Wednesday, July 31, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Good morning, and welcome to "hump" day! Made it to today! now for the slide down to the w/e! Watch out for the "everyday splinters" that might make your week-end a little hectic! Those splinters are most of the time, called "satan splinters"..why, for your slide does not include only Jesus, God and His plans, not yours! So slide with,rather that without! Have a great day at the top of the "hump" as you climb there today! REVIVAL OF THE PEOPLE! We need here in this Nation, a revival of all the people, for look at our country! Yes, you see good.. you see bad, you see those who are in the middle and don't want to tilt their little world..and you say to me , "just what is your problem with out country, and what we are doing?" and I say to you, it is your morals.. your sadistic beliefs, your lies, your pushing to the top, no matter who you push over the side of the top, the cliff.... your everyday living of sin,, and only calling on the Lord when it is convenient... and I include all!! and yes that includes me, I could live a lot better, for I am man, and I say all in this world, need more God, than any other thing this day, and all days! ! When have you visited a sick one,,, and when have you visited a friend , a neighbor, before they get sick,,, and when have you helped the ones less fortunate than you,, when have you supported a "Godly" thing, and when have you supported a "media", or a follow me for it is a popular thing, when have you honored your Mother, and your Father, told a brother, or a sister you love them, hugged your children and told them what right and wrong is REAL? and when did you decide on your marriage mate, and was it a boyhood friend, a girlfriend or one you met while in a "fun" bar! and you decided that all that God's Bible is wrong, and you were formed from a "big bang",, ,yes, we need more or God in our lives, and more of practice of His teachings, and less of the teachings of our so called "superiors"....Yes I found the " key on my computer,,, it is a better find than I find on e-mails , face book, and phone calls,,, from the places called "politically correct" things of and from space... look at who is running for Mayor in N.Y.,, and who was quick to dis-connect with the woman when compared to them..which is really a correct comparison.. for it happened right on national headlines, yet they choose to lie , and more believe them than challenges them... why, for they are more fun? Betterl ook again, as it is hot where they are headed! So, now , I will step down off my soap-box of standing up for the Lord, His Word, His Plan, Worship of Him, only to invite you to step up on that soapbox and help our Nation out, putting you life on the line for God,, just as our troops put theirs on the line for your freedom to do as you do, and as I write,,,, so come on all...and this includes our Churches, Christians, our Clergy,,,our Mom, our Dads, our Elected officials,, our all,,, lets have A REVIVAL OF GOD WITHIN OUT NATION, AND LET IT BE SO BIG THAT IT WILL POUR OUT OVER TO THE WORLD! Morals of God, or morals of man? Your choice, do you have the muscles to stand up for Him? I , for-one pick God...make a choice for the candle burns low! and when it burns out, thier is no choice left! God, I ask you for strength to make Your word , our law ,, again, to all tin his land, , amen John HIcks I point the finger, at the one I see in the mirror just as I point it to the ones I see within my eyesight! Am I too strong on my opinions today? Well, someone has to say it..and I bet I get comments on this... or not?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


TUESDAY! Waking up with the Lord at my side,,,, is there any other way to wake up? Not in my mind, can I imagine not waking up and recognizing He is there..... but long ago,,, I did,,, wake up with Him at my side, but NOT recognizing it.. or accepting it.. or acknowledging it...which ever you want to pick,, and now I thank Him , for not giving up on me,,, for I was a sinner,, and still am, but I acknowledge Him, and talk to Him as I talk to you,,, and I know He is there for me.. and will watch over me as He has always done... how is your relationship with God? Yes, a direct question, and why not? Prayer Thanks: For a still free America, and for all we have,, and that we do know where it comes from! Don't we? ARE YOU A FUTURISTIC? We all seem to look to the future each minute, and that is what keeps us going. You have to be a "futuristic" to make it through this life. You can not stay in the past, nor the present, and be a positive to your future. You must plan, write stuff down, and then keep this plan,, and when it changes ,,, adjust, and re-plan!!!! We are a futuristic race, and that is a fact, it is all future. SOOOOO,,, have you planned for your future in the time of eternity? I have! You buy insurance, for your cars, your health, and your life, well that is "futuristic planning for now, in this life, of living here, "this future"! So, now have you planned to have your personal SAVIOR in your planning of beyond this life, your eternity? If not , you need to, and you need to stop, think , and do it NOW! The future has a way of changing in the flicker of a candle, how about it, do you want to accept Jesus, before the flickering out? Give Him your complete soul, and being? If you have not done this, do so, NOW, being with God , you indeed do become A REAL FUTURISTIC, if you already have, re-dedicate! Lord, thank You for letting me put You in my heart and testify to all about You daily. amen John HIcks The future in my pocket?,,, Is Jesus!,,,,Yes, Jesus!!! What do you have in your pocket(Heart)? Have you accepted Him yet? He is the only future,,, believe it now, not later!

Monday, July 29, 2013


MONDAY! No, not really "blue" , but really bright! Why? For it a day given with love from our God, and no matter how you feel of the body, it is with the heart, that you re-act... so re-act like He did this very morning, and give some love to the ones you see, or talk to today! Make them smile, but most of all,, make God smile, and within yourself also.. for you know? Love does that ,, doesn't it? TODAY! For "today", is the first day of the rest of your life, and if you have not, then it is the right time to ask Jesus to save your soul, by just asking....and if you have already had your talk with Jesus, and have been saved, then talk to Him and His Dad,, and confess the sins of the past,,, for yes we are all sinners, and are saved each time we sin, by His Grace, and don't you forget it.. so have "often" conversations with "Them",, and then enjoy,, I mean really enjoy your TODAY! Lord, I say to You at this time forgive me of my trespasses, and Lord, I forgive those who have trespassed against me. amen John HIcks Human, so , yes, a sinner,, but saved by His Grace!! Have you made that decision? and for those who you know have not, have you passed on this great word of our God, of His saving power,,, for an eternity? If not, then do so.. "Today"! ");

Sunday, July 28, 2013


SUNDAY- Now the second day of your w/e, and then it is back to work, or just Monday for that I have put that in your mind,, so you can enjoy this day even more... remember this,, the rung of the ladder was never meant to rest upon,, but only to hold ones foot , just long enough to enable us to put the other one,, somewhat ,, higher! So, as this day goes and the next one comes, and you step,, remember ,, put your foot on the rung with the person who is going to supply you with the next rung to go higher... and not a missing rung that lets you fall back down to the bottom... o.k. (How many know what a rung is?) Prayer Request: For all the sick and the ones with needs, and I ask all to say a prayer today for those that are sick, and in need, and let yourself rest for today.. for if we look, we find those in worst shape than us, so "today it is un-self-ish day"! YOUR BUNGEE! How many know what a "bungee cord" is? It is an elastic cord, wrapped in polyester to cover the elastic.. and it is used for many, many uses...and comes in different sizes,, length, and thickness... it can stretch and tie down a load on a truck or anything else,, it can wrap around an item around a post,, and hold it in place... or it can hold one when they jump off a tower or a bridge, of 100 feet or more... The one thing about a bungee cord,, it stretches to its' limit, then it recoils back to its' original length,, when new and first used,, BUT,, as you use it,,,, it becomes weaker,, and loses some of its' re-coil..! It needs constant inspection.. and you must keep it in a dark container when not in use ,,, as sunlight can damage it... as the sun does to a lot of things,, like skin, hair, etc...... Now, I ask you this question.. as a Christian Bungee.... have you lost any of your stretch? Do you still re-coil at the sign of the devil, and return quickly to the Lord? or do you just , like an old bungee,, re-coil slowly,, like , I'm coming , just a little slower...? As we all get older, we do lose that re-coil a little at a time.. but ,you know the one thing we have that the old bungee does not,,, that as that person is jumping over that bridge with nothing but a rock bottom below.. we have , as Christians , those "helping hands", those that grab us ,, no matter the age,, and we don't have to worry about the natural re-coil,, we have the spiritual re_coil,,,, and it does not have to be stored in a dark place to hold its' strength,,, it can be shown out in the sunlight, the moonlight.. just anywhere you want to show it off... but you have to ask for these "bungee helping hands" , for if you don't ask,, bamn, right into those rocks.. ouch!!! Without the "bungee helping hands" ,, I am afraid there is no other way to stop this crash and bamn,,, so why not ask for this now,, you do know the brand name,,,, don't you? Well it is JESUS CHRIST, THE BUNGEE OF ETERNAL STRETCH, AND HOLDING POWER,,RE-COIL GUARANTEED! ORDER NOW, BY CHOICE! God, thank You for your Son who comes in all ways to our eyes and minds, and my prayer today is not only thanks, but that all will come.. amen John HIcks If I ever jump at anything in this life,, no matter how high or low it is,, I will be wearing my Jesus Bungee,, How about you,, the choice is yours.. don't hit the rocks.. o.k. make it now,, before the jump! ");

Friday, July 26, 2013


FRIDAY! TGED! Late good morning to all,, we are up early , but then visit with each other, for my son John Jr, and his wife, Alice are down this week, and we are enjoying every second with them,,, for we don't get to see them often...and I want each of you to have a great God's Day which is each day He allots us. So invite, and give Him thanks as you travel through your day, this Friday!,,and read this mornings thoughts with a very open, and understanding of what I am about to write..... Prayer Request: For Brenda Jarriel,,, who lost her only brother , Joey, on his four wheeler yesterday.. Please pray for her, she is a special friend of mine for a work place long ago... Pray for her understanding, and for God to comfort during this great, great lost to her! HOW STANDS OUR UNION? This was inspired to me as I watched an old movie,,, of the patriotism of our troops of old.. back on, and during 12/7/41,,, after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The movie was after the war, and John Wayne was staring, and Jim Arness was the co-star. Jim had lost his brother on the Arizona, and they were visiting it to remember him...and of course the movie did a part of all our fighting men, the families, the work of the people here, and their contribution to the war... all were pulling together, and was going to win this one as a "One America" and a "ONE AMERICA , UNDER GOD"... and as I watched this,,,, I was trilled of the times of mine, as a small child watching parades,,pledging allegiance to our flag at school, at Bible School,,, and just seeing one, was an inspiration to me ,,, made my heart jump a little each time... and words from our President then, on the radio as he spoke,, from Mom and Dad ame this ,,, "HUSH,, the President is speaking",, and all in the house, and in the United States stopped to hear him, for then,, all respected that office....and him... and He was not shy about using the name of our God, in his speeches.. nor was the elected officials,,,(that we held up as special , back then),, and when he used God's name, there was no news media backlash from them,,, but a real report of him, and not their interpretation of themselves and their beliefs to us,,they let us hear, and interpret the truth!.... WOW!!! What a change this new day is.... for we are still free,,, to some extent,, taxed to the hilt, taking care of those who need us, and also those who are too lazy to work,,,the freeloaders abound within this Nation,,, satan abounds in this Nation,, our news media tries to tell us every piece of new with them explaining all ,even a landslide, as if we do not know what dirt sliding down a mountain is.. we are treated as pets,,, needing to be fed, held, and told what to do.. but run and work to get the bone, and bring it back to the other dogs...who don't work,,and killing concepted babies, ,, but we are still free...more free than all other countries... we can cross state to state without papers,, but how long this will last,, I am afraid of guessing, for it is close,, ANDn our troops,, are treated less than they should, we pay them so little ,yet we will pay doped up ball player of what-ever millions upon millions to entertain us while this trooper is giving his or her life for our freedom,,, and do we throw the "thank you reef"? No ,,, not always,, do we respect our elected officials,, no,, but we elected them.. or they did!!!! Now, at the end of that reminder of those who gave their lives on the Arizona and went down fighting, and all those lost at that time,,,was these words, in that movie,, this inspiration to all watching, and I'll bet an applause went up in tht movie house,, as it was said......,,, "AND THEY STAYED TRUE TO THE UNION,,AND THEY GAVE THEIR LIVES DEFENDING HER TO THE END!" Then these words,,, OUR UNION TODAY,,, (THEN) IS STILL SOLID AND WELL"! and I ask you today,,, WHAT IS THE STATE OF OUR UNION ,, TODAY,,, JULY 26, 2013? God, I ask,,, "will You continue to give us our freedom , and forgive us , this Nation of its' many, many sins... and give the ones who run our Nation, and big, big place in their hearts, and on their tongues ,, YOUR NAME, and YOUR WORD! amen John HIcks I speak of God as my Savior, and the leader of my life, and I pray that He will do this for all of us, and forgive us for not putting Him at the helm of our sailing ship of our lives!!! Let's all together this day, and declare that Our Nation Is Still Solid, and Strong, and It Does Have Our God, At The Helm, and Our Flag Waves From Him First and Foremost",,,, Will you join me in this new UNION, UNDER GOD? ");

Thursday, July 25, 2013


THURSDAY- Another great day to be up and witnessing for the Lord,,, and then doing our work, with Him at our side,, what a way to start , and what a way to spend a day.... knowing that He is by your side, and the best of all,, by your request!!! Now that's what really, really great,, right? YOUR SHREDDER Do you have a shredder? Do you shred all of your mail? Important questions , if you are afraid of identity theft. There are people out there that go to extremes for your identity, and then they suck you dry of all of your worldly goods, and even you,, if you let them. They are predators,, of the waste dumps,,, mail,,, and computers,,, they are the predators,,,, out to get you, they can be the smartest people you know, they are not dummies,, so beware, and continue to use that shredder! There is a soul predator out there!!! Out trying to get your soul,,, and to destroy you! Do you have the means to keep him away and in his place? If you don't , then this message is of great importance to you, for this predator is big, working at all times, just on you, and it can work on more than one at a time.. it eats at your soul ever second, no rest,, he is horrible,, is there a way to stop this predator? Yes!!! You need the shredder that works on automatic, 24/7, and always there shredding for you.. ready to shred this predator away from you and into a place where it can not touch you ever .. you need to get the bright and shinning JESUS SIN SHREDDER To get this shredder,, just close your eyes, and ask ,, Jesus, accept me , forgive me of my sins,, I believe in you , and only you.. now listen,, listen to that shredder tear up that satan , and cast him out of your life!!!!! Lord, thank you for being my shredder , and protecting me with your blood from the cross. amen John HIcks

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


WEDNESDAY- "HUMP DAY"! Some days when we wake up, we smile, some are sad, why?, and for some, are happy?, and some are worried, for they see the day, and days coming,, and are not to sure of themselves, others are very sure, and thier sure-ness is who they plan with! . On most Wednesdays , you hear ,, "have a good "hump" day.. and plan well, for your week-end!", and I think,, now you get that picture of a camel with a single "hump"....and you just feel like you don't have much to overcome on your planning that up-coming week-end,, and then there "he" is,, the ole "double hump camel"... and you think in your mind, WOW! You now have twice the climb to your week-end, and twice that of planning! We all run into that looking ahead,, making our plans, and that is called "faith" ! BUT,, just who we have that faith in, and just how much faith we have ,, is the most important of your planning! For if your faith is in "man", then you are going to have trouble just getting over that one hump,, daily, not weekly , !,,and gosh!,, two humps to climb over with only man to get you up and over?,,, It just is not only a waste of good energy, but the wrong thing to put your so called "money in the bank" ,,,, in!,,, for to make this day,, & tomorrow, is to put your faith in God, and His Son Jesus Christ,, and when you do that , then faith will get you through today, and tomorrow will be taken care of by Him, whether here or there... so plan today, and put tomorrow in His hands,,, with who? GOD ALMIGHTY, AND JESUS , HIS SON, OUR SALVATION, HIS PLAN, AND OUR CHOICE! Now , plan your day!!! Lord, thank You for Your plan, that over-rides all of our plans , and I pray that all minds of this world, will realize You, not only maker of all things, but in control of all things, by watching over us, and giving us choices.. I pray all will be of You, and not in ourselves. amen John HIcks I hope all understands just what is being said today,, and will make their plans daily, with God invited at all times! May all have a geat and blessed day, this another of HIS days, given with love and choice! His!!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Jesus Steam Iron

TUESDAY! Up and atta'em this morning, and just remember who gave yuo this day, and please , what ever you plan for your day, be sure and include Him with all you do! O.K.? Prayer Request: For the family of Jewell Winkles Yawn Whitworth, 83 years of age, who passed on to Heaven on Monday, and is a member of our Church here in Yatesville, Ga... Please pray for the understanding of all family members. WRINKLES OF THE HEART Have you ever started to get ready for work, church, or just going out , and you pick up a blouse, shirt, bluejeans or something to wear, and it is so wrinkled, you think , "Can even the steam iron get these wrinkles out?" Well you are off with a 95% belief , that these wrinkles are history!!!! Belief in that steam iron!!! Well , you can wake up with "wrinkles of the heart". What in the world is this? These "wrinkles" are doubt, lost of a friend, or not having a love one with you, let down, sick, clouded mind, and sins. This is a real WRINKLE! Where do you find a "Heart Steam iron" to level these problems out? You can find that heart steam iron with Jesus. HOW? You just have to bow that head,, ask Jesus to come into your heart, ask Him to forgive you of all your sins,,, He will accept you with open arms,, with a smile, ask Him to come into your heart forever, and that you believe in him 100%. Then stand back,, hold on and watch Jesus iron out those wrinkles , ironed completely smooth, and hey, with Jesus, these items become, "permanent press"!!! So, put your hands together, bow that head and call out for Jesus and remove those WRINKLES OF YOUR HEART Lord, thank you for receiving me into your realm, and forgiving me of my many sins, and keeping them "ironed out of my heart". amen John HIcks My steam iron is Jesus! Who do you have doing your laundry and ironing? Better make that choice! And by teh way,, you don't have to worry about running our of cord on "Jesus Wrinkle Free Iron", for it is "wireless".. how about that? Have a great day! "); ");

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Soul Statement!

SUNDAY! THE SABBATH DAY! Now that we all know it's His day,,, let's treat it like it!!!!! I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: The ones among you who will really be happy are those that have sought and found how to serve THE LORD , OUR GOD! SOUL STATEMENT! We get all kinds of statements,,, credit report statements,,, doctor statements,,, and the most important to our everyday living,, or just living,,, is our bank statement. This one tells us how we stand on our finances,, are we going to make it, or are we going to fall. What is our balance? Is it enough to pay all of our bills,,, can we get by until we get some more money,,, by work or any other way that we can earn money? This what that old bank statement tells us,,, so much rides on this one report in our lives. Wow! Now that we have our bank statements in shape,,, and we know what our balance is,,, I have just one question,,, How is the statement of your soul, is your balance where you want it to be?If it is not,,, then maybe you need to join my bank,,, where the soul accounts are always on the plus side,,,free checking,,, all debts paid ,,, and it is worry free,,, My bank account is with THE ETERNAL BANK OF SALVATION OF JESUS CHRIST. I have my checking,, saving,, and all of my CDs, in this bank,, my life is within its structure,,, So check out your bank and see if you are satisfied with YOUR SOUL STATEMENT! Lord,,, thank you for letting me in to your Salvation Plan,,, and giving me Jesus to do my banking of life with... amen John HIcks My deposit slips are all made out to Him and His bank,,, and they are deposited,,, where are you doing your banking today?

Saturday, July 20, 2013


SATURDAY! Welcome to His world,, this great and loving day of His, given to us as a gift from Him with more love than you or I can even think of !!! Yes,, that much love,,, and just how much do we give back? Think about it, and have a great Saturday!!!! Prayer Request: for Brian Sanders, and Kearstin Skeath, who will be saying their vows of Holy Matrimony today,, and I ask God to bless this marriage of two Christians,, and may their marriage be a life time of pure love. and with Him at the helm of their two-some through this life! JOB WELL DONE! We all at some time of our lives, work for someone else, even if it is our parents, grandparents , or a manufacturing company, what ever, and we look for one thing. We all want to do a really great job! Or do we? I always felt like, if I was getting paid for a job, I wanted to do it better than anyone else, and I wanted to complete it. I even do that to the jobs around the house, building something , yard work , and when I am finished, then I look around and see if there is anything else I can do to make it better, and I did this on my hired out jobs also. It is just built in to all of us , usually. We want to hear those words from our bosses, or our family and friends,,,, WOW,,,, JOB WELL DONE!!!!! Can you look at your job and say you give your all to it? Or do you just do it ,,and take the money and go home? You don't worry about it , it will be there, or you worry only when it is gone! When you take the "pay day", you should be able to say to yourself, JOB WELL DONE! Think about the above, remember the day is coming, you and I will be reviewed on the job,, we have done,,, here on earth,,, by our Creator,,on the job we have done. Did we obey Him, pray, testify, and be an example? or did we follow with this thought ,, we received all this around us, then we just set under the tree in the shade and said, no need to worry, it'll always be here. Don't let that deceive you,, for the day will come that we will or will not hear those words, JOB WILL DONE,, MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!! Lord, I confess, I have not done the best job, but I pray for your strength to do a job well done, and be faithful to You and only You, amen John HIcks I pray for the strength of doing His work, for it is first on my agenda,and if this gets in the way of anything else,,, then it will.... Have a great day!!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013


FRIDAY-TGED-TGIF-Beautiful sunrise,,, beautiful morning, rain or shine,,, all are beautiful!!! He made it, and He will take care of it,,, so ,, quite worrying about how much rain, or not enough rain,,He knows of how it works, and what it needs,, and we need to put our faith in Him,,,, and quite trying to second guest our Maker,,,what is your opinion? Faith or second guesser? Some days you have a lot on your mind that you would like to say to people,, and then the Lord will give you something else to write or say,,, and then when you try to do more,,, He will step in, and confuse your tongue or your mind,and say,,, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! and I heed to the Higher Authority,,, and say this,,, Lord, thank You for all I have, and for the faith to know that what ever is in my future,, will have You at my side,,, and Lord, I wish for all to have a great day! amen John HIcks

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Hump Day!!!!! As you have now climbed to the top of the middle of the week , and ready to make those plans to slide down to the week-end, make sure your slide is smooth and splinter free,, and how do you do that? You put Jesus on the pathway of all your plans, and folks ,,that makes a better and smoother slide than wax papper! Only the older generation know about that wax paper on a slide. Just a little note on the slide we had on the swing set here,,, I would rub the wax paper on the slide, then tell my children to climb up and slide, and then look at their amazement as they sailed down fast and made that surprised landing!! Now ,, that you know of the way a slide really works,, make sure you not only wax your life with Jesus, but grab His hand, for your life will sure change when you do, and once you grab His hand, He will never let go,, you might, but not Him!!! Prayer Thanks: Betty May came through surgery great, sore but great, and is at home,, and it was a sucessful operation.. glory to God! NEVER! Never,,, has He forsaken you,,, He has always been here for us,,, Never has He forsaken ! He will always be there for you,,, now will you be here for Him? Big statements today,,, both ,,, one is absolutely true,,, the other is up to you!! Just be there for him,,, as He has for you,,,, He is FOR-EVER!!!! God ,, thank You for being here for all of us,,, never forsaking us,,, caring,,, giving us life,, giving us our all,,, amen John HIcks Today,,, I realize as always ,, we are nothing without Him,, we are everything with Him,,,, have a great God's Day and don't forget to reach out,, grab that hand,, just reach, and say it,, "come on Lord, I want to travel the rest of my life with you",,, then feel the squeeze of that hand, all the way to yur heart!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


TUESDAY! Welcome to today, His, given to us by His choice,,(that word, choice,, again, and again) Today keep God right in front of your feet,, He will take you to where-ever you need to go! Guaranteed!!! AND AS WE WALK! As we walk down this street we call life,, let's do so with integrity, with a hunt for right, and above all,,, make sure who you are walking with at all times.. some will lead you over a cliff, and death, others will lead you in the light, and give you life, and life forever. One in satan, the other is Jesus Christ.. and God gave us (again that word) CHOICE!.. He gave it to us,, for us to make up our own mind. So, on this Tuesday, 07/16/13,, you can make that "CHOICE",, to live or to die,, to have eternity in the cool of heaven or to burn in hell. Yes ,, that is exactly how, and to the point.. I don't think it could be any clearer! So , How about it,, who is that with you,,,, AS YOU GO WALKING THROUGH YOUR LIFE? God, thank You for the choice of your Son , for without Him , we really have nothing, and as your love overflows to us all, thank You,,and I pray that all pick Him to come,, to You,, amen John HIcks I walk with a profession of faith! A faith to God, an acceptance of Jesus Christ and saved by His grace.... who do you walk with? Please stop long enough in this fast trek of life, and ask yourself that question , then make the choice......

Monday, July 15, 2013


MONDAY! Good morning on this day,,, and waking up, with the Lord in your heart, and with Him on your mind and your lips, is a great feeling,,,, in this Nation,,, a still free Nation, for now,, and let's today pray for the continued freedom we have today,,, to continue for our children, and their children! It will take a lot of praying,,, PRAYER! We all need to put in more "knee" time than we ever have in our lives!!!! Turn on the news,,, turn on the programs presented on t.v. listen to conversations in the stores in our malls, walmart, one of the biggest,, and you hear people cursing with words that makes my skin crawl....not only young people but grown and responsible adults,, and these words are being spoken by male to female,,,, and right back, female to male...with a laugh, shoulders stretched back,, proud of their mouths and the filth that comes out of them... I just have to say,, when I hear that,,, "I just don't want to heart that kind of talk",, and especially when my wife, or grand-children are with me.... My daughter walked into our den yesterday and asked me what I was watching on t.v. ,,,,, it was a cartoon,,, and I told her all the other programs had cursing in them...and that was the truth, so I choose not to watch,, for me and for my grand -daughters. We have trails ,,, in the courtroom, and in the media,, peoples lives are ruined by these people.. who are only two anchorman, or woman,, on three or four networks, who can't even get names of pilots correct,, and we let these people run, and ruin our livesand othjers, and they are still counted as good people.. but I do not judge them , they must know what they say, and what they do... ,,, and am I on a soapbox again,, you bet I am.. for I see,, and I speak, what I see ,and how I feel,, and that is what we all served for who has served,, and are now serving for... and for all those who wave, not only the American Flag, ,but the Christian Flag, and I am proud to say,,, that today, I still serve FIRST,, the Lord, My God,,, and I will put my trust and faith in Him, and as for me... I will continue to talk to Him daily, and more than once a day,,, and I ask all to join me in real ,,, faithful, and from the heart... PRAYER, FOR OUT WORLD, OUR NATION, OUR FELLOW MAN AND WOMAN,,, TO COME TO HIM, NOW!!! God, I ask that You guide our Nation, and that this Nation, serve You first and foremost in all we do.... amen John HIcks Standing on my soapbox, saying what I feel, and proud of it... no matter what!!!!!! I will stand for my God... will you stand with me, and say,, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!! AND PRAISE GO IN PUBLIC, AND IN YOUR HEART!

Sunday, July 14, 2013


SUNDAY! GOOD MORNING WORLD! AND GOOD MORNING LORD! Waking up with a joyful heart,, and a clear conscious,, is a sign of belief ,, belief in the one who made us,,no matter how much some deny Him, He is real, and His Son is our Salvation, taken or not ,, you will see, and this is not a prophesied thing, it is real,, make a choice ,, for it is yours to make on this ,,another one of His day's ,,and given in love, and protected by His love, and yours, by your faith!!! Prayer Reports: Amanda is doing better,, her rhythm as of yesterday A.M. was good... Yolands' mother is not rejecting the transplant, she has a real bad blood infection, please keep her in your prayers.. Briania Fisher, the appendicitis operation was in time, and successful, she is recovering at her Grandmothers house(and I bet she is getting some real nursing there! ) What we get by achieving our goals is not as important as what we become by achieving our goals! I SAID YES, or I SAID NO! Not un-common to have a disagreement with another,, and go away as friends , or as enemies. It all depends on the reason, and the depth of the "dis-agreement"! It is a choice we have to let our hearts tell our brain,, so we can make that adjustment.. and the best of all,, is to smile if one can, and just say, that is your opinion, and I have mine, so let's just go on about our business, and be peaceful... but we are humans, and it does not always work that way! We may make the choice, and the opposite one does not, and we are forced into a conflict we don't really want.. choices , choices,,,, how to avoid? Just have to think and turn the other cheek!! as long as you can... The said word of God, is His Bible, His Holy Word, His Son, Jesus,,, and God put the following choice to us all,,and re-read this, He , God gave us a choice,, voluntary,,not mandatory,, but by faith,,, the way to Him,, He gave us His Son, and our choice to accept Him,, as our Savior,, and go to God by the way of that Cross that Jesus died upon and rose to free us ... IF we accept Him... so that is a choice of either agreement or not! One thing on this agreement, there will be no discussion,, it is laid, and it is permanent,,, it is His way,, and He has given us the choice of Life in Heaven or life in hell...a choice for you to make and He will not fight you for we all have that choice.. of as we close our eyes for the last time here and upon the time of when we re-open them,,, of saying YES MY GOD, I SAID YES TO YOU!!! or the saying of I SAID NO TO YOU! As of then, that moment, the discussion is over! Think about it! God , I pray for all to say yes, and that no one is left to go to satan, and all will rejoice with you in Heaven. amen John HIcks I have said yes, what have you said? Make it now, for the candle flickers on us all! Have a great day, and May God Bless each of you is my wish for all today!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


SATURDAY! Good morning to all! I hope all have woke up with good feeling of the mind, and the feeling of how good it is to wake up with the Lord,,, You did , didn't you? Have a great day, and may the Lord bless you real good!!!! Prayer Requests: Yolanda's mother, who had a bone marrow transplant ,, and now has turned bad, and is back in the hospital, and Yolanda has asked for us all to pray for her mother! For Hilda,, who needs a peace of mind of loosing her Grandson as she is having a real problem of accepting the lost! Please pray that God will intercede , and put acceptance in her mind. From Susan Carter: About two weeks ago my son (Edward) had major surgery. A mass was removed from his colon. We have been waiting for weeks to receive the pathology and biopsy reports. The results came in on Wednesday. He has stage three cancer and will have to undergo chemo. We need your prayers. I have so much faith in God and I know the power of prayer. PLEASE! PLEASE! put his name on your prayer list at church for God's healing. We really do need your prayers and your support. THANK YOU! AS I WALKED, and HITCHED A RIDE! We all walk down a street,, or a road,, and we do not thank that much about the advancement of that road and the things that run up and down it.. I will give you a quick example of my long treks of walking in my youth, and how it "used" to be in country Alabama. On a Sunday morning,, at the age of 6, my mother would pick me or my brother, Sam, to go to Vinemont and get the Sunday Paper, and the mail , if any.. the post office opened from 6 to 8 on Sunday morning and if you wanted your mail,, come and get it! With only a radio,, the paper was out standing on news and the "funny paper" (the comics) were even greater. for my mom would read them to us.. and we would laugh at some and heed the mystery of others... back to the roads.. I would ride that bike down that dirt road, and for that 3 1/2 miles,, I might see one, no more than 2 cars on it.. it might be just scraped and be smooth ,, or it may have ruts as deep as 10 to 12 inches,, and a car could still clear them and go down the road at a fast rate of 15 to 20 miles an hour, and if you were walking, you could hitch a ride on the running board,, if there were more than two of you, they might let you ride on the front fender , with your legs around the headlight.. Now, they are so low to the ground , look out for a bump in the road,, no running boards, and the lights are sunk into the fender.. wow, they took the good times of a ride, on a summer day , right out of the makings... and you know, I have hung onto a mirror on a running board in the winter,, almost frozen to the bone, but making those 3 1/2 miles quicker to the house and that "Warm-warmer Heater" burning hot with that coal.. no furnace bowling hot air, but from that heater, we had heat, even some in the bedrooms. ha.. I remember, and I can hold these things of old in my heart, but I do not want those "country conveniences" again.. but I do want the reverence, the belief, the support,, the testimonies, the life , of God, and with God,, and all started with God, from the morning blessing to God for our meal and all we had,, , to the start of school with the pledge of allegiance,, prayer to our God, the noon meal, the Supper meal with a blessing to God, , and the bedtime -time.. yes all was started with God, and we all carried Him with us everywhere we went, and WE DID NOT HIDE IT.. how about today? Well enough today, maybe too much.. for some,, but come join me as I still carry that old time , yes , that old, old time of religion,, as I WALK DOWN THE ROAD,, AND HITCH A RIDE WITH MY GOD! God, thank You for the memories, and the work of a great Mother and Father , who taught me who to walk with, and who to grab a "hitch " with.. and the strength to still walk and ride with,,,, You.amen John HIcks I reminisce alot, why? For not only the memories, but for the guidance that my folks taught me,, the right and the wrong, and that there is but one God, and that He lives today, and forever.. How's your memories?, are you reminiscing?, or living them?,, or both? Both. I pray! Have a great Saturday! SATURDAY! Good morning to all! I hope all have woke up with good feeling of the mind, and the feeling of how good it is to wake up with the Lord,,, You did , didn't you? Have a great day, and may the Lord bless you real good!!!! Prayer Requests: Yolanda's mother, who had a bone marrow transplant ,, and now has turned bad, and is back in the hospital, and Yolanda has asked for us all to pray for her mother! For Hilda,, who needs a peace of mind of loosing her Grandson as she is having a real problem of accepting the lost! Please pray that God will intercede , and put acceptance in her mind. From Susan Carter: About two weeks ago my son (Edward) had major surgery. A mass was removed from his colon. We have been waiting for weeks to receive the pathology and biopsy reports. The results came in on Wednesday. He has stage three cancer and will have to undergo chemo. We need your prayers. I have so much faith in God and I know the power of prayer. PLEASE! PLEASE! put his name on your prayer list at church for God's healing. We really do need your prayers and your support. THANK YOU! AS I WALKED, and HITCHED A RIDE! We all walk down a street,, or a road,, and we do not thank that much about the advancement of that road and the things that run up and down it.. I will give you a quick example of my long treks of walking in my youth, and how it "used" to be in country Alabama. On a Sunday morning,, at the age of 6, my mother would pick me or my brother, Sam, to go to Vinemont and get the Sunday Paper, and the mail , if any.. the post office opened from 6 to 8 on Sunday morning and if you wanted your mail,, come and get it! With only a radio,, the paper was out standing on news and the "funny paper" (the comics) were even greater. for my mom would read them to us.. and we would laugh at some and heed the mystery of others... back to the roads.. I would ride that bike down that dirt road, and for that 3 1/2 miles,, I might see one, no more than 2 cars on it.. it might be just scraped and be smooth ,, or it may have ruts as deep as 10 to 12 inches,, and a car could still clear them and go down the road at a fast rate of 15 to 20 miles an hour, and if you were walking, you could hitch a ride on the running board,, if there were more than two of you, they might let you ride on the front fender , with your legs around the headlight.. Now, they are so low to the ground , look out for a bump in the road,, no running boards, and the lights are sunk into the fender.. wow, they took the good times of a ride, on a summer day , right out of the makings... and you know, I have hung onto a mirror on a running board in the winter,, almost frozen to the bone, but making those 3 1/2 miles quicker to the house and that "Warm-warmer Heater" burning hot with that coal.. no furnace bowling hot air, but from that heater, we had heat, even some in the bedrooms. ha.. I remember, and I can hold these things of old in my heart, but I do not want those "country conveniences" again.. but I do want the reverence, the belief, the support,, the testimonies, the life , of God, and with God,, and all started with God, from the morning blessing to God for our meal and all we had,, , to the start of school with the pledge of allegiance,, prayer to our God, the noon meal, the Supper meal with a blessing to God, , and the bedtime -time.. yes all was started with God, and we all carried Him with us everywhere we went, and WE DID NOT HIDE IT.. how about today? Well enough today, maybe too much.. for some,, but come join me as I still carry that old time , yes , that old, old time of religion,, as I WALK DOWN THE ROAD,, AND HITCH A RIDE WITH MY GOD! God, thank You for the memories, and the work of a great Mother and Father , who taught me who to walk with, and who to grab a "hitch " with.. and the strength to still walk and ride with,,,, You.amen John HIcks I reminisce alot, why? For not only the memories, but for the guidance that my folks taught me,, the right and the wrong, and that there is but one God, and that He lives today, and forever.. How's your memories?, are you reminiscing?, or living them?,, or both? Both. I pray! Have a great Saturday!

Friday, July 12, 2013

FRIDAY-TGIF-TGED! The day before the week-end,,, good morning, and welcome to this of another of Gods' days! For what He has given, let us be so grateful, and give thanks more than once each day, for He is on duty 24/7 taking care of our world, and us!,,, Would you take the job ,, just for the love of it?.... I would dare say, and probably be safe in saying 98 % of Americans, and this is so sad to say,, would not under-take this job,, for the payment is just not what they would want!,, Their payment would be not for love, but for gold and silver,, and to see Him, they would turn and form a line, to see a sporting event, a rock concert, or a crazy movie of vampires, and devils....before giving Him a first look , much less a second look! Am I too harsh on this statement?,,, you decide on this day of making your final plans for a day, before a week-end, and plan, but plan for ever..for it is your destiny, that you plan,, so plan well... and I pray that it would be all,, to plan it,, with the Lord at the helm of your voyage of this life! Have a great day, and may God bless you all! Prayer Request: Please pray for Briana Fisher. While visiting her grandmother in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, this 13-year-old girl came down with severe appendicitis and was rushed to the hospital. She will be having surgery tonight or at the earliest convenience. The girl is Betty May's great-great niece. The girl's family lives in Culpeper, Virginia, and they are traveling right now to go to Johnstown. Pray that she recovers quickly. Amanda Newby, who has been admitted to the ICU , in Macon, Ga. for her heart.. which is out of rhythm. She was scheduled for correction on the 15th, but had to be admitted early. Lord , I ask for Your continue support of this Nation, and I pray for this world, that You have made, and given us with so much love,,, give us the want to give as much love back as it is given unto us... amen John HIcks Short this morning, but to the point, and even though the point might stick with pain, and even draw blood,, it is so true, and as we may read it, let us change and spread this change to all, and make it to each one we may come in contact with... still a small percentage... or do you disagree? Make a choice, please, for God. will you do that? Again, have a great another of Gods' given day to you and to me. "); FRIDAY-TGIF-TGED! The day before the week-end,,, good morning, and welcome to this of another of Gods' days! For what He has given, let us be so grateful, and give thanks more than once each day, for He is on duty 24/7 taking care of our world, and us!,,, Would you take the job ,, just for the love of it?.... I would dare say, and probably be safe in saying 98 % of Americans, and this is so sad to say,, would not under-take this job,, for the payment is just not what they would want!,, Their payment would be not for love, but for gold and silver,, and to see Him, they would turn and form a line, to see a sporting event, a rock concert, or a crazy movie of vampires, and devils....before giving Him a first look , much less a second look! Am I too harsh on this statement?,,, you decide on this day of making your final plans for a day, before a week-end, and plan, but plan for ever..for it is your destiny, that you plan,, so plan well... and I pray that it would be all,, to plan it,, with the Lord at the helm of your voyage of this life! Have a great day, and may God bless you all! Prayer Request: Please pray for Briana Fisher. While visiting her grandmother in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, this 13-year-old girl came down with severe appendicitis and was rushed to the hospital. She will be having surgery tonight or at the earliest convenience. The girl is Betty May's great-great niece. The girl's family lives in Culpeper, Virginia, and they are traveling right now to go to Johnstown. Pray that she recovers quickly. Amanda Newby, who has been admitted to the ICU , in Macon, Ga. for her heart.. which is out of rhythm. She was scheduled for correction on the 15th, but had to be admitted early. Lord , I ask for Your continue support of this Nation, and I pray for this world, that You have made, and given us with so much love,,, give us the want to give as much love back as it is given unto us... amen John HIcks Short this morning, but to the point, and even though the point might stick with pain, and even draw blood,, it is so true, and as we may read it, let us change and spread this change to all, and make it to each one we may come in contact with... still a small percentage... or do you disagree? Make a choice, please, for God. will you do that? Again, have a great another of Gods' given day to you and to me. ");

Thursday, July 11, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning to all, and I say today,,,"May you have a great day , and that you do it with a heart flutter of having God with you on this and all the days of your life!!! Prayer Requests: The surgery for Betty May, has been postponed until the 16th... the surgeon has informed her, he has more life threatening cases that has taken up the operating room.. so pray that Betty will do good and that OR will come open and stay open on the 16th! Randy Travis, who underwent surgery last night, and is in critical condition at this time. Prayer Thanks: To our God,, for Tommy Mulling will have the stent taken out by cystocope, which is painful,, and if all goes well ,, will be home (for good), at the end of the week.. Now if all knew Tommy, they would say,,, the example of this man, deserves all the attention from God, and all these blessing,, for God serves those who are always giving to others before giving to themselves. May God continue to bless this man, and his family! HEARTS A FLUTTER! Have you ever had that happen to you? We all have at some time or another. When someone jumps up from behind, or around a corner and scares you,. your heart jumps a beat, then runs like crazy, flutters , until you calm down. The same when you get mad,, going on a high roller coaster, bungee jumping, crazy things we do,,, puts the heart to racing,, or to a flutter. How about that first sight of "the " girl or boy... or how about just seeing that love one of many years turn a corner,,, walk into a room,, puts the heart to a real flutter! I have had many "heart flutters" of all kinds in my life.. but the one most re-lived,, is the thoughts of walking down that aisle of the church , when I accepted Jesus as my personal savior,, 59 years ago,, and I still get a "flutter" thinking about it.. and when in church, after all the time of those 59 years,,and the invitation is given,,, that same heart ,, flutters,, for it is the joy of the knowledge that I (we) hold the Lord Gods heart also! Have you had that experience? When I talk to or about my God, my heart starts to beat faster, and faster, and the excitement starts, and off to the races, the heart is wide a wide open, racing "flutter"! The heart,, one can't live without it! When you say you are giving your heart to God, it is a gesture of the biggest, the one life sustaining tool we have, to be able to stand up and say,,, here , here is my heart ,,, I love you that much, it puts our hearts to a flutter of almost bursting!,, and when we say that,,, God hears,, He responds,, He reaches out, grabs us,, He puts our name in His book of life,, HE ACCEPTS YOU WITH NO RESERVATIONS OF ANYTHING OR ANYONE! and, yes it puts a FLUTTER, in Gods heart also,, just as it does yours.. Try talking to Him,, if you have not accepted Him(Jesus),, then do so.. thenclose your eyes, and just feel,, oh yes ,, feel that HEART A FLUTTERING ! Almighty God, thank You for setting our hearts a flutter with Your love, Your forgiveness, and giving us our redemption, Your son Jesus Christ. amen John HIcks Even in the darkest hours of my life, I have felt Jesus sitting next to me,, and when I felt Him, even in that darkness, my heart went a flutter,, and He has always carried me out, and into the light, He has never failed me,nor do I believe He will ,,,ever. Have you ever felt that flutter?, If not , call out to Him , then be prepared, for it is the greatest moment of your life, when He enters in, and takes hold.. your heart will start, it will race with a flutter you have never felt before,,try it , you will like it,, I guarantee it!!! ");

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Welcome to the middle of the week! Lets all plan right now, and leave the future to God,, I know some things need planning, but plan with Him first, then all else will follow,, if you follow what I mean! Prayer Request: For Betty May , who will be going into the hospital Thursday, for a re-operation at 9:00 a.m. ,,, to replace her permacath on her neck for dialysis, for it is not working completely, and needs to be redone.. For Beth Ann Cotton, who after her church school closed cannot find a job, in the same type of school... She is in N.Y. helping her Dad, who is a pastor, to help in teaching at the Bible School for the church,, and has a chance to present her resume to a school there in N.Y. , so pray for success on this job. For Randy Travis, a favorite country singer of mine, who is suffering from a heart disease, and under went surgery yesterday afternoon,. I have not heard of the results, but He was fighting for his life,, please pray for Gods will.. as in all prayers. THANKFUL! Today, I ask this question,, are you thankful for what you have, or do you feel like you deserve it? I am thankful , for I deserve nothing, as I have been just as all "man",, a sinner, and I deserve nothing, BUT, with the choice of accepting my Lord, Jesus,, I have been given a new life,, and that I am thankful for more than any other in my life,, He is first, all else is second,, and I am also thankful for all I have, for we all need to know , that what we have is from Him, some not as much as others,, but there is a reason, so take what you have, and be very, very THANKFUL ,,, that we do have what we have,, for in a flash, it could be gone.. God, I thank You for my all,,,amen John HIcks A believer in Him, and thankful for Him and my all.... Have you thanked Him lately?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

COURSE CORRECTION! Monday-07/08/13

MONDAY! Typed in blue, but as bright as you want to make it!!!!! and just how do you make it bright? By requesting the Lord to share it with you,, and then watch the glow that appears!!!! Have a great Monday! Prayer Request: For Pam Bernette's Dad, who is in the hospital, with pneumonia, pray for his quick recovery! COURSE CORRECTION! This morning as we listened to the coming of the new day,, it was later than last week,, and it was,, by only a short time, but the birds knew, for the chirps are starting later... for as God reclines the Moon later, and raises the Sun over the horizon also later,, the birds automatically change their course of waking the morning up! God will feed them, and and direct them,, just as He will feed us, and direct us,,, IF,, we as humans have the sense to see it,, and then do it,,, and that is make a "course correction" as is needed in this Nation. As I read my daily Bible readings this morning on Ezra,,, I realize that as in 400+ BC, he returned to Jerusalem, as King Cyrus of Babylon allowed the Israelites to return,, Ezra through God, went in to re-teach the people the real word of God, for they had strayed, and as Gods' people returned , he was setting a new course for all already there, and for those who were coming. I thought of this,,, and realized, as a Nation given by God, of how quickly it is being taken from us... we are looking , but not seeing..... BUT this can change "back" just as it has changed forward....HOW? ME, YOU, WE, ALL,,, get on our knees, talk to God, make a "re-pack" with Him, then get aboard His train, and tell the engineer to guide this "gospel train",, of Gods' word,, up the mountains, down the mountains, through the mountains, around the mountains, down to the valleys, up and down these valleys,, with the "WORD OF GOD",, being 'RE-TAUGHT" as the only word,, and back satan down, put him over the west horizon, over the dark cliffs,and ALL rise with new day of the light of God,,, and save our Nation, like Ezra.. with the most urgently needed COURSE CORRECTION, OF THIS NATION,,, WITH A RE-COURSE OF GODS WORD,,, ONLY! God, I pray that today will be the new dawning of the new day with Your word abounding out of all the mouths of all the Christians of this Nation,, of YOU, and of YOUR WORD, YOUR WISHES, YOUR PLANS..and stand back of mans plans, putting YOU FIRST AND FOREMOST OF ALL THINGS... amen John HIcks Have a great day, and shout His word above all else...and join on this "course correction"! Will you board this train, or just keep on traveling for your greed? Your choice, of Him, or not.. now make it!!!!!!! ");


TUESDAY! Good morning God,, good morning world! It is a great day! The weather? Well I am in a climate control area.. how about you? My thermostat has been set by my Lord, and I cannot complain,, for I know when a builder builds, He knows the "what he built", better than the occupants,, do you agree? That the builder of this world has our thermostats set on the correct temperature, and the weather set on just what we need,, even if we don't understand it, He has a reason? I do! My God is always right,, even when my eyes, and my mind does not understand,,,, I believe!!! How about you? WHOM DO YOU PRAY TO? Some pray with all their heart , and pray directly to God....Then there are those who pray to be heard, by the crowd, the congregation, pray to make an impression to those in ear shot,,but that kind of prayer is only for the wind, for it carries not the truth, but only for the self-satisfaction of making the "prayee" feel good about themselves.. and when they stop, praying, two things hapen,, One is those words are off in the wind like that wind is coming out of therir mouths,,,, and Two....they usually stretch their chest,, and look around with a small up turn of their lips,,,for approval of the ones listening,,, no matter where they are see if they were heard, and they were,, but to what avail? When you pray,, pray from your from your heart , talk to God,, and to no one else,,,, and folks it is a privilege to be called upon to pray at any place or at any time,,,for it is your opportunity to talk to God,,, out loud,,,and do it with love and the want.. and not to wail to hear ones' tongue wag,,, SO when praying , whether it be in silence, out-loud, by ones-self, or in a group, a large crowd, or in a restaurant,, do it because YOU WANT TO DO IT,,, not because it is something that should be done,, for praying is like ,,, to me talking to my wife, a child of mine, a friend, for it is something I cherish, and love to do..and I love to talk to my God, so if you should walk up to my shop,, or in my yard, and hear me or see me smiling,, don't think I am crazy,, just come on in and join me.. for I am usually taling to my God,,,so yes come on in and join me,,and together ,,, we will PRAY TO GOD,, THERE OR WHERE-EVER WE ARE, BUT WE WILL PRAY TO HIM! and we will not pray , just to wail at our peers, for they are not our God, we will talk to the one who matters, our One , our ONLY GOD!! when you bow your head or close your eyes or look to the Heavens, talk like you are standing side by side with God as you pray,,, for you are!!!!! Thank about that! Thank You God for listening,, amen John HIcks Yes, I pray, and I am not ashamed of it, nor do I try to hide it, nor my beliefs, I am what you see,, like it or not...I am hear for my Lord,,, just who do you really represent first ,,, and foremost,,, here??? I like what I heard from a "now" friend of mine,, When someone asks him to pray for them,, he is not embarrassed at all, and he does it then and there,,and if whoever is in ear shot range, can either listen, leave , or ignore, for he is praying to God, for that persons' request, not to those around him!!! How many would or will do that? I ask that question in earnest, for that is commitment!! Right? ");

Sunday, July 7, 2013


SUNDAY! Good morning to all,, and I hope all have gotten up with the Lord, and that you include Him in all you think, you do, and and in all you say! Big job? Na! Not if you are a true believer,,, it will just come natural.. right? ENTHUSIASM! As we go through life,, we tend to do so with a lot of enthusiasm. It is the way we are built, but we sometimes get the wrong enthusiasm. Webster defines as : intense feeling. We lean to the side of ourselves as we show this "intense feeling". We should watch out for ourselves,, but we should do as we have been instructed by our Lord,, we should keep others within our hearts, and we should be ready to help,, care, and surely lead others.. and especially to Him.. So as we rush through this life, grabbing all we can as we go ,,, we need to stop,, go slower,, and first, we need to grab hold of God,, and His Son, Jesus Christ,, spread the word,, by testimony with the greatest enthusiasm.. and then we need to grasp the feeling of others, and show them the way,, not only by testimonial.. but by example. Do you have this feeling for God, Jesus, and others? If not,, then go to the one who can change you,, and that is by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.. then you will feel a renewed ENTHUSIASM! That "intense feeling" within!!!!! Lord, please come into all us with that "enthusiasm" that we seek within ourselves,,, and send us out to do Your work, and pass out Your word.. amen John HIcks Trying to have more enthusiasm when it comes to God,, then having the enthusiasm of other things,,, and it takes daily practice,, not a one a day thing,, so the old saying,, practice makes perfect! What is your "intense feeling".

Saturday, July 6, 2013


SATURDAY! Now for the rest of this long week-end? Yes the first two days are gone, and now to top it off with the rest of that long w/e,, for those off work,, and two long days for those who have to work! But stop, and enjoy either way,, by starting this day off with the Lord, as you did the other days before, (didn't you?), and the days ahead will be so enjoyable, you will have to tilt your head back , just a little, and say,,, out loud,,"thank You Lord, for this day, and all that I have,,, I give you the glory, and the credit for it all!" Now ,,, have a great Saturday, and the days to come, for if you will ask Him along today, be sure to ask Him along for each day, and into eternity! He will obliged you with a smile on His face, and put one on yours! WITTINESS PROTECTION! Have you heard of the governments "witness protection plan"? Well, I have one even better, and with this one,, you don't hide, you stand out in a crowd,, and talk ,,"out Loud",, about the greatness, the goodness, and the greatest love of this world,,, and that is the One you, and I worship daily,, our ALMIGHTY GOD,, OUR ETERNAL WITTINESS PROTECTION PLAN ! Thank You God, for your plan,, Jesus Christ, our Salvation, if we choose! amen John HIcks I have accepted His plan! Want to sign up, if you haven't already? Just ask for Jesus to come into your heart and give Him your soul to keep, and the plan is in action.. you are protected from that one,, satan.. Your choice!

Friday, July 5, 2013


FRIDAY! TGED! Today, the day after the 4th,,,, can't top that! Today is a day of doing just what you want,, no planning cook-outs, too much eating, only if you want,, and as good as it gets, ole hot dogs, and hamburgers on the grill,, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich will do just fine!!! Yes, today , kick back and enjoy that day of yesterday, that gave you the freedom to do just this... and don't forget who gave you the life you have right now, and that real freedom from ole satan ,,, the Lord God, the Almighty,, who sent His Son, to give us the world, and Heaven, by giving us His life on an Old Rugged Cross,, just for you and I to have the freedom of everlasting life!!! Yes, now kick back, enjoy, we have covered it all... and folks, I think for today,, that is enough,, for a little goes a long way!! Have a great and blessed Friday! God, thank You for our all! amen John HIcks Patriot, God fearing, and God loving! amen!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


WEDNESDAY! The day before the big holiday, of our Nations' Independence! I know the roads will be full, and I ask that God give all a great and safe travel, and the all destinations or reached safely! Some will work,, and as you are off, or have to work,, remember, that no matter the holiday,, we have those special ones who work 24/7, 365 days per year, protecting this country, and our freedom to celebrate this Holiday, and all those others... and yes you guessed it,,,, thank you, our Service Men, and Women, and our God,, and His Son,, all are there guarding our freedoms of rights, and eternal life, of choice as we choose to do so ! Have a great pre-holiday, day, and may God bless each of you! Prayer Request: Pray for the family of little Teresa, , who had the failed heart transplant, for when the artificial heart was put in,, it did not function,, and little Teresa died ,,, and now is in the arms of a greater doctor of all,, our almighty God! Please pray for God to instill the "why" into the minds and hearts of her family. WHAT IS THAT BEHIND YOUR EYE? It can be many things, for we are recording by the mil-a-second in our brains, for our eyes are constantly seeing, and these images are put forth,, not only consciences, but sub-consciences to what we remember as the now,, and is turned into the past,,, before we can even conceive it!! That is the biggest and fastest and most accurate computer of response ever made, and it was "God Made"... not evolved! If we can use this as a on going day in, day out, each second, each minute,,, seeing ,,, recording, and the ultimate use of the computer, the brain,, one would think that we are smart enough to see that God made this Universe, this World, the Air we breath, the Water we drink, the Food we eat, the Shelter that we use for Warmth, and Cooling.. safe and secure,,, Yes you would think that... but when you look around, it makes you wonder, , JUST WHAT IS COMING IN, AND GOING INTO THAT BRAIN,, RIGHT BEHIND THIS,, YOUR EYE,, AND IS IT OF GOD, OR NOT OF GOD.... LOOK AROUND YOU, AND PRAY,, PRAY!!!! God, I feel like that more, and more are seeing You, and that we see more, and more of satan on our news that we see or read,,, than we do of that realistic love of You, that we all really have.. and I ask that we all show it more abundantly than we do... and be a standing example of You, amen John HIcks Yes , I stand for my God, I profess Him, and I profess His Son Jesus as my Savior , and my Salvation of this life,,,and what I see, as my eyes flash in the world within that mil-a-second, is a filter of the above mentioned ,, for that is what will save us.. the real truth of what we see, and how we actually re-act to these things, we see... are you still with me? Make a choice, filter, or go non-filter, and be lost.. forever, and ever! Make sense?,, it does to me! Make a statement,, of your choice!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


TUESDAY! Good morning to all! I have had my eyes opened again this morning,, one of the just how great it is to wake up with the Lord at my side, and also knowing the fact,, so will He ever day of the rest of my life, and then ,, He will set beside me sipping coffee with me,, and so I raise my coffee cup this morning as I start my day,, again, with my Lord ... "Thank You Lord, for my all"! Prayer Reports: Just want to say ,, "Thank You God for all the responses to our prayers... we know you are there, and that you answer in your way, and that we continue our faith,,, and continue our prayers to and of You!" JUST WHO ARE WE? We are the children of God! Yes, just a true fact and some face it, some don't,, some go up,, some go down... it is a choice,, and it is a fair choice,,, of ACCEPT MY SON,,, YOUR CHOICE,, FROM YOUR ONE AND ONLY GOD!!!!! AND THAT CHOICE,,,,,, IS WHAT MAKES YOU WHAT YOU ARE! Lord, thank You for that choice You gave us for our Salvation,, if we use it. amen John HIcks Short today,, but you know,, sometimes it needs to be just simple for some people... what do you think? Have a great day ,,, and I hope you give our God a toast for life today also....God Bless each one of you, is my prayer today!!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013


MONDAY! WELCOME TO THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 2013! I hope waking up to a new day, will start off as great as mine,, for I awoke with the Lord at my side,,, and after five minutes,,, a cup of java in my hand, on my lips, and oh so blessed with this great cup of my favorite morning rising! What is your favorite? We all have one, so let it be known, and I pray yours is as good as mine,,, May all have a great, another of Gods' gracious days , of His gift of the day, and His love of this day, and of eternity,, enjoy, enjoy! Prayer Request : For Susan Roberts... God is with you in all you, and your faith will carry you through, may God bless you this day, and all your days. ENTER IN WITH A CRY,, EXIT WITH A SHOUT OF GLORY! Everyone wants to go to Heaven, they just don't want to go right now! This is picked up from a country song, and is so true.... We all make our plans of the day, the week, the month, the year,, and our eternity.... and we see lots of our plans unfold,,, except the one we do not see in this life time,, and as much as we don't like to say it, but our own death. We plan it, and I pray that all plan it well... for the outcome of this plan is a permanent one! As we come into this world,, we are spanked or made to cry out,,, to get our lungs going, our hearts beating better, and letting the world know we are here,,, and a loud cry of hurrays,, shouts of laughter, congratulations,,, singing, cries of relief, and happiness are abounding everywhere,,, WE just can't contain ourselves, for a new life is born... BUT we are taught to cry of a birth and cheer of a death... and this is the hardest of doing, but not of understanding.. for a newborn has so much of sin to face... to overcome, a fight from accountability to death.. it is a fight of fights ,, for we as man, just will not use the faith our Father gave us,, to make a judgment of faith in Jesus Christ, set back and live as He wants us to live, and let Jesus carry us over the threshold of death.. To know of one who passed over this threshold, who is a real Christian,, we should shout to the Heavens, our happiness, of another going to be with our Heavenly Father and all the others , the rest of the world who have preceded us to that place, called Heaven,,, and never worry again,,, no never again.. We should rejoice of our loved ones who have preceded us, even as we miss them, we shall join them.. if these plans of ours is made with Him, then we should get a shout of praises, and no ne shed not a tear,, except that of missing of that love one,, just for a while, and we will and should SHOUT AT A "BORN-ING OF A CHILD", AND "MOURN THAT OF A PASSING",, with love of having another child, and that of missing that of another love one ,, and folks,, both are of a short time , for life is short, and the mourning will turn to joy one day soon.. so be of good cheer, and worship our God to make sure your plans are complete! God, thank You for You, Jesus, and our path of glory,, for the faith You gave us, and I pray that all use it.... amen John HIcks Yes, just as all,, we don't know when, but we know it will be.. so go to your Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ , now, don't delay one minute,, for He is at the side waiting, and wishing for you to call His name, ,,,, so Call!!! Now!!! ");