Friday, November 2, 2012


FRIDAY-TGED!!! Well, this morning , I slipped out of bed, put on the java, back in the bed, for a quick nap, but back to sleep was,,, off and on, why? I was thinking, I am waking up with the greatest of all things , My God,, at my side, warm, dry, in pretty good health, food, and drink in the kitchen, lights to turn on... and there are those who are waking with God beside them, that was in that path of Sandy,, and they have nothing,, so ,,, I have to say, God,I don't doubt You, and I do pray that Your will be done,, but I also ask that although you continue to take care of me, I pray to You, to take care of those in the path of Sandy,, for my heart is with them, and for now, I can wait, please take care of them as You do for me,, for mine is Yours, to do with as You wish , for we can wait on all your bestowed glory to us...!! How do you feel this morning, or have you seen the pictures yet,,,, so as I write, and I drink a hot cup of coffee, let's pray all along through our day, for them,, there,,, with nothing!!!! GIVING DIRECTION, CAN BE THE BIGGEST RICHES OF THE WORLD! We , in most of this great country, are fortunate to have plenty of almost everything, some more , some less, but plenty for our daily needs to survive,,, and some give to others, some hoard their everything. Those who give, have a smile, feel good,, those who don't, have a painted feeling of good on the outside, but not on the inside.... We all have one thing , the one thing,, that is the exact value to any one of us,,, and yes some give, and are happy, some hoard as if it is theirs and theirs alone,, but when hoarded,,,still have that painted outward appearance, that will wash of with water, not even need of a soap...those who give freely of Him,, are already washed, really washed,,, in the blood!!! That one thing we all have is Jesus,, some of us ask Him in, then share His word, and His glory,,, and give of ourselves daily, and at all times,, and some claim to accept, and claim to share, but only on special days, and then there are some who never accept! For those who really accept , need to pray for all others, for you are not judging, you are praying for their souls,, and I feel we have a responsibility to spread His word to them..How? By just a little something said, a little something done, it does not have to be a big clap of thunder, but a small word of direction, from you, to them. YES, JUST A LITTLE DIRECTION TO THE RIGHT ROAD , TO JESUS! Lord, I pray that You give us the words to say, & the actions to do, to give to the ones who have not come to You, yet,, and You use us as Your instruments in doing this.. amen John HIcks Servant,, and willing to talk about Him every chance I get, and I do not apologize for that want, and doing just that , testifying.. will you join me, and let's shout out His word , to all we see... or are you too timid? Come, your choice!!!

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