Sunday, December 30, 2012


SUNDAY! Good day to all! I hope your day is as great as you anticipated it will be..and that you did get it endorsed by the holder of the "bank of life", before you went out to cash in on all that bounty of receiver-ship, wellness, fun, warmth, food, clothing, on, and on! May all have a great day with their God, I am,,, and my God is the Living One, and the Creator of all! Is yours the same? PRAYER REQUEST: Much needed for our Nation, and those self-centered ones who run it,, Please , God , give them some direction, for I am afraid they are lost, and wandering,,, to self destruct! LEARN FROM YESTERDAY, LIVE THIS "TODAY", PRAY FOR TOMORROW! Yes, yesterday is gone, but not the lesson we learn from it... but to use it , in this day we live of today, is never a realization, until this day becomes, yesterday! I hope that does not sound to scary or to crazy...but we as "man" seem to look at our mistakes, and say, "we have learned from our mistakes",,,, but do we really? I see the same people in office, our Nation in debt of a mass amount and to our enemies... the same ole same asking what are we elected to do?, argue or make real decisions? Half of the House, half of the Senate, NO, you are a combined group of so-called experts, whom we have put our trust in to make this Nation debt free, continued freedom to all amendments..and God at the head of this Nation.. but as of "today", I see only conflict between our own, who run this great country, and are willing to sacrifice you, and I ,and let her slide over the cliff of not only financial, but religious also... and let morally hit an all time low in this great Nation of ours! You are a "Congress" voted in by responsible people to be responsible, and who have put their trust in YOU, not "half and half"!!! Well, that takes care of "yesterday-year",,, and "today, here now",, I don't see any news flash of any one of our leaders on their knees praying for God to come to the rescue, and guide them...and if they were, do you think our news media would report it? No, unless, some small coalition were there protesting it...but that is freedom of the press, (opinionated press that is),,, so folks , just what do WE THE PEOPLE do now? WE THE PEOPLE get down on our knees, quit kissing their you know what,, and praying to our God, and the only God, and tell them they are there because of us, and not because they can make it rain or the sun shine....Let's you and I let them know that our future is from LESSONS LEARNED FROM YESTERDAY, THE WAY WE LIVE TODAY IN FRONT OF OUR GOD,,,, AND THAT WE AND THEY LEARN TO GET BACK DOWN ON OUR KNEES, AND PRAY FOR , FORGIVENESS,,,, AND FOR A TOMORROW!!!! God, give us the leaders of Your choice, and forgive our Nation of our trespasses, and Lord, I and I pray to You, that this Nation, and this world, come humbly back to You 100%, amen John HIcks Telling it just like it is, & I hope, I did step on some toes, and for those who are working and praying to rid ourselves of those not doing their jobs ,, well done, and maybe if those with a smashed toe will help, we will vote these "jack-****'s out of office, with their smirk looks of grandeur!!! Too strong? Let me know, for all comments are very welcome, even those we choose not to like, Ha!! Have a great day, and take God with you and take God to a friend... will you?

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