Friday, July 25, 2014


FRIDAY! Well, here I am , back on Yahoo... and with their promises of better service,, I will have faith and try to stay with them! for faith is what our lives are based on by our God, so we need to practice it with others as much as He does with us, of forgiving us, and with the faith that HE knows, He made man, and there are men who find favor from Him ,,, or we would not be.. so, let's practice what we "preach"! O.K.? So let's all start out with this,, let's all become a "MULE"! Why a mule, you ask? For a "mule' can carry more than its' own weight,, so we must be that strong, and carry the needs and help that are requested of us,,, no matter the tolerance we must go through to carry these things, and from who! Now, you know what you are, and what you must do of the starting of your today, what your journey is, and what your load is, and even though you may not know of the complete load you will carry,, it will be there, & if you are needed to carry it, you will throw it on your back, have the faith that your back will withstand that load, for your spine is from above on faith....and carry as you journey through this life! Now,, not many would put up with a man calling all of you, including himself this morning... A MULE , NOT FOR A DAY, BUT FOR LIFE! Lord, I have so much to be thankful for, and so little faith, but lots of love of You, and I pray that You will give me, and all who reads these thoughts,,, the strength of this "mule",,THE FAITH to carry Your will, and Your messages daily, for the rest of time that You shall decide to give me, and us. amen John HIcks So glad to be back here and doing what I truly believe is God's work, and may we all realize that to carry a load, we must have this faith,,,, THIS FAITH OF A MUSTARD SEED, AND YOU SHALL BE ABLE TO MOVE MOUNTAINS! A promise from Him!

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