Monday, December 17, 2012


MONDAY! Starting my day, with my coffee in hand, my Lord at my side, and with a big smile, for the day of the birth of my Lord, and Savior is only 8 days away! I look forward to this day, not for the gifts, even tho they are nice, but the feeling I get, the one of inside ,that of the security, recharged , that God gave me, and you 2012 years ago,,, and as far as those who don't believe in this Virgin birth, and that Jesus is the Son of God, then I pray for them, and I also remember that is their choice, and most of them, still celebrate Christmas, with lots of gifts, and I pray that all will receive this gift that I accept, and within my life,, so as you shop, think Jesus, and don't overdo the gifts, but surely overdo the love of Him! Prayer Request: Continued prayer for Delores Noll, that her hurt, and her healing will be quick.. SEASON TO REMEMBER! This Monday morning, I am making this very short, for I want each of you to concentrate on this coming season, and make sure that no matter what the commercialism does, you and I put the real reason first,,, and foremost, not only on that precious day, but all the days to come.... and that is THE VIRGINS BIRTH OF A SAVIOR , FOR ON THAT DAY,,, JESUS WAS BORN! and He has never left us! God, thank You for this Son , who shines in the hearts of many, and I pray all will come to Him, amen John HIcks Jesus in my heart, & my outlook! Who is in front of you, and who is in your heart? Have a great and blessed day with the Lord!

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