Monday, November 19, 2012


Thoughts For Today- Monday-11/19/12 Show Details MONDAY! Good late morning to all... slept late ,,, wow, feels good!!! The Lord works when you need Him,,, and I guess I needed some extra rest !!! May all have as great a day as mine has started,,, for we had a Sunday morning surprise, as my son, John walked in for a two day visit, we were completely surprised,, and glad to see him!!! Great days!!! BLESSED! There are all kinds of blessings,,,from God,, and others giving out their blessings , such as a parent, giving one of their children in marriage.. the blessing of our troops when going to battle,, etc.. There is one that I feel is forgotten, all to many times,,, and it should be in our foremost thoughts and prayers of thanksgiving. It is the blessing of our food,, before we eat.. just as many times of a day as you do this function,, I believe this should be done.. in my house , in my car, or truck,, or in a fast food,, or a real big fancy place.. I believe that we should thank God for the bounty we are about to eat. You may say,, I agree, and we do have a blessing in our home, each and every time we eat.. that is great,,, but how many actually ,, stop when they are out of their home and eating a meal... stop, bow their heads and thank God for what they are about to consume? Some may say,, well I am embarrassed,, everyone else is eating without doing it(that is them, not you), or no I just don't,, for maybe it is not allowed here.. Well ,, God does not get embarrassed,, cares not what others are thinking of you,( for you are his anyway),,, and He made it all, so I think He is allowed anywhere, don't you? There are a few places that will or can ask you to leave if you pray out loud,, but I have never been , but , I will,, no matter what they say, even if I get kicked out.. would you? God has given us this bounty in this great country , and we throw away enough to feed this world,, so the lest we can do is say to God,, thanks for what we are about to eat,, and thank Him for the abundance we have.. what do you think,, Will you stop,, when in McDonald's,, Burger King,, or the Country Club,, when you sit down at the table, will you bow your head,, be not ashamed of our Lord,, and say with pride and love to our Master ,,, A PRAYER OF "BLESSING" TO OUR LORD,, OF BEING THANKFUL FOR WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO EAT! Almighty God, I thank You for all of my blessing from which I know that they come,,, and most of all I thank You for Jesus and His Saving Grace.. amen John HIcks Head bowed,,, when ,and where-ever, the opportunities are for my God.. never in doubt,, never ashamed,, How about you? Originally posted 11/19/09

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