Tuesday, February 19, 2013


TUESDAY! Good morning to all,,, and I hope and pray that all have a great day , for God gave it to us to enjoy, and for us to give our burdens to Him,,, so do it, and then enjoy, enjoy!!! Little Humor: As a child , our menu consisted of two choices,, take it, or leave it! Ever hear that at the table? WE ARE SO BLESSED! YES WE ARE! I write much about what is wrong with our Nation, and our world, we forget to think of how much is right!!! We all, live in the best Nation of the world,,,most, have food,, clothing, a shelter, and ,, we all have love. Now the first things, we may not have to give,, but we should search for a way to give those items to all we see that needs them.... and the last, we all have,,,, and all we need to do with it, is give it out fully, for it is one thing we all can give, and it replenishes, 100 fold +,,, more and more to give,,,, Now this is a built in commodity from God, for that love start with Him,, and what you give is an overflow, for that is how much He loves us all...so why don't we give it out more?? Being dumb and self centered... yes, and that is a bold statement , but you who hoards love, and refuses, or to scared to give it out.. you are missing on one of the great gifts God has given us here,, on this earth, and the only way you can be saved by Jesus, is "LOVE".... well? Now, start today, first,, by loving back, yes back ,,, to your God, and His Son, Jesus,, and be thankful for them both, and do so by professing them both of your love of them ,and that you are spreading the word of their love of all... do it to all you see,,, and then,, stand back,,, and brace, for that love will hit you back, and I start that "back flash" right now, for I love you all.... Now that it is started,,, keep it going this day, and all the days forth!!!!! REMEMBER ,WE ARE BLESSED , WITH LIFE, LOVE, TO GIVE, AND RECEIVE, FROM GOD AND SON! God, today, two things, I give out my love to You, Jesus , and all who reads this, and I ask that all who reads this ,, do the same, to all they meet today,, give to all You, and then themselves, amen John HIcks Have a great God's day, and trust in Him, and enjoy the life he has given you, and if yu think we have it bad,,, look around you!

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