Wednesday, July 23, 2014


WEDNESDAY! The day the "camel" runs wild! Ha! Yes, we hear more on the "camel" than we hear on or about God! Now what is wrong with all of us... we are human, and we seem to follow what is today''s "tradition"!,,, and right now it is his turn,,"to let the "camel run loose and let's plan the W/E!" but don't forget to use those words "if it is your will, God"! For without His involvement, tomorrow is not a promise, only the now! Thank about it as you make your plans! Prayer Requests: For Israel, as they seek those who want to destroy her, even in using human shields. and deliver her from all those who do not believe in her! For Dominic Rowland, a three year old young boy, who fell from a balcony on Tuesday. Dominic is in The Children's Hospital, in an induced coma. Please pray that God will shine down on this young one and heal all of his problems from this fall! LORD, LORD , HOW MUCH MORE DO WE WANT? This morning as I watched the night come to day, and during a time I was alone, except for little Pug lying at my feet so faithful,,, and so guarding of me.. I looked out into the dark, and thought , Lord, thank You so very much for all I have, and all You will give to me in the future! Then as just fast as I said this to myself, it hit me just as fast of just how do we really think of just what do we have , and are we thankful, I mean really, of the warm, the dry, the comfortable of what we live in, just how much more do we have than others in this world,,, those who live in "third world" countries, in cardboard boxes, gun patrols walking past them at all times. and will shoot them for little of nothing.. so horrible, and those who are gong through the piles of garbage looking for food,(little one also) ,, just scraps of anything they can get past their noses to eat and survive.....remember all that extra food, or the food some young one said "oh no, I don't want that tonight, I want a pizza!" so you threw out the good stuff and ordered the pizza, and you did not know that later some other kid was checking our that "good stuff" to see if it was still edible! OH DID I SAY THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES?,, FOLKS, IT IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA , RIGHT NOW, YES RIGHT NOW... FOR we throw away enough to feed the world, yet we have kids in this country who patrol garbage heaps to find enough good food to survive.....sleep in cardboard boxes... and yes gang members who roam the streets , armed better than our police force..with no fear of them and will shoot anyone who gets in their way.... and then the light starts to appear from the night into the light of day...and nothing changes for those above, as we say,, oh that is sooooo bad.. you really mean it!!! but then we let it go....right here in the USA? and then off we go,, and I mean we,, and go about our daily business,, and oh well,, maybe "someone"will take care of this,, for it really is not my business! BUT IT IS OUR BUSINESS AND I ASK AGAIN,,,,,,,,,, LORD, JUST HOW MUCH DO WE WANT! AND HOW LONG WILL YOU KEEP GIVING? AND HOW LONG WILL WE LOOK THE OTHER WAY! GOD HELP AND FORGIVE US HERE IN THIS , THE USA!!! God, I pray You show us the way,, to help, and to be more of a people that is of shared "things" with our "shared profession of faith and spirit of You. amen John HIcks Sometimes , you wonder where God is at a certain time, and just what is He doing, and believe it or not,,, HE is right there talking to you!!! "JOHNS' BELIEVE IT OR NOT!"

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