Wednesday, December 12, 2012


WEDNESDAY! 12/12/12- once in your lifetimes, so now remember this event!!! Thirteen more days till Christmas Day! Are you ready for this ,one of the greatest celebrations ever..? The creation is the first, then man, then our salvation, the birth of Jesus, and then His life among us, as a man, but the Son of God, then His death, and his rising, His was complete, and ours,,, for us, our highway, our path to God Almighty, was made and paved for on these two days, Christmas, and Easter! Praise God Almighty , every day for my, and your life, eternal!!! amen, amen! WHICH ONE? Political: concerned with government. Politician: a "person" active in governmental affairs or politics. Wolf: carnivorous animal found in northern areas(USA, Northern Hampshire): a fierce person, v. eat quickly and with greed! Now , you read all three definitions, and then you decide if one fits our elected officials or do all three fit? No! To me and my opinion, only parts fit them,,, They are supposed to be concerned about government, and not letting it fall off a cliff!,,,, they should be active in government, and not "parties"(you know , those of the spirits and rich foods),,, but we find them very hungry for fame,, at our expense, and are long in promises of election, or re-election, but quick to devour their win, and then leave the bones of their voters at the bottom of the cliff, Now ,,, will the real politician step forward, the one for the people, and who puts his or her trust in the Lord God Almighty, and is about the business of running our government as it should be run, and not looking for camera's , nor fame,, but THE RIGHT WAY! THAT IS,,, WHICH ONE! Lord, I ask that You lead our politicians, by giving them the sound mind of right and wrong, and I know this will be of a great help in bringing our Nation back to You , amen John HIcks Yes, not is all bad in Washington, but most of it is corrupt, greedy, and out for one, and only one, self!!!! My opinion and mine only, or is it? How do you say, you,,the ones with the backbone left?????

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