Wednesday, December 19, 2012


WEDNESDAY! "Hump Day"! Now that you are at the top of the middle day of this week,, what are your plans? I know, most are looking at that special day coming,,, Christmas, and are planning for it,, along with the week-end! I ask , plan well, for both, for He watches over us all, and would surely like to go out with you shopping,, so why not invite Him along, it's His birthday coming up,so why not? Have a great Wednesday, and always remember one thing, there is at least one out there who loves you, so if you are in need to talk, call me,, don't go without if you are in need of anything , a kind word is worth a gold mine!!!! Prayer Request: For those love ones, of the fallen law officers who have given their lives for our protection,, and let's pray for those out their , right now ,this very second, patrolling our streets, protecting us... please pray for their safety, and that they return home , unharmed! For Betty Mae who is have a real problem with a cold, for when she coughs, it hurts her heart, so she has to be very careful,, so pray for her to find healing, and for her as she goes to dialysis also today. Please Let Them Rest, and Heal! I ask for God to take those microphones and put them in a pile and burn them.. for those reporters, should put them away, really, let those victims of The Sandy Hook School rest in peace,, they are with God, and those left, this is a very private time of mourning for them,, and they don't need a fleet of trucks , with reporters, and the cry for "gun control" to be there at this time.. Let them rest,, let them pray, in priviancy! We must pray for their relief, and most of all, let's all remember who is in real control, and don't question HIM,, for HE is there, trust me,,and HE know all,, so lets pray for HIM to take care of all those mourners there, and let us and those sorry reporters, leave them alone for a while, and shut up,, for we have heard enough, report later on the story, no more now,,,and Let Those Who Have Lost Love Ones, Have Some Deceit Privacy!!!! Lord, I pray for those who have lost love ones, that You comfort them, and I do not ask why You allow these things ,but I trust in You! I also ask that you comfort those, and also those who lost officers of our law enforcement also.. amen John HIcks I am mean sometimes,, as there was a fatal wreck , and yet those reporters got in their vehicles, and left the scene! I cannot understand why they did not walk, for I know they are for "Car Control"... yes ,, I am mean, and need help... so I ask my God to guide me and to forgive me,,that is who I turn to... just who do you turn to when in trouble?

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