Saturday, November 20, 2010


Welcome Saturday,, we have waited all week for you to show up and now that you are here Mr. Saturday, we have lots for you today.. by we,, I mean, us, the readers of this, and also the one who made you Mr. Saturday! God Almighty!


I have told all of you about the miracles in my family.. and we have had many. Here is two in one writing. I retired April 2006,, and at that time,,, I was a heavy smoker,, about 2 to 3 packs of ole Winston Longs.. and I would fight you to save my cigs. I had three plants that kept smoking at a designated place, just for me.. yes that is right,, some did not know this, but in these three plants, I was asked if they cut out smoking what would I do.. and I said quit..and they knew , I would.. and I would have done just that,,, folks , I was hooked , and hooked since the age of slipping around and smoking roll your own, or a cob pipe(homemade). Yes,, my body had not known life without nicotine since the age of 5.. I decided to quite after I retired,, and did not know that day, that I would... I had made a "smoking booth" for me and my wife, in our utility room... I went in there on this morning at 10:00am, lite a cig, smoked half, looked at it,, cut the fire off of it, fell to my knees, and "I cried our to God,, please take this urge away,, and help me stop this destruction to my body!"I rose with a feeling like none other, than baptismal,, and I knew I was free, free from cigarettes.. and I was,, when an urge hit me, I looked up, smiled and it was gone.. a miracle from God!
I promised two,, but being long winded as I am,, I will do the second one of this chapter tomorrow.. please bare with me..

Miracle don't just happen, they are planned, and all of them come from God!

Lord, thank You for the miracles of mine, to all who reads this, and may you continue your blessings on us all.. and may we recognize those miracles You send us .. amen

John HIcks
I have heard people say, "Why don't we have the miracles today as they had in Biblical days?", and I say,, we do,, you just have not recognize them,, one outstanding is that you live in one right now!! Recognize it ?

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