Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Wednesday- The ole "hump day"! You have crawled to the middle of the week. Now , did you bring the Lord with you to the top, and are you going to take Him with you on the way to the week-end , and through the rest of your life? Believe me, wax your slide,, with His word, and love, and you will slide right into Heaven, when the time comes,, and not off a cliff of no bottom.. no stop, just falling.. wax or not! Have a great "middle day"!


Definition of a Hero: a figure in mythology and legend renowned for exceptional courage and fortitude.
Yesterday, we had a great hero come to the front of our eyes, and receive the greatest medal of all metals for heroic duty while serving our country,,, Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta humbly accepted the Congressional Medal of Honor . This young man gave his all, while rescuing a fellow soldier. He was as humble, as the feat was great that he accomplished. This is the way of a real hero! He gave all of his comrades the glory, for as he said, without them, he could not have done this act, and this act of heroism, was what his duty as a soldier was expected of him. Yes my friends ,, a real hero,,, the act of exceptional courage and fortitude.. who will truly return to his duty with the same attitude.. God bless you Sgt Giunta, for this act, and for guarding our country and our freedom... job well done!
We have one other hero that we should make known to all we see, and give Him the Medal of Life,, for He gave His life,, hung on a cross with spikes driven into his hands and legs.. died for you and I ,, with no want from you , but your love , and then not only did He give his earthly body to death, but He went one step further,,, He gave us life! Yes today, as we celebrate Sgt Giunta, and I take nothing from him, and I also would expect, if asked, would agree with us in saying , today, everyday, lets stop, upon rising each and every day,, salute with a word of prayer ,,of thanks to our victor over death, risen and alive today,,, our Jesus, our


God, I give you thanks for a hero like Sgt Giunta, and I thank you for the PERSONAL HERO you gave each of us,, Your Son , Jesus, and life eternal .. all a gift from You.. our gratitude and love to You for this.. amen

John HIcks
Following my Hero each and every day, and all through these days.. who are you following ? Choice!

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