Friday, November 16, 2012


Thoughts For Today-Friday-11/16/12 Show Details FRIDAY! TGED! Wake up to a great day!! I hope all have a great Friday today, and the one you ask to share it with,, is the one who will and can get you throught it with flying know who!!!! Prayer Request: Frank Herron, who is having problems with his breathing, and is real weak... please pray for this 89 year old veteran! TREADING WATER! What is treading water? This is an act of suspending ones' self in water to stay afloat. It can be something all needs to know , for it can save your life. The Armed Forces teach it to their people for survival and to help someone who cannot stay afloat. I have a question ,, how many people are "treading water" on God?Just staying afloat?, not swimming,, or even trying to "dog-paddle"?, just in one place ,, afloat,, but going no where? Not trying to save anyone,, just keeping ourselves safe here,, not worrying what is out across the water? How long can you keep treading,,, for what will you do when you are tired and give out? I will add a little joke in on this for we all need some laughter.. When God had told Noah to build the ark, and that a flood was coming to cover the earth,, Noah told God,, me build that big ole ark? No , I will not do it,, and God said,, Noah,, how long can you tread water?,,, Yes a joke, but it gives a really big message,,right? We all need to be working for God,, testifying about Him,, and living His Word. Being the example,, not the "stuck in the mud Christian",, quite and only treading water, but we all need to start swimming like an Olympian. I challenge each now,, to start swimming for God and stop just TREADING WATER! Lord, I ask for all to stop just being idle, and start not only giving out Your word, but be a swimmer for You, not a treader,, amen John HIcks I try to be like God would want us to be, never pass up a chance to testify of HIm,, so is your inner tube flat? are you a treadder,, need a patch, or direction,,, try Jesus,, He can fix a flat, and give direction, and even a helping hand...both, so make a choice, will you?

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