Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Tuesday-I cried out ,, Please Lord , give me food, He did. Give me drink, He did. Give me shelter, He did. Give me health, He did. Give me love, He did.
Then He called out to us,, Love me, just love me! Did we?

Prayer Request: For the defendants of this nation to keep us free... military, state patrols, sheriff and deputies, local police, all those who put themselves in harms way, to keep harm from our doorsteps.. May God bless you all, and keep you in His protective arms, and thanks from all of us.


We all have a tendency to speak our minds.. and this is good, most of the times, but sometimes, we need to hold our tongues.. My children are always reminding me, when I make a statement, I am just going to tell that person, or those people just what I think, to stop, think, and assess my big mouth and its' uttering.. is it what needs to be said, or is it going to hurt more than create good? This is a great question for all of us to ask, before we engage the famous "tongue".. Stop, think , but go ahead with something,, something that is in your own words, and not the words of anger, which satan loves to put in our outbursts. We should always ask, is this something I would like to hear? Even if the words you are about to say is truth, is it the time, and place for it.. and is it the words you are feeling on impulse, or are they,, words of you? I am saying , we need to express exactly what we feel, do not lie to keep from hurting someones feeling, or to keep you safe, but say it in a way that is truth, but tactful.. Can we do this? We can if we will keep Jesus in our hearts ,, He will help with the hinge of the tongue..He will oil it, before you speak. with His blood, His love, and He will take satan out of the picture,, but will still let you speak as He would, and in


Lord, thank You for giving us Jesus, who works in so many ways, and one being keeping our words as You would want us to speak. amen

John HIcks
The one thing I have a problem with, speaking my own mind! It is a blessing, and it is a curse,, for I am constantly having to call upon the Lord to help me in all of my vocabulary. He has given me my talk of today, that is , think before I utter anything in my own words,, Who helps you in your speech?

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