Saturday, November 6, 2010


Saturday! Jesus is like the water of a stream,, He continues to flow, give relief of thirst, cleans as He travels, can become a violet rush, when accosted by satans sin, then can recapture the moment of a summers innocent flow, he flows for ever, and ever, He is our stream of life!

Prayer Request: For Amanda Newby, the family of Larry Dale Vaughn, for God to whole all as the brother, the husband, the dad, and the friend to many,, passed on to God, Thursday night. .. God give them the relief from grief, and the knowledge of where Larry is at this time, with You.


We take God , about 99% of the time,, as the God of just setting upon a golden throne,, having given us the world,, and letting us live as we want, leisurely, stealing, killing, working with the horned devil, tearing down the earth, that He so lovingly gave us... that He is so unconcerned as to what we are doing.. If you think this , you are on the wrong road of life.. for God gives us all kinds of billboards on our road of this life..
We see great floods in this time,, floods that engulf thousands of lives in one roll onto the beaches, over the river banks,, valleys filled to the top of the hills with water,,, houses , towns , cities, completely destroyed. How can we miss these warning of just how great He is? I want each of you to close your eyes,, imagine a large , gigantic mountain,, setting idle one minute,, THEN BOOM! , the top blows completely off,, out comes a flume of smoke & ash , so thick you can't breath,, bowing some five miles up into the atmosphere,,, then a bright red orange fire of melted rock, yes melted rock,, call lava,,, comes flowing out of the top, the sides, down on the land, burning, crushing all living things, yes all,, one sweep of lava, hotter than anything you can even imagine,, burning all,, villages, towns, cities,, then into the oceans,, steaming with more gusto of heat than a large train engine.. Yes , killing all in front of its path.. then the cooling period,, and finally solid rock mountain again.. Then, out of the rock, comes a small plant, a flower, then a tree, then life as it was, over the years.. God took,, then God gave it back! Open your eyes, and all is safe around you. You are sparred in this eye closing moment,, by Gods' choice...
My point? Hell is hotter than that volcano,, so why do we go around committing sin? Why do we live our lives without God,, without Jesus, who is our way to Heaven , past this hole of satans fire,,falling into it WHY?
Believe me , God is of LOVE,, only does He show His fierceness when we sin so much,, His heart is broken and He lashes out with a vengeance of so great , we cannot imagine,, so pray for , forgiveness of your sins, and live by
Gods law,, accept Jesus as your Savior , and then you may see only at a distance, the wrath of God, but with Jesus' arms wrapped around you, then you will not have to experience


God, thank You for Your love of a Son , to protect us from all harm. amen

John HIcks
Yes, I have been in the path of the lava,, but snatched up and away from the path of burning, when I accepted Jesus! His arms engulfed me and has set me free,,, free from satans grasp.. Want to escape also,, just ask Jesus to come on in,, and He will also carry you in His arms ,, and it feels sooooo good.. come on!

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