Wednesday, July 3, 2013


WEDNESDAY! The day before the big holiday, of our Nations' Independence! I know the roads will be full, and I ask that God give all a great and safe travel, and the all destinations or reached safely! Some will work,, and as you are off, or have to work,, remember, that no matter the holiday,, we have those special ones who work 24/7, 365 days per year, protecting this country, and our freedom to celebrate this Holiday, and all those others... and yes you guessed it,,,, thank you, our Service Men, and Women, and our God,, and His Son,, all are there guarding our freedoms of rights, and eternal life, of choice as we choose to do so ! Have a great pre-holiday, day, and may God bless each of you! Prayer Request: Pray for the family of little Teresa, , who had the failed heart transplant, for when the artificial heart was put in,, it did not function,, and little Teresa died ,,, and now is in the arms of a greater doctor of all,, our almighty God! Please pray for God to instill the "why" into the minds and hearts of her family. WHAT IS THAT BEHIND YOUR EYE? It can be many things, for we are recording by the mil-a-second in our brains, for our eyes are constantly seeing, and these images are put forth,, not only consciences, but sub-consciences to what we remember as the now,, and is turned into the past,,, before we can even conceive it!! That is the biggest and fastest and most accurate computer of response ever made, and it was "God Made"... not evolved! If we can use this as a on going day in, day out, each second, each minute,,, seeing ,,, recording, and the ultimate use of the computer, the brain,, one would think that we are smart enough to see that God made this Universe, this World, the Air we breath, the Water we drink, the Food we eat, the Shelter that we use for Warmth, and Cooling.. safe and secure,,, Yes you would think that... but when you look around, it makes you wonder, , JUST WHAT IS COMING IN, AND GOING INTO THAT BRAIN,, RIGHT BEHIND THIS,, YOUR EYE,, AND IS IT OF GOD, OR NOT OF GOD.... LOOK AROUND YOU, AND PRAY,, PRAY!!!! God, I feel like that more, and more are seeing You, and that we see more, and more of satan on our news that we see or read,,, than we do of that realistic love of You, that we all really have.. and I ask that we all show it more abundantly than we do... and be a standing example of You, amen John HIcks Yes , I stand for my God, I profess Him, and I profess His Son Jesus as my Savior , and my Salvation of this life,,,and what I see, as my eyes flash in the world within that mil-a-second, is a filter of the above mentioned ,, for that is what will save us.. the real truth of what we see, and how we actually re-act to these things, we see... are you still with me? Make a choice, filter, or go non-filter, and be lost.. forever, and ever! Make sense?,, it does to me! Make a statement,, of your choice!

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