Wednesday, January 28, 2015


WEDNESDAY! Good morning to all! I pray that you made your choice today, and it was to have God beside you, by your own request.... and that you have made the decision to accept Jesus as your Lord and believe all of the above, and that you practice as best as you can, and love , love, for love is the best medicine for all! Prayer of Mourning: Our Christian Vietnam, Veteran, that served for our freedom, contracted agent orange, had the tumor in his chest, was moved to hospice, and died less than a day or two...Mr. Mike Owens! I am in mourning , not for that he is dead, but that it took another Veteran, another Christian to take this man, and try to give him the best of his last days here, for all else turned their backs, and I mention no name of this other vet... for that is what he would want! I cry "VICTORY" for Mister Owens, for his statement was right up to the last, He had accepted Jesus, and he was prepared,,,, and that is something that all cannot say! so , this morning is dedicated to this one man, who not only served his country, unconditional, and it still caused his death here on this earth, while we live out ours with freedom.. but that even knowing all the addictions of pain of this disease and all else he suffered from internally, he did the one thing that I challenge all to do this day, is to do as he did, right up until death, here and that was to CRY OUT!!!! I AM READY, YES READY TO MEET MY MASTER, FOR ALL THAT IS WRONG WITH ME NOW,,,, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE....... I HAVE ACCEPTED MY LORD, AND I AM READY!! Can you say this, could you be this brave on your death bed,, well could today let us remember this man and make this day A USA VETERAN, MISTER OWENS DAY! God., you received a good man, thank You for him. amen\ John HIcks Servant to God! Different today, I will see how it is received, for I write the truth of a man who lived hard, but died with dignity!!!!

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