Saturday, July 26, 2014


SATURDAY! Welcome to another of His days,,, and may we use it as He expects us to do! Maybe if we do use it as HE expects us to do,, some may have to change their plans... Are you one of those? If you are , then thank God for His following COMPASSION What is compassion? Webster states it as , "Mercy". Do we have it, as was intended for us to not only have, but distribute it abundantly. It seems as if we eliminate this on really bad crimes, attacks on us by force or by mouth, and attacks on our friends, country , and yes even our church. We have a built in hold and a release button on compassion. We seem to let it out only, after we check to see ,if it is out in the open ,where "we" will be recognized for it and if it makes us feel good!!! This is not what real "compassion" is all about. When you see something that is bad, or someone hurt, compassion is needed, and think about the lost souls , who really need you and me!!!! Do you give out compassion for them, just as you give it out for your accusers, or the personal crucifiers to you? THEY need it just as bad, if not more, so in all you do to your accusers, crucifiers , & the lost, ,,show much , much compassion to them and remember, when we appear in front of God, do we not want COMPASSION,,,,,, (MERCY????) Lord, may we give more than we receive,, on all we do! amen John HIcks Trying to be compassionate, but always falling short.But the good thing about our God, is the using our time to confess our short comings, and asking for strength... how about you, need an energizer to boast your "compassion"? Then seek out the Lord, for HE IS COMPASSION, 100%!

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