Sunday, July 21, 2013

Soul Statement!

SUNDAY! THE SABBATH DAY! Now that we all know it's His day,,, let's treat it like it!!!!! I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: The ones among you who will really be happy are those that have sought and found how to serve THE LORD , OUR GOD! SOUL STATEMENT! We get all kinds of statements,,, credit report statements,,, doctor statements,,, and the most important to our everyday living,, or just living,,, is our bank statement. This one tells us how we stand on our finances,, are we going to make it, or are we going to fall. What is our balance? Is it enough to pay all of our bills,,, can we get by until we get some more money,,, by work or any other way that we can earn money? This what that old bank statement tells us,,, so much rides on this one report in our lives. Wow! Now that we have our bank statements in shape,,, and we know what our balance is,,, I have just one question,,, How is the statement of your soul, is your balance where you want it to be?If it is not,,, then maybe you need to join my bank,,, where the soul accounts are always on the plus side,,,free checking,,, all debts paid ,,, and it is worry free,,, My bank account is with THE ETERNAL BANK OF SALVATION OF JESUS CHRIST. I have my checking,, saving,, and all of my CDs, in this bank,, my life is within its structure,,, So check out your bank and see if you are satisfied with YOUR SOUL STATEMENT! Lord,,, thank you for letting me in to your Salvation Plan,,, and giving me Jesus to do my banking of life with... amen John HIcks My deposit slips are all made out to Him and His bank,,, and they are deposited,,, where are you doing your banking today?

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