Friday, January 9, 2015


FRIDAY! TGED! I still am in love with these initials sent to me by my friend Perry Livingston! We,,,and I include myself in this "we",, do not call on our Lord as we I being judgmental? You bet I am!! For IF we were being like we should be ,,, as God demands us to be... we would not be worried about inflation, or anything else but pleasing Him... for He does tell us, IF HE TAKES CARE OF THE SPARROW!!!!..AND WE ARE MORE PRECIOUS TO HIM THAN THE SPARROW,, THEN WHY DO WE WORRY?,,maybe not exactly correct on the way He said it,, (and that is why I put this part in, no reason for anyone to hit me back with "it is not exactly right"),,, but that is the whole story this morning,,,, WHAT IS EXACTLY RIGHT, AND WHAT IS NOT EXACTLY RIGHT? I,,,, WE,, all need to STOP! Review not our lives, but our ways!,, Change maybe,, I don't know, for I only know my own.. so this life , mine is the only one I can judge,,,so you see, it is up to YOU,,, for the one thing God did give each of us was OUR OWN CHOICE! Now that choice of HOW!!!! Is up to YOU! Lord, I ask continued help in the warmth of those cold, those sick, those with impossible things that only YOU can change,, and I ask for You to forgive as You see fit,,, for I ask for all,,,, amen John HIcks Some mornings ,,,, the words are at times confused as they are written, and it seems strange to me also... but as I re-read each and every time,,, I light up,,, and I see the light... no I am no one special,, to this world, but I am special to my God!! How do you feel? Any opinions, for I see opinions and comments on everything of this world that is wrong, by my opinion,, and we all have one, don't we... but to agreed on God,, may not make you "one of the group", no written messages, but the others ,, plenty! Well???????

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