Wednesday, July 10, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Welcome to the middle of the week! Lets all plan right now, and leave the future to God,, I know some things need planning, but plan with Him first, then all else will follow,, if you follow what I mean! Prayer Request: For Betty May , who will be going into the hospital Thursday, for a re-operation at 9:00 a.m. ,,, to replace her permacath on her neck for dialysis, for it is not working completely, and needs to be redone.. For Beth Ann Cotton, who after her church school closed cannot find a job, in the same type of school... She is in N.Y. helping her Dad, who is a pastor, to help in teaching at the Bible School for the church,, and has a chance to present her resume to a school there in N.Y. , so pray for success on this job. For Randy Travis, a favorite country singer of mine, who is suffering from a heart disease, and under went surgery yesterday afternoon,. I have not heard of the results, but He was fighting for his life,, please pray for Gods will.. as in all prayers. THANKFUL! Today, I ask this question,, are you thankful for what you have, or do you feel like you deserve it? I am thankful , for I deserve nothing, as I have been just as all "man",, a sinner, and I deserve nothing, BUT, with the choice of accepting my Lord, Jesus,, I have been given a new life,, and that I am thankful for more than any other in my life,, He is first, all else is second,, and I am also thankful for all I have, for we all need to know , that what we have is from Him, some not as much as others,, but there is a reason, so take what you have, and be very, very THANKFUL ,,, that we do have what we have,, for in a flash, it could be gone.. God, I thank You for my all,,,amen John HIcks A believer in Him, and thankful for Him and my all.... Have you thanked Him lately?

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