Son as their personal Savior, amen

John HIcks
I have to push satan out, not each day, but all the minutes of each day, for he never ceases to walk , ride, play, eat, sleep... right next to you, always trying to just grab hold of a small thread to hang on to.. but by talking to my Lord and having the faith of His salvation, that thread is broken also,, nothing for satan to hold on to,,,,, as long as I have the faith and trust of my Jesus Christ! Now what , who are you holding on to,,,today?

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