Sunday, December 2, 2012


Thoughts For Tdoay-Sunday-12/02/12 Show Details SUNDAY! Good morning to all on this God's day, as all are His, but this one , He rested on! Will we, or will we just go on as if it is just another day? First , start with a prayer, then put all else in His hands, and let it be ,, for He is already in charge,, whether we like it or not.. He is! I cry out, Thank You God, for my all, will you do the same also today? JUST A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives us something to do, but it gets nowhere! Prayer Request: For Paul HIcks, who will be preaching his first sermon at his new church! PASTOR-PREACHER Pastor: Christian clergyman in charge of congregation. Preacher: One who delivers a sermon. Which one do you have in your church,,,? We are lucky here,,, where I live,,,we have both,,,a Christian Clergyman(God Called),,,and a Preacher (who delivers the Word of God..).We are a very fortunate flock indeed,,,and as we are not one of the biggest,,,we do shine in the Heavens, for God ,,, the size is not important, whether it is two or two million....but that the flock is herded(directed),,just as He herded(directed) and still herds(directs by His Word) the flocks of His Father.... We must join with these pastors, and all of the pastors of this nation, and of this world,,,proclaiming the salvation of God,,,with them...we do not need to put all the load on our pastors,,,we must jump in and help proclaim the word of God also...let's all, pray for our nation, and the saving of it,,, and speak out for Him, and His word,,,do some testifying,,,help carry he "Cross",,,join the march,,,and support them,,,as they stand tall and proclaim the word of God,,,Let's all give a big and mighty HURRAY! HURRAY! ,, FOR OUR PASTORS AND PREACHERS, AND A THANK YOU GOD FOR THEM! Lord,,thank you for all the clergymen of this world,,,and may you continue to carry them up high and in front of all....amen John HIcks Support,,,, for I will stand for His Name ,,,and when satan comes,,,I will be standing with His Cross in front of me,,,my barrier,,,will you come and stand with me??? Will you plant "The Cross of Salvation", in your heart, and give your soul to Jesus Christ? If you have not already done this, please do it, today, for it is your choice, and yours alone!!!

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