Friday, December 3, 2010


TGIF-Friday! You made it , yet again! Is it not wonderful to be so , that we can all celebrate this day as an accomplishment for the full week, & that we have been so good, so great, we deserve this day that leads us to the two days of a week-end,, even the retired get excited! God bless this nation, of really ,, happy children, what-ever the age! Have a great Friday all....

WHERE DOES THE LINE FORM? Where is the line?

I listened to a video on Facebook yesterday, that inspired me to write this little piece today. Let's see if it fits any of us.. read with tears, for I now tell this story,,, in the mall,, a mall of thousands of shoppers , daily! If you were to go there, from opening to closing, now ,this season, you would have to turn your shoulder, left or right, probably one million times, if you shopped for six hours... now folks that is a lot of people shopping in this mall. On the main floor is the area of Christmas Land,, it contains all of the ornaments, trees, little animals of all kinds(stuffed), just your ever-day decorated winter wonder-land,, with a big pavilion made with a path from the mall floor ,up about three feet and to this big ole jolly man dressed all in red, with white tips on his coat, and hat, a big black belt, and big black boots.. and yes, by golly,, he laughed and shook ,,just like a bowl full of jelly.. it was Santa Clause.. wow,, was the place at a stop,, you had to go way around the kids , with their parents,, as who , the kids, was jumping up and down , just to see Santa, then get to talk to him, and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. What a site, all these children, and guess what,,there with just as big of anticipation of seeing him, was the parents also.. smiling at everyone who had to brush them ,just to get by.. then out of no where,, a little voice from a little boy , about five years of age, came like thunder to this celebration,, over-riding all the voices in the mall,, not so loud, but the message,, that made it hit like lightning and thunder.. the voice of this little boy rang out with these words,,,,,,
"Is this the line to see Jesus?",,, "I know it is His birthday coming up, and I want to wish Him a happy Birthday, and see what He wants for a present". "Is this where the line forms to get to see Jesus?"
Not a word could be heard,, not a laugh could anyone hear, not even a smile,,, and that is quite,,, just breathing,, and the widest opening of thousands of eyes.. for not one , out of all these people could answer this little innocent boy,, who knew the reason for this season of celebration, and just wanted to line up, see his Jesus, and ask that question, not what he wanted, but what Jesus might want for His birthday,,,
Now, I ask ,, as that little boy did,,,,


My almighty God, I thank You for the innocent of children, and Lord , I thank You for this upcoming birthday of Your Son and the reason He came, and the reason He left...thank You God for all we have,, amen

John HIcks
Each time I am in the mall, I will think of this little five year old when I pass the Santa Claus line! How about you,, what will you be thinking?


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