Thursday, November 15, 2012


THURSDAY! Oh yes, woke this morning, ready for the day! Thankful for my God, and His giving me His Son to protect me and walk through this day with me! Now I ask ,,who is it you have waking with you? I pray, it is the same as I!!!! Well If not, STOP, and ask Jesus to came along, He will, yes , it is just that easy, & I wonder,, why does not all,, ask Him in and give Him their soul... it is amazingg of how we play the lottery each day, billion to one of winning,,, and miss the best , & for sure bet in all or our lifetime,, eternal life ! Once you place this request to HIm,,, with your soul...there is no losing!!! Agree? Prayer Report: Amanda Newby, had heart surgery yesterday,, operation was success, and she should be coming home today, for rest of recovery, please keep her in your prayers. IN THE HEAT OF Do you remember the T.V. series, "In The Heat of The Night"? It meant , that at night time, most crimes are committe,. did you know that is a myth,, crimes are committed at all times of the day, not just at night... The ones at night , are for the more cowardly criminal.. if there is any other kind, for a thief in my book is a lazy , loafing, coward...of course that is my opinion... but the title means, that the Police, Sheriff, State Patrol , have more pressure on them for they are approaching with no light, and they do get more calls.... people are more easier stirred, and frightful of the night...the dark! Now to my title,, in the heat of ? and if more people are frightful of the night, then why are they not more frightful of satan, for he is the dark angel.. appointed procurer and head of Hell? There is no light ,nor water, cool of night, nor any thing but hurt there, yet , we are blinded by the lights of the night, his play houses, and , I am sorry to say, he draws more people to these playhouse than goes to church,, and these that choose these playhouses of satan, play now,,,, burn later! Yes , awful to put, but burn, they will, unless, you and I do more witnessing, and praying for them....yes, we can, if we will and have enough faith, do what I always say I do, NEVER PASS UP A CHANCE TO TESTIFY OF OUR JESUS! lets. do more of this, and keep our friends out of the THE FICTITIOUS "COOL PLAYHOUSE" of satans! Lord, I pray for the words to say to those who play in sin, that will turn them to You, for I know with our faith , You will send us to them..and let our choice be to serve one Master,, and that is You. please watch over this nation, and also protect Israel from all harm. amen John HIcks Serving One, how about you, who do you REALLY serve. for you cannot serve two masters,, for one you will love, and the other you will hate,,,make a choice of which one you want to spend eternity with, and MAKE IT NOW! DON'T WAIT, FOR IT IS YOUR CHOICE, AND YOURS ALONE!

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